Selenium VBA Unable to Click Checkbox - vba

Using Selenium and Chrome, I'm attempting to check a box located within a table. The table contains 2 checkboxes but they act as radio buttons, in that if I click one, the other will uncheck.
I've tried a variety of methods, which include the following:
Const CHECKED_STATE As String = "Ag-icon ag-icon-checkbox-checked"
findElementbyXPath("//span[#class=ag-icon ag-icon-checkbox-checked'])[1]").Click
I'm not sure how to click the checkbox when the HTML code doesn't even have a checkbox type or an Id.
The HTML reads:
<span class="ag-icon-checkbox">
<span class = "ag-icon ag-icon checkbox-checked ag-hidden">
<span class = "ag-icon ag-icon checkbox-unchecked">
<span class = "ag-icon ag-icon checkbox-undeterminate ag-hidden"></span>
When I click on the checkbox, the unchecked and hidden lines of HTML will flip. So I'm guessing it's some sort of event that I have to trigger.

The following, depending on the rest of the html, should work to select the unchecked item and thereby toggle off the other item. It targets the class checkbox-unchecked:
driver.FindElementByCss(".ag-icon-checkbox .checkbox-unchecked").click


Clicking button with selenium doesn't throw exception but the button isn't actually clicking?

I am trying to click a button, which once clicked some text should appear. Selenium is not throwing any errors which means the buttons should have been clicked however the text is not appearing (it works manually).
<button class = "redButton one">
<img src = "images/name.png" class = redImage">
I tried to click the button with the xpath: "//button[contains(text(), 'Name')]". I don't understand why the text is not appearing.
What is the expected text to be displayed after button click event? In order to help with this request, provide the HTML snippet of <button> before & after click event. Since this is working fine manually, did you try adding adequate wait time for the text to display?

Not able to Enter Text in a TextBox using Selenium Webdriver

I have a TextBox that appears on Radio Button Selection and I have to enter values in a particular format(XYZ989898-99). However I am unable to do so by using the commonly used methods of entering text in selenium.
Background info related to Textbox :
TextBox appears when user clicks on Yes radio button.
TextBox has default value as XYZ already entered.
SendKeys do not concatenate the text given without XYZ as well.
TextBox is inside an Iframe to which focus is shifted correctly.
The code does not fail, it just remained clicked on textbox without entering anything.
Approach 1 :
Approach 2 :
Approach 3 :
WebElement element = driver.findElement(locator);
Actions action1 = new Actions(driver);
HTML Sample :
<div class="value" ng-show="selectedValue" style="">
<label class="labelAboveTextBox">XYZ Number*</label>
<input type="text" class="Value" ng-model="XYZNumber" ng-
req="XYZNumber" xyz-input="" maxlength="12" style="value"
id="value" value="XYZ" required="required">
<!-- ngIf: invalidtspmessage -->
<span style="font-family: 'NeueHaasGroteskText';font-size:
0.7rem;color: black;">
Note: Enter XYZ is this format: XXXXXXXXX-XX
I would like to know If there is any other approach that can be used to get this problem resolved and also why does the above approaches failed to work.
You have used the wrong methods for sending the keys. (in approach 1 and 2)
Instead of .SendKeys(), you have to use .sendKeys() method for writing anything on UI side
Into the third approach, you have used the wrong method .movetoElement(). The method name is .moveToElement().
For sendKeys() don't need to use Actions class. basically, it is for Keyboard events and for mouse events.
(WebElement).sendKeys("989898-99"); // first approach you can use
(WebElement).clear(); // second approach you can use
Hope this will help you to solve your errors.
Other way you can use is to set the text is by using the JavaScriptExecutor. Give some delay before performing the action.
Try the below sample code :
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("document.getElementById('value').value='XYZ989898-99';");
As the id is unique, you can use the JavaScript's getElementById() function to set the value.
If you want to set the text through the sendKeys() method and before that if you want to clear the text then simple clear() may not work instead you can try to delete the XYZ values first and try to send the values like below again :
// Wait for some time
// Locate the element first and store it in some variable
WebElement element = driver.findElement("value"));
// Fetch the existing text from the field first
String existingValue = element.getAttribute("value");
// Wait for some time
// Click on that element first so the focus will shift to there;
// Wait for some time
// Loop until the existing value length
for(int i=0;i<existingValue.length();i++) {
// Remove the existing character text one by one
// Try to send the text at the end, make sure that you should append XYZ as a prefix
I hope it helps...

How do I select this element using xpath?

I'm having a problem selecting a "delete" button that has to be linked to a certain element.
So I have to click the "x" icon, but it has to be related to the text "teste"...
Here's the HTML code:
The button I have to click is the span whose class is "fa fa-times" and it has to be related to the div containing the text "teste" because there are other spans with the same class but they are hidden.
Use below XPath to select required element:
//div[div[text()="teste"]]/following-sibling::div//span[#class="fa fa-times"]

Instead of pick-list field how to create radio button in salesforce lightning component

I have created a page with lightening components as shown the below image, I want to change my pick-List field into radio button next to picklist option to choose the appropriate selection, can someone please help to create radio buttons instead of pickList filed
in the component I have used below code
<div class="slds-form-element">
<div class="slds-form-element__control">
<ui:inputSelect label="Race Type"
value="{!v.newRace.Race_Type__c}" />
Maybe something in line with this: (replace v.Name with attribute that contains the name of the race):
<lightning:radioGroup name="radioGroup"
options="{! v.newRace.Race_Type__c }"
value="{! v.Name}"

Issue selecting Radio button in Selenium Webdriver

<table id="Content_Content_Content_ctlCaseInfo_rdochldplcm" class="fltLeft">
<td><input type="radio" id="Content_Content_Content_ctlCaseInfo_rdochldplcm_0" name="ctl00$ctl00$ctl00$Content$Content$Content$ctlCaseInfo$rdochldplcm" value="0" /><label for="Content_Content_Content_ctlCaseInfo_rdochldplcm_0">No</label></td><td><input type="radio" id="Content_Content_Content_ctlCaseInfo_rdochldplcm_1" name="ctl00$ctl00$ctl00$Content$Content$Content$ctlCaseInfo$rdochldplcm" value="1" /><label for="Content_Content_Content_ctlCaseInfo_rdochldplcm_1">Yes</label></td>
When I try
it clicks to "Yes"
When I try driver.FindElement(By.Id("Content_Content_Content_ctlCaseInfo_rdochldplcm_0")).Click();
Nothing happens and no radio button gets selected.
Please suggest ways to handle this situation ..thanks a lot!!
It would probably be better to click the Radio buttons through XPath.
In your specific case, the XPath for:
Yes - Radio Button:
"//input[contains(#id, 'rdochldplcm') and contains(#value, 1)]"
No - Radio Button:
"//input[contains(#id, 'rdochldplcm') and contains(#value, 0)]"
In this instance, if you wanted to click the 'Yes' Radio button, you can do this:
string yesRadioButtonXPath = "//input[contains(#id, 'rdochldplcm') and contains(#value, 1)]"
IWebElement yesRadioButton = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(yesRadioButtonXPath));
For the 'No' Radio button, you would use this:
string noRadioButtonXPath = "//input[contains(#id, 'rdochldplcm') and contains(#value, 0)]"
IWebElement noRadioButton = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(noRadioButtonXPath));
Since you're using a table, there may be a chance that the XPath may return more than one element. You'd need to use a different method to sort out the elements in that case, but for what you're looking for, this method should work.
this solved my problem perfeclty
I have a page with 18 radio buttons in 6 groups which represented "Yes" "No" and "No Answer"
I was trying to get them by ID but it was randomized by the app
But using a name and value tags made it work.
radios were defined basically like this:
input value="2" class=" x-form-radio x-form-field" autocomplete="off" id="randID_13578" name="emailNotifiyOptionAllow" type="radio">
and every time i opened this page id was different so using
"//input[contains(#name, 'emailNotifyOptionAllow') and contains(#value, 1)]"
solved it.
Use this :
//First get the list of values from the radio button
List < WebElement > elements = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("table[id='Content_Content_Content_ctlCaseInfo_rdochldplcm'] > td"));
WebElement value;
//use loop for searching the particular element
for(WebElement element : elements){
//Getting the value of the element
value = element.findElement(By.cssSelector("label")).getText();
//condition to click on the element
if(value.trim().equals("No")){ //Here value is hard coded. You can take from excel sheet also
// If condition satisfies, it will click on the element
This can be used as a common function also.
try [0] and [1] instead of the underscore.
Try your code with the given below CSS :
Step 1:
By Provided HTML Piece we can derive the CSS of the Radio Button
css=#Content_Content_Content_ctlCaseInfo_rdochldplcm input
Step 2:
Click on the radio button using Web Driver Code
(By.cssSelector("#Content_Content_Content_ctlCaseInfo_rdochldplcm input"))