How to consume all messages from a RabbitMQ queue in batches? - rabbitmq

My RabbitMQ consumer has to process messages in fixed size batches with a prefetch count of 15. This is limited to 15 in order to match AWS SES email send rate - the consumer process has to issue SES API requests in parallel. What would be the best way of dealing with a partial final batch, i.e. one that's left with fewer than 15 messages.
Any new messages are added to the consumer's batch array. When the batch size is achieved, the batch is processed and an acknowledgement is sent back for all messages in the batch.
The 'leftover messages' in the final batch must be processed in my scenario before the 10 second connection timeout comes into effect. Is there a way to implement a timeout on the callback function so that, if for a certain period the number of messages received is less than the prefetch count, the remaining messages in consumer's temporary batch array are processed and acknowledged. It's worth mentioning that no new messages are published to the queue while the consumer process is executing. Thanks in advance.
$connection = new AMQPStreamConnection(HOST, PORT, USER, PASS);
$channel = $connection->channel();
$channel->queue_declare('test_queue', true, false, false, false);
$channel->basic_qos(null, 15, null);
$callback = function($message){
Ack_Globals::$msg_batch[] = $message;
$time_diff = Ack_Globals::$cur_time-Ack_Globals::$lbatch_recieved;
if(sizeof(Ack_Globals::$msg_batch) >= 15){
$time_end = microtime(true);
Ack_Globals::$lbatch_recieved = $time_end;
Ack_Globals::$batch_count = Ack_Globals::$batch_count + 1;
//Calculate the average time to create this batch
Ack_Globals::$bgen_time_avg = ($time_end - Ack_Globals::$time_start)/Ack_Globals::$batch_count;
//Process this batch
/* Process */
//Acknowledge this batch
$message->delivery_info['channel']->basic_ack($message->delivery_info['delivery_tag'], true);
echo "\nMessage Count: ".Ack_Globals::$msg_count;
echo "\nSize of Array: ".sizeof(Ack_Globals::$msg_batch);
echo "\nLast batch received: ".Ack_Globals::$lbatch_recieved;
echo "\nBatch ".Ack_Globals::$batch_count." processed.";
echo "\nAverage batch generation time: ". Ack_Globals::$bgen_time_avg;
//Clear the batch array
Ack_Globals::$msg_batch = array();
if ((Ack_Globals::$batch_count === 0) && (Ack_Globals::$msg_count === 0)){
//initialise the timer
Ack_Globals::$time_start = microtime(true);
$channel->basic_consume('int_surveys', '', false, false, false, false, $callback);
while ($channel->is_consuming()){
Ack_Globals::$cur_time = AMQPChannel::$current_time;
$channel->wait(null, false, 10);


rabbitmq consumer not consuming after a certain time

Rabbitmq consumer consumes initially very fast but when i send messages after 8-9 hrs it not consuming at all. I tried increasing heartbeat count from 30 - 600, keeping prefetch as 1 and acknowledging after processing it still facing the same issue. Im using blocking connection. Any other reason for this is behaviour.
self.rabbit_mq_creds = self.rabbit_mq_credentials()
self.credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(username=xx,
self.parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(host=xx,
self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection(self.parameters) =
self.input_queue = "input_queue", durable=True, arguments={"x-queue-type": "quorum"}), on_message_callback=self.on_request)
def on_request(self, ch, method, props, body):
temp = {}
data = json.loads(body.decode('utf-8'))
data processing
except Exception as k:
logger.error(f"Error: {k} \n\nTrace: {traceback.format_exc()}")
ch.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key=props.reply_to,
properties=pika.BasicProperties(correlation_id=props.correlation_id), body=str(temp))
def trigger_consumption(self):`

ActiveMQ/STOMP Clear Schedule Messages Pointed To Destination

I would like to remove messages that are scheduled to be delivered to a specific queue but i'm finding the process to be unnecessarily burdensome.
Here I am sending a blank message to a queue with a delay:
self._connection.send(body="test", destination=f"/queue/my-queue", headers={
"AMQ_SCHEDULED_DELAY": 100_000_000,
"foo": "bar"
And here I would like to clear the scheduled messages for that queue:
self._connection.send(destination=f"ActiveMQ.Scheduler.Management", headers={
}, body="")
Of course the "destination" here needs to be ActiveMQ.Scheduler.Management instead of my actual queue. But I can't find anyway to delete scheduled messages that are destined for queue/my-queue. I tried using the selector header, but that doesn't seem to work for AMQ_SCHEDULER_ACTION type messages.
The only suggestions I've seen is to write a consumer to browser all of the scheduled messages, inspect each one for its destination, and delete each schedule by its ID. This seems insane to me as I don't have just a handful of messages but many millions of messages that I'd like to delete.
Is there a way I could send a command to ActiveMQ to clear scheduled messages with a custom header value?
Maybe I can define a custom scheduled messages location for each queue?
I've written a wrapper around the connection to handle purging schedules destined for a queue. The MQStompFacade takes an existing stomp.Connection and the name of the queue you are working with and provides enqueue, enqueue_many, receive, purge, and move.
When receiving from a queue, if include_delayed is True, it will subscribe to both the queue and a topic that consumes the schedules. Assuming the messages were enqueued with this class and have the name of the original destination queue as a custom header, scheduled messages that aren't destined for the receiving queue will be filtered out.
Not yet testing in production. Probably a lot of of optimizations here.
stomp = MQStompFacade(connection, "my-queue")
EnqueueRequest(message="goodbye", delay=100_000)
stomp.purge() # <- removes queued and scheduled messages destined for "/queues/my-queue"
class MQStompFacade (ConnectionListener):
def __init__(self, connection: Connection, queue: str):
self._connection = connection
self._queue = queue
self._messages: List[Message] = []
self._connection_id = rand_string(6)
self._connection.set_listener(self._connection_id, self)
def __del__(self):
def enqueue_many(self, requests: List[EnqueueRequest]):
txid = self._connection.begin()
for request in requests:
headers = request.headers or {}
# Used in scheduled message selectors
headers["queue"] = self._queue
if request.delay_millis:
headers['AMQ_SCHEDULED_DELAY'] = request.delay_millis
if request.priority is not None:
headers['priority'] = request.priority
def enqueue(self, request: EnqueueRequest):
def purge(self, selector: Optional[str] = None):
num_purged = 0
for _ in self.receive(idle_timeout=5, selector=selector):
num_purged += 1
return num_purged
def move(self, destination_queue: AbstractQueueFacade,
selector: Optional[str] = None):
buffer_size = 500
move_buffer = []
for message in self.receive(idle_timeout=5, selector=selector):
if len(move_buffer) >= buffer_size:
move_buffer = []
if move_buffer:
def receive(self,
max: Optional[int] = None,
timeout: Optional[int] = None,
idle_timeout: Optional[int] = None,
selector: Optional[str] = None,
peek: Optional[bool] = False,
include_delayed: Optional[bool] = False):
Receiving messages until one of following conditions are met
max: Receive messages until the [max] number of messages are received
timeout: Receive message until this timeout is reached
idle_timeout (seconds): Receive messages until the queue is idle for this amount of time
selector: JMS selector that can be applied to message headers. See
peek: Set to TRUE to disable automatic ack on matched criteria. Peeked messages will remain the queue
include_delayed: Set to TRUE to return messages scheduled for delivery in the future
if include_delayed:
browse_topic = f"topic/scheduled_{self._queue}_{rand_string(6)}"
schedule_selector = f"queue = '{self._queue}'"
if selector:
schedule_selector = f"{schedule_selector} AND ({selector})"
"JMSReplyTo": browse_topic
listen_start = time.time()
last_receive = time.time()
messages_received = 0
scanning = True
empty_receive = False
while scanning:
message = self._messages.pop()
last_receive = time.time()
if not peek:
messages_received += 1
yield message
except IndexError:
empty_receive = True
if max and messages_received >= max:
scanning = False
elif timeout and time.time() > listen_start + timeout:
scanning = False
elif empty_receive and idle_timeout and time.time() > last_receive + idle_timeout:
scanning = False
scanning = True
def on_message(self, frame):
destination = frame.headers.get("original-destination", frame.headers.get("destination"))
schedule_id = frame.headers.get("scheduledJobId")
message = Message(
queue=destination.replace("/queue/", "")
def _ack(self, message: Message):
Deletes the message from queue.
If the message has an scheduled_id, will also remove the associated scheduled job
if message.attributes.schedule_id:
"scheduledJobId": message.attributes.schedule_id
self._connection.ack(, subscription=self._connection_id)
In order to remove specific messages you need to know the ID which you can get via a browse of the scheduled messages. The only other option available is to use the start and stop time options in the remove operations to remove all messages inside a range.
MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(management);
Message request = session.createMessage();
request.setStringProperty(ScheduledMessage.AMQ_SCHEDULER_ACTION, ScheduledMessage.AMQ_SCHEDULER_ACTION_REMOVEALL);
request.setStringProperty(ScheduledMessage.AMQ_SCHEDULER_ACTION_START_TIME, Long.toString(start));
request.setStringProperty(ScheduledMessage.AMQ_SCHEDULER_ACTION_END_TIME, Long.toString(end));
If that doesn't suit your need I'm sure the project would welcome contributions.

RabbitMQ unacked messages not removed from queue after expiration

I have a RabbitMQ server (v.3.8.2) with a simple exchange fanout-queue binding running, with several producers and one consumer. The average delivery/ack rate is quite low, about 6 msg/s.
The queue is created at runtime by producers with the x-message-ttl parameter set at 900000 (15 minutes).
In very specific conditions (e.g. rare error situation), messages are rejected by the consumer. These messages then are shown in the unacked counter on the RabbitMQ admin web page indefinitely. They never expire or get discarded event after they timeout.
There are no specific per-message overrides in ttl parameters.
I do not need any dead letter processing as these particular messages do not require processing high reliabilty, and I can afford to lose some of them every now and then under those specific error conditions.
Exchange parameters:
name: poll
type: fanout
features: durable=true
bound queue: poll
routing key: poll
Queue parameters:
name: poll
features: x-message-ttl=900000 durable=true
For instance, this is what I am currently seeing in the RabbitMQ server queue admin page:
As you can see, there are 12 rejected/unack'ed messages in the queue, and they have been living there for more than a week now.
How can I have the nacked messages expire as per the ttl parameter?
Am I missing some pieces of configuration?
Here is an extract from the consumer source code:
// this code is executed during setup
consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(channel);
consumer.Received += (sender, e) =>
// Retrieve retry count & death list if present
List<object> DeathList = ((e?.BasicProperties?.Headers != null) && e.BasicProperties.Headers.TryGetValue("x-death", out object obj)) ? obj as List<object> : null;
int count = ((DeathList != null) &&
(DeathList.Count > 0) &&
(DeathList[0] is Dictionary<string, object> values) &&
values.TryGetValue("count", out obj)
) ? Convert.ToInt32(obj) : 0;
// call actual event method
switch (OnRequestReceived(e.Body, count, DeathList))
channel.BasicAck(e.DeliveryTag, false);
case OnReceivedResult.Reject:
channel.BasicReject(e.DeliveryTag, false);
case OnReceivedResult.Requeue:
channel.BasicReject(e.DeliveryTag, true);
// this is the actual "OnReceived" method
static OnReceivedResult OnRequestReceived(byte[] payload, int count, List<object> DeathList)
OnReceivedResult retval = OnReceivedResult.Ack; // success by default
object request = MessagePackSerializer.Typeless.Deserialize(payload);
if (request is PollRequestContainer prc)
"RequestPoll message received did={0} type=={1} items#={2}", prc.DeviceId, prc.Type, prc.Items == null ? 0 : prc.Items.Length
if (!RequestManager.RequestPoll(prc.DeviceId, prc.Type, prc.Items)) retval = OnReceivedResult.Reject;
else if (request is PollUpdateContainer puc)
Log.Out(Level.Info, LogFamilies.PollManager, log_method, null, "RequestUpdates message received dids#={0} type=={1}", puc.DeviceIds.Length, puc.Type);
if (!RequestManager.RequestUpdates(puc.DeviceIds, puc.Type)) retval = OnReceivedResult.Reject;
else Log.Out(Level.Error, LogFamilies.PollManager, log_method, null, "Message payload deserialization error length={0} count={1}", payload.Length, count);
catch (Exception e)
Log.Out(Level.Error, LogFamilies.PollManager, log_method, null, e, "Exception dequeueing message. Payload length={0} count={1}", payload.Length, count);
// message is rejected only if RequestUpdates() or RequestPoll() return false
// message is always acked if an exception occurs within the try-catch or if a deserialization type check error occurs
return retval;
This state occurs when the Consumer does not ack or reject both after receiving the message.
In the unacked state, the message does not expire.
After receiving the message, you must ack or reject it.
This issue isn't a problem that doesn't expire, problem is you don't ack or reject the message.
x-message-ttl=900000 means how long the message stays in the queue without being delivered to the consumer.
In your situation, your message is already delivered to the consumer and it needs to be acked/rejected.

Why is RabbitMQ reader flushing my queue?

I have some simple code to put a few things on a queue:
val factory = new ConnectionFactory()
val connection = factory.newConnection()
val channel = connection.createChannel()
channel.basicPublish("", "myq", null, "AAA".getBytes())
channel.basicPublish("", "myq", null, "BBB".getBytes())
channel.basicPublish("", "myq", null, "CCC".getBytes())
This seems to work. After running this I can do 'rabbitmqctl list_queues' and see myq with 3 items in it.
Now (in a different process) I run reader code to grab just 1 element from the queue:
val factory = new ConnectionFactory()
val connection = factory.newConnection()
val channel = connection.createChannel()
channel.queueDeclare("myq", false, false, false, null)
val consumer = new QueueingConsumer(channel)
channel.basicConsume("myq", true, consumer)
// Grab just one message from queue
val delivery = consumer.nextDelivery()
val message = new String(delivery.getBody())
println(" [x] Received '" + message + "'")
This successfully retrieves the first item on the queue (AAA). But... now when I run 'rabbitmqctl list_queues' I see 0 items in my queue, and of course re-running my reader hangs/waits because the queue is now empty. Why did the other items in the queue disappear?
You seem to not be using basicQos. With basicQos set to one, then you can achieve what you want, otherwise RabbitMQ will considered the prefetch setting to be unlimited, and send all the messages (or as many as it can) to the process that first did a basicConsume().
More info here: bellow "Fair Dispatch"

How to resend from Dead Letter Queue using Redis MQ?

Just spent my first few hours looking at Redis and Redis MQ.
Slowly getting the hang of Redis and was wondering how you could resend a message that is in a dead letter queue?
Also, where are the configuration options which determine how many times a message is retried before it goes into the dead letter queue?
Currently, there's no way to automatically resend messages in the dead letter queue in ServiceStack. However, you can do this manually relatively easily:
To reload messages from the dead letter queue by using:
public class AppHost {
public override Configure(){
// create the hostMq ...
var hostMq = new RedisMqHost( clients, retryCount = 2 );
// with retryCount = 2, 3 total attempts are made. 1st + 2 retries
// before starting hostMq
// add handlers
hostMq.RegisterHandler<TheMessage>( m =>
this.ServiceController.ExecuteMessage( m ) );
// start hostMq
Which ultimately uses the following to recover (requeue) messages:
private void RecoverDLQMessages<T>( RedisMqHost hostMq )
var client = hostMq.CreateMessageQueueClient();
var errorQueue = QueueNames<T>.Dlq;
log.Info( "Recovering Dead Messages from: {0}", errorQueue );
var recovered = 0;
byte[] msgBytes;
while( (msgBytes = client.Get( errorQueue, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1) )) != null )
var msg = msgBytes.ToMessage<T>();
msg.RetryAttempts = 0;
client.Publish( msg );
log.Info( "Recovered {0} from {1}", recovered, errorQueue );
At the time of this writing, there's a possibility of ServiceStack losing messages. Please See Issue 229 Here, so, don't kill the process while it's moving messages from the DLQ (dead letter queue) back to the input queue. Under the hood, ServiceStack is POPing messages from Redis.