Vercel Deployment: Internal Server Error when updating NPM Packages - npm

I'm currently working on a NUXT 2.x App and I'm hosting the dev Project on Vercel. Now since the NPM packages are outdated and I want to remove some of the packages, the Deployed Version on Vercel throws an empty page with 500 error. If i stash the changes in package.json, everything works fine on the deployed version.
How can I update / remove NPM packages from my current Version and deploy it on Vercel?

Apparently, I had to downgrade the Firebase Version from 9.5 to 9.1, then it deployed just fine on Vercel.

I do recommend the usage of yarn upgrade-interactive --latest to get a list of all the package and the possible updates.
If you want to remove a specific one, go for yarn remove my-not-so-cool-package.
Think about bumping your Node.js version to 14 and try to build locally before pushing to Vercel.
Then, it comes down to reading out the differences that you may have between the versions of the packages and fix the breaking changes if any.
Can't help more without more info from your part.


Enabling IE 11 Angular 12.2 crashing with postcss package issue

I recently upgraded my project from Angular 11 to Angular 12.
Now, I am trying to enable IE 11. Did following:
Did the polyfills.ts file changes
pointed tsconfig.js to es5
removed not from IE 11 entry int .browserslistrc
Now I am not able to ng serve.
It crashes with following error:
Unknown error from PostCSS plugin. Your current PostCSS version is 8.3.6, but
postcss-preset-env uses 7.0.39. Perhaps this is the source of the error below.
I tried following to resolve this:
deleted node_modules, package-lock.json and did npm i several times - didn't work, same issue on ng serve
upgraded npm 6 to npm 7, added .npmrc with legacy-peer-deps=true - didn't work, same issue
used yarn to install the packages - didn't work same issue
added postcss, postcss-preset-env packages directly to depedencies - didn't work, same issue
added postcss, postcss-preset-env packages directly to devDepedencies - didn't work, same issue
I am using node 14.
Only thing that works is if I put the not back in front of IE in .browserslistrc, which was the whole point of doing this exercise.
Does anyone have any clue on how I might solve this?

How to fix errors in Gridsome.js?

Problem Summary
So I'm trying to launch a new Gridsome project for local development. I've toyed with Gridsome in the past and had a great experience, so I decided to give it another shot.
This time around; however, when I run the gridsome create command, the system creates a new Gridsome site directory as expected but returns the following error message:
The instructions in this error message say to enter the newly-created site directory and run gridsome develop to start local development. However, after running cd my-gridsome-site and subsequently running gridsome develop, I then receive this error:
So far, I've tried running npm install --save from the site directory as well as yarn install, both to no avail. Thinking that this was possibly tied to my terminal, I switched from using the Zsh terminal to using the Bash terminal. This also did not work.
I'm at a loss here and could really use a hand.
Thank you for helping,
This seems to be an environment error. Gridsome requires Node.js (v8.3+) and recommends Yarn.
Make sure your Node.js version is v8.3+ and use only one package manager like Yarn.
to check node version: node -v
I had this same issue, but I resolved it after installing yarn and running the project with yarn instead of NPM. So you should try using yarn it will help,

Ember: error while i am running ember serve

I am try to upgrade exisiting ember project cli version by following this tutorial
after finishing this i try to run ember serve it shows error like
missing path
i doknow what exactly it was trying to say and also i am new to ember could any one help me sort out this issue.
I recommend using ember-cli-update to update your ember projects. Please check it out. It avoids user-mistakes while upgrading (no manual merges, etc. ...).
You could try to delete node_modules and run npm install again. It could a package in your package.json that ember serve can't find. Also check the releases it is not easy to upgrade from older version to the latest one, too many deprecations. Also if it si too old i suggest you to start over create again the ember app.

can't resolve app.module.ngfactory when using yarn webpack:prod

In my application, the front-end and back-end are separated, get this issue when I issue:
yarn webpack:prod
to generate a front-end package for production. however:
yarn start
works fine.
angular version is 5.1.0
jhipter version is 4.14.3
yarn version is 1.3.2
Very appreciated for any suggestion and help.
upgrade seems too complex, so I regenerate a new jhipster project, the angular 5.1 is upgraded to 5.2. then copy my source code to the new project.
Because #angular/http is updated to #angular/common/http, I did a lot of code change manually, and finally get it worked.

Npm force download new version of package

I'm working on 2 projects, one library project is the npm depencency of the others.
The library project is automatically published to local npm registry (nexus) by CI (Gitlab), so developers that are only working on 2nd project don't need to download library project (at least this is the welcomed solution).
However, after deleting node_modules/mylibrary and calling npm install, I've found out, that I've got... old version of the package. The library was correcly built and our nexus allows redeploy, and it works perfectly in Gitlab CI (the project gets always the actual version of library package) so it looks like something was cached locally somewhere else (not in project itself).
How to force npm to download the actual version of the package, purging local cache if necessary? Increasing the library version after each commit is not a viable solution (if it was, there would be never the concept of snapshots in maven).