Laravel Excel Import Currency Symbol - laravel-excel

I have a .ods file that has a price column.
When using Laravel Import, I got only price value but not currency symbol.
File Excel looks like this
Is there any way that I can get all value and currency symbols?


psycopg2: export csv to database, dealing with e+ expression

I have a csv file containing
numbers like "1.456e+07"
and I am using function "copy_expert" to export the file to database
but I am getting error
psycopg2.DataError: invalid input syntax for integer: "1.5637e+07"
I notice that I can insert "100" as an integer, but when I do "1.5637e+07" with qoute, it doesn't work.
I am using pandas dataframe's to_csv to generate the csv files. not sure how to get rid of qoute for integer like "1.5637e+07" only (I have string column), or whether there is other solution.
I find out the solution
Normally, pandas doesn't put quotes around number. However, I set float_format parameter which causes this. I reset
in the function call and the quotes go away.

Loading huge csv file using COPY

I am loading CSV file using COPY.
COPY cts FROM 'C:\...\cts.csv' using DELIMITERS',';
However, error comes out
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: ""
CONTEXT: COPY testdata, line 7, column latitude: ""
How to fix it please?
Looks like your CSV isn't quite formatted correctly. "" isn't a number, and numbers don't need to be be quoted in CSV.
I find it's usually easier in PostgreSQL to create a staging import table with all text columns, and import CSVs to there first. Then do a cleanup query to put the CSV data into the real table.

Import flat file containing commas/quotes into SAP BODS

Hi I have a row like following in .csv file
12346,abcded,ssadsadc,2013.04.04 08.42.31,8,"I would like to use an
existing project as a template for a new project for another Report
Suite but it just overwrites the existing project rather than creates
new one even when I use the ""Save As"" function.",Analyst,,5,"Hotel
Room,Literature,Open/ Create",,
the text string has " and , as part of the string. Hence I am not able to use " as text delimiter in SAP BODS file format.
Could somebody help me on this?
Use a delimiter that is not expected to be in your data (ex. ~ or | ) or a string of multiple characters (ex. $^$ )

SQL Error: Cannot be converted to a PACKED DECIMAL value

I have db2 import statement which reads from a file and writes to a database.
Column data type for column 18 (where i am getting error) is Decimal(18,2)
The value for that column coming in the file is -502.47
However, I am getting the below error:
SQL3123W The field value in row "1" and column "18" cannot be converted to a PACKED DECIMAL value. A null was loaded.
And the value is not going into database.
What is the reason for this error ? What is the solution ?
There was an issue with the number of column. I was passing more number of columns then the program expected. So we can get above error in that case as well.
It was because of the double quotes in the loaded CSV files at that particular cell mentioned in the error.
You should try opening the file in Notepad++ or any other text editor, remove the double quotes, save and load back into the DB.
Your error should be resolved.

how to import flat file source to database using sql

im currently want to inport my data from flat file to the database.
the flat file is in a txt file. in that txt file, i save a list of URLs. example:
im using the SQL Server Import and Export wizard to do it. but when the time of execution, it has error saying
Error 0xc02020a1:
Data Flow Task 1: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column
"Column 0" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one
or more characters had no match in the target code page.".
can anyone help?..
You get this error because the text is too long for the column youve chosen to put it in.
Text was truncated or
You might want to check the size of the database column vis-a-vis your input data. Does the longest URL less than the column width?
one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".
Check if your input file has any special characters. An easy way to check this would be to save your file in ANSI (Notepad > Save As > Encoding = ANSI). Note - you'd still have to select the right code page so that the import interprets your input text correctly.
Here's a very nice link that has some background on what code pages are -
Note you can also change the target column data type (to text stream for example) in the Datasource->Advanced section