Telegram bot to receive chat members already exist - telegram-bot

Using telegram bot api how can one list all currently existed members in the chat without tracking chat member updates?


How can i delete all messages in telegram chat with node js

I want to delete all messages in telegram bot chat, without saving their ids to DB.
Telegram bot is written on node-telegram-api

How to completely remove Chat Bot created by Chat API?

I created test Chat Bot two month ago using Chat API and service account and used it.
Then I disabled the bot and remove Chat API from the project. But I still can find this bot in the Chat by the name. It has status Disabled but exists.
Is it possible completely remove it from G Suite domain available bots?
Disabling the Chat API should remove the bot from Hangouts Chat. Do you still see it after refreshing Chat or deleting your cache?

Hangout chat doesn't show my bot as user

I have followed the instructions as per the
Created my agent - named as "phoebieagent".
Defined intents and entities.
Fulfilled by webhook and running a flask python API on https.
Published by bot as hangouts chat. Specified bot url to be the one
defined in step 3.
Bot status shows - "live" but in my hangouts I can't see my bot user.
Please suggest trouble shooting steps.
Resolved it. Chat was disabled in google admin console.

Google+ Hangout API chatbot

I am trying to build a chatbot on Google Hangout Chat. Per the documentation, the API is no longer supported:
Are we still able to subscribe to receive messages from a user and send a response?
You need a g suite account in order to enable the hangout API chat

Is there any way to retrieve a user's chat history in hangouts?

As developers, we can get a user's mails from Gmail (provided the authorization). Is it possible to get hangouts chat history? How?
This depends on whether chat history is enabled for the account. For Google Apps accounts, chat history can be enabled or disabled from the Admin console. If it is a regular Gmail account, then the it should be saved as any other email is. It will not end up in your inbox but if a user was chatting with "John" for example, you can search chat history by searching for mail from "John". Then emails and chat history are displayed.