AndroidTV RecyclerView: Highlight entry when using DPAD - android-recyclerview

This subject is driving my nuts. I've read virtually a hundred posts about it, but none of them reflects my situation. I'm using a plain simple RecyclerView in an app running on AndroidTV. To enable navigation, I've set
Now, I can use DPAD to scroll inside the RecyclerView, nicely. My goal is to animate the highlighting of the currently focused item in the list. However, I can't seem to find any event which indicates a focus change.
I would very much appreciate a hint, how my code could be informed about a focus changed inside the list, programaticaly, and how to figure out which list items have gained/lost focus.

Finally, it turned out that the solution is fairly easy. I don't know, why it was hidden in front of my eyes. All I had to do was to view.setOnFocusChangeListener() inside onBindViewHolder like this:
public void onBindViewHolder(#NonNull ViewHolder holder, int position) {
view.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {
public void onFocusChange(View view, boolean b) {
highlightEntry(view, b);


Helix Toolkit How to use MouseWheelEventHandler to run specific methods in other classes

I would like to run particular methods of a custom Camera class whenever the user zooms in or out in the helix toolkit view that my program is running inside of.
A key feature of this functionality is getting the mouseargs from the event so I can adjust the camera in a way that is proportional to the number of scroll ticks.
I began to try this:
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public virtual void onMouseWheeled(MouseDevice Mouse, int time,
MouseWheelEventArgs e) {
MouseWheel?.Invoke(this, new MouseWheelEventArgs(Mouse, time,
e.Delta)); }
//This next line goes in a MainWindow_Loaded method that gets called in the
void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
view1.MouseWheel += new MouseWheelEventHandler(onMouseWheeled(Cursor,
Time.simTime, view1.MouseWheeledEventArgs)); }
but was having a lot of trouble figuring out how to pass a MouseWheelEventArgs object into the onMouseWheeled method when I'm trying to add the onMouseWheeled method to the MouseWheelEventHandler. Assuming nothing is fundamentally wrong with that sentence, which is nothing more than wishful thinking, The last thing I am trying to figure out is how to get mouse wheel event args so that I can pass it into a method.
Then I tried this:
public event MouseWheelEventHandler MouseWheel;
public virtual void onMouseWheeled(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e)
//In Main Window Loaded method...
void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
view1.MouseWheel += onMouseWheeled;
But I get no output when i scroll the wheel. I assumed this might actually work because view1 is the helix window I'm attaching all of my objects to, as children of view1.
Basically my main questions are:
What does invoke actually do? I only have this running to try to see if its working because onPropertyChanged methods I always use run the Invoke command like so. I'm actually not sure where I'm going with this.
How does the handler work?
How do the event args get called out so that I can use them and pass them as objects to other methods?
Thank you for your time. And Thank you twice for any and all pointers and advice you may give me.
Try to use preview mouse wheel event

Intellij Plugin - How to color project view files background?

As seen in the picture. Color Notification is colored. This is done by creating a scope and adding that file in that scope.
However I want to mark files according to my need. For example I will click that color notification and mark that file green or yellow.
I only need to know how I can reach this project view and alter background color programmatically.
I know there arent so many intellij plugin creators but still I will try my luck.
From my investigation there are FileColorManager, ProjectView, UIManager etc but I couldnt find which one is responsible for these color handling changes...
Just a guess. Have you tried to implement the com.intellij.ide.projectView.ProjectViewNodeDecorator extension point? It seems like this lets you decorate the nodes in the project view.
As we found out, setting the background-color is not easily possible. But you can add a string (like a checkmark) at the end of each node that you want to highlight. Here is an example:
public class ProvectViewColorer implements ProjectViewNodeDecorator {
public void decorate(ProjectViewNode node, PresentationData data) {
final VirtualFile virtualFile = node.getVirtualFile();
if (virtualFile != null && virtualFile.getFileType().equals(MathematicaFileType.INSTANCE)) {
public void decorate(PackageDependenciesNode node, ColoredTreeCellRenderer cellRenderer) {

How to response MENU_SELECTED event in an Inherited wxMenuBar?

I had tried DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() && Connect(),but it dosen't work.My code just like this.How to make it work?
class MainFrameMenuBar :public wxMenuBar
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MainFrameMenuBar, wxMenuBar)
EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_MENU_FIGURE"), MainFrameMenuBar::onMenuItemFigure)
MainFrameMenuBar::MainFrameMenuBar(wxWindow* parent)
//int id = XRCID("ID_MENU_FIGURE");
//Connect(id, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(MainFrameMenuBar::onMenuItemFigure), NULL, this);
void MainFrameMenuBar::onMenuItemFigure(wxCommandEvent& event)
This used to be broken in older wxWidgets versions and you had to handle menu events only in the wxFrame containing the menu bar and not the menu bar itself, but it should have been fixed quite some time ago, so perhaps you need to upgrade?
If you do use a version affected by that bug and can't upgrade, handling the events in the frame is the simplest workaround.

Disable copy/paste on Xamarin forms input field i.e. Entry

I am working on disabling copy/paste option menus on xamarin forms Entry, I am able to disable copy option using IsPassword=true attribute but this attribute also converts the normal input field to password field, which is not a requirement.
<Entry IsPassword="true" Placeholder="Password" TextColor="Green" BackgroundColor="#2c3e50" />
Thanks in advance.
This has to do with how Forms functions. Using iOS as the example here, the CanPerform override referred to in the other answer's Bugzilla issue is using the UIMenuController as the withSender and not the UITextField itself that might otherwise be expected. This is because the EntryRenderer class is a ViewRenderer<TView, TNativeView> type and subsequently is using whatever TNativeView (in this case, the UITextView) has in its CanPerform. Because nothing is going to be overridden by default, one still sees all of the cut/copy/paste options in the UIMenuController.
As a result, there would be a couple options. You could first make the modification where if you don't want copy/paste but are fine with getting rid of everything else, you can use UIMenuController.SharedMenuController.SetMenuVisible(false, false) in a custom renderer inheriting from EntryRenderer. If you look around on SO, there are similar questions where this is a possible route.
Alternatively, you can create a "true" custom renderer inheriting from ViewRenderer<TView, TNativeView> as ViewRenderer<Entry, YourNoCopyPasteUITextFieldClassName>. The class inheriting from UITextField can then override CanPerform as something like follows:
public override bool CanPerform(Selector action, NSObject withSender)
if(action.Name == "paste:" || action.Name == "copy:" || action.Name == "cut:")
return false;
return base.CanPerform(action, withSender);
This will require more effort because the custom renderer will not have the same behavior as the EntryRenderer, but as Xamarin.Forms is now open source, you could look to it for some ideas as to how the EntryRenderer functions normally. Something similar would likely have to be done for Android.
Edit: For Android, you can probably use this SO answer as a starting point: How to disable copy/paste from/to EditText
Another custom renderer, this time inheriting from ViewRenderer<Entry, EditText>, and create a class inside of it like this (in the most basic form):
class Callback : Java.Lang.Object, ActionMode.ICallback
public bool OnActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, IMenuItem item)
return false;
public bool OnCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, IMenu menu)
return false;
public void OnDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode)
public bool OnPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, IMenu menu)
return false;
Then, in your OnElementChanged method, you can set the native control and the CustomSelectionActionModeCallback value:
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Entry> e)
if (Control != null)
Control.CustomSelectionActionModeCallback = new Callback();
Doing something like the following appears to disable all of the copy/paste/cut functionality on the custom entry as far as the toolbar goes. However, you can still long click to show the paste button, to which I've poked around a bit hadn't found an answer yet beyond setting LongClickable to false. If I do find anything else in that regard, I'd make sure to update this.

Animation not starting until UI updates or touch event

I have a strange problem with an AlphaAnimation. It is supposed to run repeatedly when an AsyncTask handler is called.
However, the first time the handler is called in the Activity, the animation won't start unless I touch the screen or if the UI is updated (by pressing the phone's menu button for example).
The strange part is that once the animation has run at least once, it will start without problem if the handler is called again.
Here's what the code looks like:
// AsyncTask handler
public void onNetworkEvent()
this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run()
// Called method
private void flashScreen(int repeatCount)
final View flashView = this.findViewById(;
AlphaAnimation alphaAnimation = new AlphaAnimation(1, 0);
alphaAnimation.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator());
alphaAnimation.setAnimationListener(new Animation.AnimationListener() {
public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation)
public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation)
public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) { }
I have noticed that runOnUIThread isn't necessary (same results occur if I don't use it), but I prefer keeping it as I'm not on the UI thread.
Any ideas on what could cause this?
A little more research showed that my problem was the same a this question:
Layout animation not working on first run
The flashView's visibility was set to GONE by default (causing the Animation not to start immediately as the View had never been rendered), so I just need to set it to INVISIBLE before calling flashView.startAnimation()
If setting the View to VISIBLE won't work, as was in my case, it helped for me to call requestLayout() before starting the Animation, like so:
Animation an = new Animation() {
In my case, my View was 0dip high which prevented onAnimationStart from being called, this helped me around that problem.
This worked for me:
I had to set the view to VISIBLE (not INVISIBLE, neither GONE), causing the view renderization needed to animate it.
That's not an easy one. Till you got a real answer : The animation start is triggered by onNetworkEvent. As we don't know the rest of the code, you should look there, try to change onNetworkEvent by an other event that you can easily identify, just to debug if the rest of the code is ok or if it's just the trigger that is responsible for it.
May be it will help someone, because previous answers not helped me.
My animation was changing height of view (from 0 to it's real height and back) on click - expand and collapse animations.
Nothing worked until i added listener and set visibility to GONE, when animation ends:
collapseAnim.setAnimationListener(new Animation.AnimationListener() {
public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {
public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {
And when expand just set it to VISIBLE before animation: