Email notifications of item expiration on K2 (Joomla) - notifications

Is there anyway to email the author of the item/article about the upcoming expiry of an item?


How could I solve this error? [400] Campaign Email Contact List is null or empty

I have created a Webhook scenario. The Webhook payload is received then created as a contact in Constant Contact, next an Email Campaign is created for Constant Contact, then an Email Activity is Scheduled for Constant Contact. In the Create a Contact options I save the contact to a contact list which is in the Contact List ID 1 input box. The new contact should be saving to the specified contact list. When I execute the scenario, I get this error below. The error bundle shows on the Schedule an Email Activity. For some reason the contact is not saving to the specified contact list. Any thoughts on how to solve this issue?
[400] Campaign Email Contact List is null or empty, please include a valid contact list with this request

PrestaShop Notification of payment received Paypal - Order Reference in the body of the email

I need your help ...
In the "Paypal Payment Notification" email, how can I make the order reference / id appear in the body of the email instead of the product identifier entered in its product sheet?
I cannot find the folder that contains the file in question.
Prestashop 1.7

Shopify - Making an API request to update user's email

Using the Shopify Admin API - I've been able to update a user's email address.
I've tested it with Postman, passing in a private app secret key.
Now I want to have this functionality on an actual page however have some questions:
I can't exactly store those private app keys on the JS code of the page itself as anyone would see. Neither can I make send a request with it as again anyone would have visbility.
Is it possible to create some sort of intermediary where I could make some sort of endpoint like POST /update/useremail sending across a customer ID
If the above is possible - I'm not sure how I could avoid any random person hitting that endpoint and updating other user's email addresses.
Has anyone had any experience/ideas/suggestions for a simply way to do this?
Any help appreciated.
Issue: Your issue is here that you want to verify if the email change request is a valid call or not? Then if you find it valid then you make the API call to update it.
My Solution
Create a page in Shopify with your form to update email. Show the page only to logged in users. When a user lands in the page show them the form to pass the new email they want. This where you need to add a few things so as to validate the requests. When the page loads create a hashed string from the Shopify Backend like below.
{% if customer != nil %}
{% assign timestamp = 'now' | date: "%s" %} //epoch time stamp
token = {{ | append: '<random_string>' | append: timestamp | sha256 }}
{% endif %}
Whenever a request is made for a change of email validate the SHA256 code at your end by creating a hash at your server. If the hash is valid update the email. Make sure you pass the timestamp and old email in the request you make.
Security issues you need to take care of -
You need to validate timestamp always For eg. It should not be 10 secs in the future or 10 secs in the past.
Your random string can also be brute forced. So keep updating the random string regularly using Assets API. It is very unlikely but why take the risk.

Override email templates (mailalert module) in prestashop

We have an eshop in prestashop ( version) with mail alerts module installed. The concept is to modify the email template in order to change the way some values are being displayed. In particular we would like to modify the new_order email notification (the one that the shop owner receive for every new order) removing the product links from the product list and display the shipping costs without tax (the total tax is visible on the next field of the email).
You have the template files in this directory:

Extract single messages from gmail thread (Objective-c)

I am trying to fetch gmail emails with IMAP (in objective-c), and I want to separate, for every thread, every single message that has been sent in the conversation. To make myself more clear, imagine a conversation like this one:
John says : Hi Mike, that's the first email
Mike replies : Hey John, how are you ?
John replies : Great Mike, thanks.
If I get John's emails through IMAP, I will fetch only one email, that will be :
Hey John, how are you ?
On Wed, 21 May,
Hi Mike, that's the first email
And I would like to get two different messages out of this one email I fetched.
First message would be "Hi Mike, that's the first email"
Second message would be "Hey John, how are you ?"
I looked at the message-id field in the header, but I can't figure out how to link that back to actual messages.
Any ideas?
Thanks !
[EDIT] : So far I can parse the email in John's inbox and extract the associated string containing the message. But what I want is the actual message (with the header and all), not just the string containing the message.
Gmail has a very nice IMAP extension to do this. I've never tried to use the objective-c libraries, though.
If you want to do this for one conversation, you need a message to start with. Any message in the conversation will do. First, you retrieve the X-GM-THRID of that message: a uid fetch 23451345 x-gm-thrid, which gives you a 64-bit number, perhaps 9876543876543444423. Next, you look for the other messages in the same conversation: b uid search x-gm-thrid 9876543876543444423, which gives you the UIDs of all messages in that conversation, and you're done.
If you want to do it for all the conversations in the inbox, you issue c uid fetch 1:* x-gm-thrid, which gives you a set of message-conversation tuples: "message 123 belongs to conversation 9876543876543".
If you want to order the messages within each conversation, the easiest way is probably to retrieve the internaldate item and sort by that. Gmail also has an x-gm-msgid but I haven't looked to see whether it's useful for sorting.