How to test DST change with calendar events - testing

I have a system that sends ICS to plant events in our customers calendars. Of course, it blew up when we moved to winter time, all events planned before the switch are now offset by one hour.
There are plenty of fixes for me to try out on this very website, it is not my question.
Now, how do I test them ? I tried scheduling an event for next summer (with the unpatched system) and it landed at the right time in my gmail calendar, hinting that the problem only happens at the moment of the time change (9 days ago for me)
So what I need is reproduce "the time change", but I have no clue how to do that. Whether it's summer time or not is decided by Google or Microsoft, I can't really simulate anything on my live calendar...
Any help would be greatly appreciated. (And that's just for manual testing. How do I automate a test like this ?)


Algorithmic trading for perfect timing. I want to make a order at exact time 11:00:00

This is site for trading which is will be blur before the market open.
Now My aim to make a exact timing using algorithm or any other way.
For example, If my market open at 11:00:00. Then how can I make a order at the same exact time.
One approach to this aspect is through api-s provided. Any decent trade platform should provide.
You could do an implementation with php and curl to place orders (and if api do not have a start date and is based on system time then schedule with cron).
Without any api you could try with some testing tools (Selenium with java) and maybe use a scheduler.Since you have to pass trough all clicks till reach place order, maybe it's better to schedule sooner all the action and wait till start time and then simulate place order by click

How to repeatedly start an Alexa Skill in a certain timeframe

​Hi people!
I hope someone can help me out:
I'm searching for whether (and if, then how) it's possible for a skill to start at a certain time, ask questions e.g. every 90 minutes and stop at a certain time.
Scenario would be:
"Alexa, please start my Survey at 9 AM and stop at 8 PM for 7 days. Ask me every 90 minutes."
And the skill would then activate every 90 minutes in the selected timeframe, ask a question that would e.g. be answered with yes/no and why and then stop after 7 days.
Hope I explained my problem well enough for you to understand what I want to do.
Thank you very much for your help!
Have a nice day,
It is not possible to invoke any Alexa skill from back-end. The obvious reason for that is that Alexa is completely based on user initiated conversation and this feature violates the privacy of the user. Even the notifications service that Amazon is bring to Alexa device soon does not invoke Alexa device, it will just show a yellow light ring on devices to show that there is a pending notification for the user.

Loadrunner Controller - License expiration date

Soooo for some reasons, i had to change my system date to a future date (2018). Now, everytime i try to open the Controller (just with Controller, not VuGen or Analysis) i get the message bellow. I tried re-installing the Loadrunner, but it seems that it keeps taking the future year since i'm still getting that message.
My version is Loadrunner Community 12.5.
I would like to know a way to change back the date to the present or how to do a clean unsintall, whatever it takes to make the controller work again.
Here is the error msg
Wipe the OS or Call support (which requires a paid contract). For obvious reasons the license manager is pretty tight because people have tried all sorts of things over the years to circumvent an expiring license. You have likely been trapped by code which checks for such behavior and unfortunately to disclose how to address this would also likely disclose how to defeat aspects of the license manager for unscrupulous individuals

How can I change subscription period on braintree?

I want to add some unit tests for our billing system which is using braintree but I don't know how to change the subscription period from 1 month (minimum in braintree for now) to 1 day. I cannot wait 1 month to execute my test. is there any solution to do that?
I recently asked Braintree support a similar question and here is the advice I was given:-
The sandbox environment is setup to mimic the production environment exactly. Unfortunately, this leaves us at the mercy of real time as well. However you can definitely test the subscription_charged_unsuccessfully and subscription_went_past_due webhooks in the sandbox by creating a past due subscription using the steps below:
Create a plan with a 1 day trial and $2000 price (a test amount that will automatically simulate a decline)
Create a customer with a credit card
Create a new subscription using the plan and customer
The first charge attempt will be after 1 day (when the trial expires) and will fail
The automatic retries will be at +10 and +20 days of the subscription going past due – this timeline can be changed by updating the recurring billing retry logic in your Control Panel
You could also test the subscription_charged_successfully webhook using the same basic principles – simply create a plan with a 1 day trial and a price less than $2000.
I hope that helps.
I work at Braintree. Feel free to reach out to with any further questions.
You can't modify the subscription billing period to shorter then a month. Sandbox is designed to mimic production for end-to-end testing and since Braintree doesn't offer subscription billing in smaller increments then a month we have decided to not offer a shorter billing period in sandbox.

Automatically sent email from a my web app on particular day of every month

In my MVC application, I have a scenario like this. In 5th day of every month, certain users has to be fetched from the database and email should be sent to them as alert. What is the best approach to handle this scenario in a web application ? Is it a best approach to monitor by putting a timer on the Global.asax file? (My requirement doesn't allow me to do it using database job).
Thanks in advance
I have a similar requirement. I did some research and found that writing a service would be the best approach, which I think requires full Visual Studio and we cannot afford that yet.
I found a thread on the ASP.NET forums helpful:
From the various links in that thread I was most attracted to the solution below:
Session_Start in global.asax is something that would be triggered every time somebody visits your website. The reason we're not jumping at this solution is because we're worried that relying on somebody to hit the site to trigger Session_Start is a little unreliable, especially as we want our alerts to start going out at 10am every day.