Lazy loading Tag implemented via Google Tag Manager - lazy-loading

Lighthouse audit suggest me to lazy load chat beacon that is implemented via Google Tag Manager. Because this tag is quite big I have been already delay it by adding custom event that fires 1.5 seconds after Window Loaded event and on that custom event I am firing this chat beacon. Should I do anyway lazy loading on this tag? Report says that I could save around 3 second in loading page. If yes how could I make lazy loading tag in GTM and if it is even possible? Bellow I pasted how tag look like. Thank you for any suggestion.
<script type="text/javascript">!function(e,t,n){function a(){var e=t.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],n=t.createElement("script");n.type="text/javascript",n.async=!0,n.src="",e.parentNode.insertBefore(n,e)}if(e.Beacon=n=function(t,n,a){e.Beacon.readyQueue.push({method:t,options:n,data:a})},n.readyQueue=[],"complete"===t.readyState)return a();e.attachEvent?e.attachEvent("onload",a):e.addEventListener("load",a,!1)}(window,document,window.Beacon||function(){});</script>
<script type="text/javascript">window.Beacon('init', 'XXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXX')</script>
And one more question. This tag is attach to the page which means that if we scroll down it will always be in the same place. Lazy loading in this situation I understand as loading beacon after clicking this chat icon?

Yes, in this case lazy loading would be loading on click.
However, people rarely do it. Why? Cuz async loading n.async=!0 won't normally delay anything from the user perspective in any significant way.
And lighthouse is not the last instance of truth. It's just a not-very-good way to generically suggest page speed improvements.
If you want to measure it properly, stop using lighthouse, start using page speed profiling in your browser. Measure the user experience with the chat how it is now, then disable it completely in tag manager and reload the page. See if you're able to find those claimed 3 seconds. Repeat both experiments a few times to compensate for random speed fluctuations. I doubt you will be able to measure any real difference.


Animated blocks in AOS and NUXT JS tends to disappear whenever the page reloads

I'm working on a project and using AOS animation but all div blocks that have an animation on them disappear whenever I refresh the page. I want to trigger a function whenever the page is refreshed so I can use the AOS.refresh(). Is there any way to do this in nuxt.js or maybe a way to go around this AOS bug?
here's an example this is how the page looks before reloading:
then after reloading:
As you can see. the elements that still appear after the reloading are the ones without AOS animation.
Additionally, if you focus your eyes on the sidebar, notice I have a home page. this problem happens literally everywhere except the home page. When I go to the home page then I go back to other pages the problem basically disappears.
Not sure where is your bug coming from but so far, the homepage of the library achieves to have an animation on a page refresh. Maybe it is a lifecycle code issue at some point. Maybe post some for us to help you debug this one.
To my knowledge, there is no way of watching if your webpage is actually refreshed because there is nothing related to state before this. The only somehow useful thing that may be used sometime is this.$router.history._startLocation, which will give you the first path your webapp was loaded on.
Not sure if it may help you anyhow.
Also, you can maybe give a shot to this library in VueJS and wire it to Nuxt. Should behave pretty much the same.

Programatically disable Lazy Loading or infinite scroll with jQuery in Pinterest?

NOTE: New to this forum (UX/User Experience), so please let me know if this would be better in a different category. I searched Stack Exchange for "pinterest" and this forum seemed to have the most results. Thanks!
Hi guys. I'm writing a jQuery gist to grab links of all the images pinned to a given board in Pinterest. However, I've been running into the problem of having to repeatedly keep scrolling because all the results are not displayed on the same page. With the trendy "infinite scroll" or "lazy load" feature, one has to keep scrolling to the bottom without actually knowing if they are anywhere close because it seems to depend on your zoom percentage in your browser window and your window size as well, as to how many items display on your screen. I've been searching this for hours to no avail.
Searches I've already done keep returning non-productive results
The results I get when searching for
"Pinterest how to disable lazy loading" and "Pinterest how to disable infinite scroll"
keep returning the opposite of what I am looking for -- incorrect results for my purposes are anything like:
"How to add infinite scroll to my website",
"20 Useful Pinterest Tools",
or anything to do with adding infinite scroll.
The Problem: Infinite Scroll/Lazy Loading makes it hard for me to use browser plugins like jquerify (Chrome) and FireQuery (Firefox)
The issue for me is that I want to be able to view all my pins on a given board at once. Then I can use jQuery to manipulate all images on the page. Currently, infinite scroll makes it hard to keep track of where I'm at. I've tried stuff already by it's late at night and hard to remember everything. The important find was that in page source, Pinterest is using a "lazy" function. Here is what I found:
P.lazy = {
onImageLoad: function(a) {
P.overlap.isOverlappingViewport(a) && (b += FADE_CLASS);
a.className += b
This is just starting to be a deeper rabbit hole. I've checked for plugins to "remove", "disable", or "bypass" lazy loading, but haven't found any ... only those for adding it in.
Thanks in advance for your kind assistance and Cheers.
Pinterest loads cards via Ajax. When you scroll to the bottom of a page, browser javascript fires an Ajax call to load the next page full of cards.
This means it's not really possible to "disable" the infinite scrolling feature.
A few possible approaches:
Depending on how you're instantiating the browser, you might try setting or spoofing the window dimensions to a very large height. Pinterest may detect that height and attempt to load a window's worth of images, which may be enough to cover the feed you're trying to scrape.
If #1 is not practical for you, you can use javascript/jquery to keep scrolling the browser down until it has finished loading all the images. There are several ways to do this, since you are injecting javascript into the browser session.
(a) You can do this the "dumb" way with a loop that sets a timeout (setTimeout), then scrolls to the bottom (scrollTo()), then keeps going until the window stops scrolling and that comprises a kludgey auto-detect for the bottom of the page load.
(b) a more sophisticated approach would be to implement a listener for pinterest's ajax load function, (see the code, but it's a GET request to URL An ajaxComplete() jQuery handler may help you detect the completion of a page load request so you can scrape the new images loaded.
Hope that helps

WinRT XAML Toolkit preloaded pages

I have a question to creator of WinRT XAML Toolkit that had helped me a lot.
What is the best mechanism for working with rich pages in WinRT?
These are the conditions:
There are about 2 pages that have a lot of elements and some high resolution images in the background. Obviously they consume time to load their content. That's why I use AlternativeFrame.Preload() method from the Toolkit.
Also these pages are the most frequently used.
That's why I stand before choosing to either constantly preload these pages (create, draw, fill) but when it is needed or creating my own page cache that would store them (maybe I am blind and the Toolkit already has this functionality?).
Can you advise what's the best practice in this problem and whether maybe there's a third way?
To add some more background - the WinRT XAML Toolkit library has two controls: AlternativeFrame and AlternativePage that are alternate implementations of the base Frame and Page classes that come out of the box in Windows 8 SDK for dealing with UI navigation - similar to how you navigate pages in a web browser. The API of these alternative controls is almost the same as in the base ones, but it adds some more support for asynchronous development model, page transition animations and preloading pages before they are requested.
Currently the Preload() method preloads a page of a given type in the background and puts it in a cache and when a Navigate() method is invoked to navigate to the page of that type - instead of instantiating a new page - the one in the cache is used, so it can immediately be shown, but also - the cache gets emptied and the next time you want to navigate to that same page - you need to preload it again. This works well if you don't return to the preloaded page often and the page uses a lot of memory, but if you want to keep that page in cache - there is not built-in support for that. The original Page class has a NavigationCacheMode property that allows to configure a page to be kept in cache once it is loaded the first time and it would be a good option for you, but AlternativePage doesn't have that support yet. I am thinking about adding it there today since I have some free time, so you might decide to wait for me to do it. Other options include
displaying your page on top of the navigation frame instead of navigating to it in the frame - then you could simply show/hide it when needed
or you can switch back to the standard Frame/Page controls and set NavigationCacheMode="Required" on your Page so it stays in memory forever, though you do lose the Preload() feature then.
or you can modify the Toolkit yourself
or you can cache the content of your page yourself - simply save the Content of your page in some sort of cache (e.g. a Dictionary<Type,UIElement> that maps page type to content) and remove it from the page (set Content to null) when you navigate away from the page and then add it back to the page when you navigate to it and the content is found in the cache. In that case you would probably want to make the Content be a separate UserControl and skip calling InitializeComponent() in the constructor if you retrieve the content from the cache since you can only have one Content and having it defined in a separate UserControl will allow you to get auto-generated code that gets executed in InitializeComponent() that grants you easy access to named elements, registers event handlers etc.

Synchronous state provider?

I'm creating a TabPanel component where the specific tabs are created/defined by user configuration.
So far, I've taken the approach of just using a stateful component to keep the users preferences of which tabs to show and been using the simple Ext.state.LocalStorageProvider to keep the users preferences.
But I actually ultimately want to store the user preferences/config in my database, so I created my own StateProvider that will store/load the prefs via AJAX calls.
The problem I've encountered is that my tab panel is loaded far sooner than the AJAX calls inside my StateProvider return, so what I need is some way to do a synchronous ajax call (which I know is morally wrong) or to somehow delay my tab panel from rendering until the preferences in my state provider are finished loading.
Anyone had a similar issue? It might be as simple as sleeping one thread for a while, but I know that's not nice either.
I think this is a bit old, but as I have found a similar problem...
Instead of sleeping, you can load the tab panel on the listener of your StateProvider ajax calls. So when your call returns, the tab will still not be loaded.

Google Maps API not letting go of the mouse click

I'm using the Google maps API to place a map onto a web page, just like millions of other sites have done.
However, once I click on the map (and let go), the map then acts if the mouse button is still being held and drags the map all over the page. The only way to get free of this drag action is to hit F5 and reload the page.
I've spent several hours scouring Google to find a remedy to this but can't find any mention of this issue from anyone else.
The problem can be seen at the bottom of the following page:
Does anyone have any idea why this is occurring?
I vagely remember encoutering something similar a while back, I think it was caused by having an overlay somewhere on the map that wasn't supposed to be there.
Also try simplifying the code, put the map on its own page (without all the other jQuery stuff going on), and remove all parts of your code one by one until you can isolate the problem...