Mule Soft HTTP Request Path from payload - mule

I have created simple flow in which I send id in url like this:
then I set this id part as payload. What I am trying to do next is Call REST API with this payload inserted into URL but no matter what I try it does not return correct JSON.
Here is how I need it to look like:
Result from Transform Message:
%dw 2.0
output application/json
isPublished: payload.isPublished,
tags: payload.tags map ( tag , indexOfTag ) -> tag,
"_id": payload."_id",
dishName: payload.dishName,
category: payload.category,
ingredients: payload.ingredients map ( ingredient , indexOfIngredient ) -> {
"_id": ingredient."_id",
quantity: ingredient.quantity,
unit: ingredient.unit,
description: ingredient.description
cookingTime: payload.cookingTime,
sourceUrl: payload.sourceUrl,
imageUrl: payload.imageUrl,
price: payload.price,
"__v": payload."__v",
id: payload."_id"
I tried to do it by putting id into URI Parameters, but it is part of URL not URI parameter so that does not work, same goes with something like this:
Request Path on HTTP Request:
Does anyone know if I could insert payload inside URL like this? I can't find anything about it in documentation.
Thank you for help!
EDIT: Could you also please tell me if I wanted to create path for each method GET, POST, PUT, DELETE could it have the same Listener path /api/courses and only after that different HTTP Request elements (for example http://localhost:1234/api/courses/ with method POST) or I would have to change it for each one? I am wondering because I can't find if it will know that it is supposed to choose flow based on what HTTP Request elements are in this flow or it just chooses first one with that path /api/courses.

My understanding is that you need to set an URI parameter for an HTTP Request. Please find below an example of a flow that sets a payload with field id and then sets the URI parameter using this field's value. The URI parameter is set in the path attribute of the HTTP Request enclosed in curly braces ({}).
<flow name="testUriParamsFlow" >
<http:listener doc:name="Listener" config-ref="HTTP_Listener_config" path="/"/>
<ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message">
<ee:message >
<ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0
output application/java
id: "123456"
<http:request method="GET" path="/api/courses/find/{id}" config-ref="HTTP_Request_configuration" doc:name="Request">
<http:uri-params ><![CDATA[#[output application/java
id :
Using HTTP Wire logging we can confirm that the request replaces the URI Parameter as part of the URI:
GET /api/courses/find/123456 HTTP/1.1


OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Mulesoft

I am working with mule HTTP request connector's authentication client credentials grant type.
By default it is sending content type as application/json.
Is there a way to override the default content type?
You can configure this on the Transform Message compontent before the HTTP request.
Specify the output as such:
<ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" doc:id="4ed801af-81a5-4072-941f-653c3fbd1666" >
<ee:message >
<ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0
output application/x-www-form-urlencoded
resource: vars.resource,
client_id: vars.clientId,
client_secret: vars.clientSecret,
grant_type: vars.grantType
Note; You can choose what every output you want on the Tranform Message compontent
Here is a list of all Supported Data Formats

Setting Http response data as a varible in Mule4

I am trying to set http response values in variable. Below is response from http request
"kind": "drive#file",
"id": "1MxumGPQD9dH161BQJCoJ_",
"name": "2020_August",
"mimeType": "application/"
How can i set only the id field in a variable after getting above reponse.
Am trying this logic in trans form message
%dw 2.0
output application/json
But giving me error
The content that's returned from your HttpRequest call is binary.
Try this:
%dw 2.0
output application/json
id: read(payload, "application/json").'id'
which should return what you're looking for:
"id": "1MxumGPQD9dH161BQJCoJ_"
If you are capturing that into a local variable, define the same using a set-variable, like this:
<set-variable value="#[read(payload, "application/json").'id']" doc:name="id" variableName="id"/>

How to use 'Choice Router' in Anypoint studio for this scenario?

I have used RAML file to generate flows through APIKit router. I have example.json for example response.
My RAML code is:
#%RAML 0.8
title: TestEmployee API
version: v1
enum: [1,2,3,4]
required: true
type: string
description: Employee id
enum: [Charles,John,Neha,Shruti]
required: true
type: string
description: Employee_name
example: !include example.json
JSON example response is :
"id": 1,
"code": "C1ENU00",
"phone": 9865458936,
"program": "WASE"
"id": 2,
"code": "C2DIG00",
"phone": 9756359864,
"program": "ELITE"
I want to use a choice router to appropriately call flow when 'id' and 'name' matches. Like in query params if the user enters 'id=1&name=Charles' then only choice router would call main flow, else it should call default one. Initially, the payload is set to 'example JSON response' body. Please guide me achieving this.
Here are flows for reference.
Set the when expression attribute in your choice router to a Dataweave expression matching your use case. You can access queryParams by name using attributes.queryParams.YOUR-QUERY-PARAM-NAME syntax:
#['1' and'Charles']
Then add a when scope for every route you need and an optional otherwise for a default route:
expression="#['1' and'Charles']">
<flow-ref name="some-flow" />
<flow-ref name="some-other-flow" />
For Mule 3 use:
#[message.inboundProperties.'http.query.params'.id == '1' && message.inboundProperties.'http.query.params'.name =='Charles']

How to send different RAML response with different input query parameters

I have a question related to RAML sending different response. In the below RAML, I want to send the response based on the query parameter. If my query parameter (flightId) is "F001", I should get a response only for the data F001. But I am getting the response with all the data specified in the response. May I know how to filter the unwanted data.
#%RAML 1.0
baseUri: # baseUri: #
title: FlightApi-Rajesh
version: 1.0.1
description: Flight Id
displayName: flightId
type: string
required: true
description: Flight name with its ID
example: F0001
description: Get the flight with `flightId = {flightId}`
example: |
"flightName": "Ingido",
"Location": "Mumbai",
"flightId": "F001",
"timing":"19:55 HRS"
"flightName": "SpiceJet",
"Location": "Pune",
"flightId": "PNQ012",
"timing":"15:00 HRS"
example: |
{"message": "Flight not found"}
RAML is a design specification for REST APIs. When you run the mock service based on RAML, it does not have the capability of generating dynamic responses, which is what you are trying to do. Please refer Mule forum which confirms this -
If your requirement is to create a mock service with dynamic responses, there are other ways to achieve implementing such mock services - SOAPUI, Dynatrace, etc.
If your requirement is to use RAML and try dynamic responses, you will have to create a Mule ESB project based off the RAML. You can then implement dynamic responses based on input received with Mule configurations.
You'll likely want to change your example to this. A mock endpoint will return your example response every time, so if you're only expecting one match, the example should reflect that. Keep this in mind, because you will not be able to modify the response of a mocked API based on user input:
description: Flight Id
displayName: flightId
type: string
required: true
description: Flight name with its ID
example: F0001
example: |
"flightName": "Ingido",
"Location": "Mumbai",
"flightId": "F001",
"timing":"19:55 HRS"
example: |
{"message": "Flight not found"}
If you have received this data from the database connector, even with a single record returned, you'll get a list of results. You'll need to transform it like this:
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
%vars flight = (payload filter $.flightId == flowVars.flightId)[0]
(flowVars.flightId): flight

mule http post json data thru httpendpoint

Using mule - how to post json data to invoke my application url and got response back. I have my json data like below:
"Reservation" : {
"reservation" : {
"#id" : "123456789"
"arrivingDate" : "03-09-2012",
"departureDate" : "03-15-2012",
"guestName" : "Fred",
"guestLastName" : "Davis",
"hotelID" : "03",
"room" : "1001",
"oceanView" : "true",
I want post my json data to my application http://localhost:8080/myapplication/createreservation through MULE HTTP ENDPOINT and get some application response back. Any suggestions are welcome.
First thing I like to say is your JSON data is not valid .. there should not be any comma at the end .. may be missing some attributes
If you want to post the Data to an external application you can follow the following example :-
<flow name="BestelItems" doc:name="BestelItems">
<http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" host="localhost" port="8081" doc:name="HTTP"/>
<set-payload doc:name="Set Payload" value="{ "Reservation" : { "reservation" : { "#id" : "123456789" }, "arrivingDate" : "03-09-2012", "departureDate" : "03-15-2012", "guestName" : "Fred", "guestLastName" : "Davis", "hotelID" : "03", "room" : "1001", "oceanView" : "true"}}"/>
<http:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" method="POST" address="ttp://localhost:8080/myapplication/createreservation" contentType="application/json" doc:name="HTTP"/>
But if you want to post the JSON data to your own Mule application then you only need your flow to have Http inbound endpoint .. and you can post the data from any Rest Client or Postman ..
The data will automatically get into your Mule flow through the rest client or Postman application as below :-
It can be done in the following way:
You can create a POJO with the field names same as the JSON elements
Create an instance of the object and enter your JSON input.
Then use Mule's Object to JSON transformer specifying the source Class with the POJO class.
Invoke the respective 2- way HTTP application using HTTP Outbound endpoint.
Once the response is received, add the JSON to Object transformer and use it to process further.