Join multiple columns from 2 tables in a SQL database - sql

This is on a Postgres server using SQL. I have a supply_chain table in which I need to pull the warehouse_id from, and an order table in which I need to pull the total returns. Located on the same server.
I need to combine them on the delivery zipcode from the order table and the zipcode on the supply_chain table. I am unsure the best way to join this in SQL.
SELECT deliveryzipcode, COUNT(OrderReturned) AS Total_returned
FROM transactions_log
WHERE OrderReturned= 'Yes'
GROUP BY deliveryzipcode;
This query will successfully return the number of returns based on zipcode. So basically I need to pull those warehouse_id's and count them.
Apologize in advance for not wording this question well.

You can try this :
SELECT sc.warehouse_id, sc.zipcode, tl.Total_returned
FROM logistics_supply_chain_network AS sc
SELECT deliveryzipcode, COUNT(OrderReturned) AS Total_returned
FROM transactions_log
WHERE OrderReturned= 'Yes'
GROUP BY deliveryzipcode
) AS tl
ON tl.deliveryzipcode = sc.zipcode ;


Left Join on three tables in access with Group by

I have broken my head with syntax error response from Access Jet engine.
I have three tables.
First one "tblMstItem" is the master table for Item details contains two columns "colITemID" PK and "colItemName"
Second one "tblStocks" is the table where the purchases are maintained. This table has a column "colRQty" which keeps the quantity of the particular item purchased. "colItemID" FK from "tblMstItem"
Third one "tblSales" is the table where the sales are maintained. This table has a column "colSoldQty" which keeps the quantity of the particular item sold. "colItemID" FK from "tblMstItem"
Therefore "colItemID" is common in all the three tables and has links created.
My requirement is I need all the Items listed in the "tblMstItem" table columns are "colItemID" "colItemName" and if there is any item purchased or any item sold should be shown as sum of that particular item.
I have used Left Join shown in the following select statement but it always giving me an error message.
Select statement as follows:
from tblMstItem i
left join
( select sum( colRQty ) as rqty from tblStocks group by colItemID ) s
on i.colItemID = s.colItemID
left join
( select sum( colSoldQty ) as soldqty from tblSales group by colItemID ) n
on i.colItemID=n.colItemID``
I tried the above given code with many different syntax but every time I get syntax error. It is making me to doubt do MS Access support three table joins, I am sure I am wrong.
See the error Message below
Table columns and table link shown below
I would be very thankful to get any help on this. Access sql please because this I am able to get results in SQL Server.
Thanks in Advance
MS Access has a picky syntax. For instance, joins need extra parentheses. So, try this:
select i.colItemID, i.colItemName,
s.rqty, n.soldqty
from (tblMstItem as i left join
(select colItemID, sum(colRQty ) as rqty
from tblStocks
group by colItemID
) as s
on i.colItemID = s.colItemID
) left join
(select colItemID, sum( colSoldQty ) as soldqty
from tblSales
group by colItemID
) as n
on i.colItemID = n.colItemID;
You also need to select colItemID in the subqueries.

Can we select data from 2 tables in same time

From the code as shown below. I wonder that why it can select data from 2 tables in same time that are table "venue AS v" and table "as s".
or I misunderstand?
SELECT name, s.num_match
FROM venue AS v,
(SELECT venue_id, COUNT(*) AS num_match
FROM match
GROUP BY venue_id) AS s
WHERE v.venue_id = s.venue_id
Yes you can using JOIN clause for example.
More infos here:
Yes you can select data from as many as tables you want at the same time.
In this case you are trying to get an aggregated number from table-s and join it with the table v.
There are many ways to write the code to join the table. Above is one method which you have used.


I have two tables. The first one is for sales (name's table is 'ventas') and the other one, for detailed articles by sale (the name is 'ventaArticulos'). Basically, the last one contains all the articles that were sold.
Those are related by the columns ventas.id_venta and ventaArticulos.id_ventaArticulo
Basically, the idea is to make an SQL SELECT for the first table (ventas) for example, getting the columns 'fecha' and 'importe' but also, perform a 'count' with the total of registers that are in the second table related by sale. (ventas.id_venta and ventaArticulos.id_ventaArticulo)
hope to be clear enough and can help me!
SQL to try to clarify (Obviously it doesn't work):
SELECT ventas.fecha, ventas.importe, count(ventaArticulos.id_codigoArt)
FROM ventas JOIN
ON ventaArticulos.id_ventaArticulo = ventas.id_venta
I would recommend to use table alise that could be easier to follow & you forgot to include GROUP BY Clause
SELECT v.fecha, v.importe, count(va.id_codigoArt) counts
FROM ventas v -- Use alise v entire the query instead of table_name
INNER JOIN ventaArticulos va ON va.id_ventaArticulo = v.id_venta
GROUP BY v.fecha, v.importe;
SELECT v1.fecha, v1.importe, count(v2.id_codigoArt)
FROM ventas v1 , ventaArticulos v2
where v1.id_ventaArticulo= v2.id_venta
group by v1.fecha, v1.importe
having count(*) > 1

Querying records that meet muliple criteria

Hi I’m trying to write a query and I’m struggling to figure out how to go about it.
I have a suppliers table and a supplier parts table I want to write a query that lists suppliers that have specified related Parts in the supplier parts table. If a supplier doesn’t have all specified related parts then they should not be listed.
At the moment I have written a very basic query that lists the supplier if they have a related supplier part that meets the criteria.
SELECT id ,name
efacdb.dbo.suppliers INNER JOIN [efacdb].[dbo].[spmatrix] ON
id = spmsupp
WHERE spmpart
IN ('ALUM_5083', 'ALUM_6082')
I only want to show the supplier if they have both parts related. Does anyone know how I could do this?
Use a subquery with counting distinct occurences:
select * from suppliers s
where 2 = (select count(distinct spmpart) from spmatrix
where id = spmsupp and spmpart in ('ALUM_5083', 'ALUM_6082'))
As a note, you can modify your query to get what you want, just by using an aggregation:
SELECT id, name
FROM efacdb.dbo.suppliers INNER JOIN
ON id = spmsupp
WHERE spmpart IN ('ALUM_5083', 'ALUM_6082')
GROUP BY id, name
HAVING MIN(spmpart) <> MAX(spmpart);
If you know there are no duplicates, then having count(*) = 2 also solves the problem.

Retrieve different row from same table

i hava a set of following tables
now i want to create a select statement to list all the jointAccounts,
it should included the both customer name, and relationship.
I have no idea how to retrieve both different user name, is that possible to do this?
Generally speaking, yes. I'm assuming you mean you want to get customer info for both sides of the joint account per your jointAccount table. Not sure what database you're using so this answer is assuming MySQL.
You can join on the same table twice in a single SQL query. I'm assuming you have not yet created your tables, as you have cus_id listed twice in the jointAccount table. Typically these would be something like cus_id1 and cus_id2, which I've used in my sample query below.
SELECT c1.cus_id AS cust1_id, c1.cus_name AS cust1_name
, c2.cus_id AS cust2_id, c2.cus_name AS cust2_name, j.relationship
FROM customer c1
INNER JOIN jointAccount j
ON c1.cus_id = j.cus_id1
, customer c2
INNER JOIN jointAccount j
ON c2.cus_id = j.cus_id2
I haven't tested this but that's the general idea.
try this query:
SELECT * FROM jointAccount a LEFT JOIN customer c ON a.cus_id = c.cus_id;
just replace the * with the name of the columns you need.