Kotlin - Check collection contains another collection exactly - kotlin

I want to be able to check that collection a contains exactly all of the elements of b, but an equality based check is not sufficient; for example:
data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)
val a = listOf(Person("Alice", 10), Person("Bob", 13))
val b = listOf(Person("Alice", 10), Person("Alice", 10))
fun main() {
Whilst this is technically true, it's not the result I want, because a only contains one Person("Alice", 10), whereas b contains two of them.
The above example should fail, whilst the below should pass.
data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)
val a = listOf(Person("Alice", 10), Person("Alice", 10), Person("Bob", 13))
val b = listOf(Person("Alice", 10), Person("Alice", 10))
fun main() {
Is there a way to do this?

You could add an extension function for this, something like:
fun List<Person>.containsAllExact(list2: List<Person>): Boolean {
val occurences1 = this.groupingBy{ it }.eachCount()
val occurences2 = list2.groupingBy{ it }.eachCount()
return occurences2.all{
it.value <= occurences1.getOrDefault(it.key, 0)

One way I can think of is to make a mutable copy of a, and try to remove every element of b, then check if all elements of b can be removed:
a.toMutableList().let { aCopy ->
Or as an extension function:
fun <T> Iterable<T>.strictlyContainsAll(other: Iterable<T>) =
toMutableList().let { copy ->

I think this would do it
println(a.containsAll(b) && (a.size - b.size == (a-b).size))
Edit: it doesn't work because it gives false negatives also. for example with
val a = listOf(Person("Alice", 10), Person("Alice", 10), Person("Bob", 13))
val b = listOf(Person("Alice", 10))


How to destructure Kotlin nested pairs with forEach

I need to destructure Kotlin nested pairs. How can I do this simply without using pair.first/pair.second?
val chars = listOf('A', 'B', 'C')
val ints = listOf(1, 2, 3)
val booleans = listOf(true, false, false)
val cib: List<Pair<Pair<Char, Int>, Boolean>> = chars.zip(ints).zip(booleans)
cib.forEach { ((c, i), b) -> // compile error
println("$c $i $b")
Not sure if there really is a way of desctructuring a Pair<Pair<*,*>> straight away, but you could do this:
cib.forEach { (pair, b) ->
val (c, i) = pair
//do stuff with c, i, b

Kotlin: how to use reduce/fold with a data structure as the accumulative argument?

I want to use reduce/fold methods to create a new list from an existing List. This is the code I tried to write:
val list: List<Int> = listOf(1, 2, 3)
val newList = mutableListOf<Int>()
val sum: List<Int> = list.fold(newList) { (acc: List<Int>, i: Int) -> {
acc.add(i + 10)
It doesn't compile.
I want that newList will be (11,12,13).
How can I do it in a functional manner?
In Javascript, for example, this code compiles:
list.reduce((acc, item) => {
acc.push(item + 10)
return acc;
}, [])
The most convenient and functional way to do what you want is using map function:
val list: List<Int> = listOf(1, 2, 3)
val newList: MutableList<Int> = list.map { it + 10 }.toMutableList()
But if you really want to use fold for some (strange) reason, you can do it this way:
val newList: MutableList<Int> =
list.fold(ArrayList()) { acc, x -> acc.apply { add(x + 10) } }
Or this way:
val newList: MutableList<Int> =
list.fold(ArrayList()) { acc, x ->
acc += x + 10

Is there a function to search in a ArrayList from a position?

I read carefully the ArrayList documentation in Kotlin and apparently there is no way to search a value in ArrayList starting from a pointer. The alternative is write your own function iterating the right elements in ArrayList and testing the condition.
So I've programmed the following code:
fun <T> ArrayList<T>.findNext(cond: (T) -> Boolean, p: Int = 0): Int {
for (i in p..this.lastIndex)
if (cond(this[i])) return i
return -1
data class Person (
var name: String,
var age: Int
fun main() {
var v = arrayListOf<Person>()
v.add(Person("Paul", 22))
v.add(Person("Laura", 24))
v.add(Person("Paul", 50))
v.add(Person("Mary", 24))
println(v.findNext({it.name=="Paul"})) // 0
println(v.findNext({it.name=="Paul"}, 1)) // 2
println(v.findNext({it.name=="Paul"}, 3)) // -1
Is there something better than this?
You can avoid any intermediate collections:
inline fun <T> List<T>.findNext(p: Int = 0, cond: (T) -> Boolean) =
listIterator(p).withIndex().asSequence().find { cond(it.value) }?.let { it.index + p }
By swapping the arguments you can call it like this:
println(v.findNext {it.name=="Paul"}) // 0
println(v.findNext(1) {it.name=="Paul"}) // 2
println(v.findNext(3) {it.name=="Paul"}) // null
fun main() {
var v = arrayListOf<Person>()
v.add(Person("Paul", 22))
v.add(Person("Laura", 24))
v.add(Person("Paul", 50))
v.add(Person("Mary", 24))
println(v.findNext({ it.name == "Paul" },0))//IndexedValue(index=0, value=Person(name=Paul, age=22))
println(v.findNext({ it.name == "Paul" },2))//IndexedValue(index=2, value=Person(name=Paul, age=50))
println(v.findNext({ it.name == "Paul" },3))//null
private fun <T> List<T>.findNext(cond: (T) -> Boolean, position: Int): IndexedValue<T>? {
return withIndex().filter { it.index >= position }.firstOrNull { cond(it.value) }
maybe use withIndex and a filter ?
val arrayNames = listOf<String>("Paul", "Ann", "Paul", "Roger","Peter")
arrayNames.withIndex().filter {
it.value == "Paul" //value contains the original name
println(it.index) //indext contains the position.
this will give you the output 0 and 2
for your case (person object instead of String) you will use
it.value.name == "Paul"

How can I take varying chunks out of a Kotlin Sequence?

If I have a Kotlin sequence, every invocation of take(n) restarts the sequence.
val items = generateSequence(0) {
if (it > 9) null else it + 1
#Test fun `take doesn't remember position`() {
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1), items.take(2).toList())
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1, 2), items.take(3).toList())
Is there an easy way of write say, another(n) such that
#Test fun `another does remember position`() {
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1), items.another(2).toList())
assertEquals(listOf(2, 3, 4), items.another(3).toList())
I suppose that I have to have something that isn't the Sequence to keep the state, so maybe what I'm actually asking for is a nice definition of fun Iterator<T>.another(count: Int): List<T>
Sequence does not remember its position, but its iterator does remember:
val iterator : Iterator<Int> = items.iterator()
Now all you need is something like take(n) but for Iterator<T>:
public fun <T> Iterator<T>.another(n: Int): List<T> {
require(n >= 0) { "Requested element count $n is less than zero." }
if (n == 0) return emptyList()
var count = 0
val list = ArrayList<T>(n)
for (item in this) {
if (++count == n)
return list
What about this:
fun `another does remember position`() {
val items: Sequence<Int> = generateSequence(0) {
if (it > 9) null else it + 1
val (first, rest) = items.another(2)
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1), first.toList())
assertEquals(listOf(2, 3, 4), rest.another(3).first.toList())
fun <T> Sequence<T>.another(n: Int): Pair<Sequence<T>, Sequence<T>> {
return this.take(n) to this.drop(n)
To answer the last part of your question:
I suppose that I have to have something that isn't the Sequence to keep the state, so maybe what I'm actually asking for is a nice definition of fun Iterator.another(count: Int): List
One such implementation would be:
fun <T> Iterator<T>.another(count: Int): List<T> {
val collectingList = mutableListOf<T>()
while (hasNext() && collectingList.size < count) {
return collectingList.toList()
This passes your test if you use the iterator produced by the sequence:
fun `another does remember position`() {
val items = generateSequence(0) {
if (it > 9) null else it + 1
}.iterator() //Use the iterator of this sequence.
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1), items.another(2))
assertEquals(listOf(2, 3, 4), items.another(3))
To me what you've described is an iterator, since it's something that allows you to go over a collection or sequence etc. but also remember its last position.
NB the implementation above wasn't written to take into consideration what should happen for non-positive counts passed in, and if the count is larger than what's left to iterate over you'll be returned a list which has smaller size than n. I suppose you could consider this an exercise for yourself :-)
Sequence does not remember its position, but its iterator does remember:
val iterator : Iterator<Int> = items.iterator()
Unfortunately there is no take(n) for an iterator, so to use the one from stdlib you need to wrap iter into an Iterable:
val iterable : Iterable<Int> = items.iterator().asIterable()
fun <T> Iterator<T>.asIterable() : Iterable<T> = object : Iterable<T> {
private val iter = this#asIterable
override fun iterator() = iter
That makes itareble.take(n) remember its position, but unfortunately there is a of-by-one error because the standard .take(n) asks for one element too many:
public fun <T> Iterable<T>.take(n: Int): List<T> {
require(n >= 0) { "Requested element count $n is less than zero." }
if (n == 0) return emptyList()
if (this is Collection<T>) {
if (n >= size) return toList()
if (n == 1) return listOf(first())
var count = 0
val list = ArrayList<T>(n)
for (item in this) {
if (count++ == n)
return list.optimizeReadOnlyList()
That can be fixed with a little tweak:
public fun <T> Iterable<T>.take2(n: Int): List<T> {
require(n >= 0) { "Requested element count $n is less than zero." }
if (n == 0) return emptyList()
if (this is Collection<T>) {
if (n >= size) return toList()
if (n == 1) return listOf(first())
var count = 0
val list = ArrayList<T>(n)
for (item in this) {
if (++count == n)
return list
Now both of you tests pass:
#Test fun `take does not remember position`() {
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1), items.take2(2).toList())
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1, 2), items.take2(3).toList())
#Test fun `another does remember position`() {
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1), iter.take2(2).toList())
assertEquals(listOf(2, 3, 4), iter.take2(3).toList())
You could create a function generateStatefulSequence which creates a sequence which keeps its state by using a second sequence's iterator to provide the values.
The iterator is captured in the closure of that function.
On each iteration the seed lambda ({ i.nextOrNull() }) of the returned sequence starts off with the next value provided by the iterator.
// helper
fun <T> Iterator<T>.nextOrNull() = if(hasNext()) { next() } else null
fun <T : Any> generateStatefulSequence(seed: T?, nextFunction: (T) -> T?): Sequence<T> {
val i = generateSequence(seed) {
return generateSequence(
seedFunction = { i.nextOrNull() },
nextFunction = { i.nextOrNull() }
val s = generateStatefulSequence(0) { if (it > 9) null else it + 1 }
println(s.take(2).toList()) // [0, 1]
println(s.take(3).toList()) // [2, 3, 4]
println(s.take(10).toList()) // [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Try it out
Here is a nice definition of fun Iterator<T>.another(count: Int): List<T> as requested:
fun <T> Iterator<T>.another(count: Int): List<T> =
if (count > 0 && hasNext()) listOf(next()) + this.another(count - 1)
else emptyList()
As another workaround (similar to the suggestion by Willi Mentzel above) would be to create a asStateful() extension method that converts any sequence into a one that will remember the position, by wrapping it into an Iterable that always yields the same iterator.
class StatefulIterable<out T>(wrapped: Sequence<T>): Iterable<T> {
private val iterator = wrapped.iterator()
override fun iterator() = iterator
fun <T> Sequence<T>.asStateful(): Sequence<T> = StatefulIterable(this).asSequence()
Then you can do:
val items = generateSequence(0) {
if (it > 9) null else it + 1
#Test fun `stateful sequence does remember position`() {
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1), items.take(2).toList())
assertEquals(listOf(2, 3, 4), items.take(3).toList())
Try it here: https://pl.kotl.in/Yine8p6wn

How to sum multiple elements after grouping in Kotlin

I have a list of objects A (alist).
A {
val b : Int
val c1 : Int
val c2 : Int
val d1 : Int
val d2 : Int
and I want to group them by b and calculate sum of c1+c2 and d1+d2 on each group and put the results in list of E objects elist.
E {
val sum_of_c_types : Int
val sum_of_d_types : Int
How do I achieve in kotlin using any collection inbuilt function?
I know I can do it with reduce function and create temporary A objects, but this is important to dont use temporary A object in code.
I've solved it by using a sequence of groupBy, map and sumBy. It's probably not the cleanest solution I guess.
data class A(val b: Int,
val c1: Int,
val c2: Int,
val d1: Int,
val d2: Int)
data class E(val sumC: Int, val sumD: Int)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val alist = listOf(A(1, 2, 1, 4, 5), A(1, 3, 4, 6, 3), A(2, 2, 2, 2, 2), A(3, 1, 2, 1, 2))
val grouped: Map<Int, E> = alist.groupBy(A::b).mapValues {
E(it.value.sumBy { it.c1 + it.c2 }, it.value.sumBy { it.d1 + it.d2 })
grouped.forEach {
println("Group b=${it.key}: ${it.value}")
Results in:
Group b=1: E(sumC=10, sumD=18)
Group b=2: E(sumC=4, sumD=4)
Group b=3: E(sumC=3, sumD=3)
With Grouping (using groupingBy instead of groupBy), it looks even better because you don't have to handle map entities:
val grouped = alist.groupingBy(A::b).aggregate { _, acc: E?, e, _ ->
E((acc?.sumC ?: 0) + e.c1 + e.c2, (acc?.sumD ?: 0) + e.d1 + e.d2)
I think it's just grouping with folding
fun group(a: List<A>) = a.groupingBy(A::b).fold(E(0, 0),
{ acc, elem ->
E(acc.sum_of_c_types + elem.c1 + elem.c2,
acc.sum_of_d_types + elem.d1 + elem.d2)
I solved it by following code:
alist.groupby { b }. mapValues {
it.value.map {
E(it.c1+it.c2, it.d1+it.d2)
}.reduce {
acc, e -> E(acc.sum_of_c_types + e.sum_of_c_types, acc.sum_of_d_types + e.sum_of_d_types)