Pick files from Storage account based on Datetimestamp Column using Data Factory - azure-storage

I have requirement to Copy files from Azure Storage account into other storage account based on Timestamp associated with files using Azure data Factory based on below condition .
So whenever Data Factory triggered copy activity should copy files based on file's timestamp column between 7PM UTC to 8AM UTC.
Suppose we have below files into Storage
FileName TimeStamp
File1 -----> 2021-11-01 6.30PM
File2 -----> 2021-11-01 9.00PM
File3 -----> 2021-11-02 6.00AM
So In above scenario my copy activity should pull File2 and File3 based on its timestamp . Since its present between 8PM to 7AM.
I have tried to implement the same using Filter by last modified Start time (UTC) option in copy activity but my expression not validating correctly .
Any help here would be appreciated

If your Input date format: 2021-11-04 11:53:00.0000000 then you need to use 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS' in your toTimeStamp function, so you could try something like this - toTimestamp('2021-11-04 11:53:00.000', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS') in your code to convert it to required format.
Please refer https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/connector-file-system?tabs=data-factory


Appsflyer Data Locker Override data BigQuery

I have an issue with setting up Appsflyer Cost ETL with Google BigQuery. We get parquet files each day.
The issue is the following - each day you get the file with 10 dates.
enter image description here
The problem is that each day you have 6 dates that shoud rewrite yesterday file. And the task is how to set a data transfers or scheduled queries to override the data for each date that you have in newer file to make the data for long period in one table.

AWS Quicksight monthly summarize in percentage from different csv files

1. I have a Lambda function that is running monthly, it is running Athena query, and export the results in a CSV file to my S3 bucket.
2. Now i have a Quicksight dashboard which is using this CSV file in Dataset and visual all the rows from the report into a dashboard.
Everything is good and working until here.
3. Now every month I'm getting a new csv file in my S3 bucket, and i want to add a "Visual Type" in my main dashboard that will show me the difference in % from the previous csv file(previous month).
For example:
My dashboard is focusing on the collection of missing updates.
In May i see i have 50 missing updates.
In June i got a CSV file with 25 missing updates.
Now i want it somehow to reflect into my dashboard with a "Visual Type" that this month we have reduced the number of missing updates by 50%.
And in month July, i get a file with 20 missing updates, so i want to see that we reduced with with 60% from the month May.
Any idea how i can do it?
I'm not sure I quite understand where you're standing, but I'll assume that you have an S3 manifest that points to an S3 directory and not a different manifest (and dataset) per each file.
If that's your case you could try to tackle that comparison creating a calculated field and using the periodOverPeriodPercentDifference
Hope this helps!

Manipulate CSV-date variables in Jmeter Automation

I'm using the Jmeter to validate the dates for a POST API service.but,need to pass the dates as dynamic from CSV file.
provided parameters as ID,stop Date and Start Date. Condition: stop date should be 2 days from current date and start Date should be <30 days >180 days. How can I use a CSV data values ?
used some BeanShell date manipulators. but, unable to find a way to use with csv data to automate.
Use "jp#gc - Variables From CSV File" plugin to fetch data from the csv. Please check the output below:-
This is just an example. Modified it according to your requirement.
Hope this helps.

While sending data in JSON, the date changes to previous day

Saving the data in one function call, where I am sending the data as 2019-02-01T00:00:00.000Z but the fiddler shows the different date in JSON as 2019-01-31T18:30:00.000Z. I am not aware that why it is giving the difference of 5 hrs 30 minutes.
On the local case, date saved in the database is 01-02-2019, while on production environment the previous date is getting saved in the table records.
Thanks in advance. Please help me with the solutions.

The datetime type is not retained when the query result is saved as csv

I am using the following query to fetch some results from a bigquery dataset:
SELECT name, TIMESTAMP(due) AS due, TIMESTAMP(start) AS start,
FROM myBigQueryTable
Then, I save the query result as csv. However, the due and start columns do not have datetime type in the csv file and displays a value like:
instead of this:
2014-12-24 00:00:00 UTC
If I only use DATE instead of TIMESTAMP then the problem disappears, however I also need the time info. How can I resolve this issue?
This is a known problem with BigQuery UI and it is tracked here: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36614760.
I have the fix ready and it will go out into production within few weeks.