withNavigationFocus React-Navigation alternative for class component after upgrade from 3.x to 6.x - react-native

I am currently updating the version of my application, and I have a function that is used that no longer exists, I tried several things according to the documentation
but I get either an "Invalid Hook Call" error or something else...
The problem without the withNavigationFocus function is that when the screen is rendered, the data is not displayed. I have to press Cmd+S to refresh and have the data on the screen. Knowing that the props are linked to Redux.
This is the line that causes the problem:
export default withNavigationFocus(connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Home));
I can't find an alternative so far, does anyone have an idea?
Upgrade doc link here

You can install a backward compatibility package and you can continue to use HOCs withNavigation and withNavigationFocus.
Inpm install #react-navigation/native#^5.x #react-navigation/compat#^5.x #react-navigation/stack#^5.x
It was designed with React Navigation 5. I didn't test with version 6


Error when I try importing a react-admin component

The react-admin application is showing me this error:
Attempted import error: 'useRecordContext' is not exported from 'react-admin'.
This error happens when I'm trying to import a react-admin component or hook react-admin, something like the next image:
enter image description here
So let me know please if I have to update react-admin versiĆ³n or anything else, I'm currently using these dependencies according to next image:
enter image description here
You're using react-admin 3.5, and useRecordContext didn't exist back then.
I don't know where you found the docs for this hook. I advise you to select the version you're using in the react-admin documentation (in your case, https://marmelab.com/react-admin/doc/3.13/Tutorial.html) - there, you'll only see the hooks and components available in your version.
Also, react-admin 3.5 is more than 2 years old. 20 minor versions and one major version were published since then. I strongly advise you to upgrade.

Create a custom date picker with react native and expo

I would like to create a box to select the date as in the attached photo.
What do you recommend to create something similar in react native with expo?
I tried using MUI's Mobile DatePicker API, but it doesn't work, errors occur.
I created this box to select the date, but when I go to press it gives me an error.
The error is the following:
Works with Expo. Static version set at 3.x.x (something version 3). So you won't have the full functionality that is described on their docs, but you'll have enough.
expo install #react-native-community/datetimepicker
instead of npm to ensure you get the compatible version.
This library can be a bit difficult to work with. The main suggestion I have for you is to create a custom component on your own that looks like your design. Then wrap it with a TouchableOpacity and onPress set the DateTimePicker to show its modal. Grab the value you need from the onChange result, and pass it to your local state. Dont try anything fancy after that because as I mentioned earlier, the library is difficult to work with and really fights hard against any customization. It works well though and will certainly solve your problem.

Unknown event handler property 'onTextLayout'

I've looked it up on reactnative.dev, and the Text component is supposed to have an 'onTextLayout' prop.
I'm running the React Native version 0.62.2, and the documentation on their site says it applies for 0.62. However, when I try to use the prop in a Text component, I am shown this message:
I need to use this prop to detect when the text starts overflowing into two lines. If anyone has another solution of how I can accomplish this without onTextLayout, that would also be very helpful.
It appears it's not working on react-native-web
Just test your app on android/iOS and you will be fine

ToastAndroid showWithGravity Error

Following the document, I am including a toast in my projects:
import {ToastAndroid} from react-native
ToastAndroid.showWithGravity('A toast with gravity',ToastAndroid.SHORT,ToastAndroid.TOP);
But I got an error:
However, if I replace it with another function, it works:
ToastAndroid.show('A toast without gravity',ToastAndroid.SHORT);
I am using React Native 0.30.0
Is it a bug or I made the wrong way to use it.
ToastAndroid.showWithGravity(...) was implemented in ReactNative 0.31.0, upgrade your RN version.
First implemented here: v0.31.0-stable branch.

How to delete a ListItem by Swiping out the element?

I am trying to find a Component how to remove my ListItems in my ListView. Actually there is a Module working for iOS react-native-swipeout where you can swipeout the elements. I need the same for Android or atleast something similar.
Maybe someone has figured this out, and could tell me how they solved deleting Items from a ListView in a React Native Android App
The react native team removed their experimental implementation for the SwipeableFlatList component (which uses internally a FlatList instead really really deprecated ListView).
I rescued the original code from v0.59 which they removed on v.60 and its available as a npm module here
And theres a good how-to on medium here