Per the RN documentation, the proper way to use merge is as follows:
name: 'Post',
params: { postTitle: 'An okay post' },
merge: true,
I'd like to use merge in my app, however my navigate function looks a bit different:
navigation.navigate("mainScreen", { screen: "secondaryScreen" })
I want the route params that were initially passed to mainScreen to persist. I know that I can use merge: true like in the documentation. However my navigate function is a bit different, and I'm not sure where to put merge:true. Is there a proper place for this, or is there a way that I can translate my navigate function to look like the one in the documentation?
name: 'mainScreen',
params: { screen: secondaryScreen },
merge: true,
But if you're coding in Typescript, you will get a compilation error. I have the same problem. I end up adding #ts-ignore to ignore the type checking.
In Vue3 is there a way to pass properties to a route without the values showing in the url?
I defined the route like this:
path: '/someRoute',
name: 'someRoute',
component: () => import('#/app/pages/SomeRoute.vue'),
props: (route) => {
}, // <-- I've seen this method in Vue2 but in Vue3 the route.params is just empty here
I call the route like this:
<router-link :to="{ name: 'someRoute', params: { message: 'Some Message' } }">Some link</router-link>
When I change path into path: '/someRoute/:message', the message come through just fine but I just want to pass the message without it showing up in the url.
I've seen a couple of Vue2 examples that use this method (e.g. but apparently they don't work in Vue3 anymore.
Also all the examples in the Vue3 docs ( / pass on their values through the url itself so I'm not sure if it's even possible anymore.
Any thoughts on this would be helpfull.
Finally I found something about this in the changelog:
Apparently it's no longer possible to send properties via params without the showing in the url. But fortunately they give some alternative suggestions.
The one that worked best for my situation was to use state: { ... } instead:
<router-link :to="{ name: 'someRoute', force: true, state: { message: 'Some Message' } }">Some link</router-link>
Now in the code of the page I read the property from the history.sate and put the value in whatever property I need it.
In case the url/route itself doesn't change you need to have an update hook and use force: true
public created() {
this.message = window.history.state.message;
public updated() {
this.message = window.history.state.message;
PS history.state has some limitations so in other situations one of the other suggestions from the changelog might work better
In my Vue 2.7.5 app (using Vue Router 3.5.4) I'm trying to define this route
path: '/messages/:messageId?/replies/:replyId?',
name: 'messages',
component: () => import('#/views/messages')
The intent is
to see all messages use /messages
to see a specific message use /messages/:messageId
To see a specific message and a specific reply to that message use /messages/:messageId/replies/:replyId
However, if I navigate to this route without specifying any route params using
<router-link :to="{name: 'messages'}">
Then the URL is resolved as /messages/replies, but I would like it to be resolved as /messages.
Essentially, what I want is: don't include /replies unless there's a replyId param, but I don't know how to express that.
One solution is to use the following instead:
<router-link :to="{ path: '/messages'}">
But I prefer to always refer to routes by name, because this gives me the flexibility to change the paths without breaking anything
The easiest solution for you is to remove /replies and only have path like this:
(Optional solution)
If removing that part of url is not an option and using named routes is a must, here is an alternative solution where you use two named routes. If the replyId is missing you can redirect before enter to the 2nd named route.
path: '/messages/:messageId?/replies/:replyId?',
name: 'message-replies',
component: () => import('#/views/messages'),
beforeEnter({ params }) {
if (!params.replyId) {
return {
name: 'messages',
params: {
messageId: params.messageId,
path: '/messages/:messageId?',
name: 'messages',
component: () => import('#/views/messages'),
The scenario: I'm replacing one application with another - both have a /search route with potentially very long queries. The new data structure has changed considerably and, unfortunately, some URLs for the old application have been distributed elsewhere containing multiple parameters which no longer exist.
One way to deal with this might be to intercept each call to search and, by means of beforeEnter() modify query by looking up and replacing the offending terms. I'd have thought something like this:
name: "search",
path: "/search",
component: Records,
beforeEnter(to, from, next) {
let query = hackSearch(to.query); // replaces the old terms
next({name: 'search', query: query});
This causes Uncaught (in promise) InternalError: too much recursion, though. But, from what I understand of documentation and examples I've seen, this, or something like it, should work.
It's not great, but I modified hackSearch() so it would return whether or not it had found an offending term and replaced it. This enables the code above to be modified as follows:
name: "search",
path: "/search",
component: Records,
beforeEnter(to, from, next) {
let [query, modified] = hackSearch(to.query);
if (modified) {
next({name: 'search', query: query});
else {
i'm using Nuxt
I'm having troubles with passing data from one page to another
I would like programmatically to navigate to other page, and pass some data to other page (in this case its javascript object)
So here is my code so far:
I have a component in which I navigate from:
this.$router.push({ path: 'page/add', props: { basket: 'pie' } });
And here is a component where I would like to get data, its a Nuxt page:
export default {
components: { MyComponent },
props: [
'basket' // this is also empty
async asyncData(data) {
console.log(data); // data does not contain basket prop
meta: {
breadcrumb: {
path: '/page/add',
But when I try to acces props, or data or data.router it does not contain basket prop ??
Also, I would not like to use query, or params because they change URL
You can use localstorage and save you'r data in it:
localStorage.setItem("nameOfItem", Value);
and delete it if you want after you'r done with it:
If you don't want to use query or params, I would check out the vuex store. Its a really cool way of storing global variables and use it in multiple pages.
Vuex store
Navigate to a different location
To navigate to a different URL, use router.push. This method pushes a new entry into the history stack, so when the user clicks the browser back button they will be taken to the previous URL.
The argument can be a string path, or a location descriptor object. Examples:
// literal string path
// object with path
this.$router.push({ path: '/users/eduardo' })
// named route with params to let the router build the url
this.$router.push({ name: 'user', params: { username: 'eduardo' } })
// with query, resulting in /register?plan=private
this.$router.push({ path: '/register', query: { plan: 'private' } })
// with hash, resulting in /about#team
this.$router.push({ path: '/about', hash: '#team' })
To navigate to a different URL, use router.push. This method pushes a new entry into the history stack, so when the user clicks the browser back button they will be taken to the previous URL.
What you are trying to accomplish is not conform with the browser (history etc.) or
http protocol (GET/POST).
Also, when using path params and other variables, such will be ignored, as per the documentation.
Note: params are ignored if a path is provided, which is not the case for query, as shown in the example above. Instead, you need to provide the name of the route or manually specify the whole path with any parameter.
Using props here is very likely the wrong approach, as you will never get that data to the component.
I want to make stepped navigation for user signup page
and i wanna make each step a different route but i need to keep url the same for each of it, so that user won't be able to go straight to step 3.
here is what i currently have
path: '/signup',
component: SignupPage,
children: [
{ path: '', name: 'signup.step1', component: SignupStep1 },
{ path: '', name: 'signup.step2', component: SignupStep2 },
{ path: '', name: 'signup.step3', component: SignupStep3 },
{ path: '', name: 'signup.step4', component: SignupStep4 }
<router-view />
methods: {
nextStep () {
this.$router.push({ name: 'signup.step2' })
but when nextStep method called nothing seems to change
I'll answer this question short.
Two optimal ways to solve this task - use Vuetify and its ready-to-use Steppers-component and the second one - pass data through params from one step to the next one.
Let me explain the second option: vue-router allows us to easily pass any type of data from one url to another without even showing that data somehow to the end user. How to pass data between urls you can read in vue-router docs and in your case you don't even need 4-5-6 components, it will be enough to use 1 component + tab bars or any other element for switching steps.
but when nextStep method called nothing seems to change
That happens because you have 4 paths with the same value - an empty value. vue-router searches routes from top to bottom and if it finds one that matches current path no other records would be checked, thats why you see only singup-page.