ERC1155 _mintBatch() issue - solidity

Trying to create a function to mint a specific set of ERC1155 tokens but for some reason when executing no tokens are minted. Code for mintSingle() works fine. I've tried multiple ways of constructing the dynamic array that's required as an input to the OpenZeppelin ERC1155 contract function _mintBatch(address to, uint256[] ids, uint256[] amounts, bytes data), but nothing is working. What am I doing wrong? Thank you.
contract ExampleProject is ERC1155 {
uint256 public constant ROWA = 0;
uint256 public constant ROWBA = 30;
constructor() public ERC1155("ipfs://Example/metadata/{id}.json") {
function mintRowA()
uint256[] memory a = new uint256[](2);
a[0] = ROWA;
a[1] = ROWBA;
uint256[] memory b = new uint256[](2);
b[0] = 1;
b[1] = 1;
_mintBatch(msg.sender, a, b, "" );
function mintSingle()
_mint(msg.sender, ROWBA, 1, "");


Error: execution reverted: SafeERC20: low-level call failed with AAVE

Don't know if here is the best place but i'm in despair. I have this flashloan code:
pragma solidity ^0.6.6;
import "#aave/protocol-v2/contracts/flashloan/base/FlashLoanReceiverBase.sol";
import "#aave/protocol-v2/contracts/interfaces/ILendingPoolAddressesProvider.sol";
import "#aave/protocol-v2/contracts/interfaces/ILendingPool.sol";
import "#uniswap/v2-periphery/contracts/interfaces/IUniswapV2Router02.sol";
import {SafeERC20} from "#aave/protocol-v2/contracts/dependencies/openzeppelin/contracts/SafeERC20.sol";
//import "#openzeppelin/contracts/interfaces/IERC20.sol";
contract FlashloanV2 is FlashLoanReceiverBase {
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
ILendingPoolAddressesProvider _addressProvider,
address _routerA,
address _routerB,
address _token,
address _WETH
) public FlashLoanReceiverBase(_addressProvider)
owner = msg.sender;
routerA = _routerA;
routerB = _routerB;
token = _token;
address owner;
address routerA;
address routerB;
address token;
address WETH;
modifier onlyOwner{
require(msg.sender == owner, "Hey hey hey you can't use this function");
* #dev This function must be called only be the LENDING_POOL and takes care of repaying
* active debt positions, migrating collateral and incurring new V2 debt token debt.
* #param assets The array of flash loaned assets used to repay debts.
* #param amounts The array of flash loaned asset amounts used to repay debts.
* #param premiums The array of premiums incurred as additional debts.
* #param initiator The address that initiated the flash loan, unused.
* #param params The byte array containing, in this case, the arrays of aTokens and aTokenAmounts.
function executeOperation(
address[] calldata assets,
uint256[] calldata amounts,
uint256[] calldata premiums,
address initiator,
bytes calldata params
) external override returns (bool) {
// This contract now has the funds requested.
// Your logic goes here.
address[] memory path = new address[](2);
path[0] = token;
path[1] = WETH;
address[] memory path2 = new address[](2);
path2[0] = WETH;
path2[1] = token;
uint balance = address(this).balance;
IERC20(WETH).approve(routerA, balance);
block.timestamp + 1200
uint tokenBalance = IERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this));
IERC20(token).approve(routerB, tokenBalance);
block.timestamp + 1200
//payable(owner).transfer(address(this).balance - (amounts[0] + premiums[0]));
// At the end of your logic above, this contract owes
// the flashloaned amounts + premiums.
// Therefore ensure your contract has enough to repay
// these amounts.
// Approve the LendingPool contract allowance to *pull* the owed amount
for (uint256 i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) {
uint256 amountOwing = amounts[i].add(premiums[i]);
IERC20(assets[i]).approve(address(LENDING_POOL), amountOwing);
return true;
function _flashloan(address[] memory assets, uint256[] memory amounts)
address receiverAddress = address(this);
address onBehalfOf = address(this);
bytes memory params = "";
uint16 referralCode = 0;
uint256[] memory modes = new uint256[](assets.length);
// 0 = no debt (flash), 1 = stable, 2 = variable
for (uint256 i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) {
modes[i] = 0;
* Flash multiple assets
function flashloan(address[] memory assets, uint256[] memory amounts)
_flashloan(assets, amounts);
* Flash loan 100000000000000000 wei (0.1 ether) worth of `_asset`
function flashloan(address _asset) public onlyOwner {
bytes memory data = "";
uint256 amount = 50 ether;
address[] memory assets = new address[](1);
assets[0] = _asset;
uint256[] memory amounts = new uint256[](1);
amounts[0] = amount;
_flashloan(assets, amounts);
event LogWithdraw(
address indexed _from,
address indexed _assetAddress,
uint amount
* #dev Withdraw asset.
* #param _assetAddress Asset to be withdrawn.
function withdraw(address _assetAddress) public onlyOwner {
uint assetBalance;
if (_assetAddress == WETH) {
address self = address(this); // workaround for a possible solidity bug
assetBalance = self.balance;
} else {
assetBalance = IERC20(_assetAddress).balanceOf(address(this));
IERC20(_assetAddress).safeTransfer(msg.sender, assetBalance);
emit LogWithdraw(msg.sender, _assetAddress, assetBalance);
function setter(address _routerA, address _routerB, address _token) external onlyOwner returns(bool){
routerA = _routerA;
routerB = _routerB;
token = _token;
return true;
function returnOwner() external view returns(address){
return owner;
function returnToken() external view returns(address){
return token;
function returnWETH() external view returns(address){
return WETH;
fallback() external payable {}
I'm receiving SafeERC20: low-level call failed when calling flashloan(). There's something wrong with my approving logic or something else?
The contract is funded with enough to pay the fees. Could someone give a hint? Thank you!

Brownie parser error when trying to compile

I'm very new to coding and while testing to see if this contract would compile I ran into this error. I've tried adding a set of parenthesis to the function but it feels like the more I try to listen to brownie the stranger it begins to look to me. Have I missed something? This is the error:
contracts/AdvancedCollectible.sol:28:18: ParserError: Expected '(' but got identifier
function createCollectible(uint256 userProvidedSeed, string memory tokenURI)
What I have written so far is below:
pragma solidity 0.6.6;
import "#openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
import "#chainlink/contracts/src/v0.6/VRFConsumerBase.sol";
contract AdvancedCollectible is ERC721, VRFConsumerBase {
bytes32 internal keyHash;
uint256 internal fee;
uint256 public tokenCounter;
enum Color {Red, Blue, Green}
// add other things
mapping(bytes32 => address) public requestIdToSender;
mapping(bytes32 => string) public requestIdToTokenURI;
mapping(uint256 => Color) public tokenIdToColor;
mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public requestIdToTokenId;
event requestedCollectible(bytes32 indexed requestId);
constructor(address _VRFCoordinator, address _LinkToken, bytes32 _keyhash) public {
VRFConsumerBase(_VRFCoordinator, _LinkToken);
ERC721("Snails", "SNAIL");
keyHash = _keyhash;
fee = 0.1 * 10**18; // 0.1 LINK
tokenCounter = 0;
function createCollectible(uint256 userProvidedSeed, string memory tokenURI)
public returns (bytes32)
bytes32 requestID = requestRandomness(keyhash, fee, userProvidedSeed);
requestIdToSender[requestId] = msg.sender;
requestIdToTokenURI [requestId] = tokenURI;
emit requestedCollectible(requestId);
function fulfillRandomness(bytes32 requestID, uint256 randomNumber) internal override{
address snailOwner = requestIdToSender[requestID];
string memory tokenURI = requestIdToTokenURI[requestId];
uint256 newItemId = tokenCounter;
_safeMint(snailOwner, newItemId);
setTokenURI(newItemID, tokenURI);
Color color = Color(randomNumber % 3);
tokenIDToColor[newItemId] = color;
requestIdToTokenId[requestID] = newItemId;
tokenCounter = tokenCounter + 1;
Thank you all for your help!
You have an extra curly brace { in your constructor. Also the parent constructors calls should not end with a semicolon ;.
constructor(address _VRFCoordinator, address _LinkToken, bytes32 _keyhash)
public // removed the extra `{`
VRFConsumerBase(_VRFCoordinator, _LinkToken) // removed the `;`
ERC721("Snails", "SNAIL") // removed the `;`
keyHash = _keyhash;
fee = 0.1 * 10**18; // 0.1 LINK
tokenCounter = 0;

How can I implement chainlink vrf with giving reward to a RANDOM owner of my nft when someone mints it?

I am creating a nft collection and I want the random owner to receive a percentage of the mint price with each mint. But since I need to wait for the VRF response, can't figure out how to implement randomness function and function that will send the percentage to the vrf response (random owner).
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
import "#chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/VRFConsumerBase.sol";
contract Sofb is ERC721Enumerable, Ownable, VRFConsumerBase {
using Strings for uint256;
string baseURI;
string public baseExtension = ".json";
uint256 public cost = 0.015 ether;
uint256 public maxSupply = 7070;
uint256 public tokenCounter;
bool public paused = false;
bool public revealed = false;
string public notRevealedUri;
bytes32 internal keyHash;
uint256 internal fee;
uint256 public randomResult = 0;
address payable giftAddress = payable(msg.sender);
uint256 giftValue = 0;
mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public requestIdToRandomNumber;
mapping(bytes32 => address) public requestIdToAddress;
mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public requestIdToRequestNumberIndex;
uint256 public requestCounter;
constructor(string memory _name, string memory _symbol, string memory _initBaseURI, string memory _initNotRevealedUri, address _vrfCoordinator, address _linkToken, bytes32 _keyHash, uint256 _fee)
VRFConsumerBase(_vrfCoordinator, _linkToken)
ERC721(_name, _symbol) {
keyHash = _keyHash;
fee = _fee;
// internal
function _baseURI() internal view virtual override returns (string memory) {
return baseURI;
// public
function getRandomNumber() public returns (bytes32 requestId) {
require(LINK.balanceOf(address(this)) >= fee, "Not enough LINK - fill contract with faucet");
requestIdToAddress[requestId] = msg.sender;
requestIdToRequestNumberIndex[requestId] = requestCounter;
requestCounter += 1;
return requestRandomness(keyHash, fee);
function fulfillRandomness(bytes32 requestId, uint256 randomness) internal override {
requestIdToRandomNumber[requestId] = randomness;
uint256 requestNumber = requestIdToRequestNumberIndex[requestId];
function mint() public payable {
uint256 supply = totalSupply();
require(supply + 1 <= maxSupply);
require(msg.value >= cost);
if (msg.sender != owner()) {
require(msg.value >= cost);
if (supply > 0) {
require(randomResult > 0);
giftAddress = payable(ownerOf(randomResult));
giftValue = ((supply + 1 == 5) || (supply + 1 == 10)) ? address(this).balance * 1 / 100 : msg.value * 10 / 100;
(bool success, ) = payable(giftAddress).call{value: giftValue}("");
_safeMint(msg.sender, supply + 1);
you should mint the token and put the mint logic inside the fulfillRandomness function, to access the data you will need i will recommend you to have an array of structs with the data you need, remember that random returns a requestId, use the request id as an index to get the stored data and then mint it, it's on you if you want to delete the data after mint the nft

Type error: Member not found or visible in unit256

I have this crowdfunding platform that was initially using SafeMath library. And since is deprecated I'm looking for a workaround to make it compile and I'm getting a compilation error with remix in line 131:
contributions[msg.sender] = contributions[msg.sender].add(msg.value);
Here you have the whole contract code, it's a platform where you can create projects and raise funds:
// We will be using Solidity version 0.6.0
pragma solidity 0.6.0;
// Importing OpenZeppelin's SafeMath Implementation
//import '';
//import "";
//import "#openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";
contract Crowdfunding {
// using SafeMath for uint256;
// List of existing projects
Project[] private projects;
// Event that will be emitted whenever a new project is started
event ProjectStarted(
address contractAddress,
address projectStarter,
string projectTitle,
string projectDesc,
uint deadline,
uint goalAmount
/** #dev Function to start a new project.
* #param title Title of the project to be created
* #param description Brief description about the project
* #param durationInDays Project deadline in days
* #param amountToRaise Project goal in wei
function startProject(
string calldata title,
string calldata description,
uint durationInDays,
uint amountToRaise
) external {
// uint raiseUntil = now.add(durationInDays.mul(1 days));
uint durationInSeconds = durationInDays * 1 days;
// Check that the result of division (inverse operation to multiplication) is the original number.
// If it's not, throw an exception, because the multiplication overflowed.
require(durationInSeconds / durationInDays == 1 days, 'Multiplication overflow');
uint raiseUntil = block.timestamp + durationInSeconds;
// Check that the result of subtraction (inverse operation to addition) is the original number.
// If it's not, throw an exception, because the addition overflowed.
require(raiseUntil - block.timestamp == durationInSeconds, 'Addition overflow');
Project newProject = new Project(msg.sender, title, description, raiseUntil, amountToRaise);
emit ProjectStarted(
/** #dev Function to get all projects' contract addresses.
* #return A list of all projects' contract addreses
function returnAllProjects() external view returns(Project[] memory){
return projects;
contract Project {
// not using SafeMath for uint256;
// Data structures
enum State {
// State variables
address payable public creator;
uint public amountGoal; // required to reach at least this much, else everyone gets refund
uint public completeAt;
uint256 public currentBalance;
uint public raiseBy;
string public title;
string public description;
State public state = State.Fundraising; // initialize on create
mapping (address => uint) public contributions;
// Event that will be emitted whenever funding will be received
event FundingReceived(address contributor, uint amount, uint currentTotal);
// Event that will be emitted whenever the project starter has received the funds
event CreatorPaid(address recipient);
// Modifier to check current state
modifier inState(State _state) {
require(state == _state);
// Modifier to check if the function caller is the project creator
modifier isCreator() {
require(msg.sender == creator);
address payable projectStarter,
string memory projectTitle,
string memory projectDesc,
uint fundRaisingDeadline,
uint goalAmount
) public {
creator = projectStarter;
title = projectTitle;
description = projectDesc;
amountGoal = goalAmount;
raiseBy = fundRaisingDeadline;
currentBalance = 0;
/** #dev Function to fund a certain project.
function contribute() external inState(State.Fundraising) payable {
require(msg.sender != creator);
contributions[msg.sender] = contributions[msg.sender].add(msg.value);
currentBalance = currentBalance.add(msg.value);
emit FundingReceived(msg.sender, msg.value, currentBalance);
/** #dev Function to change the project state depending on conditions.
function checkIfFundingCompleteOrExpired() public {
if (currentBalance >= amountGoal) {
state = State.Successful;
} else if (now > raiseBy) {
state = State.Expired;
completeAt = now;
/** #dev Function to give the received funds to project starter.
function payOut() internal inState(State.Successful) returns (bool) {
uint256 totalRaised = currentBalance;
currentBalance = 0;
if (creator.send(totalRaised)) {
emit CreatorPaid(creator);
return true;
} else {
currentBalance = totalRaised;
state = State.Successful;
return false;
/** #dev Function to retrieve donated amount when a project expires.
function getRefund() public inState(State.Expired) returns (bool) {
require(contributions[msg.sender] > 0);
uint amountToRefund = contributions[msg.sender];
contributions[msg.sender] = 0;
if (!msg.sender.send(amountToRefund)) {
contributions[msg.sender] = amountToRefund;
return false;
} else {
currentBalance = currentBalance.sub(amountToRefund);
return true;
/** #dev Function to get specific information about the project.
* #return Returns all the project's details
function getDetails() public view returns
address payable projectStarter,
string memory projectTitle,
string memory projectDesc,
uint256 deadline,
State currentState,
uint256 currentAmount,
uint256 goalAmount
) {
projectStarter = creator;
projectTitle = title;
projectDesc = description;
deadline = raiseBy;
currentState = state;
currentAmount = currentBalance;
goalAmount = amountGoal;
The Using X for Y expression extends the Y datatype with functions of the X library.
In case of using SafeMath for uint256, it allows to use the functions defined in SafeMath (such as add()) on uint256 variables.
Specifically, function add() in SafeMath checks whether the addition would overflow the 256bit unsigned integer. If it did overflow, it throws an exception. If it didn't overflow, it returns the result of the addition.
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a + b;
require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow");
return c;
You can achieve the same result with this snippet:
uint256 contribution = contributions[msg.sender] + msg.value; // c = a + b
require(contribution >= contributions[msg.sender]); // require(c >= a)
contributions[msg.sender] = contribution; // return c
If you switch to Solidity 0.8+, this is not needed, because since version 0.8.0, Solidity performs the overflow check automatically and reverts if an overflow/underflow would occur. So it would be sufficient to use just this snippet:
// safe in Solidity 0.8+, unsafe in older versions
contributions[msg.sender] += msg.value;
Arithmetic operations revert on underflow and overflow. You can use unchecked { ... } to use the previous wrapping behaviour.
Source: docs

Solidity loop and write data in one function

Is solidity cannot loop and write data? It must be write one by one?
Here is my smart contract function:
function purchaseItem1(address _to, uint256[] _tokenId) public {
address _from;
for(uint i = 0; i < _tokenId.length; i++){
_from = itemOwner[_tokenId[i]];
itemOwnerCount[_to] = itemOwnerCount[_to]+1;
itemOwnerCount[_from] = itemOwnerCount[_from]-1;
itemOwner[_tokenId[i]] = _to;
items[_tokenId[i]].available = false;
availableCount = availableCount-1;
In my front end I have a group of checkbox with same name.
After I checked few of it and I will pass the value in array as uint[] tokenId.