How to skip the SQL(part of the SQL) parsing in antlr4? - sql

Sorry for this question was closed and can not be reopened, and my poor english, it was translated by website indeed. :)
#BartKiers Thanks for being interested in this question, let me give it a detailed example.
There are lots of SQL queries, such as select * from user or update user set field1 = 'value1' where condition = 'value' etc, let's called it original SQL queries.
There is a java program which intercepts and parses all the original SQL queries into Parse Tree nodes by ANTLR4, and then rewrites the query (which depended on the parse phase) by the java program, so the original SQL queries may be parsed and rewritten as
select field1, field1_encrypted, field1_digest, field2 from user
update user
set field1 = value1,
field1_encrypted = encrypt_algorithm(value1),
field1_digest = digest_algorithm(value1)
where condition_digest = digest_algorithm(values)
While they finished the rewritten phase, they should be executed as SQLStatement, the SELECT was executed as SelectSQLStatement while UPDATE executed as UpdateSQLStatement.
Now I thought some of the original SQL queries should skip the parse phase, and the rewrite phase which should be skipped as the same, but the originalSQL queries should be executed as it was.
I thought to mark those with comment as
or prefix SKIP as
SKIP originalSQL
, I wish to parse the whole marked but original SQL query part into Parse Tree nodes by ANTLR4, and executed it as ParsePhaseSkippedSQLStatement.
Can ANTLR4 support on this situation, and how should the grammar be written? Thanks in advance.
Thank you for your reply #Mike Cargal, Yes, almost.
Let me say it again and give a more detailed example.
There is a java system that we call it X, X has lots of SQL queries that the developers write and guarantee that those SQLs can be executed correctly by Ibatis / JPA etc, let's named those SQL queries as original SQL queries.
Using below original SQL queries as examples:
insert into user (username, id_no) values ('xyz', '123456')
select username, id_no from user u where u.id_no = '123456'
We say the column id_no on table user is sensitive data, we should save ciphertext instead of plaintext, so the originalSQLs would be parsed by ANTLR and rewritten by java code as below, let's named those SQLs as rewritten SQL queries, also rewritten SQL queries should be executed correctly by Ibatis / JPA etc.
into user (username, id_no, id_no_cipher, id_no_digest)
values ('xyz', '', 'encrypted_123456', 'digest_123456')
select username, id_no_cipher as id_no
from user u
where u.id_no_digest = 'digest_123456'
In this case:
1、we see that the rewrite phase depends on the parse phase, original SQL queries need to be correctly parsed then to be rewritten by java code.
2、all original SQL queries are parsed but only a few matching the sensitive rules are rewritten to rewritten SQL queries.
But there are lots original SQL queries we clearly know that do not need to be rewritten, and also no need to be parsed, and may report exceptions in various complex situations while parsing it, but it should be executed correctly by Ibatis / JPA etc.
So I planed to use sql comment / customized keyword annotation to "turn off" parse phase of it.

If I understand your question correctly, you wish to use some sort of comment/annotation to "turn off" execution of the following SQL statement.
(NOTE: You can't really skip "parsing" part of the input. This will address ways in which you could skip processing part of the parsed input, which I believe is what you're ultimately wanting to accomplish.)
This would not be an ANTLR concern. ANTLR's responsibility is to parse you input stream and produce a parse tree (not technically an AST) that correctly represents the structure of your input.
Executing the SQL is not what ANTLR does. It does, however, generate utility Listener and Visitor classes that can be used to cleanly and efficiently navigate the resulting parse tree. There can be a lot of code involved in actually executing the SQL from the parse tree. Often, the first step is to produce an AST from the parse tree to make it easier to deal with.
You have a couple of alternatives (as you hint at).
1 - Using the current grammar an putting these annotations inside of comments (/* PARSE_PHASE_SKIPPED=TRUE */)
This can be done, but it's a bit "messy". It's most likely that COMMENT tokens are -> skiped (or perhaps sent to -> channel(HIDDEN)). This makes it MUCH easier to write the parser rules as you don't have to include optional COMMENTs everywhere a comment could appear. That said, if you send COMMENT tokens to the HIDDEN channel, they are still in the token stream even though they are ignored by the parser. The COMMENT tokens won't be in the rule Context objects that the listeners/visitors deal with, but you could look backwards/forwards in the token stream for COMMENT nodes.
2 - you could introduce some new syntax for annotations (similar to your SKIP idea). To do this you'll have to extend the syntax in the grammar to recognize these annotations. They'd have to be distinguishable from valid SQL, so a simple SKIP is probably not going to work.
The benefit of this approach is that, when you extend the grammar to recognize annotations, you can be very specific about where annotations are allowed. You'd be able to include them in your parse tree, making them easier to locate.
With either of these approaches, you would use a visitor or listener to go through your parse tree looking for the comment/annotation and then mark the subsequent statement with an indicator that you don't want to execute it. (You might use the information to simply skip the parse tree to AST transformation of the "skipped" nodes).

Let me see if I understand your question correctly. In your environment you run SQL queries (not "SQLs", btw.), which may contain data that must not reach the server as is. It doesn't matter if that is sensitive data or what else. All what matters is that you want to replace the text in the queries.
For that you parse the queries and rewrite them, before sending them to the server. However, you don't want to do that for all queries, but only for specific ones. And you came up with the idea to mark queries (or query parts) that must not be transformed, with a special comment. Does this match your intention so far?
Now I wonder why you want to accomplish that on query (parsing) level. It's not the parsing you want to modify but the semantic handling of the parse result (here the parse tree, as Mike Cargal already mentioned). So, in my opinion you don't need to introduce special markup for your queries, but instead define criterions that indicate which data must be replaced.
When you think about that you will probably realise that data for specific fields (columns) in specific tables need to be replaced. You can actually keep a list of schema/table/columns tuples, which tell your rewriter if a value must be rewritten. Everything else stays as it is.
ANTLR4 has nothing to do in this process. It's all to be done in the semantic phase (the processing of the parse tree using a parse tree listener). In this phase you have to collect all column references that are used in a query. Then you compare that list with the list for the rewriter. If a column reference matches, the rewriter has to rewrite the text for it in the query.
That task is however non-trivial, because of nested queries (subqueries, where inner queries can reference tables from an outer query). This is btw. pretty similar to the way code completion works, where you have to provide a possible column list for all mentioned tables in a query. That's why I have written (C++) code to collect such references in MySQL Workbench's SQL code completion.


Looking for an explanation of this attempted SQL injection query

Looking through my logs I found the following query string as an attempt to perform a SQL injection, probably from an automated tool:
From what I can tell, it’s attempting a timing based attack to see if any of the tables in my database start with “a” - the sleep function will only run if the union query matches something? But I am a bit confused about other parts of the attack:
Why are there plus signs between parts of the query?
Why is there a comment as part of the query string?
Would be interested in any answers - I’m fairly certain my site hasn’t been compromised as I haven’t scanned further activity on that query and can’t get it to execute myself, so just wondering if my intuition was correct. Cheers!
I don't know what the point of this is, nor what the point is of trying to figure out the point. Injections are easier to block than to reverse engineer, and the latter doesn't contribute much to the former.
The point of the + and the /**/ are probably pretty much the same, they separate tokens without the use of whitespace. Presumably someone thinks whitespace is going to trigger some kind of alarm or blockage.
The 'a' is just an alias, and is probably there to avoid the error 'ERROR: subquery in FROM must have an alias'
This won't work in stock PostgreSQL because there is no function spelled sleep. They might be targeting a different DBMS, or maybe PostgreSQL with a specific app/framework in use which creates its own sleep function.
The sleep is probably there in case the system doesn't return meaningful messages to the end user. If it takes 10 seconds to get a response, then you know the sleep got executed. If it immediately returns, you know it didn't execute, but don't know why it didn't.
This is meant to detect a SQL injection (probably through an HTML parameter) via a timing attack. The inserted comments (as other people have mentioned) are meant to remove whitespace while still allowing the query to parse in an attempt to fool custom (badly designed) sanitization. The "+" is likely meant to be decoded into a space after passing through HTML decoding.
If you replace the whitespace and add indentation it's easier to see what's going on:
select * <-- match any number of columns on the original query
(select <-- nested sub-query in the from clause
sleep(10) <-- timing attack meant to detect whether the SQL ran
union <-- not sure why the union is needed
select 1) a <-- alias the subquery to "a"
) <-- close off matching parens in injected SQL?
I don't think this is attempting to look for tables that start with a, simply run a sleep on a possible recursive query, which could cause your database trouble, if a bunch of them execute.
The + signs are likely an attempt to do some string concatenation... That would be my guess
Regardless I would strongly look at tracing back where this originated from and sanitizing your inputs on your site so raw inputs ( potential sql ) is not being dropped into queries.

Custom, user-definable "wildcard" constants in SQL database search -- possible?

My client is making database searches using a django webapp that I've written. The query sends a regex search to the database and outputs the results.
Because the regex searches can be pretty long and unintuitive, the client has asked for certain custom "wildcards" to be created for the regex searches. For example.
Ω := [^aeiou] (all non-vowels)
This could be achieved with a simple permanent string substitution in the query, something like
query = query.replace("Ω", "[^aeiou]")
for all the elements in the substitution list. This seems like it should be safe, but I'm not really sure.
He has also asked that it be possible for the user to define custom wildcards for their searches on the fly. So that there would be some other input box where a user could define
∫ := some other regex
And to store them you might create a model
class RegexWildcard(models.Model):
symbol = ...
replacement = ...
I'm personally a bit wary of this, because it does not seem to add a whole lot of functionality, but does seem to add a lot of complexity and potential problems to the code. Clients can now write their queries to a db. Can they overwrite each other's symbols?
That I haven't seen this done anywhere before also makes me kind of wary of the idea.
Is this possible? Desirable? A great idea? A terrible idea? Resources and any guidance appreciated.
Well, you're getting paid by the hour....
I don't see how involving the Greek alphabet is to anyone's advantage. If the queries are stored anywhere, everyone approaching the system would have to learn the new syntax to understand them. Plus, there's the problem of how to type the special symbols.
If the client creates complex regular expressions they'd like to be able to reuse, that's understandable. Your application could maintain a list of such expressions that the user could add to and choose from. Notionally, the user would "click on" an expression, and it would be inserted into the query.
The saved expressions could have user-defined names, to make them easier to remember and refer to. And you could define a syntax that referenced them, something otherwise invalid in SQL, such as ::name. Before submitting the query to the DBMS, you substitute the regex for the name.
You still have the problem of choosing good names, and training.
To prevent malformed SQL, I imagine you'll want to ensure the regex is valid. You wouldn't want your system to store a ; drop table CUSTOMERS; as a "regular expression"! You'll either have to validate the expression or, if you can, treat the regex as data in a parameterized query.
The real question to me, though, is why you're in the vicinity of standardized regex queries. That need suggests a database design issue: it suggests the column being queried is composed of composite data, and should be represented as multiple columns that can be queried directly, without using regular expressions.

How to implement SEPARATE island grammar in ANTLR4 with correct line numbers and char index?

I've been developing a COBOL grammar with support of embedded SQL statements. For anyone who's not familiar with COBOL, here is an example.
The code between "EXEC SQL" and "END-EXEC" uses a (specially augmented) SQL syntax, which is a perfect example of island grammar.
I know this can be implemented with Lexer mode in ANTLR4. But I have another requirement that the SQL grammar should be separated from COBOL grammar so that the SQL grammar could be reused when embedded in other languages like PL1, without copy paste programming.
So what I did is using a simple lexer mode to capture anything between "EXEC SQL" and "END-EXEC", extract the SQL code as a String and give it to a separate SQL lexer (and parser).
This worked OK with one drawback - the line numbers and char index of tokens recognized in the SQL parser is counted from the start of the extracted SQL code string, instead of starting from the original COBOL program. When it comes to tracking back to source code, e.g. in case there are parsing errors, the line numbers turn out to be mis-leading.
So the question is : is there a simpler way in ANTLR 4 to implement island grammars seperately (both lexer and parser seperated), yet still preserving correct line numbers and char index in the tokens generated for the island part?
Update: I found there is grammar import feature in ANTLR 4 and my colleague told me we've been trying that but failed. The problem is - lexer mode in imported grammar are not well supported, which gets compiling errors. This issue is being tracked here.
To expand on Bill's comment, when instancing your SQL parser/lexer, pass it the line offset of the beginning of the EXEC block. Implement a custom SQL token that reports the line number as offset plus the SQL text relative line number. Have your SQL TokenFactory inject the offset as a constant in to each token generated.
Using modes to implement an idiomatic island grammar, with or without using includes (which work quite well for me at least), is the most natural approach.
Barring that, initiating an external SQL block parser process can be from an Action in the lexer or parser, by an override of the lexer's token emit() method (or related methods), and from a visitor walking the base grammar's parse tree.
Only you can balance which is acceptable, desirable or necessary in any given circumstance.
For example, if the parse tree evaluation provides a value for use in the dynamic execution of an SQL exec block or, conversely, depends on the values returned by such an execution, you are essentially forced to use a symbol table and defer initiations of the SQL executions to a walker. Of course, you can then cache each of the different generated SQL parse trees and reinitialize their symbol tables with instance specific data for reuse without reparsing the SQL blocks.
Just depends on whatever your real requirements are.

What does parsing a query mean?

Most relational databases handles a JDBC / SQL query in four steps:
Parse the incoming SQL query
Compile the SQL query
Plan/optimize the data acquisition path
Execute the optimized query / acquire and return data
I want to know what does "parse the incoming query" really mean? And what does "plan/optimize data acquisition path" mean?
Parsing means examining the characters input and recognizing it as a command or statement by looking through the characters for keywords and identifiers, ignoring comments, arranging quoted portions as string constants, and matching the overall structure to the language syntax making sense of it all.
Plan/optimize means figure out the best way (of all the possible ways) to determine the result, usually with respect to execution time. It could also mean minimizing the number of locks needed. Maybe some parts of the query can be ignored (where ... and 1 == 1) or a table doesn't need to be accessed at all, etc.
parsing is one of the Process of compilation.
Phases of a Compiler:
Source: Phases of Compiler
1) Parsing: syntactic analysis of the query according to the SQL grammar rules, etc. and attempting to "tokenize" the query into the elementary parts form.
2) Planning/optimization: at that stage the SQL engine tries to evaluate what the best way to execute your query would be. It tries to take advantage of existing indexes, clusters and table relationships; find ways around full table scans, utilize caching effectively by avoiding repeated data reads, and so forth.

Regular expression to match common SQL syntax?

I was writing some Unit tests last week for a piece of code that generated some SQL statements.
I was trying to figure out a regex to match SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE syntax so I could verify that my methods were generating valid SQL, and after 3-4 hours of searching and messing around with various regex editors I gave up.
I managed to get partial matches but because a section in quotes can contain any characters it quickly expands to match the whole statement.
Any help would be appreciated, I'm not very good with regular expressions but I'd like to learn more about them.
By the way it's C# RegEx that I'm after.
I don't want to need access to a database as this is part of a Unit test and I don't wan't to have to maintain a database to test my code. which may live longer than the project.
Regular expressions can match languages only a finite state automaton can parse, which is very limited, whereas SQL is a syntax. It can be demonstrated you can't validate SQL with a regex. So, you can stop trying.
SQL is a type-2 grammar, it is too powerful to be described by regular expressions. It's the same as if you decided to generate C# code and then validate it without invoking a compiler. Database engine in general is too complex to be easily stubbed.
That said, you may try ANTLR's SQL grammars.
As far as I know this is beyond regex and your getting close to the dark arts of BnF and compilers.
Same things happens to people who want to do correct syntax highlighting. You start cramming things into regex and then you end up writing a compiler...
I had the same problem - an approach that would work for all the more standard sql statements would be to spin up an in-memory Sqlite database and issue the query against it, if you get back a "table does not exist" error, then your query parsed properly.
Off the top of my head: Couldn't you pass the generated SQL to a database and use EXPLAIN on them and catch any exceptions which would indicate poorly formed SQL?
Have you tried the lazy selectors. Rather than match as much as possible, they match as little as possible which is probably what you need for quotes.
To validate the queries, just run them with SET NOEXEC ON, that is how Entreprise Manager does it when you parse a query without executing it.
Besides if you are using regex to validate sql queries, you can be almost certain that you will miss some corner cases, or that the query is not valid from other reasons, even if it's syntactically correct.
I suggest creating a database with the same schema, possibly using an embedded sql engine, and passing the sql to that.
I don't think that you even need to have the schema created to be able to validate the statement, because the system will not try to resolve object_name etc until it has successfully parsed the statement.
With Oracle as an example, you would certainly get an error if you did:
select * from non_existant_table;
In this case, "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist".
However if you execute:
select * frm non_existant_table;
Then you'll get a syntax error, "ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected".
It ought to be possible to classify errors into syntax parsing errors that indicate incorrect syntax and errors relating to tables name and permissions etc..
Add to that the problem of different RDBMSs and even different versions allowing different syntaxes and I think you really have to go to the db engine for this task.
There are ANTLR grammars to parse SQL. It's really a better idea to use an in memory database or a very lightweight database such as sqlite. It seems wasteful to me to test whether the SQL is valid from a parsing standpoint, and much more useful to check the table and column names and the specifics of your query.
The best way is to validate the parameters used to create the query, rather than the query itself. A function that receives the variables can check the length of the strings, valid numbers, valid emails or whatever. You can use regular expressions to do this validations.
public bool IsValid(string sql)
string pattern = #"SELECT\s.*FROM\s.*WHERE\s.*";
Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
return rgx.IsMatch(sql);
I am assuming you did something like .\* try instead [^"]* that will keep you from eating the whole line. It still will give false positives on cases where you have \ inside your strings.