How do I use GoDaddy's v2 API? - godaddy-api

There are requests in GoDaddy's API docs that are only available in the v2, so I'd like to use v2. However, I couldn't find any public information on any general differences between the versions or any migration instructions.
My attempts were unsuccessful for some time, mostly because of the error {"code": "ERROR_INTERNAL", "message": "Not Found : Failed to get customer data for customerId or shopperId xxxxxxx"}. When using the same API key/secret and shopperId, the V1 requests all work, but none on the V2 work.
I noticed in the certificates API docs (but is missing in the domains API docs) that shopperId is not the same as customerId. shopperId is a number of max length 10 digits (ex: 1234567890) whereas customerId is a UUIDv4 (ex: 295e3bc3-b3b9-4d95-aae5-ede41a994d13). But it doesn't describe how to find the UUIDv4 customer ID.

With help from Mark Miller and Anton, here, I was able to find the customer Id with a request that looks like v1/shoppers/{shopperId}?includes=customerId. The query param is required in order to actually get the UUIDv4 in the response, which wasn't super obvious when looking at the v1 get shoppers documentation.


Unable to POST NZ employee openingBalances to Xero?

I am attempting to create a single opening balances record against an existing employee but keep getting a 400 Bad Request response with this detail...
At least one NZ opening balance item is required in the request
I am following the instructions as per this documentation...
URL : {DestinationID} is properly replaced with the employee GUID{DestinationID}/openingBalances
JSON Body[{"periodEndDate":"2011-01-30T00:00:00","daysPaid":5.00,"unpaidWeeks":0.00,"grossEarnings":1442.31}]
The Xero forums and support is pretty unreliable so I'm posting here in the hopes for a better response.
After some trial and error using the API Explorer that Xero provides I was able to get it working using their example....
I eventually learned that daysPaid and unpaidWeeks must both be integer whole numbers or else it fails.... The error message provided is misleading but this resolves the problem.

How to receive encrypted payment token data of Google Pay

I'm trying to use Google Pay on my website. Once I confirm the payment Google returns this data structure:
But I need something like this:
Could you please advice me what should I do to get the second data structure. Thank you!
The response that you are after is found under paymentMethodData.tokenizationData.token. However, the contents of this field are determined by the request parameters that you pass to loadPaymentData. Are you able to include the request that was used to generate the above response?
FYI, the following JSFiddle will produce a result similar to what you are after:
const tokenizationSpecification = {
  type: 'DIRECT',
  parameters: {
    'protocolVersion': 'ECv2',
'publicKey': 'BMzk6xvwPgU8vjB...7KRu4tuRmhm6nv8=',
"signedMessage": "{\"encryptedMessage\":\"VhQuaN...5o0Ny6Y\\u003d\"}"
I achieved this by using a DIRECT tokenization specification which is discouraged:
Key Point: The Direct integration allows merchants to decrypt the Google Pay response on their servers. To qualify, you must be Payments Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) Level 1 compliant. Your servers also need to have the required infrastructure to securely handle users' payment credentials.
Third parties that supply gateway or processing services on behalf of actual merchants aren't eligible to use the Direct integration. For questions about your integration as a payment service provider, contact us.
If you don't meet the necessary prerequisites, we recommend that you use a supported gateway to receive a payment token.
Not sure if this is still an open issue. But here are my 2 cents and might be the answer to your solution.
Please note: This is an answer if you are using WorldPay/Vantiv only.
From your first response above with the token, I believe you are using gateway as "vantiv"
"gateway": "vantiv"
"vantiv:merchantPayPageId": "YOUR_PAY_PAGE_ID"
"vantiv:merchantOrderId": "YOUR_ORDER_ID"
"vantiv:merchantTransactionId": "YOUR_TRANSACTION_ID"
"vantiv:merchantReportGroup": "*web"
If you want to get the second response with signature and signedMessage then all you have to do is change the gateway to "worldpay" and you should get the same response:
"gateway": "worldpay"
"gatewayMerchantId": "YOUR_WORLDPAY_MERCHANT_ID"
You can find the request here

How can i know that my Youtube API Data is correct?

I having some trouble to understand something related to the API of youtube
So my code is basically very simple:
name = input("enter the username: ")
key = "MY API KEY"
data = urllib.request.urlopen("
subs = json.loads(data)["items"][0]["statistics"]["subscriberCount"]
print(name + " has " + "{:,d}".format(int(subs)) + " subscribers!🎉")
just yelling the number of subscribers after giving specific YouTube Username:
The thing is that some Usernames(for example: Vsuase/Veritasium/Unbox Therapy ) which have many subs and the API-URL giving me wrong Data
Vsause - in return giving me back 72 subs
Veritasium/Unbox Therapy - not giving my any number at all
BUT, a channel "Computerphile" giving me that exact same subs they have.
How come that few Usernames work and few do not??
I tested in both, using the try-it functionality available in the YouTube Data API - Official Documentation and in the Google API Explorer and in both sites the results are closely1 similar.
For example, when the statistics of the YouTube user vsauce is requested vía YouTube API, the value in subscriberCount is 14220819 and checking his YouTube channel it says: 14,220,825.
Here is the example for request the statistics of the YouTube user vsauce (using the try-it)
And here is the demo for request the statistics of the YouTube user vsauce (using the Google API Explorer).
I didn't see any differences in the values in subscriberCount by requesting the other channels you mentioned in your question.
1 You need consider that some channels has more changes in the quantity of subscribers than others and such results vary too in the responses of the API.
For some reason, if you change in the URL from forUsernae= --> id=
it gives you the correct numbers.
TED channel:

Always getting 0 rules when querying products/(id)/rules/count and 204 status from /rules

I'm contacting the API of my client's store on BigCommerce. I've verified the option set has a bunch of rules associated with it (8 product rules).
When I contact the api with
/api/v2/products/181/rules I get a 204 response.
This seems to be an incorrect response.
I tried then contacting
and I get a response of:
{ count:0 }
How do I get a proper representation of these rules, as the API specification describes?
Thanks for any help you can provide. I'm stuck.
The response indicates that there are no rules associated with the product ID in your request. Are you sure that the option set you're referring to has been assigned to the product ID referenced in your request? It is possible that the option set has rules but the product does not have an option set assigned to it.

Getting AverageRating and TotalReviews in its Reviews Response Group

I am trying to get AverageRating and TotalReviews attributes from Product Advertising API for books, but Amazon Web Service (AWS) return "0" in a response.
I am using following web service in my project:
Response Groups:
request.ResponseGroup = new string[] { "ItemAttributes", "Reviews", "Images" };
Can any one guide me how can I access above mentioned parameters.
On November 8, 2010 the Reviews response group of the Product Advertising API will no longer return customer reviews content and instead will return a link to customer reviews content hosted on you won't be able to fetch back the AverageRating and Totalreviews.
Amazon API latest documentation:
Looks like you can't get sellerfeedback from the new API:
Product Advertising API Change Details
The following changes will take effect on 11/1/2011:
Seller Operations: The SellerLookup, SellerListingLookup and SellerListingSearch operations will be deprecated. All requests for these operations will be rejected with a corresponding error message.