How have 4 percentage slice after groupby? - pandas

I have a dataframe like this:
city age
paris 8
paris 12
paris 45
paris 65
LA 65
LA 78
LA 42
I would like to groupby city and know age percentage in 4 interval :
% of people where age <16 years (slice1)
16 < % of people where age < 30 (slice2)
30 < % of people where age < 40 (slice3)
40 < % of people where age (slice4)
Expected output like this:
city slice1 slice2 slice3 slice4
paris 2% 6% 70% 22%
LA 1% 40% 9% 50%
How can I do this with Pandas ?

Use pandas.cut to define age groups and pandas.crosstab with normalize='index' to compute the proportion per city:
age_groups = [0,16,30,40]
age_labels = [f'slice{i+1}' for i in range(len(age_groups))]
ages = pd.cut(df['age'], bins=age_groups+[float('inf')],
labels=age_labels, right=False)
df_out = (pd.crosstab(df['city'], ages, normalize='index')
.reindex(age_labels, axis=1, fill_value=0)
>>> df_out
age slice1 slice2 slice3 slice4
LA 0.0 0 0 1.0
paris 0.5 0 0 0.5
as percent:
>>> df_out*100
age slice1 slice2 slice3 slice4
LA 0.0 0 0 100.0
paris 50.0 0 0 50.0


How to convert wide dataframe to long based on similar column

I have a pandas dataframe like this
and i want to convert it to below dataframe
i am not sure how to use pd.wide_to_long function here
below is the dataset for creating dataframe:
Date, IN:Male teacher ,IN:Male engineer, IN: Male Atronaut , IN:female teacher ,IN:female engineer, IN: female Atronaut ,GB:Male teacher ,GB:Male engineer, GB: Male Atronaut,GB:female teacher ,GB:female engineer, GB: female Atronaut
Convert Date column to index and for all another columns remove possible traling spaces by str.strip, then replace spaces to : and last split by one or more : to MultiIndex, so possible reshape by DataFrame.stack with DataFrame.rename_axis for new columns names created by DataFrame.reset_index:
df1 = df.set_index('Date')
df1.columns = df1.columns.str.strip().str.replace('\s+', ':').str.split('[:]+', expand=True)
df1 = df1.stack([0,1]).rename_axis(['Date','Symbol','Gender']).reset_index()
print (df1)
Date Symbol Gender Atronaut engineer teacher
0 20220405 GB Male 34 23 12
1 20220405 GB female 34 22 11
2 20220405 IN Male 5 29 25
3 20220405 IN female 23 23 41
4 20220404 GB Male 32 23 12
5 20220404 GB female 34 23 10
6 20220404 IN Male 4 29 21
7 20220404 IN female 22 23 40
pivot_longer from pyjanitor offers an easy way to abstract the reshaping; in this case it can be solved with a regular expression:
# pip install pyjanitor
import pandas as pd
import janitor
index = 'Date',
names_to = ('symbol', 'gender', '.value'),
names_pattern = r"(.+):\s*(.+)\s+(.+)",
sort_by_appearance = True)
Date symbol gender teacher engineer Atronaut
0 20220405 IN Male 25 29 5
1 20220405 IN female 41 23 23
2 20220405 GB Male 12 23 34
3 20220405 GB female 11 22 34
4 20220404 IN Male 21 29 4
5 20220404 IN female 40 23 22
6 20220404 GB Male 12 23 32
7 20220404 GB female 10 23 34
The regular expression has capture groups, any group paired with .value stays as a header, the rest become column values.

ValueError: grouper for xxx not 1-dimensional with pandas pivot_table()

I am working on olympics dataset and want to create another dataframe that has total number of athletes and total number of medals won by type for each country.
Using following pivot_table gives me an error "ValueError: Grouper for 'ID' not 1-dimensional"
pd.pivot_table(olymp, index='NOC', columns=['ID','Medal'], values=['ID','Medal'], aggfunc={'ID':pd.Series.nunique,'Medal':'count'}).sort_values(by='Medal')
Result should have one row for each country with columns for totalAthletes, gold, silver, bronze. Not sure how to go about it using pivot_table. I can do this using merge of crosstab but would like to use just one pivottable statement.
Here is what original df looks like.
I would like to get the medal breakdown as well e.g. gold, silver, bronze. Also I need unique count of athlete id's so I use nunique since one athlete may participate in multiple events. Same with medal, ignoring NA values
out = df.pivot_table('ID', 'NOC', 'Medal', aggfunc='count', fill_value=0)
out['ID'] = df[df['Medal'].notna()].groupby('NOC')['ID'].nunique()
>>> out
Medal Bronze Gold Silver ID
AFG 2 0 0 1
AHO 0 0 1 1
ALG 8 5 4 14
ANZ 5 20 4 25
ARG 91 91 92 231
.. ... ... ... ...
VIE 0 1 3 3
WIF 5 0 0 4
YUG 93 130 167 317
ZAM 1 0 1 2
ZIM 1 17 4 16
[149 rows x 4 columns]
Old answer
You can't have the same column for columns and values:
out = olymp.pivot_table(index='NOC', values=['ID','Medal'],
aggfunc={'ID':pd.Series.nunique, 'Medal':'count'}) \
.sort_values('Medal', ascending=False)
# Output
ID Medal
USA 9653 5637
URS 2948 2503
GER 4872 2165
GBR 6281 2068
FRA 6170 1777
.. ... ...
GAM 33 0
GBS 15 0
GEQ 26 0
PNG 61 0
LBA 68 0
[230 rows x 2 columns]
Another way to get the result above:
out = olym.groupby('NOC').agg({'ID': pd.Series.nunique, 'Medal': 'count'}) \
.sort_values('Medal', ascending=False)
# Output
ID Medal
USA 9653 5637
URS 2948 2503
GER 4872 2165
GBR 6281 2068
FRA 6170 1777
.. ... ...
GAM 33 0
GBS 15 0
GEQ 26 0
PNG 61 0
LBA 68 0
[230 rows x 2 columns]

Pandas: Aggregate mean ("totals") for each combination of dimensions

I have a table like this:
I'd like to add all possible means for combinations of dimensions 1-3 to the same table (or a new dataframe that I can concatenate with the original).
The time dimension should not be aggregated. Example of means added for different combinations:
... total
... total
Using groupby on multiple columns will groupby with all combinations of these columns. So a simple df.groupby(["city", "age"]).mean() will achieve the mean for the "total", "city", "age" combination. The problem here is you want all combinations of all size for the list ["gender", "city", "age"]. It's not straightforward and I think a more pythonic way can be found but here is my proposal :
## create artificial data
cols = ["gender", "city", "age"]
genders = ["male", "female"]
cities = ["newyork", "losangeles", "chicago"]
ages = ["10_20y", "20_30y"]
n = 20
df = pd.DataFrame({"gender" : np.random.choice(genders, n),
"city" : np.random.choice(cities, n),
"age" : np.random.choice(ages, n),
"value": np.random.randint(1, 20, n)})
## the dataframe we will append during the process
new = pd.DataFrame(columns = cols)
## itertools contains the function combinations
import itertools
## list all size combinations possible
for n in range(0, len(cols)+1):
for i in itertools.combinations(cols, n):
## if n > 0, the combinations is not empty,
## so we can directly groupby this sublist and take the mean
if n != 0:
agg_df = df.groupby(list(i)).mean().reset_index()
## reset index since for multiple columns, the result will be multiindex
## if n=0, we just want to take the mean of the whole dataframe
agg_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = cols)
agg_df.loc[0, "value"] = df.loc[:, "value"].mean()
## a bit ugly since this mean is an integer not a dataframe
## from here agg_df will have n+1 columns,
## for instance for ["gender"] we will have only "gender" and "value" columns
## "city" and "age" are missing since we aggregate on it
for j in cols:
if j not in i:
agg_df.loc[:, j] = "total" ## adding total as you asked for
new = new.append(agg_df)
For instance, I find :
gender city age value
0 total total total 9.750000
0 female total total 8.083333
1 male total total 12.250000
0 total chicago total 8.000000
1 total losangeles total 11.428571
2 total newyork total 11.666667
0 total total 10_20y 8.100000
1 total total 20_30y 11.400000
0 female chicago total 7.333333
1 female losangeles total 9.250000
2 female newyork total 8.000000
3 male chicago total 9.000000
4 male losangeles total 14.333333
5 male newyork total 19.000000
0 female total 10_20y 7.333333
1 female total 20_30y 8.833333
2 male total 10_20y 9.250000
3 male total 20_30y 15.250000
0 total chicago 10_20y 7.285714
1 total chicago 20_30y 9.666667
2 total losangeles 10_20y 10.000000
3 total losangeles 20_30y 12.500000
4 total newyork 20_30y 11.666667
0 female chicago 10_20y 7.250000
1 female chicago 20_30y 7.500000
2 female losangeles 10_20y 7.500000
3 female losangeles 20_30y 11.000000
4 female newyork 20_30y 8.000000
5 male chicago 10_20y 7.333333
6 male chicago 20_30y 14.000000
7 male losangeles 10_20y 15.000000
8 male losangeles 20_30y 14.000000
9 male newyork 20_30y 19.000000
It's a base work, I think you can work around

Overall sum by groupby pandas

I have a dataframe as shown below, which is area usage of whole city say Bangalore.
Sector Plot Usage Status Area
A 1 Villa Constructed 40
A 2 Residential Constructed 50
A 3 Substation Not_Constructed 120
A 4 Villa Not_Constructed 60
A 5 Residential Not_Constructed 30
A 6 Substation Constructed 100
B 1 Villa Constructed 80
B 2 Residential Constructed 60
B 3 Substation Not_Constructed 40
B 4 Villa Not_Constructed 80
B 5 Residential Not_Constructed 100
B 6 Substation Constructed 40
Bangalore consist of two sectors A and B.
From the above I would like to calculate total area of Bangalore and its distribution of usage.
Expected Output:
City Total_Area %_Villa %_Resid %_Substation %_Constructed %_Not_Constructed
Bangalore(A+B) 800 32.5 30 37.5 46.25 53.75
I think you need set scalar value to column city before apply solution (if there are only sectors A and B):
df['Sector'] = 'Bangalore(A+B)'
#aggregate sum per 2 columns Sector and Usage
df1 = df.groupby(['Sector', 'Usage'])['Area'].sum()
#percentage by division of total per Sector
df1 = df1.div(df1.sum(level=0), level=0).unstack(fill_value=0).mul(100).add_prefix('%_')
#aggregate sum per 2 columns Sector and Status
df2 = df.groupby(['Sector', 'Status'])['Area'].sum()
df2 = df2.div(df2.sum(level=0), level=0).unstack(fill_value=0).mul(100).add_prefix('%_')
#total Area per Sector
s = df.groupby('Sector')['Area'].sum().rename('Total_area')
#join all together
dfA = pd.concat([s, df1, df2], axis=1).reset_index()
print (dfA)
Sector Total_area %_Residential %_Substation %_Villa \
0 Bangalore(A+B) 800 30.0 37.5 32.5
%_Constructed %_Not_Constructed
0 46.25 53.75
Simple Pivot Table can help!
1. One Line Pandas Solution: 80% work done
pv =
2. Now formatting for %: 90% work done
ans =
3. Adding the Total Column: 99% work done
ans['Total'] = pv['Total']['Total']
4. Renaming Columns and Arranging in your expected order: and done!
ans = ans[['Total',''%_Villa','%_Resid','%_Substation','%_Constructed','%_Not_Constructed']]

How to plot this graph?

total_income = df.groupby('genres')['gross'].sum()
average_income = df.groupby('genres')['gross'].mean()"Total Income", color = 'r')"Average Income")
plt.ylabel("Dollars (Gross)")
Here's my code that plots the sum and average of gross by the genres of movies. The problem is when I plot the graph, it gives me a complete black graph. I believe it is due to the length of words in the genres because it contains multiple genres.
How Can I fix this so it shows the graph and it's genres? I need assistance.
You can use str.split for lists, then get len for length.
Last create new DataFrame by constructor with numpy.repeat and numpy.concatenate:
df = pd.DataFrame({'genres':['Comedy|Crime|Drama|Thriller','Comedy|Crime|Drama','Comedy|Crime','Drama|Thriller','Drama','Comedy|Crime'],
print (df)
genres gross
0 Comedy|Crime|Drama|Thriller 10
1 Comedy|Crime|Drama 20
2 Comedy|Crime 30
3 Drama|Thriller 40
4 Drama 50
5 Comedy|Crime 60
splitted = df['genres'].str.split('|')
l = splitted.str.len()
df = pd.DataFrame({'gross': np.repeat(df['gross'], l), 'genres':np.concatenate(splitted)})
print (df)
genres gross
0 Comedy 10
0 Crime 10
0 Drama 10
0 Thriller 10
1 Comedy 20
1 Crime 20
1 Drama 20
2 Comedy 30
2 Crime 30
3 Drama 40
3 Thriller 40
4 Drama 50
5 Comedy 60
5 Crime 60
d = {'mean':'Average','sum':'Total'}
df1 = df.groupby('genres')['gross'].agg(['sum','mean']).rename(columns=d)
print (df1)
Total Average
Comedy 120 30
Crime 120 30
Drama 120 30
Thriller 50 25