Generating MSI transform using WiX or some other command-line/script - wix

I am aware of this question Generating msi transform using c# and the answer. I have two problems with the answer; 1) is that our antivirus is triggered if I try to read from a .MSI and 2) I'd like to be able to autogenerate these transforms from some rules I'll set up.
I've tried to see if I could figure out the WiX toolset but haven't been able to do so. As far as I can tell something like torch would need an original and a changed .MSI file to generate the transform and I'd like to, instead, specify the properties that I want changed for each transform.
I'll not need to add files to the transform.
Does anyone have an idea as to how I could do this?


Burn .exe 'output format' is 'opaque'?

Disclaimer: I'm fairly new to burn...
The .exe files created by WiX Burn bundles are some type of self extracting zip archives, however they seem fairly opaque in structure and I cant find any documentation on them. For example in 7zip a Burn .exe looks like this:
Whereas a traditional .vdproj bundle (and other bootstrappers I have seen) include the bundled files verbatum in a traditional file system.
Is the output format documented anywhere?
Is there any way to
recover the contents without installing? EDIT it seems dark.exe can do this, so 2a. is there anything outside the WiX toolkit...
Is there any way to
change the output format?
Thank you.
NB The reason I ask is that there are many circumstances (corporate IT departments say) where people extract the .msi files out of traditional bootstrappers to wrap into their own logic / examine the bootstrapper contents as part of an approval process.
No, the format for an attached container is undocumented (intentionally, so we can change it later). Today, in WiX v3.10, it's a .cab file attached to the .exe.
(a) It's possible but there are no such tools today (that I know of) other than Dark.exe.
No, not today. Obviously, you could use external payloads so they're not attached to the .exe.

Can I generate a patch(.msp) without the upgrade image(.msi)

I've googled a lot, but there's little information about my question.
The question for short is "Suppose you have the target image(.msi), the list of changed binaries, but you don't have the upgrade image. How to make a patch based on those inputs?".
The detailed description is:
Currently, We use TFS as the source control. And each time when making a new MSI, we will increment the AssemblyFileVersion of all projects whether the project is really changed or not firstly. This is fine when there's no requirement to make a patch.But, actually, we DO have the requirement to make a patch now. I have tried to create a patch using Purely WiX or Patch Creation Properties, but almost all projects will be considered as changed when we use these MSIs directly.So if I have three inputs:
Target Image(.msi)
A list of really changed binaries
Upgrade Image(all binaries' file version is incremented) <--- this input may be useless
How Can I make use of above inputs to create a patch?
Thanks in advance.
Alternative to Phils answer, you could add an ignore switch for the only incremented files in your Patch Creative Properties File.
<UpgradeFile File="YourFileID" Ignore="yes" />
Depending on how many files there are to ignore might make Phils method easier. Although if you get the file table id list (export the table in orca and edit in excel, copy A3 down) and remove all the ids from you're really changed list, then add the xml around each shouldn't take long.
You can still use the upgraded MSI build when you make a patch. I don't know all the WiX things you may need to do, but I've done exactly what you want to do by setting IgnoreMissingSrcFiles in the TargetImages table:
and just delete all the files you don't want to be patched. You use admin images anyway to create the patch, so all you'll have are two admin images wiyth MSI files and only the files you want to patch.

How to check if ini file exists with Wix Toolset

I have an .ini file with configuration. I need to check if it exists in new installation to avoid creating it again. Besides if the new .ini have new fields add to the existing file.
Don't install an ini file as a file, but convert the entries into IniFile Table entries. This allows all ini file changes to be treated as "atomic change units" that allows proper merging and rollback via built-in MSI mechanism. You avoid all custom action complexity.
As Chris points out in his major upgrade comment: do things the right way in Wix / MSI and you avoid a lot of problems that start to pop up when requirements change or updates get complicated. IniFile updates implemented the right way are robust and simple to deal with.
In Wix you use the IniFile Element to achieve this. All merge capabilities, rollback support and advanced ini file handling comes along for free. All you need to do is to define what needs to be added or modified in the ini file during your installation. It will also be created if it is not there in the first place.
Using the IniFile element may look harder than it is. Here is a sample. You can also have a look at the well known Wix tutorial here.
All MSI-experts keep repeating this advice: never use a custom action to change a system if there are equivalent built-in MSI constructs.
Set NeverOverwrite="yes" on the .ini file's component and then handle the update via a custom action.
Edit: Generally it is much better to use the IniFile table as explained in my answer since you get rollback and merge capabilities. However, some people prefer the INI file installed as a file to allow easy modification of the file from outside the MSI file. Though not preferred, this does allow people to "hotfix" the INI file directly on the installation media location. Teams can use this to have the installer pick up the latest INI from development. There are technical problems with this that can be handled via a custom action (most significantly file replacement issues on install). It is also possible that an INI file can feature non-standard elements and formatting that doesn't fit in the IniFile table (rare, but possible - people with sense then use a different file extension than ini). As already explained, I would strongly advice against updating INI files via your own custom action, unless you are doing something very special - that's actually needed. It is complicated to implement and to get right.
I would suggest having 2 INI files. One that the installer owns and one that the application / user owns. The installer can always overwrite it's INI file and never worry about stomping on user data.

How to create a Wix patch in combination with Heat?

I'm developer on a big system (>100 Projects in Solution, >100 000 LOC, > 10 Services, ...) and did the installation of this system in the past with wix and it worked fine. Now I need a way to patch (Minor Upgrade) parts of the system and run into several issues.
My Current Wix Setup is as following:
I have VS2010 and Wix3.6 Toolset and TFS2012 to Build the whole thing and get an installer
I'm using a Setup Library Project Type per Service
I'm using exactly one Setup Project to bundle things together and get one installer for the whole system.
It's not possible to change this setup.
The Setup Library Projects are set up as following:
I use the heat-directory msbuild task to generate the components and files and I'm using preprocessor variables to modify the file paths.
I need to modify the file paths because it must be possible to build an installer on the local developer system and to build the installer on the tfs build system which is different in folder structures.
The TFS uses always the same directory to compile subsequent versions of the software and moves the output after successful compilation to a unique folder structure.
Now I need a patch.
I created the Patch.wxs and called candle and light for it. I called torch to get the difference file. And finally want to create the patch with pyro.
Everything worked fine with a simple testproject, but on the big system
Pyro has the problem that it can't find the files to install.
Through my setup (see above), I must use preprocessor variables and have a full qualified path in my wix output (for example: C:\builds\myproduct\prodct.exe as file source). After moving the TFS output to another location this path is not valid anymore. I tried to use -bt and -bu switches for pyro, but this does only work for relative paths or for named bindpaths.
Now I wanted to change my wix project setup to use named bindpaths rather than preprocessor variables, but it seems that this is not possible.
heat can only use preprocessor variables or wixvariables but it seems not to be possible to use bindpath variables. heat provides a switch -wixvar which should create binder variables instead of preprocessor variables but I does exactly nothing.
Now I tried do use no wix and no preprocessor variables in heat and tell light per -bu -bt switches where to find the files. But if I do not set a preprocessor variable the resulting files look like Sources\product.exe. I can't get rid of this Sources. I know that I can transform all the xml with xslt and remove the Sources but thats a workaround which I would only implement if no other solution is possible. This would also mean that there is a problem in the wix toolchain.
It looks like pyro does only support bindpath variables and heat does only support preprocessor and wix variables. This seems to be really crazy, because how should they work together?
How can I create a patch if I use lit, light, candle, heat, torch and pyro and if the original build paths have changed (which is very common on a build system) and the file paths are created with heat and therefore be fixed or preprocessor or wix variables?
As you've found heat wasn't designed to be used in the patching scenario. It was only in recent versions of the WiX toolset that the generated GUIDs got to a point where there was even a chance that heat could successfully build output that would be patchable. Still need to do work there to make patching where heat is used work well.
Ultimately, I believe the answer is to simplify the "original source" problem. It is challenging to get all the bindpaths set up correctly and that makes patching, which is a hard problem, even harder. We've kicked around a few ideas but nothing has come together yet.
You could always use admin image based patching. It's slower but can be easier to get the "original source" and "target" laid out. That path does lose filtering though.
Basically, we need to do a bit more work in patching scenarios to make it much easier.
PS: "Source" in the path for a File/#Source attribute is an alias for the "default bindpath". You can use bindpaths there.

Using WiX heat.exe with a static components

I am using heat.exe available in WiX3.5 to get the list of components and componentref for the files I want to install. However, for the file which should be installed as windows service, I dont want it to be generated by heat.exe as I need to add <ServiceInstall> etc.
I dont want to put the <serviceinstall> in xslt as it would make it very ugly code. Right now, I delete the exe before running heat.exe and then copy it back, but this is also not ideal. Is there a better way of doing this?
I would say that tweaking the heat output with XSLT templates is a kind of recommended approach. Although heat is not that rich in features to consider cases like you mentioned, its ability to apply XSLT to the output covers all possible needs.
Why do you think the code will be ugly? Do you reference the XSLT syntax here or the idea to tweak wxs file in general? Anyway, this piece of code won't change that much, I guess. And once you code it thoroughly and debug it, it won't take much of your time in future.