what is the difference with these query classes in TYPO3? - sql

I'm using extbase in my extension and so I have *Repository classes where I can do simple queries just like:
public function getRecordsByCondition($config = [],$recordPages = null) {
$recordQuery = $this->createQuery();
$constraints = [];
if ($config['field1']) {
$constraints[] = $recordQuery->equals('field1',$config['field1']));
if ($config['field2']) {
$constraints[] = $recordQuery->equals('field2',$config['field2']));
if ($config['field3']) {
$constraints[] = $recordQuery->equals('field3',$config['field3']));
if (count($constraints)) {
if ($recordPages) {
$constraints[] = $recordQuery->in('pid',$recordPages);
} else {
return false;
return $recordQuery->execute();
this will respect enableFields and other usual conditions.
on the other hand there is the option to do it in this way:
public function getrecords2($config,$recordPages) {
$queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)
$rawquery = $queryBuilder
$queryBuilder->expr()->in('pid', $recordPages),
// starttime, endtime, language, workspace, ....
return $rawquery->execute()->fetchAll();
where I need to care about enablefields by myself but have more options to specify the query.
On the first view you can see that there are other methods (eq vs. equals) and these kind of doing queries have no relation. But both work on the same table.
Now I'm at a point where I need to change all my work from first to second variant as I need a query with a join to another table which can't be done with first variant (as far as I know).
Have I missed something or does the first variant needs some enhancements?

Well, I am not sure exactly the difference but let me try to express things in brief as per my knowledge :D
The main difference between both queries is Individual database queries (Typically I call it Extbase query, I'm not sure I am right or not!) and another is Doctrine DBAL Queries
1. Individual database queries
Here, as per the modern approach extension use Domain modeling. So, TYPO3 already enables a secure connection for model (Typically database table) and you can use relational table connection with Extbase function (Select, operational, join etc..) provided by TYPO3 core.
For more: https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/book-extbasefluid/master/en-us/6-Persistence/3-implement-individual-database-queries.html
2. Doctrine DBAL
Here, you enable connection manually for the database table using ConnectionPool class. Also, you have more feasibility to establish a relation (or Join you can say!) according to your need.
For more: https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/reference-coreapi/master/en-us/ApiOverview/Database/Index.html
However, you can use restriction for taking care if hidden delete etc.
$queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)
$rawquery = $queryBuilder
$queryBuilder->expr()->in('pid', $recordPages)
// starttime, endtime, language, workspace, ....
See: https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/reference-coreapi/master/en-us/ApiOverview/Database/RestrictionBuilder/Index.html
I know this is not a sufficient and 100% correct answer. Everyone can welcome to correct me :)

where I need to care about enablefields by myself
That's not true. By default there are Restrictions active and you can enable or disable every Restriction with a short command.
I use both approaches, but I use the first one only on Extbase extensions, the second one on every other extension. (Yes, there exist extensions without Extbase)


Compare two database fields in extbase repository

I am using TYPO3 8. In my extension I have a database table "company" in which I store for each company the total number of places (number_places) and the number of occupied places (occupied_places).
Now I want to limit the search to companies which have available places left.
In MySQL it would be like this:
SELECT * FROM company WHERE number_places > occupied_places;
How can I create this query in the extbase repository?
I tried to introduce the virtual property placesLeft in my model but it did not work.
I don't want to use a raw SQL statement as mentioned below, because I already have implemented a filter which uses plenty of different constraints.
Extbase query to compare two fields in same table
You can do it like this in your repository class, please note the comments inside the code:
class CompanyRepository extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository
public function findWithAvailablePlaces(bool $returnRawQueryResult = false)
// Create a QueryBuilder instance
$queryBuilder = $this->objectManager->get(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ConnectionPool::class)
// Create the query
// Note: this string concatenation is needed, because TYPO3's
// QueryBuilder always escapes the value in the ExpressionBuilder's
// methods (eq(), lt(), gt(), ...) and thus render it impossible to
// compare against an identifier.
. \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Query\Expression\ExpressionBuilder::GT
. $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('occupied_places')
// Execute the query
$result = $queryBuilder->execute()->fetchAll();
// Note: this switch is not needed in fact. I just put it here, if you
// like to get the Company model objects instead of an array.
if ($returnRawQueryResult) {
$dataMapper = $this->objectManager->get(\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Mapper\DataMapper::class);
return $dataMapper->map($this->objectType, $result);
return $result;
If you have lots of records to deal with, I would - for performance reasons - not use the data mapping feature and work with arrays.
If you want to use the fluid pagination widget, be sure you don't and build your own pagination. Because of the way this works (extbase-internally), you'd get a huge system load overhead when the table grows. Better add the support for limited db queries to the repository method, for example:
class CompanyRepository extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository
public function findWithAvailablePlaces(
int $limit = 10,
int $offset = 0,
bool $returnRawQueryResult = false
) {
// ...
$result = $queryBuilder->execute()->fetchAll();
// ...
I think you cant do this using the default Extbase Query methods like equals() and so on. You may use the function $query->statement() for your specific queries like this.
You also can use the QueryBuilder since TYPO3 8 which has functions to compare fields to each other:
It's fine to use this QueryBuilder inside Extbase repositories. After this you can use the DataMapper to map the query results to Extbase models.
In case of using "statement()" be aware of escaping every value which may cause any kind of SQL injections.
Based on the current architecture of TYPO3, the data structure is such that comparing of two tables or, mixing results from two tables ought to be done from within the controller, by injecting the two repositories. Optionally, you can construct a Domain Service that can work on the data from the two repositories from within the action itself, in the case of a routine. The service will also have to be injected.
If you have a foreign relation defined in your table configuration, the results of that foreign relation will show in your defined table repository. So, there's that too.

Default Criteria For Active Record

I have a following question about the best practice for ActiveRecord usage.
My case:
I have a User model which is a normal CActiveRecord.
In many cases I want to have lists of "active" users, defined in the database by WHERE condition "is_active = 1". Besides I want functions find(), findByAttributes(), findByPk() etc. to return the result only if the user is active (for example in "Password request" scenario).
I can always apply this WHERE condition explicitly before using find() functions but I'm searching a way to implement it with less code.
I came to the idea of creating a child class called UserActive and change its constructor like this:
function __construct($scenario='insert') {
$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
$criteria->condition = "is_active = 1";
But I'm not sure if this is a good practice to do this (Since CActiveRecord's constructor asks "Do NOT override the constructor unless it is absolutely necessary!"). Can anyone give advices for this situation?
Try this in your model.
public function defaultScope() {
return array(
'condition'=>'is_active = 1',
Or define other scope
Yii - using relations with scopes defined in the relation
That's right, you should never override __construct().
You can use model scopes for that. See http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.1/en/database.ar#named-scopes

How do I wrap an EF 4.1 DbContext in a repository?

I have a requirement to hide my EF implementation behind a Repository. My simple question: Is there a way to execute a 'find' across both a DbSet AND the DbSet.Local without having to deal with them both.
For example - I have standard repository implementation with Add/Update/Remove/FindById. I break the generic pattern by adding a FindByName method (for demo purposes only :). This gives me the following code:
Client App:
ProductCategoryRepository categoryRepository = new ProductCategoryRepository();
categoryRepository.Add(new ProductCategory { Name = "N" });
var category1 = categoryRepository.FindByName("N");
public ProductCategory FindByName(string s)
// Assume name is unique for demo
return _legoContext.Categories.Where(c => c.Name == s).SingleOrDefault();
In this example, category1 is null.
However, if I implement the FindByName method as:
public ProductCategory FindByName(string s)
var t = _legoContext.Categories.Local.Where(c => c.Name == s).SingleOrDefault();
if (t == null)
t = _legoContext.Categories.Where(c => c.Name == s).SingleOrDefault();
return t;
In this case, I get what I expect when querying against both a new entry and one that is only in the database. But this presents a few issues that I am confused over:
1) I would assume (as a user of the repository) that cat2 below is not found. But it is found, and the great part is that cat2.Name is "Goober".
ProductCategoryRepository categoryRepository = new ProductCategoryRepository();
var cat = categoryRepository.FindByName("Technic");
cat.Name = "Goober";
var cat2 = categoryRepository.FindByName("Technic");
2) I would like to return a generic IQueryable from my repository.
It just seems like a lot of work to wrap the calls to the DbSet in a repository. Typically, this means that I've screwed something up. I'd appreciate any insight.
With older versions of EF you had very complicated situations that could arise quite fast due to the required references. In this version I would recomend not exposing IQueryable but ICollections or ILists. This will contain EF in your repository and create a good seperation.
Edit: furthermore, by sending back ICollection IEnumerable or IList you are restraining and controlling the queries being sent to the database. This will also allow you to fine tune and maintain the system with greater ease. By exposing IQueriable, you are exposing yourself to side affects which occur when people add more to the query, .Take() or .Where ... .SelectMany, EF will see these additions and will generate sql to reflect these uncontrolled queries. Not confining the queries can result in queries getting executed from the UI and is more complicated tests and maintenance issues in the long run.
since the point of the repository pattern is to be able to swap them out at will. the details of DbSets should be completly hidden.
I think that you're on a good path. The only thing I probaly ask my self is :
Is the context long lived? if not then do not worry about querying Local. An object that has been Inserted / Deleted should only be accessible once it has been comitted.
if this is a long lived context and you need access to deleted and inserted objects then querying the Local is a good idea, but as you've pointed out, you may run into difficulties at some point.

Mapping two tables to one entity in Doctrine2

I'm looking at using doctrine for an application I'm working on - but after reading the documentation I'm having trouble conceptualizing how to represent the database structure we have in terms of entities.
I have many tables which have partner tables which hold translation data like the following....
Where I would like to have one Entity (Navigation Element) which had access to the 'label' field depending on what Language I set in my application. The following from the Doctrine documentation seems to suggest that you need to define one (single) table which is used to persist an entity
By default, the entity will be
persisted to a table with the same
name as the class name. In order to
change that, you can use the #Table
annotation as follows:
Or do I need to define two entities and link them (or allow the translation table to inherit from the element table).
And what strategy would I use to always insert a language_id clause to the Join (to ensure I'm pulling the right label for the currently set language). Is this something I would define in the entity itself, or elsewhere?
This seems to suit a One-To-Many Bidirectional association. This is the scenario from that page translated to your situation:
/** #Entity */
class NavigationElement
// ...
* #OneToMany(targetEntity="NavigationElementTranslation", mappedBy="navigationElement")
private $translations;
// ...
public function __construct() {
$this->translations = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
/** #Entity */
class NavigationElementTranslation
// ...
* #ManyToOne(targetEntity="NavigationElement", inversedBy="translations")
* #JoinColumn(name="navigation_element_id", referencedColumnName="id")
private $navigationElement;
// ...
You could add a getLabel($languageId) method to the NavigationElement entity that searches through the translations to get the correct label:
public function getLabel($languageId) {
foreach($this->translations as $trans) {
if($trans->languageId == $languageId)
return $trans->label;
throw new InvalidArgumentException();
And you could use the following DQL to ensure you only load the translation you want into the $translations property:
$query = $em->createQuery(
"SELECT ne, net
FROM Entity\NavigationElement ne
JOIN ne.translations net WITH net.languageId = :langId"
$query->setParameter('langId', $languageId);
$navigationElements = $query->execute();
This situation sounds like one where you would want to cache aggressively. Make sure you look into Doctrine 2's caching mechanisms too.
Also, internationalization can be handled reasonably well in PHP with gettext if you find join tables for translations start to become unmanageable.
I would also direct anyone who has to tackle this same problem to take a look at the following doctrine extension.

NHibernate CreateCriteria query problem

I hope someone can help with this please.
I am trying to query an OLAP Fact table with NHibernate, but am struggling to get it to work. Its seems a simple requirement but I just cant see what the problem could be.
I have a central Fact table with several Dimension tables, one of the Dimensions has a secondary Dimension.
So ERD is. Fact >---1 Factor_Dim >---1 Target_Dim
My NHibernate query is.
facts = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Fact), "facts")
.CreateAlias("facts.FactorDimension", "factDim", JoinType.InnerJoin)
.CreateAlias("factDim.TargetDimension", "targetDim",JoinType.InnerJoin)
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("targetDim.TargetID", targetId))
The error is "The multi-part identifier "targetdim2_.TargetID" could not be bound.". The generated SQL does not have the Factor_DIM or Target_DIM tables in the From clause.
Are there any alternative techniques to get this query to work? Id like to stick to this style as opposed to CreateSQLQuery() if possible.
Please help. Thanks.
Linq or QueryOver will be your cleanest solutions. If you are determined to stay with ICriteria you probably would want to wrap each of your entities with a class with common crud methods, it also makes your code access common, so code corrections are done in one place, not over hundres of files or classes.
Theres plenty of projects at http://nhforge.org/wikis/general/open-source-project-ecosystem.aspx which can help you out. I know NhGen ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/nhgen/ ) creates a CRUD class for each entity based on the NHibernate.Burrows GenericDao class with a few CRUD methods. It takes care of all the aliases and joins so queries become as simple as
IMessageDao messageDao = new MessageDao();
// Get All
IList<IMessage> messageList1 dao.FindAll();
// Find using QueryByExample
IList<IMessage> messageList2 = dao.FindByExample(messageDetails, orderBy)).ToList();
// Find using a simple entity query
IList<IMessage> messageList3 = messageDao.Find( new [] { Restrictions.Le(MessageHelper.Columns.Date, dateLastChecked) } );
// Find using a join and a query on said joined entities
IList<IMessage> messageList4 = messageDao.Find
( new []
Restrictions.Le(MessageHelper.Columns.Date, dateLastChecked),
Restrictions.Eq(MessageHelper.Columns.IsActive, true))
}, new[]
Restrictions.Eq(CategoryHelper.KeyColumns.Rsn, categoryRsn),
Restrictions.Eq(CategoryHelper.Columns.IsActive, true))
}, new []
Restrictions.Eq(ChannelHelper.KeyColumns.Rsn, channelRsn),
Restrictions.Eq(ChannelHelper.Columns.IsActive, true))
Theres plenty of overrides so you can specify your join type or it naturally assumes inner join.