Is it possible to disable the syntax check when running molecule test? - testing

I have role, role-1, that I'm testing that is dependent on another role, role-2.
I clone the second role, role-2, into /tmp during the prepare step, and it is imported later from /tmp during the converge, however during the
INFO Running default > syntax
I get an error, that role-2 is not found, as this role is not yet cloned and does not exist on the system.
From the debug/verbose output it look like molecule test result in the following command being run
COMMAND: ansible-playbook --diff --inventory /home/vagrant/.cache/molecule/role-1/default/inventory --skip-tags molecule-notest,notest --syntax-check /opt/role-1-role/ansible/roles/role-1/molecule/default/converge.yml
Is there a way to stop this command running the --syntax-check, override the default command that molecule test runs? Or the have the syntax-check skip certain tasks or files?

Just found that you can add scenario to the molecule.yml file and overwrite/re-order the test sequence, so that solves the issue I was having, by reordering the sequence so that the syntax check happened after the prepare step.
See molecule.scenario


use output test case with other test case in input value, RIDE/robot framework

I have a probelm to use an output from a test case to use it with another test tase like input value ! did you have an idea how to do that ?
Even I have seen this issue with Ride. Sometimes ride does not save changes. Need to restart ride to see the saved changes. So, I am using ride only for development purpose and using command line to run test cases. On one window edit changes in ride and run test cases on command line.
To run single test case from command line:
python -m robot -t test_case_name test_suite_name
Hope it clears your doubt.

Check whether process running linux and start with certain description

I have multiple scripts running. All the scripts have the same name but the commands they execute are doing different things.
I am trying to figure out if a certain instance of the script is running and if so I don't want it to run again. This is difficult because all of the scripts have the same name so it could be a false positive by using pgrep.
My idea was if there is any attribute or description I could attach when it is first run, then I can grep for that unique description and tell which instance is running, is there any way to do this?
Does anyone have any other ideas?
You can implement below logic to check weather script is already running or not.
if [ -f Script1.lck ];then
echo "EXITING"
touch Script1.lck
#Your Script code here.............
rm -f Script1.lck
*I used concept that every time it runs checks for Script1.lck file if file not exists than it means no instance is running. So it creates file and start executing your code.
Suppose in between you executed the script then it checks for .lck file and and .lck already exists due to previous instance.
*In last i removed the .lck file.
*By using different lck file names for different script you can check which script is running.

How to force STORE (overwrite) to HDFS in Pig?

When developing Pig scripts that use the STORE command I have to delete the output directory for every run or the script stops and offers:
2012-06-19 19:22:49,680 [main] ERROR - ERROR 6000: Output Location Validation Failed for: 'hdfs://[server]/user/[user]/foo/bar More info to follow:
Output directory hdfs://[server]/user/[user]/foo/bar already exists
So I'm searching for an in-Pig solution to automatically remove the directory, also one that doesn't choke if the directory is non-existent at call time.
In the Pig Latin Reference I found the shell command invoker fs. Unfortunately the Pig script breaks whenever anything produces an error. So I can't use
fs -rmr foo/bar
(i. e. remove recursively) since it breaks if the directory doesn't exist. For a moment I thought I may use
fs -test -e foo/bar
which is a test and shouldn't break or so I thought. However, Pig again interpretes test's return code on a non-existing directory as a failure code and breaks.
There is a JIRA ticket for the Pig project addressing my problem and suggesting an optional parameter OVERWRITE or FORCE_WRITE for the STORE command. Anyway, I'm using Pig 0.8.1 out of necessity and there is no such parameter.
At last I found a solution on grokbase. Since finding the solution took too long I will reproduce it here and add to it.
Suppose you want to store your output using the statement
STORE Relation INTO 'foo/bar';
Then, in order to delete the directory, you can call at the start of the script
rmf foo/bar
No ";" or quotations required since it is a shell command.
I cannot reproduce it now but at some point in time I got an error message (something about missing files) where I can only assume that rmf interfered with map/reduce. So I recommend putting the call before any relation declaration. After SETs, REGISTERs and defaults should be fine.
SET mapred.fairscheduler.pool 'inhouse';
REGISTER /usr/lib/pig/contrib/piggybank/java/piggybank.jar;
%default name 'foobar'
rmf foo/bar
Rel = LOAD 'something.tsv';
STORE Rel INTO 'foo/bar';
Once you use the fs command, there a lot of ways to do this. For an individual file, I wound up adding this to the beginning of my scripts:
-- Delete file (won't work for output, which will be a directory
-- but will work for a file that gets copied or moved during the
-- the script.)
fs -touchz top_100
rm top_100
For a directory
-- Delete dir
fs -rm -r out

How can I stop sourcing a (t)csh script on a certain condition without exiting the shell?

I have to source a tcsh script to modify environment variables.
Some tests are to be done and if any fails the sourcing shall stop without exiting the shell. I do not want to run the script as a subprocess because I would need to modify env variables in the parent process which a subprocess cannot do. This is similar but different to this question where the author actually can run the script as a subprocess.
The usual workaround is to create an alias which runs a script (csh/bash/perl/python/...) which writes a tempfile with all the env var settings and at the end sources & deletes that tempfile. Here's more info for those interested (demoing a solution for bash). For my very simple and short stuff I'm doing that additional alias is not wanted.
So my workaround is to provoke a syntax error which stops any source execution. Here's an example:
test $ADMIN_USER = `filetest -U: $SOME_FILE` || "Error: Admin user must own admin file"
The shortcircuit || causes the error text to be ignored in case of goodness. On a test failure the error text is interpreted as a command, not found, the source stops and produces a reasonable error message:
Error: Admin user must own admin file: Command not found.
Is there any nicer way in doing this? Some csh/tcsh built-in that I've overlooked?
Thanks to a discussion with the user shellter I just verified my assumption that
test $ADMIN_USER = `filetest -U: $SOME_FILE` || \
echo "Error: Admin user must own admin file" && \
would actually quit the enclosing interactive shell. But it does not.
So the answer to my above question actually is:
Just use a normal exit and the source will stop sourcing the script while keeping the calling interactive shell running.

How to get the return value of xcodebuild?

I'm using xcodebuild inside a bash script on a continuous integration server.
I would like to know when a build as failed in the script, so I can exit prematurely from it and mark the build as failed.
xcodebuild displays a BUILD FAILED message to the console, but I don't succeed in getting a return value.
How can I achieve this?
Thanks in advance
I solved my problem using this command: xcodebuild -... || exit 1
You can use the "$?" variable to get the return code of the previous command.
xcodebuild -...
if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
echo "Success"
echo "Failed"
xcodebuild always returns 0, regardless of the actual test result. You should check for either ** BUILD FAILED ** or ** BUILD SUCCEEDED ** in the output to know whether tests pass or not.
Xcodebuild can return any of the error codes listed below and not restricted to EX_OK (or int 0).
However, I learnt from solution provided by Dmitry and modified as following. It works for me and I hope it could be helpful.
xcodebuild -project ......
if test $? -eq 0
echo "Success"
echo "Failed"
Error codes
The following are the error codes that can be returned by sysexits archive:
EX_OK (0): Successful exit.
EX_USAGE (64): The command was used incorrectly, e.g., with the wrong number of arguments, a bad flag, a bad syntax in a parameter, or whatever.
EX_DATAERR (65): The input data was incorrect in some way. This should only be used for user's data and not system files.
EX_NOINPUT (66): An input file (not a system file) did not exist or was not readable. This could also include errors like ``No message'' to a mailer (if it cared to catch it).
EX_NOUSER (67): The user specified did not exist. This might be used for mail addresses or remote logins.
EX_NOHOST (68): The host specified did not exist. This is used in mail addresses or network requests.
EX_UNAVAILABLE (69): A service is unavailable. This can occur if a support program or file does not exist. This can also be used as a catchall message when something you wanted to do doesn't work, but you don't know why.
EX_SOFTWARE (70): An internal software error has been detected. This should be limited to non-operating nonoperating operating system related errors as possible.
EX_OSERR (71): An operating system error has been detected. This is intended to be used for such things as cannot fork'',cannot create pipe'', or the like. It includes things like getuid returning a user that does not exist in the passwd file.
EX_OSFILE (72): Some system file (e.g., /etc/passwd, /var/run/utmp, etc.) does not exist, cannot be opened, or has some sort of error (e.g., syntax error).
EX_CANTCREAT (73): A (user specified) output file cannot be created.
EX_IOERR (74): An error occurred while doing I/O on some file.
EX_TEMPFAIL (75): Temporary failure, indicating something that is not really an error. In send-mail, sendmail, mail, this means that a mailer (e.g.) could not create a connection, and the request should be reattempted later.
EX_PROTOCOL (76): The remote system returned something that was ``not possible'' during a protocol exchange.
EX_NOPERM (77): You did not have sufficient permission to perform the operation. This is not intended for file system problems, which should use EX_NOINPUT or EX_CANTCREAT, but rather for higher level permissions.
EX_CONFIG (78): Something was found in an unconfigured or misconfigured state.
For more info click here.
Maybe it's not because of the xcodebuild not returning non-zero when build failed. Your shell script continuing to run regardless of the returning-error line might be the result of that you didn't run the script with a "-e" option.
Try put #!/bin/bash -e ahead of the script file.
Generally, you can always check the exist value for the last run process in Unix bash by:
$ echo $?
where $? is a built-in placeholder of the exist value of last executed command. For more details about other bash's built-in variables see here.
So, first run your command you want to investigate its return code, then run echo as above.
Whether the compiled product (.a or .ipa file)exists