How to detect outside textInput touch In React-native - react-native

I have created on custom dropdown list View that I am showing on click of TextInput. Users can search as well as select items from that list. Now I want to close that window on click outside of that TextInput How to set visibility false on touch outside of TextInput.
{modalVisible ?
<View style={styles.emailItem}>
<ShowCustomDropdown globalsearchdata={globalsearchdata} />
) : null}
<View style={styles.textinputstyle}>
onTouchStart={()=> setModalVisible(true)}
placeholder="Type a message"

You don't need onTouchStart prop, you can use below props in TextInput, like:
onFocus={() => setModalVisible(true) } //focus received
onBlur={() => setModalVisible(false) } //focus lost
placeholder="Type a message"
onFocus prop will let you know if TextInput is focussed and onBlur prop will let you know when you click outside TextInput or it isn't focussed.
Hope this works for you.


How can I get onPress to fire on a React Native Text element inside a TextInput?

I have multiple Text elements as children of a TextInput for the purpose of styling. I would like the user to tap on them to activate a modal (unique to that Text element), however I'm unable to get the onPress event to work. Here is a simplified example:
<Text onPress={() => console.log(1)}>touch me</Text>
"touch me" is editable as you'd expect inside a TextInput, but onPress doesn't fire when it is tapped.
Is there a way I can make this setup work as I intend?
You can to wrap it inside a TouchableOpacity:
const [value, setValue] = useState('Press me');
return <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => alert("Hello world")}>

Call onBlur on tap of outside the textInput component

<View style={{ flex:1 }}>
<TextInput style={{ backgroundColor:'red'}} onFocus={() => alert('Focued')}
onBlur={() => alert('Blurred') }
In the above code snippet when I click on textinput the focus operation is working, but when I click outside the textinput component onBlur is not triggered.
I don't want to enclose the component in scrollview
could any one help me out on this.

how to setup Onpress On Textinput in react-native

I am developing an app on react native. I want to call a date picker when i press on a Text-Input and after selecting a date it should show on the Text-Input
Wrap TextInput into a view and set pointerEvents as none.
Now you can use Pressable component from react-native to listen to the onpress event.
<Pressable onPress={() => alert('Hi!')}>
<View pointerEvents="none">
<TextInput />
You cannot explicitly call onPress for TextInput. You could only use. onFocus which will be called when you press the input box to get cursor over there. No need to focus on onBlur as your use case doesn't required.. Handle close within onFocus if possible.
onFocus = () => {
// do something
render() {
<TextInput onFocus={onFocus} />
What you have to do is use onFocus and onBlur of TextInput.
onFocus = () => {
// Open date picker
onBlur = () => {
// Close date picker and add value to textinput
You can make text input field read only by providing
prop to TextInput.
Wrap TextInput inside View and set pointerEvents="none", wrap that view with TouchableOpacity or any other Touchable Component. Please see below example!
onPress={() => {
<View pointerEvents="none">
onChange={() => {}}

How to disable keyboard in react native

I created a screen keyboard component that I want to disable the platform's keyboard, how I can disable it?
onFulfill={isValid => this}
codeInputStyle={{ borderWidth: 1.5 }}
Just write showSoftInputOnFocus={false} in <TextInput> like this:
<TextInput showSoftInputOnFocus={false} />
I had issues also. No other solutions was working for me. This will display text input field and it will be clickable but not editable.
<TouchableOpacity onPress={this.openPinKeyboard}>
<View pointerEvents="none">
<Input editable={false} value="1234" />
I think you need to add something like:
<TextInput showSoftInputOnFocus={false} keyboardType="numeric" />
setting keyboardType to null worked for me
this only worked in the simulator, running it on an actual device the native keyboard still appeared.
wrapping the <TextInput /> in a <TouchableWithoutFeedback> element in the example below worked.
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={Keyboard.dismiss} >
<TextInput />
You may try to set keyboardType to none, if it doesn't work another alternative is to set the editable prop to false.
Potential answers can be found here :
<TextInput showSoftInputOnFocus={false}/>
This work for me, sometime I need onFocus action to navigate new screen, and don't need keyboard open animation. Prop Editable will disable textfield, can not pressable
try this solution i hope this will work for android and ios both...
// Step 1: Get Keyboard, TouchableWithoutFeedback from ‘react-native’;
import { View, TextInput, StyleSheet, Keyboard, TouchableWithoutFeedback } from 'react-native';
// Step 2: Create an arrow function to write dismiss keyboard code
const DismissKeyboard = ({ children }) => (
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => Keyboard.dismiss()}>
// Step 3: Wrap all TextInput inside <DismissKeyboard> </DismissKeyboard>
<View style={styles.container}>
<TextInput style={styles.input} placeholder="email" />
<TextInput style={styles.input} placeholder="password" />
The easiest solution is to use the onFocus prop on TextInput.
Import Keyboard from ‘react-native’
import {Keyboard, TextInput} from
Then pass Keyboard.dismiss() to TextInput onFocus prop, to stop the keyboard from popping up when focused.
<TextInput onFocus = {()=> Keyboard.dismiss()} .../>
Now test the input field by pressing it to see if the keyboard will pop up
just put this under text input tag this worked for me in react-native
//this line
you can do it by pointerEvents="none"
<View pointerEvents="none">
style={{color: '#00000000'}}

TextInput sometimes doesn't focus when located in a Modal

I open a Modal where there is a TextInput on top. My TextInput component has the autoFocus set to true. I can say my TextInput is focused about 6 times on 10 (open/close Modal). When it's not focused and if I try to tap (even several times) on TextInput, it doesn't want to focus.
I made another test, I set the autoFocus to false. When I open my Modal then I immediately tap the TextInput to get the focus, sometimes I have to tap twice before I get the focus on. So, it's like something didn't finish its loading before I could tap and get the focus. If I do the same test but I wait maybe 2 seconds before I do a first tap, I always get the focus.
So did you know if there is a conflict between Modal / TextInput / Keyboard?
Here is my code, in case:
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
onPress={() => {
<Linearicon name="arrow-left" size={30} color="white" />
<Linearicon style={styles.searchIcon} name="magnifier" size={16} color="#999999" />
style={[styles.searchBoxText, styles.searchBoxTextInput]}
placeholder="Recherchez une adresse..."
onChangeText={(text) => this.onChangeText(text)}
I also ran into a similar kind of problem. My TextInput has autoFocus in a modal. The TextInput focus worked, but the keyboard sometimes opened and sometimes it did not open. It appears to be a race condition, where autoFocus assigns focus before the modal is visible. The solution was to use onShow attribute in Modal.
<Modal onShow={() => {this.textInput.focus();}} >
<TextInput ref={input => {this.textInput = input;}} />
setting the height for TextInput works.
<TextInput style={{textAlign:'center', fontSize:18, height:50,paddingBottom:35}} autoFocus={false} placeholder="Enter Name" placeholderTextColor="grey"/>
I also had the same issue like sometimes it was not get focus while reopen the modal. I agree with the #Saravanan's comment with just one addition by calling blur method before focus to textinput. That worked for me.
<Modal onShow={() => {
<TextInput ref={input => {this.textInput = input;}} />
I had the same issue, autoFocus prop seems kinda buggy when TextInput is inside modal, try this:
export default function Component() {
const inputRef = React.useRef(null);
return (
<Modal isVisible={true} onShow={() => inputRef.current.focus()} >
<TextInput ref={inputRef} />
I have the same issue. Whenever TextInput is in a Modal the autofocus is super buggy. Probably a bug. Using RN 0.27.2.