Strange Kotlin behaviour using Data Classes in Maps - kotlin

I'm new to Kotlin and I'm trying to understand it, I've just written a simple example that shows how using data classes with maps is a bit tricky, because it seems to me that data classes have a strange behaviour. By default, they define hashCode() based on every property of the class. But they don't define a default equals() method.
This caused to me a lot of confusion because I created a HashMap with a Data Class as a key, but I didn't override hashCode() and equals(). My data class has a MutableList member. When I put an element in the map, I retrieved it using map.get(dataObject) as long as I didn't add an element to the MutableList. After that, even if the data object was still the same, and I found it using map.keys (map.keys.indexOf(dataObject) works), map.get(dataObject) failed, due to the hashCode().
I can fix it using a normal class or adding hashCode() and equals(), removing the MutableList from hashCode(), but I'm wondering if, due to the default behaviour, overriding hashCode() and equals() should be "mandatory" with data classes because otherwise using them with Maps can lead to errors.
Is there something else I can do to avoid this problem?
package cards
data class Player(val name: String, var cards: MutableList<Card>) {
constructor(name: String): this(name, mutableListOf())
//I don't need to define equals, so pointers are checked. But if I don't override hashCode, as it's based
//on every property, the hashCode is calculated considering the content of the MutableList!
// override fun hashCode(): Int {
// return name.hashCode()
// }
data class Card(val name: String, val suite: String)
class Game(val players: List<Player>) {
val cardMap: MutableMap<Player, MutableList<Card>> = mutableMapOf()
fun putIntoMapAndGiveCards() {
val newCards = cardMap.getOrDefault(players[0], mutableListOf())
newCards.add(Card(name = "Four", suite = "Clubs"))
cardMap[players[0]] = newCards
//This changes the default hashCode - I can use data classes in a list, but not in a map, because maps are
//based on it.
players[0].cards.add(Card(name = "Five", suite = "Clubs"))
fun getFromMap(): MutableList<Card>? {
val player = players[0]
assert(player != null, { "Player from list failure" })
val indexOfPlayer = cardMap.keys.indexOf(player)
assert(indexOfPlayer == 0, { "Player is in the map" })
//Without overriding hashCode, cards is null!
val cards = cardMap.get(players[0])
assert(cards != null, { "Cards from map failure" })
return cards
fun main() {
val player1 = Player(name = "John")
val game = Game(mutableListOf(player1))
?: throw Exception( """Map.get() failure because Player is a data class.
| A data class by default builds its hashCode with every property. As it contains a MutableList,
| the hashCode changes when I add elements to the list. This means that I can't find the element using get()
println("Test finished!")

By default, they define hashCode() based on every property of the class. But they don't define a default equals() method
This is not correct. Data classes generate both equals() and hashCode() consistently based on the properties declared in the data class's primary constructor (same goes for toString() btw).
Here is the decompiled code for equals and hashCode of your Player class:
public int hashCode() {
String var10000 =;
int var1 = (var10000 != null ? var10000.hashCode() : 0) * 31;
List var10001 =;
return var1 + (var10001 != null ? var10001.hashCode() : 0);
public boolean equals(#Nullable Object var1) {
if (this != var1) {
if (var1 instanceof Player) {
Player var2 = (Player)var1;
if (Intrinsics.areEqual(, && Intrinsics.areEqual(, {
return true;
return false;
} else {
return true;
Your problem is that you declare your cards mutable list in the primary constructor so it's part of the generated equals and hashCode.
The solution is to move this cards property to the body of your class instead (since it's not part of the player's "core data", but rather part of the state):
data class Player(val name: String) {
val cards: MutableList<Card> = mutableListOf()
This way, the generated equals/hashCode pair will only be based on the name property.
Another option obviously is to override both equals and hashCode manually to take only the name into account, but that's tedious and not very idiomatic.
I'm wondering if, due to the default behaviour, overriding hashCode() and equals() should be "mandatory" with data classes because otherwise using them with Maps can lead to errors.
I think you have misdiagnosed the default behaviour. So I'd say on the contrary overriding equals/hashCode is actually not very idiomatic for data classes, and should in general be avoided.
Using data classes is usually safe in maps, as long as the data in the primary constructor is not mutable.
Side notes
you really should not mix var with mutable collections. It creates 2 ways of changing the collection, which is pretty unexpected and error-prone. You should instead either use a val MutableList or a var List, so you can only change the list via mutation, or only change it via assignment, but not both.
if you want to insert the new value into the map, you shouldn't use getOrDefault + assign the value to the key. Instead, use getOrPut directly, so the default value will be inserted without extra work.
why are you both using a cards property on the Player and a Map<Player, List<Card>>? Looks like you have 2 states that can change independently now because those card lists are independent.


Is there a way to make the first digit of int always start with 1 in Kotlin

Let's say I have the following class constructor:
class Car(val brand: Brand,val modelName: String, val version: Int){}
If for example, I want the version number to always start with 1. Is there a way to manipulate it in the class body to achieve this ?
val firstdigit:Int = abs(version).ToString().Substring(0,1)
And then parse it to Int. But how to replace the original first digit after that?
I'm just learning Kotlin and I got a bit stuck with this
Is this what you had in mind?
class Car(val brand: Brand, val modelName: String) {
val version = getNextVersion()
companion object {
private var nextVersion = 0
private fun getNextVersion(): Int {
if (nextVersion.toString()[0] != '1') {
nextVersion = (10.0.pow(ceil(log10(nextVersion.toDouble())))).toInt()
return nextVersion
You already said in the comments that you want the number to increment per instance, so the caller shouldn't be providing that number in the first place really! But just generally, here's two approaches to sanitising your input parameters:
1) Make it the caller's responsibility to provide valid data
init {
require(version.toString().first() == '1') { "Needs to start with 1 thanks" }
require throws an IllegalArgumentException if it fails, which is the standard exception for "the value of this argument is invalid". Should the class be responsible for taking bad data and trying to "fix" it, or should the caller be handling that - and maybe not constructing an instance at all if it doesn't have valid data?
2. create a newInstance function that uses valid data, and keep the constructor private
class Thing private constructor(val number: Int){
companion object {
fun newInstance(num: Int): Thing {
return Thing(abs(num))
fun main() {
Thing.newInstance(-2).let { println(it.number)}
If it makes sense for the class itself to sanitise the input parameters, you can delegate construction to a function that takes care of that, and prevent things from calling the constructor directly with potentially bad data.
This can cause issues with e.g. serialisation libraries (which want to call the constructor directly) but in that case you could leave the constructor public, and just advise callers to call newInstance instead. Not ideal, but it's an option!

Kotlin, implement extension var property

It seems that a simple extension property like the following does not work.
var Dog.age = 0;
What is the recommended way to implement this? I have tried the following, and it worked, but this will prevent any Dog object from cleaned up by the Garbage Collector, won't it?
class Dog
val dogAgeMap=HashMap<Dog, Int>();
var Dog.age:Int
get() = dogAgeMap[this]?: 0;
set(value){ dogAgeMap[this] = value}
class PetShop
fun work()
val d1 = Dog();
d1.age = 100;
val d2 = Dog();
d2.age = 200;
println("${d1.age}, ${d2.age}");
fun main(args:Array<String>)
Correct, this will prevent the Dog instances on which the age setter has been called to be GCed inside the scope of where the dogAgeMap is defined. If you defined the Dog.age extension property (and thus dogAgeMap) in a limited scope with a limited (short) lifespan, then you are okay.
However, if that is not the case, and you need the age info all across you application, then age should just be part of the original class definition and you don't ever run into this problem.
Solution in this case
class Dog(val age: Int)
If you need the age information only in one part of your application, then a better way would be to create the lookup (the HashMap) only for that part, or to simply use an enriched class with age (or a wrapper class with age) instead of the Dog class in that part of your application. And when you are done with work there, you clean up the map or the enriched class instances. In that way no instances will leak.
But if you really really want to do it with an extension property across the whole application, and thus you need to keep the reference to the dogAgeMap all the time, then you need to take care of leaking memory if you have a lot of instances that you go through and set their age.
If that is your case you can use a WeakHashMap<Dog, Int> instead. A WeakHashMap only keeps weak references and it won't prevent Dog instances to be GCed (once your strong references are no longer retained).
import java.util.WeakHashMap
val dogAgeMap = WeakHashMap<Dog, Int>()
var Dog.age: Int
get() = dogAgeMap[this] ?: 0
set(value) {
dogAgeMap[this] = value
Note however, that WeakHashMap is a Java class and not part of Kotlin core library, so if you use Kotlin for multiplatform, this won't work. In that case you would need a WeakHashMap implementation (library) on each platform.
An alternative way to do this if your data for dogs also contains an ID for each dog, would be to use the ID as the lookup key instead. That would be possible to port to all platforms. The implementation would then change to
// I am using a Long here, but it could be whatever type that
// is small enough to not cause memory concerns, since
// these keys would still exist in memory because a normal HashMap is used.
class Dog(val id: Long) {}
val dogAgeMap = HashMap<Long, Int>()
var Dog.age: Int
get() = dogAgeMap[id] ?: 0
set(value) {
dogAgeMap[id] = value

Kotlin Generics - It is possible get integer position of an element of whatever type passed like ordinals method does for Enum defined classes?

There's an already built in way that fulfill my request?
I know Set are unordered
I need to do a vector based Set.
I need to know the position of any value of a generic type to place them in the corresponding index of the array, So I can avoid duplications of the elements.
I'm not ordering or defining an order of the Set.
I don't have any operators that missbehave or break any Set Costraint
Please note that I know this implementation is not efficient for any types that seems infinite like Integers.
I need to do it for an educational purpose.
I have already implemented List Ordered and Hash Table based ones.
For now I have this class, that works flawlessy:
package ads
class MySet<E : Enum<E>> {
//More details for clarify
private val maxSet = 127
private var myset = arrayOfNulls<Boolean>(maxSet)
private fun getOrdinal(eelement : E) : Int{
return eelement.ordinal
more set operators that needs of getOrdinal
fun insert(xelement: E){
myset[getOrdinal(xelement)] = true
import ads.MySet as RawSet
enum class MyColors{
fun main() {
val myfavc = RawSet<MyColors>()
val yourfavc = RawSet<MyColors>()
//Following operations...
I need now to make another class in the same way but working with whatever abstract type already defined in kotlin.
package ads
class MySet<T> {
//More details for clarify
private val maxSet = 127
private var myset = arrayOfNulls<Boolean>(maxSet)
private fun getOrdinal(telement : T) : Int{
For any abstract type return the order of any element
checks if the integer is not greater than maxSet otherwhise it
throws an Exception or manages this istance in other way
more set operators that needs of getOrdinal
fun insert(xelement: T){
myset[getOrdinal(xelement)] = true
import ads.MySet as RawSeT
//Istance using Int
fun main() {
val myfav = RawSet<Int>()
val yourfav = RawSet<Int>()
//Following operations...
I guess there's no built-in way to do so in a generic way.
but I'm still learning kotlin, so maybe I'm missing something useful.
I'm not asking to do my paper.
I don't need a full alternative solutions that I should find out by myself but
I'm opened to read about any tips or resources that can help me to clarify how abstract types works in Kotlin(or Programming Languages) infos like :
How are ordered.
If any value of any type can be compared based on their position
(like c > a for chars).
Range of values/Max values represented for any "apparently
infinite" type like Integers.
Thanks you!
P.S. = Please consider that I'm not an english native, be patient!
Enums are implicitly ordered in declaration order and amount of instances of each enum is finite, so they could be ordered globally and their ordinal could be represented as Int.
Ints (as well as Bytes and Chars) are naturally ordered and have ranges (Int.MIN_VALUE..Int.MAX_VALUE, etc.), so each of them could have an ordinal represented as Int too.
All types implementing Comparable interface could be compared in pairs and any subset of their instances could be ordered, but it doesn't mean that each of them have some global Int ordinal among all possible instances, because set of Ints is finite (2^32 items), and set of all unique instances of generic type T could be countably infinite (like BigInteger) or even uncountable (like Double) (see wiki about cardinality).
All other types couldn't be even compared in pairs (without respectful Comparator<T>).
So you need to manually limit instances of each T that are about to be added in your set and either maually order them or provide respectful Comparator<T> to construct a Map<T, Int> which you'll need to use for subsequent ordinal evaluation:
class SetOfSomehowOrderedInstancesOfType<T>(private val order: Map<T, Int>) {
private val maxSet = order.size
private var myset = BooleanArray(order.size)
private fun getOrdinal(eelement: T): Int {
return order[eelement] ?: throw RuntimeException("Order unknown")
fun insert(xelement: T) {
myset[getOrdinal(xelement)] = true
fun main() {
val myFavouriteRealNumbersInMyFavouriteOrder =
listOf(99.2123, -2355.12, 1.1, 3.14, 100.0, 123214214215.123331322145)
val myfavc = SetOfSomehowOrderedInstancesOfType<Double>(myFavouriteRealNumbersInMyFavouriteOrder.mapToIndex())
myfavc.insert(99.2123) //will be inserted with ordinal = 0
val myFavouriteRealNumbersInNaturalOrder = myFavouriteRealNumbersInMyFavouriteOrder.sorted()
val yourfavc = SetOfSomehowOrderedInstancesOfType<Double>(myFavouriteRealNumbersInNaturalOrder.mapToIndex())
yourfavc.insert(99.2123) //will be inserted with ordinal = 3
Alternatively you may define Orderable and Ordinator<T> interfaces (similar to Comparable<T> and Comparator<T>) and determine ordinal using them:
fun interface Ordinator<T> {
fun getOrderOf(x : T) : Int
interface Orderable {
val order : Int
class MySet<T>(private val ordinator: Ordinator<T>? = null) {
private val maxSet = 127
private var myset = BooleanArray(maxSet)
private fun getOrdinal(eelement: T) = when {
eelement is Orderable -> eelement.order
ordinator != null -> ordinator.getOrderOf(eelement)
else -> throw RuntimeException()
fun insert(xelement: T) {
myset[getOrdinal(xelement)] = true
Also you may define auxilary function, generalizing previous approach:
fun <T> ordinatorOf(order: List<T>) = object : Ordinator<T> {
private val order = order.mapToIndex()
override fun getOrderOf(x: T) = this.order[x] ?: throw RuntimeException()
val stringsOrderedByTheirLength = MySet<String> { it.length }
stringsOrderedByTheirLength.insert("aaa") //will be inserted with ordinal = 3
val myFavouriteRealNumbersInMyFavouriteOrder =
listOf(99.2123, -2355.12, 1.1, 3.14, 100.0, 123214214215.123331322145)
val myfavc = MySet(ordinatorOf(myFavouriteRealNumbersInMyFavouriteOrder))
myfavc.insert(99.2123) //will be inserted with ordinal = 0
As somebody pointed out to me that some abstract types representing for an istance Real Numbers can't be done so easily.
The implementation with the enum class works flawlessy but it's been refused from my university professor because I need to use the same syntax for every implementation of the same Data Structure.
Other implementation I have
- HashTableSet<T>
- OrderedListSet<T>
they ask only for an abstract type that can be whatever type, they will work without problem.
I need to do it the same with the
ArraySet<E : Enum<E>>
So if this can't be done easily with Generics, directly...
I'm thinking about mixing them.
Like whatever T type I have
it creates an object called "Domain" so whatever element it insert, before placing them in the array of the set, it place them inside there in a specific order so it simulates what enum it was doing.
I guess that Enumerations can't be defined during the runtime, dinamically.
Then probably I have to define Domain<T> as a private class/object(not sure) that :
Collect the element of the istance of ArraySet(above MySet) inserts with its opeator .insert()
It orders the element comparing to the ones that are already inside
Once is ordered delete all the duples
Re-arrange the whole Boolean Array everytime insert is used based on how Domain grows. (or find out a different algo that partially re-arrange the boolean array)
What do you think?
Advice me more, thanks.

Kotlin - Transform value at initialisation

i'm new in kotlin and i want to know if we can transform a content value at initialisation : with this example :
data class Category(
#Id val id: Id? = null,
val label: String
Category is a document (entity for mongodb) and when i'm instanciating this object, i want to transform label property in uppercase. How can i do that to stay idiomatic with the language ? The point is to keep the immutable properties of the val keyword.
val categ = Category(label = "Test")
println(categ.label) // --> TEST
You can encapsulate the "upperCasing" into a factory:
data class Category constructor(val label: String) {
init {
if (label != label.toUpperCase()) {
throw IllegalStateException("Label must be uppercase")
companion object {
fun createInstance(str: String) = Category(str.toUpperCase())
The init block ensures, that clients don't create unwanted instances with non-upper labels (which should be documented).
Create an instance like this:
val instance = Category.createInstance("xy")
You might want to make explicit that you do transformations if the parameter is not upper case already by naming the factory accordingly, e.g. withTransformedLabel or simply add some documentation ;-)

Extension fields in Kotlin

It's easy to write extension methods in Kotlin:
class A { }
class B {
fun A.newFunction() { ... }
But is there some way to create extension variable? Like:
class B {
var A.someCounter: Int = 0
You can create an extension property with overridden getter and setter:
var A.someProperty: Int
get() = /* return something */
set(value) { /* do something */ }
But you cannot create an extension property with a backing field because you cannot add a field to an existing class.
No - the documentation explains this:
Extensions do not actually modify classes they extend. By defining an extension, you do not insert new members into a class, but merely make new functions callable with the dot-notation on instances of this class.
Note that, since extensions do not actually insert members into classes, there’s no efficient way for an extension property to have a backing field. This is why initializers are not allowed for extension properties. Their behavior can only be defined by explicitly providing getters/setters.
Thinking about extension functions/properties as just syntactic sugar for calling a static function and passing in a value hopefully makes this clear.
However, if you really, really want to do something like this...
As stated above regarding efficiency, an additional backing field added directly to the class is the best way to store data non-derivable from existing non-private members from the class. However, if you don't control the implementation of the class and are dead-set on creating a new property that can store new data, it can be done in a way that is not abysmally inefficient by using separate external tables. Use a separate map that keys on object instances of this class with values that map directly to the value you want to add then define an extension getter and/or setter for this property which uses your external table to store the data associated with each instance.
val externalMap = mutableMapOf<ExistingClass, Int>()
var ExistingClass.newExtensionProperty : Int
get() = externalMap[this] ?: 0
set(value:Int) { externalMap[this] = value }
The additional map lookups will cost you - and you need to consider memory leaks, or using appropriately GC-aware types, but it does work.
There's no way to add extension properties with backing fields to classes, because extensions do not actually modify a class.
You can only define an extension property with custom getter (and setter for var) or a delegated property.
However, if you need to define an extension property which would behave as if it had a backing field, delegated properties come in handy.
The idea is to create a property delegate that would store the object-to-value mapping:
using the identity, not equals()/hashCode(), to actually store values for each object, like IdentityHashMap does;
not preventing the key objects from being garbage collected (using weak references), like WeakHashMap does.
Unfortunately, there is no WeakIdentityHashMap in JDK, so you have to implement your own (or take a complete implementation).
Then, based on this mapping you can create a delegate class satisfying the property delegates requirements. Here's an example non-thread-safe implementation:
class FieldProperty<R, T : Any>(
val initializer: (R) -> T = { throw IllegalStateException("Not initialized.") }
) {
private val map = WeakIdentityHashMap<R, T>()
operator fun getValue(thisRef: R, property: KProperty<*>): T =
map[thisRef] ?: setValue(thisRef, property, initializer(thisRef))
operator fun setValue(thisRef: R, property: KProperty<*>, value: T): T {
map[thisRef] = value
return value
Usage example:
var Int.tag: String by FieldProperty { "$it" }
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val x = 0
println(x.tag) // 0
val z = 1
println(z.tag) // 1
x.tag = "my tag"
z.tag = x.tag
println(z.tag) // my tag
When defined inside a class, the mapping can be stored independently for instances of the class or in a shared delegate object:
private val bATag = FieldProperty<Int, String> { "$it" }
class B() {
var A.someCounter: Int by FieldProperty { 0 } // independent for each instance of B
var A.tag: String by bATag // shared between the instances, but usable only inside B
Also, please note that identity is not guaranteed for Java's primitive types due to boxing.
And I suspect the performance of this solution to be significantly worse than that of regular fields, most probably close to normal Map, but that needs further testing.
For nullable properties support and thread-safe implementation please refer to here.
You can't add a field, but you can add a property, that delegates to other properties/methods of the object to implement its accessor(s). For example suppose you want to add a secondsSinceEpoch property to the java.util.Date class, you can write
var Date.secondsSinceEpoch: Long
get() = this.time / 1000
set(value) {
this.time = value * 1000
If you are extending View you can do it quite easily like this...
This is example how I create some my custom class Event property in EditText class extension:
Define id for key :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<item name="EditTextEventOnClearTagKey" type="id" />
Define one reusable extension like this:
fun <T : Any> View.tagProperty(#IdRes key: Int, onCreate: () -> T): T {
var value = getTag(key) as? T
if (value.isNull) {
value = onCreate()
setTag(key, value)
return value!!
Use it in wherever View extension you need:
val EditText.eventClear get() = tagProperty( { event<Unit>() }