Is there a way to specify a connection timeout for the client? - clarifai

I'd imagine this should be a property of a channel but the channel doesn't have anything related to the connection configuration.

You can set the request timeout like this:
from import ClarifaiChannel
from clarifai_grpc.grpc.api import service_pb2_grpc, service_pb2
stub = service_pb2_grpc.V2Stub(ClarifaiChannel.get_grpc_channel())
if __name__ == '__main__':
YOUR_CLARIFAI_API_KEY = 'addyourclarifaikeyhere'
auth_metadata = (('authorization', f'Key {YOUR_CLARIFAI_API_KEY}'),)
resp = stub.ListModels(service_pb2.ListModelsRequest(),
Looking at the list of configurations for a grpc channel, there doesn't seem to be a global connection timeout.


How to get and send all messages from the channel to channel?

I have a code that can copy a message from one channel to another channel, but this code works only for "NewMessages", how to make this code to send all messages from the channel to another channel?
from telethon import TelegramClient, events
import asyncio
api_id =
api_hash = ''
my_channel_id = -1001247324182
channels = [-100129537617]
client = TelegramClient('myGrab', api_id, api_hash)
print("GRAB - Started")
async def my_event_handler(event):
if event.message:
await client.send_message(my_channel_id, event.message)
So, it is possible to do this code to send all messages from the channel? Maybe, another library?
You can iter_messages and forward it to new channel

socket http lua to set timeout

I am trying to create a function that can call REST with the http socket lua.
And I tried to set the timeout this way. But, when I run this function, the timeout is not running. How should I set the timeout?
local http = require "socket.http"
local socket = require "socket"
local respbody = {}
http.request {
method = req_method,
url = req_url,
source = ltn12.source.string(req_body),
headers =
["Content-Type"] = req_content_type,
["content-length"] = string.len(req_body),
["Host"] = host,
sink = ltn12.sink.table(respbody),
create = function()
local req_sock = socket.tcp()
req_sock:settimeout(3, 't')
return req_sock
You may want to check lua-http. I use it to call REST and works like a charm. I am not an expert but, as far as I can tell, it is a good LUA http implementation.
You can set a two seconds timeout as simple as:
local http_client = require "http.client"
local myconnection = http_client.connect {
host = "";
timeout = 2;
Full documentation in here.
if I implement the example with my requirements, will it be like this? cmiiw
local http_client = require "http.client"
local req_body = "key1=value1&key2=value2"
local myconnection = http_client.connect {
method = "POST";
url = "";
host = "";
source = req_body
headers = {
["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
["content-length"] = string.len(req_body),
timeout = 2;
LuaSocket implicitly set http.TIMEOUT to the socket object.
Also you have to remember that socket timeout is not the same as request timeout.
Socket timeout means timeout for each operation independently. For simple case you can wait connection up to timeout seconds and then each read operation can take up to timeout seconds. And because of HTTP client read response line by line you get timeout seconds for each header plus for each body chunk. Also, there may be redirecions where each redirection is a separate HTTP request/response. If you use TLS there also will be hendshake after connection which also took several send/receive operation.
I did not use lua-http module and do not know how timeout implemented there.
But I prefer use modules like cURL if I really need to restrict request timeout.

How i control if an userbot is limited?

how i can control if an userbot is in FloodWait or PeerFlood(is limited) without do an invite/chat request?
I send a message to SpamBot but it informs me only if the userbot is limited, no if is in FloodWait.
Thanks and sorry for my bad english!
Please see the Telethon docs for how to handle the various RPC errors gracefully.
Example for FloodWait From the docs:
from telethon import errors
messages = await client.get_messages(chat)
except errors.FloodWaitError as e:
print('Have to sleep', e.seconds, 'seconds')
How can I check if my userbot is restricted?
You can check only if your self is restricted, that means you can't check if a different user is restricted.
import asyncio
from telethon import TelegramClient
name = 'test'
api_id = '1043101'
api_hash = '5ade788056adad54e71aa558e38337bc'
client = TelegramClient(name, api_id, api_hash)
async def main():
if (await client_get_me()).restricted):
print('I'm restricted')
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Client not receiving events from Flask-SocketIO server with Redis message queue

I want to add multiprocessing to my Flask-SocketIO server so I am trying to add a Redis message queue as per the Flask-SocketIO docs. Even without adding multiprocessing, the client is not receiving any events. Everything else is working fine (e.g. the web page is being served, HTTP requests are being made, database calls are being made). There are no error messages on the front or back end. Before I added the Redis queue it was working. I verified that the 'addname' SocketIO route is being hit and that the request.sid looks right. What am I doing wrong?
Very simplified server code:
external_sio = SocketIO(message_queue='redis://')
def requester(user, sid):
global external_sio
external_sio.emit('addname', {'data': 'hello'}, room=sid)
# do some stuff with requests and databases
external_sio.emit('addname', {'data': 'goodbye'}, room=sid)
def main():
app = Flask(__name__,
socketio = SocketIO(app)
def add_name(user):
global external_sio
external_sio.emit('addname', {'data': 'test'}, room=request.sid)
requester(, request.sid), host='', port=8000)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Simplified client code (React Javascript):
const socket = SocketIOClient('ipaddress:8000')
socket.emit('addname', {data: 'somename'})
socket.on('addname', ({data}) => console.log(data))
The main server also needs to be connected to the message queue. In your main server do this:
socketio = SocketIO(app, message_queue='redis://')
In your external process do this:
external_sio = SocketIO(message_queue='redis://') # <--- no app on this one

Scrapy How to scrape HTTPS site through SSL proxy

I've SSL proxy server and I want to scrape https site. I mean the connection between scrapy and the proxy is encrypted then the proxy will open a connection to the website.
after some debugging I found the following:-
currently scrapy handle the situation as follows:-
if the site is http it use ScrapyProxyAgent which send client hello then send a connect request for the website to the proxy
but if the site is https
it use a TunnelingAgent which does not send client hello to the proxy and hence the connection is terminated.
What I need is to tell scrapy to first establish a connection via ScrapyProxyAgent then use a TunnelingAgent not sure how to do that.
I tried to create a https DOWNLOAD_HANDLERS but I'm not that expert
class MyHTTPDownloader(HTTP11DownloadHandler):
def download_request(self, request, spider):
"""Return a deferred for the HTTP download"""
timeout = request.meta.get('download_timeout') or self._connectTimeout
bindaddress = request.meta.get('bindaddress')
proxy = request.meta.get('proxy')
agent = ScrapyProxyAgent(reactor,proxyURI=to_bytes(proxy, encoding='ascii'),
connectTimeout=timeout, bindAddress=bindaddress, pool=self._pool)
_, _, proxyHost, proxyPort, proxyParams = _parse(proxy)
proxyHost = to_unicode(proxyHost)
url = urldefrag(request.url)[0]
method = to_bytes(request.method)
headers = TxHeaders(request.headers)
omitConnectTunnel = b'noconnect' in proxyParams
proxyConf = (proxyHost, proxyPort,
request.headers.get(b'Proxy-Authorization', None))
if request.body:
bodyproducer = _RequestBodyProducer(request.body)
if request.body:
bodyproducer = _RequestBodyProducer(request.body)
elif method == b'POST':
bodyproducer = _RequestBodyProducer(b'')
bodyproducer = None
start_time = time()
tunnelingAgent = TunnelingAgent(reactor, proxyConf,
contextFactory=self._contextFactory, connectTimeout=timeout,
bindAddress=bindaddress, pool=self._pool)
agent.request(method, to_bytes(url, encoding='ascii'), headers, bodyproducer)
I need to establish a tunnel after the proxy agent is connected.
is that even possible?
thanks in advance