Is it possible to get pid of first command (not background)? Zsh, not bash - process

I have in zsh:
(sleep 100;program1 & another program & another)&
How to get PID of 'sleep' process (I need to kill it)?
$! - returns pid not of sleep process
jobs -p - also useless here
killall -9 sleep -useless, because it will kill all sleep processes, not only this.

One option is to print the pid from sleep from within the set of commands. This can be done by backgrounding the sleep process, getting the pid with $!, and then using wait to block until it exits.
% (sleep 100 &; print sleep_pid:$!; wait $!; print cmd1 && print cmd2) &
[1] 18055
% kill 18056
[1] + done ( sleep 100 & print sleep_pid:$!; wait $!; print cmd1 && print cmd2; )
If you need to access the pid programmatically, you can write it to a temp file or a named pipe.

Just found out one of the solutions:
sleep_pid=`pstree -p $!|grep -o "[[:digit:]]*"|tail -1`

Even if the shell you're using is a Bourne-style and thus supports the exec builtin with these semantics, you generally shouldn't try to avoid using sh -c (or equivalent) to create a new, separate shell process for this purpose, because:
Once the shell has become myCommand, there's no shell waiting to run subsequent commands. sh -c 'echo $$; exec myCommand; foo would not be able to attempt to run foo after replacing itself with myCommand. Unless you're writing a script that runs this as its last command, you can't just use echo $$; exec myCommand in a shell where you are running other commands.
You cannot use a subshell for this. (echo $$; exec myCommand) may be syntactically nicer than sh -c 'echo $$; exec myCommand', but when you run $$ inside ( ), it gives the PID of the parent shell, not of the subshell itself. But it is the subshell's PID that will be the PID of the new command. Some shells provide their own non-portable mechanisms for finding the subshell's PID, which you could use for this. In particular, in Bash 4, (echo $BASHPID; exec myCommand) does work.
Finally, note that some shells will perform an optimization where they run a command as if by exec (i.e., they forgo forking first) when it is known that the shell will not need to do anything afterward. Some shells try to do this anytime it is the last command to be run, while others will only do it when there are no other commands before or after the command, and others will not do it at all. The effect is that if your forget to write exec and just use sh -c 'echo $$; myCommand' then it will sometimes give you the right PID on some systems with some shells. I recommend against ever relying on such behavior, and instead always including exec when that's what you need.
Before I can run myCommand, I need to set a number of environment variables in my bash script. Will these carry over to the environment in which the exec command is running? –
May 11 '18 at 15:41
Looks like my environment does carry over into the exec command. However, this approach does not work when myCommand starts other processes, which are the ones you need to work with; when I issue a kill -INT where pid was obtained this way, the signal does not reach the sub-processes started by myCommand, whereas if I run myCommand in the current session and Ctrl+C, the signals propagate correctly. –
May 11 '18 at 16:43
I tried this, but the pid of the myCommand process seems to be the pid output by echo $$ +1. Am I doing something wrong? –
Aug 28 '18 at 10:13
My command looks like this: sh -c 'echo $$; exec /usr/local/bin/mbdyn -f "input.file" -o "/path/to/outputdir" > "command_output.txt" 2>&1 &' –
Aug 28 '18 at 10:51
This is brilliant, but it's not working for me when I try to get the echoed value into a variable so I can actually use it later to kill the process, e.g. PID=$(sh -c 'echo $$; exec myCommand') just hangs, whereas if I remove the PID=$(...) wrapper it displays the PID and continues immediately!


How do I nohup a here document in the background from within a ksh script?

I have a ksh script that comes to a point where it must run a long running command. The long running command is executed via a heredoc in the script presently. I want to throw the command (represented by cat in my samples below) into the background but only after taking its input from the heredoc. Since the "nohup cat.." finishes instantaneously and I see an empty nohup.out file, I am not sure the script is doing what I need it to do, which is to spawn a nohupped version of the heredoc command and exit, leaving the command to run for however long it takes to complete.
I am using cat as the "command" since it too sits there and just waits for console input.
Working version without nohupping:
cat << EOF
HOw are you!
Trying to nohup the heredoc:
nohup cat <<EOF
HOw are you!
Seems to work, output is going into nohup.out as expected. But now, how to throw that into the background? I tried the below (and many variations of it) :
nohup cat & <<EOF
HOw are you!
but, nohup.out is empty, so I am not sure what the above is doing. There is no running "cat" in the background which tells me it ran and completed at least - or maybe didn't run at all. No other variation I can invent for trying to throw the heredoc into the background from my ksh script works.
Any suggestions on a way to achieve this using heredoc?
Here are two options.
You could try wrapping the nohup sequence inside a function, which may look cleaner, and then invoking that function with the trailing ampersand.
Using a function, like this:
function dostuff
nohup cat <<- END
How are you!
dostuff &
You can also try wrapping the commands to be backgrounded into a grouping { } block, separating each command with a ; inside the brackets, and then backgrounding that block via:
{ nohup cat <<- EOF
; whatever
} &

Not able to establish Oracle SQL session from within a BASH script

#Oracle DB Info for NEXT
DB_PASS=$(base64 -d ~/.passwd)
#Section for all of our functions.
function SQLConnection(){
sqlplus "$DB_USER"/"$DB_PASS"#"$HOST":"$PORT"/"$SERVICE"
function Connected(){
SQLConnection <<EOF
select sys_context('USERENV','SERVER_HOST') from dual;
function GetJMS(){
SQLConnection <<EOF
set echo on timing on lines 200 pages 100
select pd.destination from ${DB_SCHEMA}.pd_notification pd where pd.org_id = '$ORGID';
TODAY=$(date +"%A %B %d, %Y")
read -r -p $'\n\nWhat is the ORG ID? ' ORGID
read -r -p $'\n\nWhat is the REMOTE QUEUE MANAGER NAME? ' RQM
read -r -p $'\n\nWhat is the IP address of the REMOTE QUEUE MANAGER? ' CONN
read -r -p $'\n\nWhat is the PORT of the REMOTE QUEUE MANAGER? ' PORT
echo -en "* $(whoami)\n* $TODAY\n* MQ Setup $ORGID\n\nDEFINE +\n\tCHANNEL('$RQM.LQML') +\n\tCHLTYPE(SDR) +\n\tCONNAME('$CONN($PORT)') +\n\tXMITQ('BUF.2.$ORGID.XMQ')\n\tCHAUTH(TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256)\n\nDEFINE +\n\tCHANNEL('LQML.$RQM') +\n\tCHLTYPE(RCVR) +\n\tTRPTYPE(TCP)\n\nDEFINE +\n\tQLOCAL('$RQM') +\n\tTRIGDATA('LQML.$RQM') +\n\tINITQ('SYSTEM.CHANNEL.INITQ') +\n\tTRIGGER USAGE(XMITQ)\n\n" > ~/mqsetup.mqsc
CONNECTED=$(Connected | awk 'NR==16')
echo -en "\n\nHello From: $CONNECTED\n\n"
for JMSDESTINATION in $(GetJMS | awk 'NR>=16&&NR<=24{print $1}')
read -r -p $'\n\nWhich REMOTE QUEUE NAME matches with this ${JMSDESTINATION}?' RNAME
QDESC=$(echo "$JMSDESTINATION" | tr '.' ' ' | tr '[[:upper:]]' '[[:lower:]]')
echo -en "\n\nDEFINE +\n\tQR($JMSDESTINATION) +\n\t\tREPLACE DESCR('$ORGID $QDESC Queue') +\n\t\tREPLACE MAXDEPTH(5000) +\n\t\tXMITQ('BUF.2.$ORGID.XMQ') +\n\t\tRNAME('$RNAME') +\n\t\tRQMNAME('$RQM')" >> ~/mqsetup.mqsc
Here is the script I've built, hoping to automate the setup of IBM MQ Queues and Channels. My problem is that outside this script, I can establish an SQL Session without an issue, directly from the shell, provided I input the variables seen in the script. I can call the functions and everything returns just as I'd hope it would. When I run the exact same things from within the script, I get timeout errors ... the "Hello From" is blank, which tells me there is no DB connection.
I'm totally stumped as to why it all works great from outside the script, but inside it times out.
I appreciate the eyes and the help!
You're overwritng a variable value. You have this at the top of the script:
but then later on you do:
read -r -p $'\n\nWhat is the PORT of the REMOTE QUEUE MANAGER? ' PORT
which overwrites your 5678 value with whatever is entered there. That port may not be listening on the DB server at all, or may be doing something else, or if you don't enter a value it'll default to port 1521 when you connect. But either way the connection is going to fail, either quickly or slowly depending on the port state (e.g. slower maybe if a firewall blocks it).
If you test the connection by adding a Connected call before the read calls (as I initially did) then it seems to be working fine; but the connections after the reads don't work because port value it tries to connect to is now wrong.
Use a different name for the two variables, e.g. RQ_PORT for the second one - both in its read command and the subsequent creation of the ~/mqsetup.mqsc file.
You may also find it useful to add the -l flag to your SQL*Plus call so that if the connection fails for some reason it won't re-prompt for credentials, which in some circumstances can make the script appear to hang until you hit enter a few times.
Not directly relevant to the problem, but when automating anything like this I usually also use the -s flag to suppress the banners (which can vary between environments); and if you're only interested in capturing query output I'd usually set headings and/or pagination off, and feedback off, and generally set SQL*Plus up to generate as little noise as possible - it makes parsing out the interesting bits easier.

Execute any bash command, get the results of stdout/stderr immediatly and use stdin

I would like to execute any bash command. I found Command::new but I'm unable to execute "complex" commands such as ls ; sleep 1; ls. Moreover, even if I put this in a bash script, and execute it, I will only have the result at the end of the script (as it is explain in the process doc). I would like to get the result as soon as the command prints it (and to be able to read input as well) the same way we can do it in bash.
Command::new is indeed the way to go, but it is meant to execute a program. ls ; sleep 1; ls is not a program, it's instructions for some shell. If you want to execute something like that, you would need to ask a shell to interpret that for you:
Command::new("/usr/bin/sh").args(&["-c", "ls ; sleep 1; ls"])
// your complex command is just an argument for the shell
To get the output, there are two ways:
the output method is blocking and returns the outputs and the exit status of the command.
the spawn method is non-blocking, and returns a handle containing the child's process stdin, stdout and stderr so you can communicate with the child, and a wait method to wait for it to cleanly exit. Note that by default the child inherits its parent file descriptor and you might want to set up pipes instead:
You should use something like:
let child = Command::new("/usr/bin/sh")
.args(&["-c", "ls sleep 1 ls"])
.stderr(std::process::Stdio::null()) // don't care about stderr
.stdout(std::process::Stdio::piped()) // set up stdout so we can read it
.stdin(std::process::Stdio::piped()) // set up stdin so we can write on it
.spawn().expect("Could not run the command"); // finally run the command

Declare bash variables inside sql EOF

how to declare variable in bash command. See "?"
I thought we could almost run any bash statement with ! or host in front of line
sqlplus scott/tiger#orcl << EOF
! export v10="Hi" Doesn't work, why?
! echo $v10 Doesn't work, why?
! echo "Done" Works perfectly and also other bash commands
select * from dept; Works perfectly
Thank you
What #jordanm says "probably" is exactly what is happening. When you specify a host command from within sqlplus, a separate shell process is spawned, the command executed by that process, then that process is terminated and control returns to sqlplus. Any environment variables that are set in that child shell process are good only within it, so when it terminates, they are gone.
As for your specific lines that "work" and "don't work" .. "export v10="Hi" does work but there is no stdout display of the 'export' command, and as explained, that variable v10 ceases to exist once the child process completes and control returns to sqlplus. The "echo $v10" also works, but since that is a new shell process, it has no value for $v10, so there is nothing to echo.
What are you trying to accomplish by setting enviornment variables from within sqlplus?
found it, all I had to do was
<< EOF
whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback
whenever oserror exit failure rollback

Expect script does not work under crontab

I have an expect script which I need to run every 3 mins on my management node to collect tx/rx values for each port attached to DCX Brocade SAN Switch using the command #portperfshow#
Each time I try to use crontab to execute the script every 3 mins, the script does not work!
My expect script starts with #!/usr/bin/expect -f and I am calling the script using the following syntax under cron:
3 * * * * /usr/bin/expect -f /root/portsperfDCX1/collect-all.exp sanswitchhostname
However, when I execute the script (not under cron) it works as expected:
root# ./collect-all.exp sanswitchhostname
works just fine.
Please Please can someone help! Thanks.
The script collect-all.exp is:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
#Time and Date
set day [timestamp -format %d%m%y]
set time [timestamp -format %H%M]
set LogDir1 "/FPerf/PortsLogs"
et timeout 5
set ipaddr [lrange $argv 0 0]
set passw "XXXXXXX"
if { $ipaddr == "" } {
puts "Usage: <script.exp> <ip address>\n"
exit 1
spawn ssh admin#$ipaddr
expect -re "password"
send "$passw\r"
expect -re "admin"
log_file "$LogDir1/$day-portsperfshow-$time"
send "portperfshow -tx -rx -t 10\r"
expect timeout "\n"
send \003
send -- "exit\r"
I had the same issue, except that my script was ending with
Finally I got it working by replacing it with these two lines:
expect eof
Changing interact to expect eof worked for me!
Needed to remove the exit part, because I had more statements in the bash script after the expect line (calling expect inside a bash script).
There are two key differences between a program that is run normally from a shell and a program that is run from cron:
Cron does not populate (many) environment variables. Notably absent are TERM, SHELL and HOME, but that's just a small proportion of the long list that will be not defined.
Cron does not set up a current terminal, so /dev/tty doesn't resolve to anything. (Note, programs spawned by Expect will have a current terminal.)
With high probability, any difficulties will come from these, especially the first. To fix, you need to save all your environment variables in an interactive session and use these in your expect script to repopulate the environment. The easiest way is to use this little expect script:
unset -nocomplain ::env(SSH_AUTH_SOCK) ;# This one is session-bound anyway
puts [list array set ::env [array get ::env]]
That will write out a single very long line which you want to put near the top of your script (or at least before the first spawn). Then see if that works.
Jobs run by cron are not considered login shells, and thus don't source your .bashrc, .bash_profile, etc.
If you want that behavior, you need to add it explicitly to the crontab entry like so:
$ crontab -l
0 13 * * * bash -c '. .bash_profile; etc ...'