How can I avoid circular header dependencies when using native_type with flatbuffers? - flatbuffers

The documentation states the following:
The native_type attribute will replace the usage of the generated class with the given type. So, continuing with the example, the generated code would use vector2 in place of Vec2T for all generated code of the Object-Based API.
However, because the native_type is unknown to flatbuffers, the user must provide the following functions to aide in the serialization process:
namespace flatbuffers {
Vec2 Pack(const vector2& obj);
vector2 UnPack(const Vec2& obj);
And then:
native_include("path") (at file level): Because the native_type attribute can be used to introduce types that are unknown to flatbuffers, it may be necessary to include "external" header files in the generated code. This attribute can be used to directly add an include directive to the top of the generated code that includes the specified path directly.
So if I understood anything, I'm supposed to "native_include" the header where vector2 is declared so that the generated header file will have it. Good.
But then, where am I supposed to declare the Pack/UnPack functions?!
Those are also needed by the generated header, so those should be included as well...
But those declarations require the definition of the type Vec2, which is defined in the generated code.
So either this is a circular dependency, and it's impossible to use the feature, or am I missing something crucial?

Turns out I can forward-declare the return type even when it's not a pointer.
So here's what I did:
struct Vec2;
namespace flatbuffers {
Vec2 Pack(const vector2& obj);
vector2 UnPack(const Vec2& obj);


NSErrorDomain + NS_ERROR_ENUM makes type lookup ambiguous. Why?

I have an error that used to look like this in Objective-C
NSString * const JKConfigurationErrorDomain;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, JKConfigurationCode) {
Now, this is ugly to use in Swift. But since Swift 4, we can use NSErrorDomain and NS_ERROR_ENUM to make the imported error much nicer in Swift:
NSErrorDomain const JKConfigurationErrorDomain;
typedef NS_ERROR_ENUM(JKConfigurationErrorDomain, JKConfigurationCode) {
This means I can now do stuff in Swift like this:
if let myError = error as? JKConfigurationError, myError.code = .somethingBad {
// handle it
instead of having to cast error to NSError, then check its .domain then look at the .code which is an integer, etc.
So far, so good. But my library is called JKConfiguration and there is already a JKConfiguration object (the center piece of the library) in there and as soon as I start using JKConfiguration anywhere in the library code I get an error:
'JKConfiguration' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context
I don't get it, why? What does NSErrorDomain or NS_ERROR_ENUM do such that the type lookup becomes ambiguous and how can I fix it?
What I tried already:
use NS_SWIFT_NAME on the NS_ERROR_ENUM typedef and rename it to something else. Looking at the generated Swift header, the rename works, but doesn't solve the issue
Change the name of the error domain (and thus of the generated error type in Swift). Seems to work according to the generated Swift header, but the issue still persists. Why is that?
The issue is not, as I initially thought, in the name of the error domain. Nor is it a problem with the library name. It’s a problem of the error enum‘s name, in the example above: JKConfigurationCode.
What the Compiler does for the enum cases of an NS_ERROR_ENUM is two-fold:
use the name of the enum and remove that prefix from all enum cases before importing them to swift
create an enum with the given name to hold those cases. If the given name ends with Code remove that suffix.
So that last part is the issue. It means that NS_ERROR_ENUM(AnyDomainName, JKConfigurationCode) generates an enum in Swift to hold the error codes with the name JKConfiguration (without the Code) prefix. But that type already exists in my example, which leads to the ambiguity.
So the solution is to change
NS_ERROR_ENUM(JKConfigurationErrorDomain, JKConfigurationCode)
NS_ERROR_ENUM(JKConfigurationErrorDomain, JKConfigurationSomethingCode)
Or similar.
Don’t forget to update all the prefixes of your enum cases though, as it seems the compiler won’t find them if the prefixes don’t match the enum name.
Why doesn’t NS_SWIFT_NAME work to rename the enum?
Best I can tell, NS_SWIFT_NAME causes the type to be renamed but not the cases. This leads to an empty type (Swift chooses a struct in that case) being generated for the error code as Swift doesn’t seem to find the cases. And the original container for the enum cases still has the offending name.

flowtype definition of Iterable from immutable.js breaks other libs' Iterables

I just added immutable.js as a dependency to my project. I added
to my .flowconfig.
The problem is that immutable exports an Iterable type, which is also a global type used in many other libraries that are in node_modules/, such as fbjs and react-native. For example one of the errors below.
22: function countDistinct<T1, T2>(iter: Iterable<T1>, selector: (item: T1) => T2): number {
^^^^^^^^^^^^ type application of identifier `Iterable`. Too few type arguments. Expected at least 2
32: declare class Iterable<K, V> extends _ImmutableIterable<K, V, typeof KeyedIterable, typeof IndexedIterable, typeof SetIterable> {}
^^^^ See type parameters of definition here. See lib: flow/immutable.js:32
In order to fix this I copied immutable.js.flow to my project and removed the .flowconfig line that includes it. In my copied file I rename Iterable to WhateverIterable and the errors are gone.
What is the best way to fix this thing without having to manually edit the immutable definitions?
The main problem is that node_modules/immutable/dist/immutable.js.flow is not written to be a library definition, so using it as one can cause errors.
What is immutable.js.flow
The docs refer to these files as declaration files. immutable.js.flow sits next to a file named immutable.js. Whenever Flow is asked to require immutable.js, it will resolve to immutable.js.flow instead. You can test this with the flow find-module command, which shows which file Flow resolves to when foo.js imports immutable:
$ flow find-module immutable foo.js
Declaration files are written a little differently than libdefs. Library definitions declare a bunch of global things. They declare which variables, functions, types, classes, modules, etc are available globally, and declare the types of these things. Declaration files declare only the type of the module that they are shadowing.
A libdef for immutablejs would look like
declare module 'immutable' {
declare class Iterable<K,V> { ... }
while immutable.js.flow might look like
declare export class Iterable<K,V> { ... }
What should you do
In theory, you should not need to add node_modules/immutable/dist/immutable.js.flow to your .flowconfig. Flow should automatically use it whenever your code imports immutable.
If there is a problem with the immutable.js.flow that immutable ships with, then the best thing to do is to open a pull request or issue against immutable.js.flow or to submit a libdef to flow-typed.
A quick search shows someone working on a immutable libdef, so that might help too!

I cannot understand how Dart Editor analyze source code

Dart Editor version 1.2.0.release (STABLE). Dart SDK version 1.2.0.
This source code produces runtime exception.
void main() {
test(new Base());
void test(Child child) {
class Base {
class Child extends Base {
I assumed that the analyzer generates something like this.
The argument type 'Base' cannot be assigned to the parameter type 'Child'
But I can only detect this error at runtime when occurred this exception (post factum).
Unhandled exception:
type 'Base' is not a subtype of type 'Child' of 'child'.
The analyzer is following the language specification here.
It only warns if a the static type of the argument expression is not assignable to the type of function the parameter.
In Dart, expressions of one type is assignable to variables of another type if either type is a subtype of the other.
That is not a safe type check. It does not find all possible errors. On the other hand, it also does not disallow some correct uses like:
Base foo = new Child();
void action(Child c) { ... }
action(foo); // Perfectly correct code at runtime.
Other languages have safe assignment checks, but they also prevent some correct programs. You then have to add (unsafe/runtime checked) cast operators to tell the compiler that you know the program is safe. It's a trade-off where Dart has chosen to be permissive and avoid most casts.
Let's try to be polite and answer the question without any prejudice.
I think I understand what you expected and here my angle on what the error means:
You are invoking the method with the argument of type Base
The method is expecting an argument of type Child
The Child is not equal to the Base, neither is a subtype of it (as a fact it is the Child that is a subtype of the Base)
It is working as expected as it makes only sense to provide object of the expected type (or it's subtypes - specialisations).
After reading again your question I realised that you are pointing out that editor is not finding the type problem. I assume this is due to the point that Dart programs are dynamic and hence certain checks are not done before the runtime.
Hope it helps ;-)

How to pass a struct parameter using TCOM in Tcl

I've inherited a piece of custom test equipment with a control library built in a COM object, and I'm trying to connect it to our Tcl test script library. I can connect to the DLL using TCOM, and do some simple control operations with single int parameters. However, certain features are controlled by passing in a C/C++ struct that contains the control blocks, and attempting to use them in TCOM is giving me an error 0x80020005 {Type mismatch.}. The struct is defined in the .idl file, so it's available to TCOM to use.
The simplest example is a particular call as follows:
C++ .idl file:
struct SourceScaleRange
float MinVoltage;
float MaxVoltage;
interface IAnalogIn : IDispatch{
[id(4), helpstring("method GetAdcScaleRange")] HRESULT GetAdcScaleRange(
[out] struct SourceScaleRange *scaleRange);
Tcl wrapper:
::tcom::import [file join $::libDir "PulseMeas.tlb"] ::char
set ::characterizer(AnalogIn) [::char::AnalogIn]
set scaleRange ""
set response [$::characterizer(AnalogIn) GetAdcScaleRange scaleRange]
Resulting error:
0x80020005 {Type mismatch.}
while executing
"$::characterizer(AnalogIn) GetAdcScaleRange scaleRange"
(procedure "charGetAdcScaleRange" line 4)
When I dump TCOM's methods, it knows of the name of the struct, at least, but it seems to have dropped the struct keyword. Some introspection code
set ifhandle [::tcom::info interface $::characterizer(AnalogIn)]
puts "methods: [$ifhandle methods]"
methods: ... {4 VOID GetAdcScaleRange {{out {SourceScaleRange *} scaleRange}}} ...
I don't know if this is meaningful or not.
At this point, I'd be happy to get any ideas on where to look next. Is this a known TCOM limitation (undocumented, but known)? Is there a way to pre-process the parameter into an appropriate format using tcom? Do I need to force it into a correctly sized block of memory via binary format by manual construction? Do I need to take the DLL back to the original developer and have him pull out all the struct parameters? (Not likely to happen, in this reality.) Any input is good input.

Java: Why method type in .class file contains return type, not only signature?

There is a "NameAndType" structure in the constants pool in .class file.
It is used for dynamic binding.
All methods that class can "export" described as "signature + return type".
That breakes my code when return type of the method in some .jar is changed, even if new type is narrower.
I have the following code:
List l = some.getList();
External .jar contains:
public List getList()
Than external jar changes method signature to
public ArrayList getList().
And my code dies in run-time with NoSuchMethodException, because it can't find
So, I have to recompile my code.
I do not have to change it. Just recompile absolutely the same code!
That also gives ability to have two methods with one signature, but different return types! Compiler would not accept it, but it is possible to do it via direct opcoding.
My questions is why?
Why they did it?
I have only one idea: to prevent sophisticated type checking in the runtime.
You need to look up to the hierarchy and check if there is a parent with List interface.
It takes time, and only compiler has it. JVM does not.
Am I right?
One reason may be because method overloading (as opposed to overriding) is determined at compile time. Consider the following methods:
public void doSomething(List util) {}
public void doSomething(ArrayList util) {}
And consider code:
If Java allowed the return type to change and did not throw an exception, the method called would still be doSomething(List) until you recompiled - then it would be doSomething(ArrayList). Which would mean that working code would change behavior just for having recompiled it.