Godot - Input.is_action_just_pressed() runs twice - game-engine

So I have my Q and E set to control a Camera that is fixed in 8 directions. The problem is when I call Input.is_action_just_pressed() it sets true two times, so it does its content twice.
This is what it does with the counter:
0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2
How can I fix thix?
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("camera_right", true):
if cardinal_count < cardinal_index.size() - 1:
cardinal_count += 1
cardinal_count = 0
emit_signal("cardinal_count_changed", cardinal_count)

On _process or _physics_process
Your code should work correctly - without reporting twice - if it is running in _process or _physics_process.
This is because is_action_just_pressed will return if the action was pressed in the current frame. By default that means graphics frame, but the method actually detect if it is being called in the physics frame or graphic frame, as you can see in its source code. And by design you only get one call of _process per graphics frame, and one call of _physics_process per physics frame.
On _input
However, if you are running the code in _input, remember you will get a call of _input for every input event. And there can be multiple in a single frame. Thus, there can be multiple calls of _input where is_action_just_pressed. That is because they are in the same frame (graphics frame, which is the default).
Now, let us look at the proposed solution (from comments):
if event is InputEventKey:
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("camera_right", true) and not event.is_echo():
# whatever
It is testing if the "camera_right" action was pressed in the current graphics frame. But it could be a different input event that one being currently processed (event).
Thus, you can fool this code. Press the key configured to "camera_right" and something else at the same time (or fast enough to be in the same frame), and the execution will enter there twice. Which is what we are trying to avoid.
To avoid it correctly, you need to check that the current event is the action you are interested in. Which you can do with event.is_action("camera_right"). Now, you have a choice. You can do this:
if event.is_action("camera_right") and event.is_pressed() and not event.is_echo():
# whatever
Which is what I would suggest. It checks that it is the correct action, that it is a press (not a release) event, and it is not an echo (which are form keyboard repetition).
Or you could do this:
if event.is_action("camera_right") and Input.is_action_just_pressed("camera_right", true) and not event.is_echo():
# whatever
Which I'm not suggesting because: first, it is longer; and second, is_action_just_pressed is really not meant to be used in _input. Since is_action_just_pressed is tied to the concept of a frame. The design of is_action_just_pressed is intended to work with _process or _physics_process, NOT _input.

So, apparently theres a built in method for echo detection:
Im closing this.

I've encountered the same issue and in my case it was down to the fact that my scene (the one containing the Input.is_action_just_pressed check) was placed in the scene tree, and was also autoloaded, which meant that the input was picked up from both locations and executed twice.
I took it out as an autoload and Input.is_action_just_pressed is now triggered once per input.


Player doesn't spawn correctly in procedural generated map

I've followed "Procedural Generation in Godot: Dungeon Generation" by KidsCanCode #https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3fwlk1NI-w and find myself unable to debug the current problem.
This specific commit has the code, but I'll try to explain in more detail bellow.
My main scene has a Camera2D node, a generic Node2D calles Rooms and a TileMap, everything is empty.
When the script starts, it runs a
func make_room(_pos, _size):
position = _pos
size = _size
var s = RectangleShape2D.new()
s.custom_solver_bias = 0.5
s.extents = size
$CollisionShape2D.shape = s
A few times and it fills $Rooms using .add_child(r) where r is a instance of the node that has the make_room() function. It will then iterate over $Rooms.get_children() a few times to create a AStar node to link all the rooms:
The magic comes when make_map() is called after afterwards, it fills the map with non-walkable blocks and then it carves the empty spaces, which works fine too:
There is a find_start_room() that is called to find the initial room, it also sets a global variable to the Main script start_room, which is used to write 'Start' on the map using draw_string(font, start_room.position - Vector2(125,0),"start",Color(3,4,8))
When I hit 'esc' it runs this simple code to instance the player:
player = Player.instance()
player.position = start_room.position + Vector2(start_room.size.x/2, start_room.size.y/2)
play_mode = true
The problem comes when spawning the player. I tried doing some 'blind' fixing, such as adding or subtracting a Vector2(start_room.size.x/2, start_room.size.y/2) to player.position to see if I could make it fall within the room, to no avail.
Turning to the debugger didn't help, as the positions expressed by the variable inspectors don't seem to mean anything.
I tried implementing a simple 'mouse click print location':
print("Mouse Click/Unclick at: ", event.position)
print("Node thing",get_node("/root/Main/TileMap").world_to_map(event.position))
And also a 'start_room' print location:
And a when player moves print location, written directly into the Character script:
Getting results like the ones bellow:
Mouse Click/Unclick at: (518, 293)
Node thing(16, 9)
(-142, 0)
(-147, -3)
So, the player doesn't spawn on the same position as the start_room and the mouse position information is not the same as anything else.
Why is the player now spawning correctly? How can I debug this situation?
EDIT1: User Theraot mentioned about how the RigidBody2D is doing some weird collisions, and from what I understood, changing their collision behavior should fix the whole thing.
There's a section on the code that -after generating the random rooms- it removes some of the rooms like this:
for room in $Rooms.get_children():
if randf() < cull:
room.mode = RigidBody2D.MODE_STATIC
room_positions.append(Vector3(room.position.x, room.position.y, 0))
From what I understand, if the room is randomly selected it will be deleted using queue_free() OR it will be appended to a room_positions for further processing. This means if I shift all the rooms to a different collision layer, the player/character instance would be alone with the TileMap on the same collision layer.
So I just added a simple room.collision_layer = 3 changing this section of the code to
for room in $Rooms.get_children():
if randf() < cull:
room.mode = RigidBody2D.MODE_STATIC
room.collision_layer = 3
room_positions.append(Vector3(room.position.x, room.position.y, 0))
It doesn't seem to have changed anything, the player still spawns outside the room.
Do you see the rooms spread outwards?
You didn't write code to move the rooms. Sure, the code gives them a random position. But even if you set their position to Vector2.ZERO they move outwards, avoiding overlaps.
Why? Because these rooms are RigidBody2D, and they do push other physics objects. Such as other rooms or the player character.
That's the problem: These rooms are RigidBody2D, and you put your KinematicBody2D player character on top of one of them. The RigidBody2D pushes it out.
The tutorial you followed is exploiting this behavior of RigidBody2Ds to spread the rooms. However you don't need these RigidBody2D after you are done populating your TileMap.
Instead, you can store the start position in a variable for later placing the player character (you don't need offsets - by the way - the position of the room is the center of the room), and then remove the RigidBody2Ds. If you want to keep the code that writes the text, you would also have to modify it, so it does not fail when the room no longer exists.
Alternatively, you can edit their collision layer and mask so they don't collide with the player character (or anything for that matter, but why would you want these RigidBody2Ds that collide with nothing?).
Addendum post edit: Collision layers and mask don't work as you expect.
First of all, the collision layer and mask are flags. The values of the layers are powers of two (1, 2, 4, 8...). So, when you set it to 3, it is the layer 1 plus the layer 2. So it still collides with a collision mask of 1.
And second, even if you changed the collision layer of the rooms to 2 (so it does not match the collision mask of 1 that the player character has). The player character still has a layer 1 which match the collision mask of the rooms.
See also the proposal Make physics layers and masks logic simple and consistent.
Thus, you would need to change the layer and mask. Both. in such way that they don't collide. For example, you can set layer and mask to 0 (which disable all collisions). The algorithm that populates the TileMap does not use the layer and mask.

Elm Game of life program becomes unresponsive - is there a way to fail gracefully?

I have a basic implementation of Conway's game of life written in elm running at uminokirin.com.
The source is visible here.
The program let users adjust the size of the toroïdal grid, click on cells to change their status, and randomize the world. It works well for small values (less than 50) on my computer.
However when attempting to use the randomize grid function on bigger grids (the threshold value doesn't seem to be always the same), the program becomes unresponsive without any warning and the only way to recover is to reload the app.
There is zero optimization in the GOL algorithm and using a single svg rectangle for every cell is probably horribly inefficient, but it sill doesn't explain why the program behaves in this way instead of say, slowing down.
Is this the elm runtime giving up? Or some kind of browser safeguard?
More importantly is there a way to prevent this behavior other than arbitrarily capping the maximum size of the grid?
The behavior you are observing is due to a Javascript stack overflow. After pressing the "randomize" button, in the browser console you can see the message "Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded"
This happens because the randomize function allocates several large temporary variables. In particular, the shuffle function (which is called from the randomize function) appears to allocate two temporary lists that each have one element for every cell in the life grid. Elm may be smart about releasing these on a timely basis but this appears to push it too far.
To fix this you can use a simpler randomize function. The version shown below uses Elm Generators to generate a single list of Dead/Alive values and then initializes the randomized array from that list.
randomize2 : Array Cell -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Array Cell
randomize2 grid gs sd n =
let floatGen = Random.float 0.0 1.0
lifeGen = Random.map (\b -> if (b < toFloat n/100) then Alive else Dead) floatGen
listGen = Random.list (gs*gs) lifeGen
in fst (Random.step listGen (initialSeed sd)) |> fromList
Using this randomize function I was able to resize the grid up to 600x600 and randomize successfully. At that point I stopped testing.

schedule functions to execute at a specific time in psychopy asynchronously

I am looking for a function to schedule a function call asynchronously, for example presenting an Image after 100ms, after 200ms and after 300ms and masking this image at 150ms 250ms and 350ms.
I am sure I can do this with delays, but I would prefer to do this asynchronously. I was able to do this in pyepl with timing.timedCall.
To be genuinely 'aysnchronous' would need threads and, as Jonas suggests, these aren't safe for use with OpenGL (your graphics card doesn't know which thread a command is coming from and if its commands are executed out of order because of two interleaved threads then the results are unpredictable and could lead to a crash).
I'd naturally handle this with a function like
def checkTimes(t, listOfPermissible):
for start,stop in listofPermissible:
if start < t < stop:
return True #we found a valid window
return False #if we got here there was no valid window
and then in my script I'd have:
targetTimes = [[0.1, 0.15], [0.2, 0.25]]
maskTimes = [[0.18, 0.2], [0.28, 0.3]]
while continueTrial:
t = trialClock.getTime()
#check if we need target
if checkTimes(t, targetTimes):
#check if we need mask
if checkTimes(t, maskTimes):
#drawing complete so flip the window
#check for response
keys = event.getKeys()
if keys:
continueTrial = False
Jonas is also right though that you should use frame numbers instead of clock time if you have brief stimuli and care about them being precisely timed. As a cheeky example in the code above I've added some impossible times. For example 0.18 (180ms) which isn't possible with a 60Hz monitor. In the code above the 0.18 will effectively get rounded up to the next frame and the stimulus will appear at 183ms (11 frames into the block).
The rest of the logic above (checking in a list of start/stops) should still work just the same though.
I don't think that there's currently any way to do this. Previous attempts to run parts of psychopy stimulus presentation separate threads have failed, as far as I know. It's something about OpenGL not really being robust to this.
If there is a way to display stimuli asynchroniously, beware that visual stuff should really be timed in terms of number of frames rather than milliseconds for the durations you're considering. Presenting at e.g. 100 ms could just barely miss the 6th frame, thus shown the image on the 7th frame (after 116.7 ms). This is one of the points where I think many other stimulus presentation software packages mislead the user.
The ```psychopy.visual.Window.flip()`` method allows for timing using frames.

Unable to interrupt psychopy script, event.getKeys() always empty

I'm new to psychopy and python. I'm trying to program a way to quit a script (that I didn't write), by pressing a key for example. I've added this to the while loop:
while n < total
if len(event.getKeys()) > 0:
# Another while loop here that ends when time is past a certain duration after 'start'.
And it's not working, it doesn't register any key presses. So I'm guessing key presses are only registered during specific times. What are those times? What is required to register key presses? That loop is extremely fast, sending signals every few milliseconds, so I can't just add wait commands in the loop.
If I could just have a parallel thread checking for a key press that would be good too, but that sounds complicated to learn.
Edits: The code runs as expected otherwise (in particular no errors). "core" and "event" are included. There aren't any other "event" command of any kind that would affect the "key press log".
Changing the rest of the loop content to something that includes core.wait statements makes it work. So for anybody else having this difficulty, my original guess was correct: key presses are not registered during busy times (i.e. in my case a while statement that constantly checks the time), or possibly only during specific busy times... Perhaps someone with more knowledge can clarify.
....So I'm guessing key presses are only registered during specific
times. What are those times? What is required to register key
To try and answer your specific question, the psychopy api functions/methods that cause keyboard events to be registered are ( now updated to be literally every psychopy 1.81 API function to do this):
1: These functions also remove all existing keyboard events from the event list. This means that any future call to a function like getKeys() will only return a keyboard event if it occurred after the last time one of these functions was called.
2: If keyList=None, does the same as *, else removes keys from the key event list that are within the keyList kwarg.
Note that one of the times keyboard events are 'dispatched' is in the event.getKeys() call itself. By default, this function also removes any existing key events.
So, without being seeing the full source of the inner loop that you mention, it seems highly likely that the event.getKeys() is never returning a key event because key events are being consumed by some other call within the inner loop. So the chance that an event is in the key list when the outer getKeys() is called is very very low.
Update in response to OP's comment on Jonas' test script ( I do not have enough rep to add comments to answers yet):
... Strange that you say this ..[jonas example code].. works
and from Sol's answer it would seem it shouldn't. – zorgkang
Perhaps my answer is giving the wrong understanding, as it is intended to provide information that shows exactly why Jonas' example should, and does, work. Jonas' example code works because the only time key events are being removed from the event buffer is when getKeys() is called, and any events that are removed are also returned by the function, causing the loop to break.
This is not really an answer. Here's an attempt to minimally reproduce the error. If the window closes on keypress, it's a success. It works for me, so I failed to reproduce it. Does it work for you?
from psychopy import event, visual, core
win = visual.Window()
clock = core.Clock()
while True:
if event.getKeys():
while clock.getTime() < 1:
I don't have the time module installed, so I used psychopy.core.Clock() instead but it shouldn't make a difference, unless your time-code ends up in an infinite loop, thus only running event.getKeys() once after a few microseconds.

What is the best way to read input from keyboard using SDL?

I'm running an update() method n times per second to "update" the keyboard input from the user so I can read it later in the logic part of the program. So I find two ways of implementing this in the SDL Docs and I'm not sure which one should I use.
1; Loop for all events using SDL_PollEvent searching for key down/up events and saving the key states in a map so I can check for each key state in the logic of the program.
Note: Alternatively, I can also use SDL_PeepEvents instead of SDL_PollEvent to take only the event types that matter; so, it would not "thrown away" the events on the queue.
std::map<int, bool> keyboard; // Saves the state(true=pressed; false=released) of each SDL_Key.
void update()
SDL_Event event;
keyboard[event.key.keysym.sym] = false;
keyboard[event.key.keysym.sym] = true;
2; Taking a snapshot from the keyboard each frame so I can read it easily.
Uint8* keyboard;
void update()
keyboard = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL);
With any of above implementations I can read keyboard just like this:
if (key_map[SDLK_Return]) printf("Return has been pressed.");
Also, is there another way to do so?
I prefer to do a variation of 1, where I fill three arrays, indicating not only the current state, but also which keys just went down and which keys just went up. This allows me to easily check for those events in code (without comparing to the previous snapshot), but, most importantly, it won't miss events that last less than a frame. For example, if your game is running at 10 fps due to a slow machine, the user might press and release an important key between two calls of your update routine, and then your system will never register it. This is extremely frustrating.
SDL also sends key events when the key is held down, which allow you to have multiple key down events for each key up. I find this particularly useful when implementing keyboard scrolling through a list of items, e.g. a keyboard-controlled menu.
You should use solution 2.
Why? As SDL_GetKeyState() docs point out, before using it you are expected to call SDL_PumpEvents() to update the state array.
When you are calling SDL_PollEvent(), it implicitly calls SDL_PumpEvents(). So, it basically updates the array for SDL_GetKeyState() anyway. By parsing these events manually, you just create a second array (well, actually a much slower map) holding the same information which SDL already collected for you.
So, I would dare say that first solution means doing the same thing twice. And if you ever decide to support things such as repeated keystrokes (SDL_EnableKeyRepeat()), you'll be reimplementing even a larger part of SDL.
I realize this question is quite old, but my answer could benefit someone. Personally, I use two arrays with SDL_GetKeyState. I store one array holding the current frame's keyboard state, and one array holding that last frame's keyboard state. (With some memcpy commands, it's really easy to update them.) Along with those two arrays, I have a map that converts strings like "A" to the SDL scancode values, but that is optional.
Then, when you need to check if something is released or pressed, you can combine the two arrays to check. (I made this a function.) For example, if you know that the key is pressed this frame, but wasn't pressed last frame, it was clearly just pressed this frame. if (currentFrame["A"] == true && lastFrame["A"] == false) {/*just pressed*/}
You would then do the opposite for the released. I find that method super easy to implement and use.