Is there a way to generate and show Unique ID in Google Form? - spreadsheet

So, i have made a unique ID generated in a linked spread sheet using this formula.
=arrayformula( if( len(A2:A), "" & text(row(A2:A) - row(A2) + 2, "000") & RIGHT(VALUE(A2:A), 3), iferror(1/0) ) )
but is there a way to pop it out in the google form? like a message with the unique ID come out at the last page so the responder can know their unique ID number and then use it for other purpose?
i want to use the unique number in a series of google forms without having to collect their emails. my plan is for responder to do the first google form and get the unique ID. Then use that id in other google form.
Pre-play where the Output is
Post-play where the Input is


(Access) search text field for strings matching those in another table's field and display these matching records in a subform

Here's my situation,
tbl_products / frm_products
products__name (short text)
products__description (short text)
tbl_articles / frm_articles
articles__name (short text)
articles__body (long text)
I have a form bound to tbl_articles containing a subform bound to tbl_products.
What I would like to happen is,
once a user enters text into the articles__body field, (using the After Update module)
it searches this long text field for any words which match a product name
and then (in the subform) displays the matching products.
For example if the articles__body record that the user is currently viewing contains 'product 1', it will display product 1's record in the subform.
Perhaps After Update is not appropriate as it needs to appear to remember these matches. For example, if tbl_articles' record 1 matches/displays product 1 on the subform whereas record 2 matches/displays products 2,3 and 4; I need the user to be able to revisit record 1 and see the product 1 match without having to edit the text (and trigger the After Update).
I have no idea where to start with this. It's not a simple if string contains, Originally I entertained the idea of something like - Like '* [in tbl_products, record 1's products__name] *' repeated for each record (obviously not the correct syntax but simply identifying the process to myself), however this is impractical because the number of strings to match against will grow over time as more products are added.
Any help would be great,
Kind regards
Set Filter and FilterOn properties. Suggest naming subform container control different from the form it holds, like ctrProducts.
Me.ctrProducts.Form.Filter = "InStr('" & Me.articles_body & "', [products_name])>0"
Me.ctrProducts.Form.FilterOn = True

How to fill webpage (Google) values using excel VBA

I'm trying to fill Google account registration form values using excel vba. I'm getting errors while filling below fields. Kindly advise.
Webpage Link - (Google Registration Page)
1) Month Combobox
2) Gender Combobox
The code that I'm using to fill above fields is
wb.Document.GetElementById("HiddenBirthMonth").Value = 1
wb.Document.GetElementById("HiddenGender").Value = "Male"
Where WB is the object of "WebBrowser"
Taking a look to Google's form page code you can notice both fields are dropdowns.
To customize the dropdown Google used a workaround making both Gender and BirthMonth hidden fields and giving them these ids:
You can use the send key to put the information or select options.
But while using send keys you should loose the focus from webpage.
Ti use send keys code first do manually and identify the sequence.

How to generate adidional fields inside Yii form

I have:
Table "user"
id, username, password
Table "freedate"
id, user_id, start_date, end_date
Each user can have 1 or more (unlimited) number of "freedate" entries.
Now i have form with 2 text fields (username and password), and 2 date pickers (one for start date and another one for end date).
How can i enable user to inserd aditional datepicker pairs so they can enter as much of "freedate" entires as they need to?
I was wondering about insertind aditional button inside form, that would somehow create aditional fields when pressed, but u have no idea how to do it.
I don't need working example (even tho one would help ofc). What i need i suggestion from your own expirience if you had similar problem.
You can use javascript as noted above. Though that can get tricky to get the new fields associated with the datepicker.
You can also submit after each pair is entered. On returning back to form after save insert a new set of start/end date fields to the end of the form. This way they always have a freedate pair they can enter. (a bit slower overall)
You need javascript to generate these fields on the fly. Or a fixed amount of extra fields could be hidden and shown one by one using javascript as the user clicks the button. You would need to keep track of the number of fields being shown in a javascript var.
You need to write custom javascript in order to do that. It isn't hard, you would need to do something along these lines:
You need to create a button and, when that button gets clicked (onClick event or jquery click() function) you can add the html for your field (<input type=.... /> and so on to your form) and remember to use the correct name for these fields so that they get sent correctly when the user submits the form.

Sharepoint 2010: Update Lookup Field Multiple Value with a Workflow

I want to update a lookup field that contains multiple values through a Workflow, using Sharepoint Designer 2010.
For the moment, the old value is always overwritten, and I would like to "merge" the old value with the new one.
Here is the list of my test by so far:
1) I've managed to Keep the old or the new one, but not both of them.
2) I've tried to add key words like : & ; , between the fields, but only the first element is written in the list ( Example : [%first Element: id%] ;[% Second Element: ID%] --> Result in the column : First Element Id)
I'm out of idea. Do you have any tips?
Do you need more information?
Is this possible to do such things in Sharepoint designer?
Yes this can be done in SharePoint Designer. You need to set both the ID and the lookup value (the text that is displayed in the lookup field) - and these need to be separated by ;#
Build the following as a string before setting it to the lookup value.
[%Current Item:LookupList%];#[%Variable:NewItemID%];#[%Variable:NewItemTitle%]
In the example above, the first item is your original multi-select lookup list. The second, is the ID from the item that you want to add to the lookup, and the third is the title (or the value you're displaying in the field) from the item you're adding.

VBA for taking information from text boxes and inserting into table

So I have an input form that I want to use to update a table with certain fields of information. I have the ID of the record automatically coming up in a text box. I have three text boxes that I need to add to the table (excluding the ID) on a button click.
are the field names.
are the text box names
The table name is POC, and the ID is POC_ID (its an autonumber).
So I do not want these objects (text boxes) to be bound to the table because this is a little separate "pop-up" form that comes from a form that the table, and I only want the input to be relative to the POC_ID that is already selected via the original form.
So how do I write the vba for this to 1)check to make sure that records do not already exist....2)update the fields (listed above) with data input from the text boxes(listed above). I want to be able to use this with a button click....
actually it is one table not two; i have two forms that I want to be able to send information to the same table (different information though). this db was already built by someone else and know I have been deamed to take it over.
I need to add a second little pop up form for additional information to be added based on new requirements (there is literally no where for me to place this on the other one). I have already done that, and used a suggested object approach to reference the first forms (from which this second "pop-up" form springs from) to add the relative id fields. Now I have this second little pop up form that just asked three values to be inputted (which are the ones listed above).
I just simply do not know how to link the text box, with a field so that once a user enters in the information, clicks "save" it saves the information to the table relative to the TripID that is there (one mentioned above). the only way I know how to get the text boxes to save data to the table is to use the builder/wizard when I create a new one.
I would like to learn how to link an object (text box, cmb, list) etc on a form, to a table with an "On Click" method so that I can use a save button. Basically that is it!
The OpenForm method of DoCmd allows for several arguments, including Where and Openargs. You can take advantage of these.
However, something seems to be quite wrong with your table design in that you appear to be holding the same information in two tables and for no stated reason. Have you read
I would suggest that the design you need probably only includes a numeric field POC_ID that is a foreign key to the main table.
Still not sure I understand your situation, but let me offer the outline of an answer. If my outline is not close enough, please explain where I went astray.
Your parent form, frmParent, has a command button (cmdMoreFields) which opens the child form (frmChild) where you will enter values for 3 additional fields in the record currently displayed in frmParent. After the user enters those values in frmChild (in text box controls named As_Name, As_Date, and As_Method), she will click a command button (cmdSave) to store those values to fields (Name, Date, and Method) in table POC, and close frmChild. Also, frmParent includes a text box (txtPk_field) which holds the value for the primary key (field pk_field in table POC) of the current record.
However, I'm not sure which field/control you're using for txtPk_field, and doubt that value is available if the the current record has not yet been saved. So, I'll suggest this code for the cmdMoreFields "on click" event:
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmChild"
In the "on click" event of cmdSave (on frmChild), try code similar to:
Dim strSql As String
strSQL = "UPDATE POC SET [Name] = """ & Me.As_Name & """, [Date] =#" _
& Me.As_Date & "#, Method = """ & Me.As_Method & """ WHERE pk_field = " _
& Forms!frmParent.txtPk_field & ";"
Debug.Print strSql
CurrentDb.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
If that approach works, consider passing the pk_field value to frmChild with Openargs, as Remou suggested.
Note: I assumed the data type for Name is text, Date is date/time, and Method is text. You will have to change the UPDATE statement delimiters for any fields whose data types differ from my guesses.