OOP-correct way of notifying about a has-a relationship - oop

The has-a relationship is the following: a Product has a collection of Events. Events are not simple primitives, they represent for example a price change.
In this scenario who is more natural to assume the responsibility to notify the current user about an Event on a Product?
If this is the Product - Product#notify(Event).
If this is the Event - Event#notify(Product). This one might be a little awkward/loopy, since the call in Product would look like this: this.events[i].notify(this).
User#notify(Product, Event) is not an option since the system has no notion of users.


How to update shared information between 2 representations of the same entity in different contexts?

This question is related, but more specific than this question.
I'm going to use a simple example here. Say we have a User entity in one context and a Customer entity in another context. These are 2 different representations of the same entity.
Let's say the User and Customer both have an email address, but the email address is always changed via the bounded context that the User belongs to. So the user context is the source of truth for the email address. So ideally I would like the email address in the Customer context to be immutable from the point of view of the customer context.
So when the email address is changed in the user context, an EmailAddressChanged event is emitted. This is fine; I subscribe to the event in the Customer context. However, I now need to handle this event by mutating the Customer email address. So I need some sort of command method to make this change.
How can I ensure that the command method is not used, other than when handling the event from the User context?
If I allow mutation in both contexts then they both become sources of truth and I need double the number of events and handlers to ensure that the information remains consistent in both contexts
Maybe there is a hidden customer/supplier relationship between these bounded contexts? If User bc is the source of truth for Customer bc, then User bc might expose an API to be accessed by downstream contexts (Customer, maybe something more?). In your question you said only the email address should be "immutable" and dependent on User context - however, I think it might a hint that entire Customer context is a consumer/customer of User context and should use its public API (which should not expose internal user domain model directly - some facade classes are required to hide the details).
If that's not the case, and there is no such relationship between the contexts - you can use a specialized component in your Customer bc to make changes to the database, without directly invoking domain methods. Then, the repository can be used to query customers and recreate them with updated email address. My point is - if you want customer bc to apply EmailAddressChanged events, you obviously need something to alter the database, but you don't need to do that via domain methods. The component applying EmailAddressChanged events would be part of the infrastructure layer of Customer context. If you use this solution, then there is no risk of modifying customers via business case scenarios.
Btw, isn't your Customer in fact a specialized read model of User context?

Four types of mediators

I often encounter the problem of choosing the interaction pattern in many-to-many relationships. The following example demonstrates four different ways to achieve the same goal.
The goal is to deliver a message (advertisment) from one group of entities (DeliveryCompany, College, Supermarket) to another (LazyBob, CleverAnn, FastJon). Obviously, we need a mediator (AdBoard) which will help both publishers with delivering their ads to appropriate person and subscribers with notifying them about interesting proposals.
Responding to ad is out of concerns right now, but if it matters, we can assume that it will be necessary in future. Anyway, this respond must have a different path (we're not responding to ads with another ad, right?)
All subscribers must implement the interface describing their differences. Mediator is injected with them and implement an interface for publishers' purposes.
Reverse version of first. Now publishers implement an interface describing their preferences. It is used by mediator which implement an interface for subscribers' purposes.
Mediator implements two interfaces: for sending targeted advertisment (back-end) and for receiving an ad on interesting topic (front-end). Back-end injected into all publishers, front-end injected into all subscribers.
Reverse version of third. Now mediator is injected with a number of publishers and subscribers which implement their interfaces.
Did these variants reached the goal with same success?
At early stage of development each of it can be chosen without any doubts, right or not? If not, what is the algorithm of choosing?
Given that you want to minimize coupling, ideally the Companies and the JobSeekers just use an interface to the AdBoard, but they don't need any structural changes.
If however it is essential that a JobSeeker can subscribe (and it is essential that you model this now), then you need the IAdSubscriberInterface, and the AdBoard needs to aggregate the Subscribers.
If JobSeekers are just looking at the AdBoard when they have some time, the AdBoard needs to know nothing about JobSeekers.
Unless there is some a business-relationship, the AdBoard may also not need to know anything about AdPublishers.
What is missing in the pictures is the Ad. The AdBoard aggregates the Ads. The Ad probably needs some information about the AdPublisher. It can hold an association to the AdPublisher.
Or if you want to further minimize coupling, the required information like company name are just copied into the Ad at creation time, like it is also done with paper-based Ads.

How do you represent domain object behaviors using methods when a domain object is acted upon and not the actor?

In Domain Driven Design, there is an emphasis of placing behaviors where they correctly belong. I'm not always sure what exactly constitutes "correct," though.
Consider this scenario: "The client withdraws an amount of money from a bank account."
Grammatically, we have that:
'client' is a subject
'withdraw' is a verb
'amount' is a direct object
'account' is an affected prepositional object
Classically, the client would execute this: account.withdraw(amount).
This could be read as: "The client commands a bank account to withdraw an amount of money." However, this does not grammatically correspond to the original scenario, since 'bank account' is now the direct object and an infinitive removes 'withdraw' and 'amount' from the main clause so that the primary idea conveyed is that 'client commands account'.
To adhere to DDD, we should regard this code as precisely describing the original scenario. This implies that the 'withdraw' method does not model a behavior performed by the account (the account is not a subject), but rather it models a behavior that indirectly affects it (the account is a prepositional object) and could very well be renamed 'wasWithdrawnFrom'. Moreover, the method argument represents something being affected by the client as opposed to by the object (it is a direct object for a client subject, not an object subject).
If we extrapolate from this example, we can see that methods may represent behaviors that affect the object (object is not the subject) and method arguments may represent direct objects of a client subject.
However, whether or not methods should represent behaviors performed by objects is unclear.
So my question is: How should we use methods to model object behavior?
1) Methods should strictly represent behaviors that affect the object. (The object cannot act as a subject, only a grammatical direct/indirect/prepositional object)
2) Methods may represent both behaviors that affect the object as well as behaviors performed by the object. (The object may act as a subject or a grammatical direct/indirect object)
You seems to be stuck in a theoretical thesis. I'm not sure you can apply a theory that works for every scenario/project. Behaviors usually appears when you start bombarding your Model with Use Cases. I try to let the cases dictate behaviors.
To follow your example:
Actor Customer want to withdraw money from Account. The way to do it is like you do Account.Withdraw(Money amount)
But your question "How should we use methods to model object behavior?" is a common DDD question. How to enrich your model with behavior? My best hints is to find your Value Objects. Value objects usually comes with behavior.
In example Account is and Entity (Aggregate root probably). Money (Value object with Currency and Amount) should be withdrawn from an Account. That should be Account Single Responsible (Principle) to control that Account balance and all access to it.
Regarding your (2) question in the end. Methods are absolutely used for change the objects inner state. But when it comes to behaviors performed by the entity/value object like
Customer.Order(newOrder) or advert.Apply(candidateCV) we can make entities communicate with each other. We can also create chained behaviors through Domain Events which can help us not to leak to much business logic to our application services. See Udi Dahan's blog for that or my blog article regarding Anemic Domain model http://magnusbackeus.wordpress.com/2011/05/31/preventing-anemic-domain-model-where-is-my-model-behaviour/
I Hope you got some ideas. It's difficult to give concrete hints when we are so abstract here.
/Best regards Magnus
I find that scenario too simple to be real, hence too simplistic to model too. I would reformulate the
"The client withdraws an amount of money from a bank account."
to something like
"The client submits withdrawal request of value xxx $ from his account" (when I go to my bank I have to fill out a form in order to withdraw money where I state amount, the account number, date and my signature)
There one can spot a request (command) to a service (withdrawal service) of an client (client identified by ID) from his account (account identified by ID) and the money value (money as value object).
I don't care much about the grammar, as English is my second language so when trying to understand the Domain, I try to understand how the business sees the concepts (Account) and workflows (withdraw an amount) and not to do grammar analysis.
The point of DDD is to model things like they are in the business, so behaviour shows up according to Domain understanding.
in this scenario, for me it's clear that we're working within the Account Operations Bounded Context and at least the Account aggregate root is involved. Of course, in banking terms, probably (I'm guessing here) there will not be a withdrawl but an operation to increase the Debit/Credit part of an account, so most likely the account will register that a debit/credit operation has happened. And a Domain Event is born and published. Then let the domain expert tell you what will happen next.
"The client deletes an order" => order.delete
Probably the order is never deleted, but its status will changed to 'canceled' or similar. However for that case when an order really should be deleted, the order doesn't delete itself, the Orders repository deletes that order.

WCF and Inheritance

I'm working on a project where I have an abstract class of Appointment. There are Workouts, Meals and Measurements that all derived from Appointment. My architecture looks like this so far:
Dao - with data access layer being entity framework 4 right now
POCO classes using the T4 templates
Silverlight Client, ASP.net MVP, mobile clients
Would I put business rules in the POCO class? or map my Entities to a business object with rules and then map those to DTOs and pass those through WCF?? and when I pass the DTOs do I pass over type Appointment? Or write a service method for each sub class like Workout or Meal?
I haven't found any good material using table per type inheritance and WCF.
thanks in advance!
it mainly depends on complexity you require. You are using POCO classes it is good starting point. You now have to choose how complex application are you going to build, how much business logic do you want to add and what do you want to expose to your clients?
The POCO entity can be just DTO or you can turn POCO entity into business object by adding business methods and rules directly into that entity - you will transform the entity into Active record pattern or to Domain object. I don't see any reason to map your POCOs to another set of business objects.
Exposing POCO entity in WCF service is the simplest way. You can use operations which will works directly with Appointment class. Additionally you have to give your service information about all classes derived from Appointment - check KnownTypeAttribute and ServiceKnownTypeAttribute. Using entity often means that service calls transport more than is needed - this can be problem for mobile clients with slow internet connection. There is one special point you have to be aware of when exposing entity which is aggregation root (contains references to another entitities and collection of entities) - if you don't have full control over client applications and you allow clients sending full modified object graph you have to validate not only each entity but also that client changed only what he was allowed to. Example: Suppose that client want to modify Order entity. You send him Order with all OrderItem entities and each item will have reference to its Product entity = full object graph. What happens if instead of modifing Order and OrderItems client changes any of Products (for example price)? If you don't check this in your business logic exposed by WCF and pass the modified object graph into EF context, it will modify the price in your database.
If you decide to use your entities like business objects you usually don't expose those entities, instead you will create large set of DTOs. Each operation will work with precisely defined DTO for request and response. That DTO will carry only information which are really needed - this will reduce data payload for service calls and avoid passing modified prices of product, because you will simply define your DTO to not transfer price or even whole product from the client. This solution is much more time consuming to implement and it adds additional layer of complexity.
Because I have mentioned object graphs I must clarify that there is another hidden level of complexity when using them: change tracking. EF context needs to know what have changed in object graph (at least which OrderItem was modified, which was added or deleted, etc.) for correct persistence. Tracking and multi tier solution is a chalenge. The simplest solution does not track changes and instead uses additional query to EF. This query returns actual persisted state of object graph and modified object graph is merged with it (special care is needed for concurrency checks). Other solutions uses some tracking support in entity - check Tracking changes in POCO and Self-tracking entities. But this is only for entities. If you want to track changes in DTO you have to implement your own change tracking. You can also read articles from MSDN magazine about multi tier applications and EF:
Anti-Patterns To Avoid In N-Tier Applications;
Building N-Tier Apps with EF4

Using core data, is the a way to automatically delete an entity when a to-many relationship falls below the min-count?

I have a core data model which includes an entity with a to-many relationship. I have set the relationship to non-optional and set the 'min count' to one. However, I can't work out a way of acting on this rule once it has been breached. Ideally I'd just like the entity deleted... but I can't figure out a way to do this automatically, or work out where I might be notified of this event.
You should be able to use KVO for this. Register for notifications on the relationship property within the entity, and have it delete itself if the count falls below the minimum number.