T-SQL Using CTE to aggregate totals for matching and non-matching periods - sql

Matched Sales are provided by the join, It's getting the unmatched that is eluding me.
With PriorSalesCTE
Date between 7/1/2020 and 7/5/2020
Date between 7/1/2021 and 7/5/2021
SUM(cs.Sales) ‘MatchedSales’
FROM PriorSalesCTE ps join CurrentSalesCTE ps
ON cs.Item = ps.Item
And cs.Variant = ps.Variant
Now I need the empty spaces on both sides
I need the sales for items sold in 2020 but not sold in 2021 – Lost Sales
Conversely, sales for 2021 that did not sell in 2020 – New Sales.
I tried adding these in the CTE as separate sections of the CTE, but the join doesn’t give me what I need.
Any suggestions? Is the CTE simply preventing me for getting everything and maybe add a UNION ALL query to get the unmatched values?

For your actual query, you could use a FULL JOIN, which will give you the results from either side also.
But I think there is another solution: you don't need to join separate queries for this, you can just use conditional aggregation
WITH SalesByItem AS (
Sales2020 = SUM(CASE WHEN Date BETWEEN '20200701' and '20200705' THEN t.Sales END),
Sales2021 = SUM(CASE WHEN Date BETWEEN '20210701' and '20210705' THEN t.Sales END)
FROM YourTable t
WHERE (Date BETWEEN '20200701' and '20200705'
OR Date BETWEEN '20210701' and '20210705')
NewSales = SUM(CASE WHEN Sales2020 IS NULL THEN Sales2021 END),
MatchedSales = SUM(CASE WHEN Sales2020 IS NOT NULL AND Sales2021 IS NOT NULL THEN Sales2021 END),
LostSales = SUM(CASE WHEN Sales2021 IS NULL THEN Sales2020 END)
FROM SalesByItem s;


Combine different results of "group by" queries in the same table

I need to make some comparation between 2 years: sales by product, sales by category, etc.
How can I have this in one table having 3 columns:
first column = product, category, etc
second column = sales in 2021
third column = sales in 2022
Sample of queries that must be combined in one single table as the one below
select product_code, sum(amount)
from product
where year = '2021'
group by product_code
select product_code, sum(amount)
from product
where year = '2022'
group by product_code
select category_code, sum(amount)
from category
where year = '2021'
group by category_code
select category_code, sum(amount)
from category
where year = '2022'
group by category_code
Please, see the final table
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/smF7h.png
If for instance in 2021 there was no "product D", it will be 0 for "Sales_2021" or the "product A" is no longer present in 2022, it will be 0 for "Sales_2022".
Thank you
You need two things here:
Conditional aggregation (a CASE expression inside the aggregation function) in order to get 2021 and 2022 in one go.
A union of two intermediate result sets (product figures UNION ALL category figures).
And as any table - and a query result is again a table - is unordered, we need an ORDER BY at last to get products first and categories second and also the products ordered alphabetically and the categories, too.
The complete query:
select category_or_product, sales_2021, sales_2022
product_code as category_or_product,
sum(case when year = 2021 then amount else 0 end) as sales_2021,
sum(case when year = 2021 then amount else 0 end) as sales_2022,
1 as product_first
from product
group by product_code
union all
category_code as category_or_product,
sum(case when year = 2021 then amount else 0 end) as sales_2021,
sum(case when year = 2021 then amount else 0 end) as sales_2022,
2 as product_first
from category
group by category_code
) unioned
order by product_first, category_or_product;

SQL help to display no. of openings for all branches for each month of a year

Hi I need to generate a SSRS report to show how many centers got opened for each month in a calendar year under each branch. report will have 13 columns, first column being all the branches in each row and remaining 12 columns will have months of an year as header. I'm trying to get a result of each branch having no. of openings per month, so I can feed SSRS to display in tabular format. If a branch doesnt have any openings for any month, I need to display 0.
Branch table
CenterOpen table
below is the SQL I had written
WITH months(MonthNumber) AS (
MonthNumber + 1
MonthNumber < 12
cteBranch(BranchID, BranchName, TargetOpenDate, Month, Count) as (
MONTH(CS.TargetOpenDate) as Month,
count(Month(CS.TargetOpenDate)) as Count
Branch B
left join goal.CenterOpenSchedule CS ON CS.BranchID = B.BranchID
cross join cteBranch
order by
BranchID asc,
MonthNumber asc
If I use cross join, months are repeating for each branch, how to resolve this? your help is highly appreciated.
Not sure which database you are on.
There are different ways to extract month/year from date.
Based on your example SQL, I'm going to use MONTH()
select branchName,
count(case when month(centerOpenDate) = 1 then branchId end) Jan_Count
count(case when month(centerOpenDate) = 12 then branchId end) Dec_Count
from Branch b
join CenterOpen co
on (b.BranchId = co.BranchId)
where year(centerOpenDate) = <your year filter>
group by branchName
This will take care of your below requirements:
" first column being all the branches in each row and remaining 12 columns will have months of an year as header."
and also -
"If a branch doesnt have any openings for any month, I need to display 0."
Your question is not explicit, but you seem to want a single year -- so you need to filter on the year.
The rest is basically conditional aggregation:
select b.branchName,
sum(case when month(co.centerOpenDate) = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as jan,
sum(case when month(co.centerOpenDate) = 2 then 1 else 0 end) as feb,
. . .
sum(case when month(co.centerOpenDate) = 12 then 1 else 0 end) as dec
from Branch b join
CenterOpen co
on b.BranchId = co.BranchId
where year(co.centerOpenDate) = #year
group by b.branchName

Select Records against all months of a given year form one table with records from second table

I have two tables in my database:
MembershipInstallments (ProjectId, AllotmentId, InstallmentId, EntryDate, AmountPaid)
Memberships (ProjectId, AllotmentId, ClientId, ClientName, RegistrationNo)
I want to select month wise payments made by a clients in a year. And also amount paid before the start of that year. My desired result set is
Let's say for the year 2019:
ClientName, RegistrationNumbers, PreviouslyPaidAmount (i.e. all amounts paid in 2018), AmountPaidInJuly 2019, AmountPaidInAugust2019. ..... AmountPaidIn Jun2020
where month is EntryDate from MembershipInstallments table.
I tried it like this, but it takes too long for large data set:
ClientName, RegistrationNo,
FROM MembershipInstallments
WHERE ProjectId = Membership.ProjectId
AND AllotmentId = Membership.AllotmentId
AND EntryDate < #fromDate) ASPreviouslyPaid,
(SELECT ISNULL(SUM(AmountPaid), 0)
FROM MembershipInstallments
WHERE ProjectId = Membership.ProjectId
AND AllotmentId = Memberhsip.AllotmentId
AND (MONTH(EntryDate) = 7) AND (YEAR(EntryDate) = YEAR(#fromDate)) AS JulyPayment
ProjectId = #projectId
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Scalar Subqueries tend to be badly optimized. In your case (same join-conditions) you can simply utilize conditional aggregation:
SELECT ms.ClientName,ms.RegistrationNo,
Sum(CASE WHEN mi.EntryDate<#fromDate THEN mi.AmountPaid ELSE 0 end) AS PreviouslyPaid,
Sum(CASE WHEN (Month(mi.EntryDate) = 7) AND (Year(mi.EntryDate) = Year(#fromDate)) THEN mi.AmountPaid ELSE 0)
FROM Memberships AS ms
LEFT JOIN MembershipInstallments AS mi -- don't know if Outer join is really needed
ON mi.ProjectId=ms.ProjectId
AND mi.AllotmentId=ms.AllotmentId
WHERE ms.ProjectId=#projectId
You might be able to do the aggregation before the join, i.e. in a CTE to further improve performance:
ProjectId, AllotmentId,
Sum(CASE WHEN EntryDate<#fromDate THEN AmountPaid ELSE 0 END) AS PreviouslyPaid,
Sum(CASE WHEN (Month(EntryDate) = 7) AND (Year(EntryDate) = Year(#fromDate)) THEN AmountPaid ELSE 0 END) AS JulyPayment
FROM MembershipInstallments
WHERE ProjectId=#projectId
GROUP BY ProjectId, AllotmentId
SELECT ms.ClientName, ms.RegistrationNo, cte.PreviouslyPaid, cte.JulyPayment
FROM Memberships AS ms
JOIN cte
ON cte.ProjectId=ms.ProjectId
AND cte.AllotmentId=ms.AllotmentId
WHERE ms.ProjectId=#projectId
In both cases double-check if the result is correct (depends on the actual relation between those tables)

how to return total sold p / year for several years in columnar format?

The SQL below give me the columns for Account, Name and the Total Sale for the year of 2015.But how, if possible, can I add another column for the previous year of 2014 ?
select a.AcctNo, b.Name, Sum(a.TotSold) as [ Total Sold ]
from Orders as A
Join Accounts as b on a.AcctNo = b.AcctNo
where (a.PurchaseDate between '1/1/2015' and '12/31/2015' )
Group by a.AcctNo, b.Name
You can use conditional aggregation:
select o.AcctNo, a.Name,
Sum(case when year(PurchaseDate) = 2015 then TotSold else 0 end) as tot_2015,
Sum(case when year(PurchaseDate) = 2014 then TotSold else 0 end) as tot_2014
from Orders o Join
Accounts a
on a.AcctNo = o.AcctNo
where PurchaseDate >= '2014-01-01'
PurchaseDate < '2016-01-01'
Group by o.AcctNo, a.Name ;
Use ISO standard formats for date constants.
When using dates, try not to use between. It doesn't work as expected when there is a time component. The above inequalities work regardless of a time component.
Use table aliases that are abbreviations of the table name. That makes the query easier to follow.

Bring through a newly created calculated column in another query

I have 2 separate queries below which run correctly.Now I've created a calculated column to provide a count of working days by YMs and would like to bring this through to query1(the join would be query1.Period = query2.Yms)
please see the query and outputs below.
SELECT Client, ClientGroup, Type, Value, Period, PeriodName, PeriodNumber, ClientName
FROM metrics.dbo.vw_KPI_001_Invoice
select YMs,sum(case when IsWorkDay = 'X' then 1 else 0 end) from IESAONLINE.Dbo.DS_Dates
where Year > '2013'
group by YMs
Query 1
Client ClientGroup Type Value Period PeriodName PeriodNumber ClientName
0LG0 KarroFoods Stock 5691.68 201506 Week 06 2015 35 Karro Foods Scunthorpe
Query 2
YMs (No column name)
201401 23
Would the following work:
SELECT Client, ClientGroup, Type, Value, Period, PeriodName, PeriodNumber, ClientName, cnt
FROM metrics.dbo.vw_KPI_001_Invoice q1
INNER JOIN (select YMs,sum(case when IsWorkDay = 'X' then 1 else 0 end) as cnt from IESAONLINE.Dbo.DS_Dates
where Year > '2013'
group by YMs ) q2 ON q1.Period = q2.YMs
If a value isn't always available then you might consider changing the INNER JOIN to an OUTER JOIN.