Need '/n' but getting parsed as new line- Azure Synapse Analytics - azure-synapse

There are some escape characters in the source files(JSON in Azure Blob) – /” and /n. When I am transforming the files through copy activity or dataflow, these characters are getting parsed and I am getting just the “ and new line in the sink file. While I need the /” to be parsed to “ I need the /n to come as a string only and not new line. Is there some way I can achieve this? The quote character and escape character options in Delimited text dataset is not helping as I need the quote character setting to be configured to no quote character.
This is how a sample JSON looks-
"Value" : "<xmlns:xsd="" \n some data \n some data>"
In copy-activity or dataflow the source looks like this in preview mode-
xmlns:xsd=""<br/some datasome data>
I need something like this-
<xmlns:xsd="" \n some data \n some data>
So for my scenario, the \n needs to preserved and not get parsed as new line. I have tried adding \\n in the source and that worked but sadly changing at the source side is not possible. Can I do something like this in Synapse itself?

You can consider dataflows derived column transformations to read all data as single column and replace \n as \\n first in source file. Once you update source file then use copy activity.
You can consider have a code deployed in Azure functions which can update source file to replace \n as \\n first and then use copy activity to copy file.


How to clear txt file having different Delimiter using SSIS package?

I have text file which is having ^(CAP) and ,(Comma) as a delimiter and after clearing i need to load to sql . I have tried my best to clear a source file
But still file is not cleaned as expectation .
Please find the below picture i have tried to correct the source file
But still file is not cleared as expected . Please find below uncleared file .
You have a variety of issues here.
You have identified the header row delimiter as a comma. A row delimiter is the, usually invisible, delimiter than indicates a row's worth of data has happened. Traditionally, this is an Operating System specific value but it's a Carriage Return (CR), Line Feed (LF) or Carriage Return/Line Feed.
Your source data is not a comma delimited file with caret/circumflex/cap text delimiters. You have a comma-space delimited file which SSIS doesn't support in the editor. However, if you hand edit the dtsx file as I outlined in How to read a flatfile with lowercase thorn as the delimiter to specify that it should use comma space ColumnDelimiter="_x002C__x0020_"
Given a truncated version of your source data
ListCode, CAS, Name
^216^, ^^, ^Coal Dust^
^216^, ^7782-24-5^, ^Graphite (Natural)^
^216^, ^^, ^Inert or Nuisance Dust^
and the comma (0x2C) space (0x20) edited into the raw dtsx connection manager, I was able to pull data as I believe you are expecting
You might also run into additional issues given your selection of code pages and not checking the Unicode button but that's beyond my ability to generate matching source data from an image.
Just replace the ^, ^ with ^,^
It looks like your source
CAS, SubName, ListCode, Type, CountryCode, ListName
^1000413-72-8^,^fasiglifam^,^447^,^Chemical Inventory^,^EU^,^ECICS Custom Tariff Codes^
^1000413-72-8^,^fasiglifam^,^0^,^^,^NN^,^SPHERA Global Substance List^
Then edit your connection manager with below details
[![enter image description here][2]][2]
It will work .

How to remove new line characters from data rows in Presto/AWS Athena?

I'm querying some tables on Athena (Presto SAS) and then downloading the generated CSV file to use locally. Opening the file, I realised the data contains new line characters that doesn't appear on AWS interface, only in the CSV and need to get rid of them. Tried using the function replace(string, search, replace) → varchar to skip the newline char replacing \n for \\n without success:
p.recvepoch, replace(p.description, '\n', '\\n') AS description
product p
LIMIT 1000
How can I achieve that?
The problem was that the underlying table data doesn't actually contains \n anywhere, instead, the actual newline character, which is represented by char(10). I was able to achieve the expected behaviour using the replace function passing it as parameter:
p.recvepoch, replace(p.description, chr(10), '\n') AS description
product p
LIMIT 1000

Custom delimiter while exporting Google Cloud SQL to CSV

I've been successfully exporting GCloud SQL to CSV with its default delimiter ",". I want to import this CSV to Google Big Query and I've succeed to do this.
However, I'm experiencing a little problem. There's "," in some of my cell/field. It causes Big Query import process not working properly. For Example:
"Budi", "19", "Want to be hero, and knight"
My questions are:
Is it possible to export Google Cloud SQL with custom delimiter e.g. "|"?
If not, how to make above sample data to be imported in Google Big Query and become 3 field/cell?
Is it possible to export Google Cloud SQL with custom delimiter e.g. "|"?
Yes it's, See the documentation page of BigQuery how to set load options provided in this link
You will need to add --field_delimiter = '|' to your command
From the documentation:
(Optional) The separator for fields in a CSV file. The separator can be any ISO-8859-1 single-byte character. To use a character in the range 128-255, you must encode the character as UTF8. BigQuery converts the string to ISO-8859-1 encoding, and uses the first byte of the encoded string to split the data in its raw, binary state. BigQuery also supports the escape sequence "\t" to specify a tab separator. The default value is a comma (,).
As far as I know there's no way of setting a custom delimiter when exporting from CloudSQL to CSV. I attempted to introduce my own delimiter by formulating my select query like so:
select column_1||'|'||column_2 from foo
But this only results in CloudSQL escaping the whole result in the resulting CSV with double quotes. This also aligns with the documentation which states:
Exporting in CSV format is equivalent to running the following SQL statement:

Load raw data from a file without dropping backslash characters

I have a file that contains the following content (simplified version that demonstrates the problem):
I would like to load the literal content of the file into a table without any mangling of the data. Here is what I am currently doing:
CREATE TABLE file_content (content text);
COPY file_content FROM '/path/to/test.txt';
The resulting line in the table is:
In other words, the backslash was silently dropped/ignored. I've tried the copy with different encodings (UTF8, LATIN1, SQL_ASCII) without any change in behavior.
Also, the ESCAPE and QUOTE options seemed promising at first, but they are only for COPY ... TO.
Is there a way to load raw data from a file without the mangling? I'm using version PostgreSQL version 9.4.6.
You need to change \ to \\. You can use sed for that:
sed -i -- 's/\\/\\\\/g' import.file
Please make sure you have reviewed your data and backuped it before performing operation above.

Postgres 9.3 end-of-copy marker corrupt - Any way to change this setting?

I am trying to stream data through an AWK program to a Postgres COPY command. This works great usually. However, in my data recently I have been getting long text stings containing '\.' values.
Postgres Documentation mentions this combination of characters represents the end-of-data marker,, and I am getting the associated errors when trying to insert with COPY.
My question is, is there a way to turn this off? Perhaps change the end-of-data marker to a different combination of characters? Or do I have to alter/remove these strings before trying to insert using the COPY command?
You can try to filter your data through sed 's:\\:\\\\:g' - this would change every \ in your data to \\, which is a correct escape sequence for single backslash in copy data.
But I think not only backslash would be problematic. Also newlines should be encoded by \n, carriage returns as \r and tabs as \t (tab is a default field delimiter in copy).