link my users social media account in my mobile app, allowing native app to open - react-native

I've got an app with user profiles. On the users profile, I let them put links to their other social media accounts. I know app linking requires the correct app's schema and I know those schemas depend on the system (iOS, Android). I want the user to be able to just copy the url of their social media profile (,paste it and save it. I will manipulate the string get the "userprofile" out and put it in the schema. HERE's the problem, Facebook, requires an ID for the schema, but most people don't know how to get their ID, while it's somewhat easy to get, it does require right clicking on a mouse and searching some code to get, Does Facebook have an api I can hit to send a username and get back a user ID? I feel like they would want people to link to their app easily. I've looked all over Graph API


I need to group Google Apps users by their Organization

Here's what I'm trying to do:
When people log into our app, using Google Apps OAuth, they are automatically grouped within the app, by their organization.
We're already doing this with Slack, where a user logs in, says which team they want to log in from, and they are automatically grouped with other people from their Slack team.
With Google, it seems a bit more complicated. I do not need access to anything within the organization: no user list, no other e-mails, no files. All I need is the name of the organization, and some sort of unique identifier.
Is this even possible? I've been digging through this without much success: it seems like an admin from the apps account has to install or approve the app?
I'm getting the sinking feeling that this will have to be something setup via the Marketplace, but that's far from ideal from our perspective.
Can it be done?
What you want is the hd claim of the ID Token. This represents the "hosted domain" of the Google for Work user, i.e. their organization.
If you use the Google Sign-in library, you will be able to get the ID Token of the user, once you have that you can extract the hd claim. Try these docs: web, ios, android.

Google Play Games OAuth-2: app visibility on Google+

I'm trying to resolve an issue regarding Google+ and authorizing users for an app using Google OAuth-2. More specifically, I find the authorization is successful when the user presses Accept on the consent screen; using the oauth playground and the auth/games scope, that looks like:
However, if I then check my app privileges at, I see the playground listed as visible to 'Only You': - even though 'Anyone on the web' was selected on the consent screen. As I'm using Google Play Games for leaderboards, the result is that no one can see any leaderboard entries until they have manually corrected this to 'Public' visibility.
Can anyone explain a reason or workaround for this? Many thanks.
I observed similar issues, my scores was not published publicly to the leaderboard of the game. I then realized that, this is only for users whose email is defined as tester email. I could see the scores as publicly posted after deleting those emails from tester list.

PHP: login to facebook and display photo album

I am working on a website that allow you to login to your FB account (fb login), and then displaying your photos, specifically that already been tagged.
I've tried the Facebook login API, and then displaying photo album on php (a Facebook page not a personal page). The thing is, i had problem when trying to code with the framework fuelPHP and when trying to display the photos of a personal page (not a Facebook page)
would you please show me the right direction? i mean it's my first time utilise Facebook API, the hard things come when i have to face the problem of retrieving the secret key, appID, etc.
Best Regards
for developing facebook apps, maybe this can be help you :
create developer account of facebook , if you have already you can visit this link
go to docs then find SDK what you want to choice, ex PHP SDK , there are tutorial how to use php sdk facebook for get data users in your case is how to get photo data who have been tagged by user. but the important thing is facebook has already more restrict on permission usage. by default we can fetch data user only 'email', 'user_friends','public_profile'. more than that you should submission custom permission to facebook, for step by step submission in here
after you're done with point 2 , time to integrated with fuelphp framework , fuelphp have auth package for managing login by social media here the link

Login Via Twitter

It has been almost a month and I couldn't figure this out.
I am developing a social network application and I want the users to be able to log in via their Twitter and Facebook account Like the screenshot below:
The Facebook is done, and I am stock with the twitter, Note that these pictures are actually set as a buttons.
What I want exactly is:
The user can be able to login (sign up) on the application using their Twitter and I will retrieve the basic information from Twitter API "Name,Username,Profile picture" in my application and store them in my database.
Note: I am using Parse and I already have a table call user.
Please help me :'(
It sounds like you haven't tried anything with Twitter yet.
If this were my code, I'd probably use the Twitter API to login, which they introduce you to here.
Or you can use one of the handy Objective-C libraries they've listed here

Twitter API - get Account Details from consumerKey and consumerToken

I inherited an application that has tons of users already authorized to get twitter data on their behalf.
The problem is the guy who created is not around anymore and I am left with consumerKey and consumerToken only.
That in itself is sufficient to interact with twitter API, but I now need to know the account details ( in particular the screen_name that created the app) .
I could not find any API to get such details. Any ideas on how to get it.?
There isn't a direct way to find the app owner's screen name, but here are a few things you can do to investigate:
Use the ConsumerKey and ConsumerSecret, that you have, to start the OAuth process.
On the Twitter Authorization screen, you can see the name of the app and who created it.
You might be able to do a Twitter search for the person who created the app and get their screen name.
Continue to authorize the app - this will put it in your app list.
Visit your personal Twitter Settings tab, click on Apps, and find the App that you authorized.
Click on the owner's name, which will lead you to a Web site.
The Web site might be the company Web site, in which case, there is no further help.
The Web site might belong to the owner and it might have a link to the owner's Twitter account where you can get their screen name.
Just know that there's nothing keeping you from using the ConsumerKey/ConsumerSecret that the other guy set up. You can create your own app - preferably with an account that belongs to the company with credentials that the company can access if you're no longer around. Then use the ConsumerKey/ConsumerSecret from the new app on subsequent deployments.