SQL Sum Total with multiple assignments - sql

select dc_id, whse_id, assg_id, START_DTIM,
from exehoust.aseld
I attached a photo to show how the query currently populates. I want to sum the TOTAL_CUBE for each distinct ASSG_ID. I have tried case where sum and group by but keep failing. Basically want to do a SUM IF for each distinct ASSG_ID

You need to group by the assg_id, but ou need also the define what happens to all the other columns i choose MIN only to give you a hint, you need to choose the function yourself
select MIN(dc_id), MIN(whse_id), assg_id, MIN(START_DTIM),
from exehoust.aseld
GROUP BY assg_id

use select assg_id, sum() over(partition by assg_id order by assg_id) to sum by groupings


Why cant the Count() operator be used in a where clause? how do i get around this?

I'm trying to write a query to return the town, and the number of runners from each town where the number of runners is greater than 5.
My Query right now look like this:
select hometown, count(hometown) from marathon2016 where count(hometown) > 5 group by hometown order by count(hometown) desc;
but sqlite3 responds with this:
Error: misuse of aggregate: count()
What am i doing wrong, Why cant I use the count() here, and what should I use instead.
When you're trying to use an aggregate function (such as count) in a WHERE cause, you're usually looking for HAVING instead of WHERE:
select hometown, count(hometown)
from marathon2016
group by hometown
having count(*) > 5
order by count(*) desc
You can't use an aggregate in a WHERE cause because aggregates are computed across multiple rows (as specified by GROUP BY) but WHERE is used to filter individual rows to determine what row set GROUP BY will be applied to (i.e. WHERE happens before grouping and aggregates apply after grouping).
Try the following:
count(hometown) as hometown_count
group by
hometown_count > 5
order by
hometown_count desc;

MS access query aggregation

I am trying to get query like this
SELECT sales.action_date, sales.item_id, items.item_name,
sales.item_quantity, sales.item_price, sales.net
FROM sales INNER JOIN items ON sales.item_id = items.ID
GROUP BY sales.item_id
HAVING (((sales.action_date)=[Forms]![rep_frm]![Text13].[value]));
Every time I try to show data this message show
your query does not include the specified expression ' action date '
as part of aggregate function.
and for all field in the query >>> but i just want the aggregation be for item_id
what i should do?
You don't have any aggregations like SUM in your SELECT statement. I also don't understand why you sales.action_date is in de HAVING clause. This is for aggregated filtering like SUM(sales.item_price) <> 0. It should be possible to put this part in de WHERE-clause, before the GROUP BY instead of the HAVING clause.
This example should work:
SELECT sales.item_id, items.item_name, SUM(sales.item_quantity),
SUM(sales.item_price), SUM(sales.net)
FROM sales INNER JOIN items ON sales.item_id = items.ID
WHERE sales.action_date=[Forms]![rep_frm]![Text13].[value]
GROUP BY sales.item_id, items.item_name;
When you are grouping your data all fields in select query should be either included in group by clause, or some of aggregate functions should be applied to it - otherwise it doesn't makes sanse.
By the way - I far as I can see, you should use WHERE(((sales.action_date)=[Forms]![rep_frm]![Text13].[value])) before group, not having after.
If you want to aggregate by date you have to put the date in the GROUP BY clause
SELECT sales.action_date,
SUM(sales.item_quantity * sales.item_price) as Total,
FROM sales
INNER JOIN items ON sales.item_id = items.ID
WHERE (((sales.action_date)=[Forms]![rep_frm]![Text13].[value]));
GROUP BY sales.action_date
Only the column you want to group by can appear in the GROUP BY clause. Only these columns can appear in the select clause outside of aggregation functions.

Trouble making a running sum in Access query

I'm stuck trying to get a running sum to work in an Access query.
I've been playing around with various Dsum expressions, but they all have resulted in errors.
Basically, I have two columns, one with a year, one with a count of parts for that year, and I would like the third to be a running sum of the part count over the years.
My SQL for the first two columns looks like this:
SELECT DatePart("yyyy",[EoL]) AS AYear, Count(EquipmentQuery.Equipment) AS EquipCount
FROM EquipmentQuery
GROUP BY DatePart("yyyy",[EoL])
ORDER BY DatePart("yyyy",[EoL]);
Any suggestions on how to get the third column to work as a running sum?
Thanks for the help!
If you create a report, there is a property to calculate a running sum.
If you prefer a query, you can use a subquery to calculate the running sum:
SELECT DatePart("yyyy",[EoL]) AS AYear
, Count(eq1.Equipment) AS EquipCount
, (
SELECT Count(eq2.Equipment)
FROM EquipmentQuery eq2
WHERE DatePart("yyyy",eq2.[EoL]) <= DatePart("yyyy",eq1.[EoL])
) AS RunningSuma
FROM EquipmentQuery AS eq1
try the following code:
SELECT Year([EQ1].[EOL]) AS Yr,
Sum(IIf(Year([EQ2].[eol])=Year([EQ1].[eol]),1,0)) AS [current],
Sum(IIf(Year([EQ2].[eol])<=Year([EQ1].[eol]),1,0)) AS [cumulative]
FROM [equipmentquery] AS EQ1, [equipmentquery] AS [EQ2]
GROUP BY Year([EQ1].[EOL]);
ansd if you want running totals instead of counts:
SELECT Year([EQ1].[EOL]) AS Yr,
Sum(IIf(Year([EQ2].[eol])=Year([EQ1].[eol]),[EQ2].equipment,0)) AS [current],
Sum(IIf(Year([EQ2].[eol])<=Year([EQ1].[eol]),[EQ2].equipment,0)) AS [cumulative]
FROM [equipmentquery] AS EQ1, [equipmentquery] AS [EQ2]
GROUP BY Year([EQ1].[EOL]);

BigQuery: GROUP BY clause for QUANTILES

Based on the bigquery query reference, currently Quantiles do not allow any kind of grouping by another column. I am mainly interested in getting medians grouped by a certain column. The only work around I see right now is to generate a quantile query per distinct group member where the group member is a condition in the where clause.
For example I use the below query for every distinct row in column-y if I want to get the desired result.
SELECT QUANTILE( <column-x>, 1001)
FROM <table>
<column-y> == <each distinct row in column-y>
Does the big query team plan on having some functionality to allow grouping on quantiles in the future?
Is there a better way to get what I am trying to get here?
With the recently announced percentile_cont() window function you can get medians.
Look at the example in the announcement blog post:
SELECT MAX(median) AS median, room FROM (
SELECT percentile_cont(0.5) OVER (PARTITION BY room ORDER BY data) AS median, room
FROM [io_sensor_data.moscone_io13]
WHERE sensortype='temperature'
While there are efficient algorithms to compute quantiles they are somewhat memory intensive - trying to do multiple quantile calculations in a single query gets expensive.
There are plans to improve QUANTILES, but I don't know what the timeline is.
Do you need median? Can you filter outliers and do an average of the remainder?
If your per-group size is fixed, you may be able to hack it using combination of order, nest and nth. For instance, if there are 9 distinct values of f2 per value of f1, for median:
select f1,nth(5,f2) within record from (
select f1,nest(f2) f2 from (
select f1, f2 from table
group by f1,f2
order by f2
) group by f1
Not sure if the sorted order in subquery is guaranteed to survive the second group, but it worked in a simple test I tried.

Total Count in Grouped TSQL Query

I have an performance heavy query, that filters out many unwanted records based on data in other tables etc.
I am averaging a column, and also returning the count for each average group. This is all working fine.
However, I would also like to include the percentage of the TOTAL count.
Is there any way of getting this total count without rerunning the whole query, or increasing the performance load significantly?
I would also prefer if I didn't need to completely restructure the sub query (e.g. by getting the total count outside of it), but can do if necessary.
AVG(MeasureValue) AS AverageValue,
COUNT(data.*) AS BinCount
COUNT(data.*)/ ???TotalCount??? AS BinCountPercentage
(SELECT * FROM MultipleTablesWithJoins) data
GROUP BY data.EquipmentId
See Window functions.
AVG(MeasureValue) AS AverageValue,
COUNT(*) AS BinCount,
COUNT(*)/ cast (cnt as float) AS BinCountPercentage
-- Here is total count of records
count(*) over() cnt
FROM MultipleTablesWithJoins) data
GROUP BY data.EquipmentId, cnt
EDIT: forgot to actually divide the numbers.
Another approach:
with data as
SELECT * FROM MultipleTablesWithJoins
,grand as
select count(*) as cnt from data
AVG(MeasureValue) AS AverageValue,
COUNT(data.*) AS BinCount
COUNT(data.*)/ grand.cnt AS BinCountPercentage
FROM data cross join grand
GROUP BY data.EquipmentId