BeforeRouteEnter not working in production with script setup - vue-router

I used the beforeRouteEnter hook in vue-router to load data from two different endpoints using axios. I used promise.all() to load the data and then passed it to the component using next(). It seems to be working in development but when it is hosted on vercel the data isn't rendered on the component.
import axios from "axios"
import NProgress from "nprogress"
export default {
name: "DetailView",
beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
const getDetails = axios.get(`api/grades/${ }/`)
const getResults =
axios.get(`api/results/`, {
params: {
Promise.all([getDetails, getResults])
.then(([details, results]) => {
next((vm) => {
vm.details =
vm.results =
I used a <script setup>...</script> for the setup function with the
import { ref } from "vue"
const details = ref({})
const grades = ref({})
I'm relatively new to javascript too and still trying to understand promises and async/await very well. Thank you

Finally found a solution to the problem. Components using <script setup> in vue are closed by default, he public instance of the component, which is retrieved via template refs or $parent chains, will not expose any of the bindings declared inside <script setup>. From the vue docs.
I had to explicitly expose the properties used in the beforeRouteEnter navigation guard using the defineExpose compiler macro


Vue 3 get current application instance

How to access to current instance of application inside a component?
Option 1: Create a plugin
// define a plugin
const key = "__CURRENT_APP__"
export const ProvideAppPlugin = {
install(app, options) {
app.provide(key, app)
export function useCurrentApp() {
return inject(key)
// when create app use the plugin
// get app instance in Component.vue
const app = useCurrentApp()
return () => h(app.version)
Option 2: use the internal api getCurrentInstance
import { getCurrentInstance } from "vue"
export function useCurrentApp() {
return getCurrentInstance()
// in Component.vue
const app = useCurrentApp()
In Vue.js version 3, you can access the current instance of an application inside a component using the getCurrentInstance() function provided by the Composition API.
Here's an example:
import { getCurrentInstance } from 'vue'
export default {
mounted() {
const app = getCurrentInstance()
console.log( // This will log the current instance of the application
Note that getCurrentInstance() should only be used in very specific situations where it's necessary to access the instance. In general, it's recommended to use the Composition API's reactive properties and methods to manage state and actions inside a component.

Access Nuxt custom plugin from Composition API

I am using VueClipboard in my nuxt project.
I have a plugin file vue-clipboard.js
import Vue from "vue";
import VueClipboard from 'vue-clipboard2';
It is imported into nuxt.config
plugins: ['#/plugins/vue-clipboard'],
This sets up a global variable $copyText and in nuxt without the composition API I can do something like
methods: {
async onCopyCodeToClipboard() {
const code = 'code'
await this.$copyText(code)
However inside the setup using the composition API (#nuxtjs/composition-api) when I write a function I do not have access to this.$copyText
const onCopyCodeToClipboard = async () => {
const code = context.slots.default()[0].elm.outerHTML
// -> Can't use this here - await this.$copyText(code)
So how do I make $copyText available to use inside the composition API?
I was able to get this to work via the Nuxt useContext() method:
import { useContext } from '#nuxtjs/composition-api'
export default function () {
const { $copyText } = useContext();

Use Vue Router In Script

I have a script that will redirect a user to the login screen when they get a response code of 401 - which means their session has expired within the API.
import axios from 'axios';
axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {
return response;
}, function(error) {
if(error.response.status === 401) {
window.location = '/';
return Promise.reject(error);
return Promise.reject(error)
I wish to use vue router instead of window.location to redirect to the login page.
I have tried adding these lines of code to the script:
import Vue from 'vue';
Vue.$router.push({ name: 'login' })
I get an error.
How would one go about using vue router in this instance?
Make sure you already installed vue router. If not yet, this is how to install
npm install vue-router // npm
or vue router cdn
<script src=""></script>
When used with a module system, you must explicitly install the router via Vue.use(). Do this one
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
then redirect to other page like this
this.$router.push({ name: 'nome-of-location'})
You can try this:
this.$router.push({ name: 'nome-of-location'})
This problem is is applicable to other frameworks like React and Angular and should be solved similarly there.
Router instance is unavailable outside component hierarchy, it cannot be accessed when Axios interceptor is defined in module scope.
It's also unwise to modify global Axios instance because it can be used by third-party libraries and cause unexpected side effects for them, this also makes clean-up more complicated in tests.
Local Axios instance can be defined in Vue application, also allows to define specific options like base URL:
Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, 'axios', {
get() {
return this.$root._axiosInstance;
created() {
if (this.$root === this) {
let axiosInstance = axios.create({/*...*/});
response => response,
error => {
this._axiosInstance = axiosInstance;
And is accessed as this.axios inside components.

Decentralizing functions in vuejs

Am from Angular2 whereby i was used to services and injection of services hence reusing functions how do i achieve the same in vuejs
I would like to create only one function to set and retrieve localstorage data.
so am doing it this way:
In my Login Component
Now in another component when sending a post request
export default{
localstorage.getItem('access-token') //do stuff after retrieve
Thats just one example, Imagine what could happen when setting multiple localstorage items when retrieving one can type the wrong key.
How can i centralize functionality eg: setting token(in angular2 would be services)
There are a few different ways to share functionality between components in Vue, but I believe the most commonly used are either mixins or custom modules.
Mixins are a way to define reusable functionality that can be injected into the component utilizing the mixin. Below is a simple example from the official Vue documentation:
// define a mixin object
var myMixin = {
created: function () {
methods: {
hello: function () {
console.log('hello from mixin!')
// define a component that uses this mixin
var Component = Vue.extend({
mixins: [myMixin]
var component = new Component() // => "hello from mixin!"
Custom module
If there are a lot of shared functionality with a logical grouping it might make sense to instead create a custom module, and import that where you need it (like how you inject a service in angular).
// localStorageHandler.js
const localStorageHandler = {
setToken (token) {
localStorage.setItem('access-token', token)
getToken () {
export default localStorageHandler
And then in your component:
// yourcomponent.vue
import localStorageHandler from 'localStorageHandler'
export default{
const token = localStorageHandler.getToken()
Modules are using the more modern syntax of JavaScript, which is not supported in all browsers, hence require you to preprocess your code. If you are using the vue-cli webpack template it should work out of the box.

Vue.js / Mixins - Is there a way to get the global mixin-object outside of the vue component?

I am new with Vue.js
I am using Vue.js 2.4.4.
I have created the global mixin in my app.js file:
import router from './router'
...(some imports and plugins definitions)
data: function(){
return {
get auth(){
return Auth;
const app = new Vue({
el: '#root',
template: `<app></app>`,
components: { App },
This mixin imports some Auth object with validation methods e.t.c which needed to be in every component.
All of my components can check this mixin and it's working fine.
But I need to check the auth state after every route request, and I want to use my currently existing mixin, so I am trying to make something like this in my router.js file:
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
const router = new VueRouter({
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
if(to.meta.requiresAuth) {
if( to mixin method) {
} else {
} else {
export default router
Is there a way to get the global mixin object and change it's inner values or can you please give some small advise or example what is the right solution to this kind of tasks?
Or should I use the plugins instead of mixins?
I would rather create a seperate file for auth and not make it a mixin. Then using Vue.use() which will set auth on the vue object.
A sample of what the files might look like:
export default function(Vue) {
Vue.auth = {
// do your auth logic
Then in your main js file
import Auth from './auth.js'
Then you should be able to use Vue.auth
Another option would be keep using the mixin and pass the value to a store (like vuex) or create your own if your project is small...