What is the RIGHT way to access Google websites from within an electron app? [duplicate] - google-oauth

A user of my app reported an issue today about authorizing the user with Google (using OAuth 2.0). So far the application was opening a new BrowserWindow (node integration disabled, session is separated from the main application). You can see the implementation here since the library is OSS. I am using this to authorize the user to access application data on Google Drive.
Today after logging in I see the following message:
This browser or app may not be secure.
Try using a different browser. If you’re already using a supported browser, you can refresh your screen and try again to sign in.
The learn more link has a section for developers. This section has 2 links. One is how to upgrade the application to PWA. Because the application is an API testing tool it won't be possible to run it in a web browser.
The second link points to a document describing how to migrate to authorization for native application. However described flow requires authorization_code grant. This means I need to include OAuth secret into my application. Electron application, however, is still web application and there's no notion of compiling sources. I would expose client secret to the public which is not secured. Potentially I could build a server application to support it but the app is OSS project. It does not have funding to run a server for authorization.
My question is now how should I implement OAuth 2 for Electron application then. I can't use PWA's and server authorization flow (code grant) is far from ideal in this case.

As Paweł explained, changing the user agent will do the trick. However, you can easily set the user agent by passing an object when loading the URL
win = new BrowserWindow({width: 800, height: 600});
win.loadURL(authUrl, {userAgent: 'Chrome'})
I have tested it and it worked like a charm

Warning: This answer relies on changing the browser's user-agent. As of Jan. 2021, Google disapproves of this and warns not to do this (see EDIT4). Use at your own risk!
The other answers didn't work for me (in Electron 9.0.5), but I eventually found this, which worked:
app.on("ready", ()=> {
session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders((details, callback) => {
details.requestHeaders["User-Agent"] = "Chrome";
callback({ cancel: false, requestHeaders: details.requestHeaders });
CreateMainWindow(); // your regular code to create root browser window
EDIT: Two other approaches, which I haven't tested, but which may also work:
app.on("ready", ()=>{
app.userAgentFallback = "Chrome";
EDIT2: Trying again sometime later, approach #2 did not work, but #1 still did. Haven't tried #3 yet.
EDIT3: Trying again later still, it seems that none of these workarounds are needed anymore! Google appears to accept sign-in popups from Electron apps again, without modifications to the user-agent. (odd that they'd revert this; perhaps I just did something wrong in my re-attempt)
EDIT4: While approach #1 still works atm, I recently found this blog post: https://developers.googleblog.com/2020/08/guidance-for-our-effort-to-block-less-secure-browser-and-apps.html Apparently Google is restricting usage of Google sign-in in non-standard browsers (which presumably includes Electron) starting in Jan. 2021, and warns developers not to modify their browser's user-agent (which all three of the possibilities I mention do). Use at your own risk! (they don't make clear what outcome will result, but for my own use, I'm opting to use the alternative shown below from now on)
As an alternative to using a Google sign-in popup in your app (which some might be wary of, since Electron apps could in principle insert code into the popup to read the raw password -- not that it matters that much, since Electron apps could just install keyloggers or the like anyway), you could instead open a tab in the user's regular external browser, pointed to a special page that triggers a sign-in popup there, and then just sends the credentials to your Electron app afterward.
Instructions can be seen here (approach 3): https://stackoverflow.com/a/64328193/2441655

After taking a wild guess I decided to alter the user agent string and to remove application name from it as well as Electron/ with version. After this alteration it started working again.
Example implementation:
const win = new BrowserWindow(params);
let ua = win.webContents.userAgent;
ua = ua.replace(/APPLICATION NAME HERE\/[0-9\.-]*/,'');
ua = ua.replace(/Electron\/*/,'');
win.webContents.userAgent = ua;
This assumes the application is using symver and no pre-release tags. Otherwise you would have to tweak the regexp a bit.


API for the browser AND react-native apps - how to handle auth?

For the first time, we are developing a new project that needs to support the browser (a website) and a mobile app built on react-native.
We have plenty of experience developing for the web, but little to no experience in the mobile app world.
We are now defining our API and trying to make it work for both platforms - This will be a basic JSON API, running on Flask. The API will have some public endpoints, and some protected ones as well (that require auth). We want a cross platform auth solution.
Typically, for the web, we have always relied on cookie based sessions (encrypted) that frameworks like Flask provide. We have been successfully using these in various scenarios: loading HTML templates directly from the web framework, or even when the frontend application runs on React (same domain + HttpOnly + secure cookies).
The introduction of react-native could potentially bring some new challenges, and some of our developers worry about not being able to continue to use our typical session based cookies - They are advocating to using something like JWT for authorization, for both the browser and app (and yes, I know that we can't compare sessions to token based auth).
I'm not a big fan of token based authorization (for a number of reasons, could entertain that conversation if anyone wants to waste some time...), and I can't seem to understand why we shouldn't stick to our normal encrypted "Cookie" value.
Here is how I imagine this could work, based on using the Flask cookie session:
A user hits /api/login with some credentials
The endpoint will validate the user and return back whatever response + the Set-Cookie header with a value of session=<encrypted string>
Any further requests from the browser/app would send back the cookie value again.
Essentially, nothing would change for typical browser implementations, this is how browsers work by default.
The react-native documentation mentions a few issues with cookie based authentication: https://reactnative.dev/docs/network#known-issues-with-fetch-and-cookie-based-authentication
From what I can gather (my knowledge is extremely limited on this subject), react-native might not always respect the Set-Cookie header. Which is OK - we would just have to make sure to send back the expected header with any further requests.
This, in theory, would fulfil our requirements.
I'm looking for feedback on my "solution", am I missing anything? Did I get HTTP completely wrong?
React Native actually provides networking similar to that of websites developed with basic JavaScript, which also supports cookie based authentication, however there are some serious caveats as mentioned in here
The following options are currently not working with fetch
Having same name headers on Android will result in only the latest one being present. A temporary solution can be found here:
Cookie based authentication is currently unstable. You can view some of the issues raised here:
As a minimum on iOS, when redirected through a 302, if a Set-Cookie header is present, the cookie is not set properly. Since the redirect
cannot be handled manually this might cause a scenario where infinite
requests occur if the redirect is the result of an expired session.
Therefore, I would advise against using it as it is unstable and might give you a hard time dealing with it
I also suggest looking into frameworks that handle authentication for you, such as auth0
Hope you find this helpful :)

Extern auth services with Web API - can't get the sample to work

I can't get the sample External Authentication Services with Web API(C#) to work with Google. I created a project by following the instructions. However, I noticed that my project created a slightly different code in Startup.ConfigureAuth() method.
app.UseGoogleAuthentication(new GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationOptions()
ClientId = "<valid client id here>",
ClientSecret = "<valid secret here>",
The code in the sample does not have the initialization part but without it the code will not even compile.
When I run the app I get the option on the Log In screen to use Google as a service to log in. I'm then taken to Google's site and asked to allow my app to use my info. The app's name appears to be correct so I have to assume that ClientId/ClientSecret provided above are correct. However, when I click "Allow" button I'm taken back to the Log In page instead of the Register page as illustrated in the example.Has anyone managed to make the sample work with Google authentication? If yes, could you please share workarounds, if any.Thanks.
I finally found the source of the problem with a help of a post on this site. Unfortunately I lost the link to the post. Anyway, the solution is to make sure that Google+ APIs are enabled in Google Console for the project - they are not enabled by default. The details can be found here (as suggested by the post).

How can I get PLAIN authentication working with Google's IMAP server?

So for a while I've been relying on the PLAIN support for logging into Google's IMAP server in my email client. Recently they started blocking that and return an error (despite listing it as a supported authentication method).
For instance take this example:
Connected to 'imap.gmail.com:993' using SSL
* OK Gimap ready for requests from ##.##.##.## cd6mb38777249ieb
A0001 OK Thats all she wrote! cd6mb38777249ieb
* NO [WEBALERT https://accounts.google.com/ContinueSignIn?sarp=1&scc=1&plt=AKgnsbszktZSU6iVmh...snip....] Web login required.
A0002 NO [ALERT] Please log in via your web browser: http://support.google.com/mail/accounts/bin/answer.py?answer=78754 (Failure)
SSL connection closed.
ScribeImap_Thread.cpp:647 - Connect to imap.gmail.com:993 failed.
I've tried opening the "https://accounts.google.com/ContinueSignIn..." URL in my browser:
And I get redirected to https://myaccount.google.com/ but the next login attempt fails as well. So it doesn't seem to change the authentication at all.
Is the PLAIN authentication just blocked completely or am I doing it wrong?
Alternatively is there a authentication method that works and DOESN'T need a browser component to log in? (XOAUTH2 seems to need a web login as well)
It's pretty official:
They have shut off PLAIN login completely and it's not coming back.
So there are two options:
Turn on "less secure apps".
Implement OAUTH2.
I've decided to implement OAUTH2 support (which isn't too far off working actually). Initially I thought I would need an embedded browser component in my app, but it turns out that I can launch the system browser and the user can copy the token across in a some what manual process.
Interestingly for those working on OAUTH2 support in their software, Google have setup a playground to see the whole process in practice:
I see that this is an old post, but after fighting with Outlook for over a year to get my mail, I FINALLY got it working again.
The first thing I had to do was log into my my Gmail account and turn off the button labeled "Less secure apps" as Outlook is in that category.
Go to the "Less secure apps" section in My Account.
Next to "Access for less secure apps," selectTurn on. (Note to Google Apps users: This setting is hidden if your administrator has locked less secure app account access.)
And if you have 2-step verification on (as I did), it will still make Outlook fail. So the next thing you have to do is create an app password which will generate a password for you, and you use that in Outlook for it to sync correctly.
Visit your App password page. You may be asked to sign in to your Google Account.
At the bottom, click Select app and choose the app you’re using.
Click Select device and choose the device you’re using.
Since Outlook will not be listed, select Other and type in Outlook for future reference.
Select Generate.
Follow the instructions to enter the App password (the 16 character code in the yellow bar) on your device.
Select Done.
Copy the password that was generated.
Open Outlook and paste the password in the Password section. DO NOT use your regular password.
Your mail will sync without anymore issues. (Hopefully)
Once you are finished, you won’t see that App password code again. However, you will see a list of apps and devices you’ve created App passwords for.
I hope this helps everyone who is having an issue. And I hope these directions are easy to follow! Good luck everyone! :-)

Anti forgery token and web testing

I am trying to do a web test in VS2012 for an MVC site.
One of the scenarios is to login and go through a list of products, select the one you want and follow through to the purchase page.
Problem is that when the web test is run, I get an error about the anti forgery token and that it does not match.
How on earth is it possible to do the testing with the anti forgery token? The user must login - there will be thousands of users for the load test (eventually) but need to make it work for 1 user first.
the login view/action does do an AntiForgeryToken in the view and validation on the controller.
any advice and tips are appreciated.
Once you run your script and it fails, go to the call proceeding the one that fails.
Go to the response tab
In the body, find the __RequestVerificationToken name which is in an input tag and extract everything in between the value attribute.
Select the value and right click > add extraction rule and press OK.
You will find an Extraction rules folder and underneath it, the Extraction rule we just created. Feel free to rename the Context Parameter Name.
Go to the next page , which should be the one that failed, and find the Form Post Parameter named "__RequestVerificationToken". View it's properties
Bind it to the Context Parameter Name created previously. To do so, view the properties of this post parameter and set the "Value" to be:
{{Name Of Context Parameter}}
(Include the 2x curly braces)
Press enter to confirm/save
Next time you run the script - all works
This is how it worked for me...
I was seeing a similar problem. After recording a web test script, the script would fail at the point of log-in on with the following message:
The provided anti-forgery token was meant for user "Domain\UserName", but the current user is "".
The solution was to set the PreAuthenticate property to false in the test properties. By default the web tests will pass an authentication header to the server which was being used in the generation the token.
I am not familiar with "web testing in VS2012" but as I know "Anti-Forgery Token" requires sending the token from browser to the server back.
I had an experience with Selenium-Webdriver and suggest you use it because it provides an API to interact with supported browsers as real user does.
You can easily start using Selenium WebDriver if you add Selenium WebDriver 2.37.0 NuGet package to you test project.
Selenium-WebDriver makes direct calls to the browser using each
browser’s native support for automation. How these direct calls are
made, and the features they support depends on the browser you are
Selenium-webdriver currently supports the following drivers:
Internet Explorer

How to connect backend service with philips hue bridge remotely?

I'm looking to write a philips hue service that needs to allow users to register their hue bridge with my service. This service would change the color of bulbs based on an event. I'm aware that I can use IFTTT but in this scenario, I'd like to not use IFTTT and I'd like to register my website with philips hue's apps.
Any idea how I can do this? Your help is very much appreciated. Thanks!
EDIT: Not sure why I was down voted but I definitely did do my research. I looked on philips hue's developer website and couldn't find anything that was explicit on their APIs. I also looked through the iOS SDK and didn't see any methods that would trigger the pairing routine for remote devices. So far, the only example I have of this working (outside of Philips' products is the IFTTT service, which allows for an entry to be added into the 'My Apps' section).
TLDR: I wrote an API: https://github.com/jarvisinc/PhilipsHueRemoteAPI
I answered this question on my technical blog (http://blog.paulshi.me/technical/2013/11/27/Philips-Hue-Remote-API-Explained.html), which I will post here:
The question actually comes as two part:
Remote Control
I haven't figure out a reliable way to do authentication automatically. The following procedures needs to be automated: The idea is to fake as official iOS APP which has the ability to control remotely when enabled. We will need to get BRIDGEID and ACCESSTOKEN to pass the authentication step for remote control.
Find your BRIDGEID from https://www.meethue.com/api/nupnp. (or in My bridge page on the meethue website and by clicking on "Show me more")
Right click on "BACK TO THE APP" and write down ACCESSTOKEN inside the link it redirect to
Basically it is a hack to get your access token. You fake your app as the official iOS Hue App, and ask for access token that way. I am not sure there is an easier way out there, if you do know one, please do comment below.
You can potentially automate it by doing simulated log-in session and grab the the ACCESSTOKEN by scraping the page content. But I consider it highly unreliable because any change to the official page will likely break it.
I wrote this script that allows the automation of getting ACCESSTOKEN as of today, but I don't guarantee it will work tomorrow for the reason I explained above :P
Currently, this OAUTH process only works with official apps. There might be a slight chance that they will open it to other 3rd party apps.
Remote Control
Once authentication is done, this part can be done automatically. There are 2 known private endpoints for sending control command and getting all the status related to the hue bridge.
Sending Command Endpoint:
POST https://www.meethue.com/api/sendmessage
Getting Status Endpoint:
GET https://www.meethue.com/api/getbridge
Sending Command Endpoint
URL: https://www.meethue.com/api/sendmessage
Method: POST
URL Parameters:
token=**ACCESSTOKEN** (which you obtained earlier)
Request header
clipmessage={ bridgeId: "**BRIDGEID**", clipCommand: { url: "/api/0/**APIENDPOINT**", method: "**METHOD**", body: **JSONCOMMAND** } }
BRIDGEID is the same one you obtained earlier
APIENDPOINT the same as official API /api/<username>/*** by removing /api/<usename>/ part
METHOD PUT/GET/POST/DELETE the same 4 method as official API. Despite GET really doesn't work since all response from the Sending Command Endpoint is 200 explained in the following part, while DELETE is not tested
JSONCOMMAND The actual command body for example {"on":true}
Getting Status Endpoint
URL: https://www.meethue.com/api/getbridge
Method: GET
URL Parameters:
Request header
Current limitation is you cannot immediately know from the response whether your control command succeeded like the official API. All the response you get from calling the Sending Command Endpoint is pretty much always <200> if you are doing it correctly. But you can always pull all the status related to the Hue bridge from the Getting Status Endpoint.
Remote Control API
I wrote Philips HUE Remote API to specifically solve the remote control problem.
Enjoy :)
For full documentation please refer to this excellent paper:
Hacking Lightbulbs: Security Evaluation of the Philips Hue Personal Wireless Lighting System by Nitesh Dhanjani
I did some investigation by following the steps of #paul-jianer-shi however the access token are not shown in the generated HTML.
I think the Hue Portal has been updated and removed the way it potentially shows the access token.
I wrote a blog post about doing Remote Hue operations by reusing the access token of another application, like IFTTT. The main change is how to get your hands on that access token. The token in shown in the 'My Apps' section of the Hue Portal. Check the (De-activate) link. It contains the access token.
Next step will be to let Hue Portal trust my own app.
Philips plan to make the remote API available to 3rd parties(it's already used by IFTTT and meethue.com).
There is currently a form on the developer website to request an early access(must login):