No team project error during vss migrate to devops - migration

Struggling to fix this error. We are migrating a vss2005 db to devops.
The vss has a single project named devloptool.
In devops, we created a project with name devloptool too.
We use the tool mentioned in
During the migration, the tool threw error of
Team project "$developtool\developtool" not found.
In stead of pushing all files directly to $develop folder, not sure why the migration tool trying to push them to $developtool\developtool
Any helps are appreciated.

The error was caused by wrong repository type.
To use the migration tool, the target must be a tfvc repository while I had git.


Building and Publishing on Azure Devops Failed

I wanted to publish my project in Azure Devops pipeline but I encountered several errors.
I tried to publish one of the .csproj file of my solution (.sln) from VisualStudio2017 it worked perfectly but when I try it with Azure Devops pipeline then it shows the below error. I've googled everywhere but not able to find the correct solution to solve my error.
My pipeline looks like this
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v15.0\Node.js Tools\Microsoft.NodejsTools.targets(201,5): Error : web.config not found in project, to create a project to deploy to Microsoft Azure you must create an Azure Node.js project. Process 'msbuild.exe' exited with code '1'
Tried adding the basic web.config file even that doesn't work.
Building and Publishing on Azure Devops Failed
To resolve this issue, you can try a quick way to solve it is by creating a Blank Azure Node.js Web Application and copy-paste the web.config into your project.
Check more details on section "Converting to an Azure project type" of page:
The easiest way to get them is to create a new temporary Azure project
type, such as:
Blank Azure Node.js Web Application Basic Azure Node.js Express
Application Starter Azure Node.js Express Application Basic Azure
Node.js Express 4 Application And copy the missing web.config and bin
folder from the new project to your existing project.
Note that in web.config, the starter .js file (app.js, server.js or
something else) appears a few times. Make sure that it matches your
starter file, otherwise your application won't run properly when it's
deployed on Azure.
Hope this helps.
Try to delete delete and create a new solution or override the existing solution.
Then build it locally and then, check-in & build in azure CI pipeline.
It worked for me hope it works for you too.

nuproj.props file is missing

I have a library that I can successfully build locally and on another computer. However, when I try to do the build at VSTS online, I get
classes.csproj(152,5): Error : This project references NuGet
package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package
Restore to download them. For more information, see The missing file is
I have tried multiple times to check the git repository but comparison shows that the VSTS version is the same.
What am I missing? Do I need to delete this VSTS project and simply reload? Hoping not.
From the command line, you need to do a manual nuget restore before building your project. Visual studio can take care of this automatically. But from the command line, msbuild is not running visual studio.
Thus do something like
nuget restore c:\my\path\to\my\project.sln

The target "Package" does not exist in the project - Web deploy installed

I have a build server build on Teamcity.
I'm trying to build a package using it, but I get an error.
The target "Package" does not exist in the project
I googled about this issue and found out I need to install Web Deploy. So I did. I've installed Web Deploy 3.5, but the error is still present. I've even did a reset.
This was top result on DuckDuckGo for me, so I feel this is an appropriate place to share Troy Hunt's wisdom. My "ProjectFile" was a Solution file. Solution files do not support the "Package" Target directly. My Build scripts (written in Cake in this case) were attempting to package the solution instead of the applicable projects.

VB.NET Azure deployment has no /bin but has a nuget package

I've just published (via GitHub) a VB.NET Azure Website that works fine on local machines but not on Azure:
Compiler Error Message: BC30451: 'Newtonsoft' is not declared. It may
be inaccessible due to its protection level.
Dim category As Category = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Category)(json)
The Newtonsoft.Json package is installed via NuGet: Newtonsoft.Json.5.0.5.
It's the only 3rd party dll in the project right now.
I used the Azure ftp access to browse to /site/wwwroot/ and noticed that there is no /bin directory.
Now, my .gitignore excludes [Bb]in and [Oo]bj folders, but it's the same .gitignore I've used successfully with c# projects and always assumed that Azure just fetches the missing nuget dlls from /packages.
This is my first VB.NET > GitHub > Azure Websites deployment. What have I missed?
edit: I can confirm that if I upload /Bin/Newtonsoft.Json.dll via Azure ftp the site works. Or at least it will until it's re-imaged...
Sounds like you've not enable "NuGet Package Restore".
By doing so this creates a .nuget folder at the root of your solution and a packages.config file in the application that the build process in Azure will pick up and load the required references from.
Right click on the solution and it should be an option in there.

Deploying a project on RAD

When we deploy a web/ejb project on WAS from inside RAD, does it compile the project and then deploy? I ask this because sometimes, the project has no build errors, but when i try to deploy it says Publish failed and the project is marked red with build errors.
Check if under Project in the menu Build automatically is checked and in your server properties the option Run server with resources within the workspace should be selected.
If this doesn't help, you'll need to post more information !