How do you fling a ScrollState in Jetpack Compose? - kotlin

For reasons that have to do with Jetpack Compose input modifiers consuming all MotionEvents, I find myself writing my own scroll routine for a Composable, of which I have access to the ScrollState.
I have figured out everything I need except flinging. I can't see how to apply performFling(initialVelocity) on a ScrollState. All I can find in the docs are ScrollState.scrollTo and ScrollState.scrollBy, which aren't so useful with flings, since the scroll destination or size is unknown.
I also can't find a ScrollState listener, similar to onScrollStateChanged(state: Int) in the old Android world, that fires when scrolling state changes.
Here is what I have in case somebody can point me in the right direction:
var lastY: Float? = null
var velocityTracker: VelocityTracker? = null
fun scroll(event: MotionEvent) {
when (event.action) {
MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> {
velocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain()
lastY = event.y
MotionEvent.ACTION_UP -> {
lastY = null
velocityTracker?.let {
val initialVelocity = it.yVelocity
coroutineScope.launch {
???? scrollState.PERFORMFLING?(initialVelocity) ????
AND THEN WHEN THE FLING IS FINISHED viewModel.scrollOffset = scrollState.value
else -> {
lastY?.let {
val scrollAmount = it - event.y
lastY = event.y
coroutineScope.launch {
viewModel.scrollOffset = scrollState.value

You could try using a nestedScroll:
val nestedScrollConnection = remember {
object : NestedScrollConnection {
override suspend fun onPostFling(consumed: Velocity, available: Velocity): Velocity {
return super.onPostFling(consumed, available)
override suspend fun onPreFling(available: Velocity): Velocity {
return super.onPreFling(available)
Column(modifier = Modifier
.nestedScroll(nestedScrollConnection)) {
If this doesn't work, just search
for theNestedScrollConnection and it should give you a hint on how to handle flinging in Compose. Maybe NestedScrollConnection is all you need since it provides support for scrolling as well. You probably can ditch your code and just use NestedScrollConnection. To see NestedScrollConnection in action, check out the demo:


Why needn't the author to wrap text.isNotBlank() with remember?

The Code A is from the official Sample project here.
1: I think I can wrap text.isNotBlank() withremember, so I think Code B is good, right?
BTW, I know the system will re-calculate when the text ( val (text, setText) = remember { mutableStateOf("") } ) is changed. So
2: In Code B, val (icon, setIcon) = remember { mutableStateOf(TodoIcon.Default)} and val iconsVisible = remember {text.isNotBlank() } will be re-launched when the text is changed (val (text, setText) = remember { mutableStateOf("") }) , right?
Code A
fun TodoItemInput(onItemComplete: (TodoItem) -> Unit) {
val (text, setText) = remember { mutableStateOf("") }
val (icon, setIcon) = remember { mutableStateOf(TodoIcon.Default)}
val iconsVisible = text.isNotBlank()
Column {
Row( /* ... */ ) {
/* ... */
if (iconsVisible) {
AnimatedIconRow(icon, setIcon, Modifier.padding(top = 8.dp))
} else {
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(16.dp))
Code B
fun TodoItemInput(onItemComplete: (TodoItem) -> Unit) {
val (text, setText) = remember { mutableStateOf("") }
val (icon, setIcon) = remember { mutableStateOf(TodoIcon.Default)}
val iconsVisible = remember {text.isNotBlank() } //I add remember
Column {
If you use remember as in Code B, iconsVisible will be calculated only once and the same value will be used across all recompositions and not get updates when text changes, which is not what we want here.
If you want to use remember here, you should pass text as a key to it, remember(text) { text.isNotBlank() }. But as this is not a time consuming calculation, you can just skip the remember block and use it as in Code A. The .isNotBlank() function will be invoked in every recomposition but that doesn't matter much here.

Jetpack Compose Canvas drawPath doesn't work

I have this composable that is supposed to allow drawing with the pointer to a canvas but when I move the pointer nothing happens
fun CanvasDraw() {
val path = remember { Path() }
Canvas(modifier = Modifier
.pointerInteropFilter {
when (it.action) {
MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> {
path.moveTo(it.x, it.y)
MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE -> {
path.lineTo(it.x, it.y)
else -> false
}) {
path = path,
color = Color.Blue,
style = Stroke(10f)
remember { Path() } is caching lambda content value for next recompositions, but it cannot trigger recomposition when content on this object is changed. To make some state, which will trigger recomposition on changes in Compose, you need to use a mutable state of some kind - it's a new thing made for Compose.
You can find more info about state in Compose in documentation, including this youtube video which explains the basic principles.
Storing points inside Path will not be clean, as it's not a basic type. Instead I'm using a mutable state list of points, like this:
val points = remember { mutableStateListOf<Offset>() }
Canvas(modifier = Modifier
.pointerInput(Unit) {
detectDragGestures { change, _ ->
) {
path = Path().apply {
points.forEachIndexed { i, point ->
if (i == 0) {
moveTo(point.x, point.y)
} else {
lineTo(point.x, point.y)
color = Color.Blue,
style = Stroke(10f)

Should I use remember with animateDpAsState?

The Code A is from the official sample code here.
I know that in order to preserve state across recompositions, remember the mutable state using remember.
I think that the code val extraPadding by animateDpAsState(...) should be val extraPadding by remember { animateDpAsState(...) }, is it right?
BTW, val extraPadding by remember { animateDpAsState(...) } will cause the error
Composable calls are not allowed inside the calculation parameter of inline fun remember(calculation: () -> TypeVariable(T)): TypeVariable(T)
Code A
private fun Greeting(name: String) {
var expanded by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
val extraPadding by animateDpAsState( //Should I add remember
if (expanded) 48.dp else 0.dp
color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
modifier = Modifier.padding(vertical = 4.dp, horizontal = 8.dp)
) {
Row(modifier = Modifier.padding(24.dp)) {
Column(modifier = Modifier
.padding(bottom = extraPadding)
) {
Text(text = "Hello, ")
Text(text = name)
onClick = { expanded = !expanded }
) {
Text(if (expanded) "Show less" else "Show more")
No, you shouldn't. This function is marked with #Composable so it should be used directly in the view builder.
animateDpAsState will calculate its value depending on targetValue on each recomposition.
If you check it source code you'll see, that it uses remember inside, that's why it's marked with #Composable, and that's why you shouldn't bother about remembering some values manually.
For anyone that comes across this in the future, instead of attempting to remember the animateDpAsState it would be better to remember the expansion state. Because in this case we're trying to remember the state in an item of a list we use rememberSaveable:
var expanded by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(false) }
A very similar case of storing indexes across list items is shown in the official documentation here

Update State outside the composable function. (Jetpack compose)

I am trying to implement redux with Jetpack compose. The scenario looks like this:
I have a list view where I need to show data, in composable function.
fun CreateListView(text: String) {
val listdata = state { store.state }
LazyColumn {
//some listview code here
above, I want to use the data that I got from the redux store. but the store. The subscription method is standalone, and outside the composable. where, though I am able to update the state through new data, but the changes are not reflecting back to composable listview:
// activity page outside composable
private fun storeSubscription(){
viewModel.storeSubscription = store.subscribe {
when (store.state) {
store.state = // list data from some source
Is it possible to update the composable, like above, from outside the function, and without sending any parameter? Since the redux store is a global one, so it should work I think.
You can use MutableLiveData outside of composable function. Use observeAsState() in composable to recompose when data changes.
private val myLive = MutableLiveData<String>()
fun nonComposableScope(){
fun MyScreen(textLive:LiveData<String>){
val text: String? by textLive.observeAsState()
// use text here
Try something like,
fun <T> Store<T>.asState(): State<T> {
val result = remember { mutableStateOf(store.state) }
DisposableEffect {
val unsubscribe = store.subscribe {
result.value = store.state
onDispose { unsubscribe() }
return result
fun CreateListView(text: String) {
val listdata by store.asState()
LazyColumn {
//some listview code here
The exact code might differ as I don't know what redux implementation you are using.
This creates an observable state object that will be updated whenever the lambda passed to subscribe is called. Also, it will automatically unsubscribe when CreateListView is no longer part of the composition.
You have to follow the state hosting pattern
From Android Domcumentaiton
Key Term: State hoisting is a pattern of moving state up the tree to
make a component stateless.
When applied to composables, this often means introducing two
parameters to the composable:
value: T: the current value to display. onValueChange: (T) -> Unit: an
event that requests the value to change where T is the proposed new
So in your case you will save the state in the upper Composable that needs to access it, and pass the value of the state and a lambda function to change it to the other Composable, you can learn more from the Official Documentation.
You could simply use a lambda like so:
(An example from an app I am working on.)
fun RumbleSearchResult(rumbleSearchResult: RumbleSearchResult, onClick: () -> Unit) {
headlineText = {
rumbleSearchResult.title?.let { title ->
supportingText = { { creator ->
val text = when {
rumbleSearchResult.views > 0 -> {
"${}, ${rumbleSearchResult.views} views"
else -> { ?: ""
Row {
if (creator.isVerified) {
painter = painterResource(R.drawable.ic_baseline_verified_24),
tint = Color.Cyan,
contentDescription = stringResource(id = R.string.mainActivity_verified_content_description)
leadingContent = {
contentDescription = null,
modifier = Modifier.size(100.dp, 100.dp)
modifier = Modifier.clickable {
Main composable:
LazyColumn {
items(viewModel.searchResults) {
RumbleSearchResult(rumbleSearchResult = it) {
openDialog = true

Building MVI loop with RxJava: how to replace BehaviorSubject with scan()

I'm trying to figure out a way to eliminate mutable state and therefore possible race condition. But I can't seem to figure out how to somehow "intertwine" two Observables, while also using "scan".
Hopefully by showing more code I can give you the idea:
private val stateRelay: BehaviorRelay<State> = BehaviorRelay.createDefault(initialState ?: DEFAULT_STATE) // maybe this should be `Observable.startWith()` somehow?
fun bindIntents(intents: Observable<Actions>, stateRenderer: StateRenderer) {
compositeDisposable += intents.concatMap { action ->
when (action) {
is Actions.Increment -> {
Observable.create<Change> { emitter ->
// emit things
is Actions.Decrement -> {
Observable.create<Change> { emitter ->
// emit things
}.map { change ->
reducer(stateRelay.value, change) // TODO: figure out how to use scan() here, instead of stateRelay.value! :(
}.subscribeBy { newState ->
stateRelay.accept(newState) // there is a chance that the relay shouldn't be here if scan is used
compositeDisposable +=
stateRelay // TODO: figure out how to use scan() instead of a relay!
.subscribeBy { state ->
fun unbindIntents() {
So I'm receiving a Observable<Actions> in this method, which is technically a PublishRelay on the other side (this should be fine).
However, somehow I'm supposed to replace the BehaviorRelay with Observable.scan() (possibly with startWith) to eliminate the mutable state, but I can't seem to wrap my head around what I'm supposed to do for that to happen.
As for the types involved, in case they are needed:
private typealias Reducer = (state: State, change: Change) -> State
private typealias StateRenderer = (state: State) -> Unit
data class State(val count: Int): Parcelable
How could I wrap, as part of an Observable.scan() (with possibly startWith() and replay(1)), to eliminate my usage of the BehaviorSubject?
I'll elaborate on my comment above.
This is a simple rewrite of your code to do what you're asking for.
fun bindIntents(intents: Observable<Actions>, stateRenderer: StateRenderer) {
val stateObservable = intents.concatMap { action ->
when (action) {
is Actions.Increment -> {
Observable.create<Change> { emitter ->
// emit things
is Actions.Decrement -> {
Observable.create<Change> { emitter ->
// emit things
}.scan(initialState, { currentState, change -> reducer(currentState, change)})
compositeDisposable +=
.subscribeBy { state ->
note that this can be simplified further by inlining the observable I assign to stateObservable in the expression below and using a method reference as the second argument to scan like this
fun bindIntents(intents: Observable<Actions>, stateRenderer: StateRenderer) {
compositeDisposable +=
intents.concatMap { action ->
when (action) {
is Actions.Increment -> {
Observable.create<Change> { emitter ->
// emit things
is Actions.Decrement -> {
Observable.create<Change> { emitter ->
// emit things
}.scan(initialState, this::reducer)
.subscribeBy { state ->