Julia select a group from a grouped Data Frame - dataframe

I have the following DataFrame with 3 columns a, b, c. I grouped the DF by c
dfByC = groupby(df, [:C])
How can I select a group from dfByC for a certain value of c?

dfByC[Dict(:C => the_value_you_have)]
In essence - you can do such selection by passing a Tuple, a NamedTuple or a dictionary.
The reason why it is not allowed to just write dfByC[the_value_you_have] is that you can also index GroupedDataFrame by integer, where you get the consecutive group, so we need some wrapper to disambiguate. Also if you groupby multiple columns you need some wrapper to keep them together.
Also group selection by grouping variable value is fast (so you can safely write a code where you do millions of such lookups and it will be efficient).


Pandas groupby aggregate apply multiple functions to multiple columns

Have a dataframe, need to apply same calculations for many columns, currently I'm doing it manually.
Any good and elegant way to do this?
tt = pd.DataFrame(data={'Status' : ['green','green','red','blue','red','yellow','black'],
'Group' : ['A','A','B','C','A','B','C'],
'City' : ['Toronto','Montreal','Vancouver','Toronto','Edmonton','Winnipeg','Windsor'],
'Sales' : [13,6,16,8,4,3,1], 'Counts' : [100,200,50,30,20,10,300]})
ss = tt.groupby('Group').agg({'Sales':['count','mean',np.median],\
ss.columns = ['_'.join(col).strip() for col in ss.columns.values]
So the result is
How could I do this for many columns with same calculations, count, mean, median for each column if I have a very large dataframe?
In pandas, the agg operation takes single or multiple individual methods to be applied to relevant columns and returns a summary of the outputs. In python, lists hold and parse multiple entities. In this case, I pass a list of functions into the aggregator. In your case, you were parsing a dictionary, which means you had to handle each column individually making it very manual. Happy to explain further if not clear
ss.columns = ['_'.join(col).strip() for col in ss.columns.values]

Is there a pandas function for get variables names in a column?

I'm just thinking in a hypothetical dataframe (df) with around 50 columns and 30000 rows, and one hypothetical column like e.g: Toy = ['Ball','Doll','Horse',...,'Sheriff',etc].
Now I only have the name of the column (Toy) and I want to know what are the variables inside the column without duplicated values.
I'm thinking an output like the .describe() function
but with more info, because now I'm getting only this output
count 30904
unique 7
top "Doll"
freq 16562
Name: Toy, dtype: object
In other words, how do I get the 7 values in this column. I was thinking in something like copy the column and delete duplicated values, but I'm pretty sure that there is a shorter way. Do you know the right code or if I should use another library?
Thank you so much!
You can use unique() function to list out all the unique values in your columns. In your case, to list out the unique values in the column name toys in the dataframe df the syntax would look like
You can also use .drop_duplicates(), which returns a pandas Series:

Selecting columns from a dataframe

I have a dataframe of monthly returns for 1,000 stocks with ids as column names.
monthly returns
I need to select only the columns that match the values in another dataframe which includes the ids I want.
permno list
I'm sure this is really quite simple, but I have been struggling for 2 days and if someone has an easy solution it would be so very much appreciated. Thank you.
You could convert the single-column permno list dataframe (osr_curr_permnos) into a list, and then use that list to select certain columns from your main dataframe (all_rets).
To convert the osr_curr_permnos column "0" into a list, you can use .to_list()
Then, you can use that list to slice all_rets and .copy() to make a fresh copy of it into a new dataframe.
The python code might look something like:
keep = osr_curr_permnos['0'].to_list()
selected_rets = all_rets[keep].copy()
"keep" would be a list, and "selected_rets" would be your new dataframe.
If there's a chance that osr_curr_permnos would have duplicates, you'll want to filter those out:
keep = osr_curr_permnos['0'].drop_duplicates().to_list()
selected_rets = all_rets[keep].copy()
As I expected, the answer was more simple than I was making it. Basically, I needed to take the integer values in my permnos list and recast those as strings.
osr_curr_permnos['0'] = osr_curr_permnos['0'].apply(str)
keep = osr_curr_permnos['0'].values
Then I can use that to select columns from my returns dataframe which had string values as column headers.
It was all just a mismatch of int vs. string.

Group by multiple columns creating new column in pandas dataframe

I have a pandas dateframe of two columns ['company'] which is a string and ['publication_datetime'] which is a datetime.
I want to group by company and the publication_date , adding a new column with the maximum publication_datetime for each record.
so far i have tried:
issuers = news[['company','publication_datetime']]
issuers['publication_date'] = issuers['publication_datetime'].dt.date
issuers['publication_datetime_max'] = issuers.groupby(['company','publication_date'], as_index=False)['publication_datetime'].max()
my group by does not appear to work.
i get the following error
ValueError: Wrong number of items passed 3, placement implies 1
You need the transform() method to cast the result in the original dimension of the dataframe.
issuers['max'] = issuers.groupby(['company', 'publication_date'])['publication_datetime'].transform('max')
The result of your groupby() before was returning a multi-indexed group object, which is why it's complaining about 3 values (first group, second group, and then values). But even if you just returned the values, it's combining like groups together, so you'll have fewer values than needed.
The transform() method returns the group results for each row of the dataframe in a way that makes it easy to create a new column. The returned values are an indexed Series with the indices being the original ones from the issuers dataframe.
Hope this helps! Documentation for transform here
The thing is by doing what you are doing you are trying to set a DataFrame to a column value.
Doing the following will get extract only the values without the two indexe columns:
issuers['publication_datetime_max'] = issuers.groupby(['company','publication_date'], as_index=False)['publication_datetime'].max().tolist()
Hope this help !

Pandas add two data frames by common variable

I have two dataframes A, B which have the same column names;
of which I wish to add the numeric columns ["0","1","2"] together by the string column"x". What is the best way to do this?
You'll want to set the common index and then sum all columns:
pd.merge(A, B, on = ['x']).set_index(['x']).sum(axis=1)