How to not include source files in my conan package? - conan

We are trying to manage our own C++ static libraries using JFrog Artifactory CE. In the near future, these libraries could be accessed by third parties so we don't want to put any .cpp files in the package, we just want to put .h files and compiled libraries in our conan packages hosted on Artifcatory.
I read through the conan official guide
but I cannot find any description of how to exclude source files from the recipe.
If I don't specify exports_sources or exports in my I cannot build static libraries but if I specify those parameters, conan puts source files under export/conan_sources.tgz automatically when I execute conan create.
How can I create a conan package without including source files in the recipe?

There are 2 different ways to do this, instead of using the exports_... functionality:
Use the source() method, to retrieve whatever tarball, git-clone, or what is necessary to fetch the sources. This might require some authentication, which can be provided through env-vars. It is typical to use the conandata.yml to put the data there, and let the source() method to read the self.conan_data. Check this docs. The recipes in the conan-center-index repo, that serves to build ConanCenter, uses this approach.
Use the scm component if the recipe lives in the same repo as the source code, to capture the URL and commit of the sources, but without capturing the sources. If the scm code is behind auth, only authorized devs will be able to see the sources or build from sources. Check this section of the docs about SCM
In both cases, if the access to the source is restricted, non-privileged users that try to build packages from sources with --build will fail.


cmake: package config for installing arbitrary file dependencies for a target

I am creating a cmake package config file (a Foo-config.cmake) for a pre-existing .dll not created by cmake.
The annoying thing is that the .dll depends on some data files.
When a user consumes my package in his own cmake project, I want the INSTALL target to install both the .dll and data files to his specified install location. I don't want him to have to write extra install() rules to do that.
Is it good practice to write the install() rules directly in my Foo-config.cmake? Or is there a better way to do this, maybe with set_target_properties()? I just couldn't find the appropriate property for associating arbitrary file dependencies to a target.
In an alternate universe where this .dll didn't already exist and I had to create it myself using cmake, would I need to create a custom Foo-config.cmake, or is there something in cmake that can automatically generate it for me to achieve the same thing?
FWIW the .dll is an internal legacy library and is normally built by Visual Studio and uploaded in a .zip file to our internal artifactory. I want us to migrate away from manually pulling down .zip files from artifactory and manually integrating the files into Visual Studio projects.
I've since found that there are a couple different ways to do this:
In the config file, simply create one or more variables for the files/dirs you want to install. Then install those using install(FILES) and/or install(DIRECTORY). More info:
How to use cmake file( GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES in an install statement?
Is it good practice to write the install() rules directly in my Foo-config.cmake?
From 480 *-config.cmake and *Config.cmake files on my system none calls install().
Or is there a better way to do this, maybe with set_target_properties()?
In an alternate universe where this .dll didn't already exist and I had to create it myself using cmake, would I need to create a custom Foo-config.cmake
No. This is unrelated to if you create a .dll or not. If .dll exists, there is no need to create Foo-config.cmake anyway. It is your choice that you want to (or make users to) use find_package.
is there something in cmake that can automatically generate it for me
If you don't intent to support find_package features - VERSION OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS PATHS HINTS CONFIGS etc. - then just go with include(). find_package is just include() with some extra options.
If you want to have install() in your find_package, then just protect it with a variable, like if (FOO_DO_INSTALL) install(....) endif().

Import targets from external CMakeLists.txt file, having already built the external source

I am trying to integrate the Refinitiv Real-Time SDK into my own application.
I have downloaded the source code and built the libraries.
Typically you would then expect there to be an INSTALL target, which would install the libraries and headers into some location, and then, if we're lucky, a find_package module which we can later use to import the library targets into our own project.
Unfortunately, neither of these are provided.
How then, to import the libraries and their header files into my project?
I do not want to use the standard ExternalProject_Add to download and build the source code every time I reconfigure my project. (In particular because our CI server will have to do this for every single build.) Rather I want to build it once (and make it part of the CI server's docker image), and then link against the libraries / include the header files directly from where I've copied the source.
add_library INTERFACE
I know that I can create a new INTERFACE library target
find_library(LIB_EMA ema ${REFINITIV_BINARY_DIR})
find_library(LIB_ETA eta ${REFINITIV_BINARY_DIR})
# etc.. for all the refinitiv libraries
add_library(refinitiv INTERFACE)
target_link_libraries(refinitiv INTERFACE
# etc...
target_include_directories(refinitiv INTERFACE
# etc...
This is, however, tedious and prone to breaking whenever Refinitiv releases a new SDK version and decides to change a path or link dependency etc
What I would to do is use their CMakeLists.txt file, but only to access the already-built targets, not to build them as part of my build.
Is this possible?

Install files using symbolic links with CMAKE

I have converted my project to use cmake. During development I'd like to be able to install the product not the normal way, but let (notably) the installed data files be symbolic links to the source tree.
The project is SWI-Prolog which provides functionality to directly navigate and edit source files. If I use this to extend and fix the system libraries however I'm editing the installed copy that I then need to copy back to the sources before I can commit.
I know I can override functions in cmake, but in this case we are dealing with cmake code that is generated.

Optional in-tree builds for dependencies

I have an existing codebase where a number of third-party dependencies were added as Git submodules, and their directories are directly referenced inside CMakeLists.txt, as in include_directories(../external/foo).
Some of the dependencies are large projects, like FFmpeg, and I'd rather just use the version I installed to my system with a package manager. But the maintainer of the codebase wants to be able to continue using the in-tree dependencies.
I thought a compromise would be to configure CMake to permit both, either using an installed package, or using the in-tree submodules. I think find_package can be used to find the installed package, but is there a good way to implement this behavior that isn't too hacky?
You can add an option to your cmake file that allows the user to switch between the internal FFMpeg or the system one. option(INTREE_FFMPEG "Use the intree ffmpeg" ON). The option can be set either via the cmake-gui or as a command line switch.

FindGLM.cmake not in glm 0.9.7, is it a deprecated way to find libraries in CMAKE?

So looking through the newest release of GLM 0.9.7, I dont see a FindGLM.cmake file anywhere, used to easily include GLM in CMAKE. I could always use an old version of it found online but the following commit had me stumped:
Commit message is "Removed obsolete FindGLM". So, did the developer just dump it or are there in fact a new way to find libraries in CMAKE?
Yes, CMake Find modules (FindXyz.cmake files) are deprecated in favour of Package Config files (usually named XyzConfig.cmake). The original philosophy is that Find modules are shipped and maintained by CMake, while Package Config files are shipped and maintained by the package they are intended to find.
CMake's find_package command actually has two modes: Module mode (legacy, using Find modules) and Config mode (preferred, using Package Config files).
For the client consuming the package, little should change (unless more customisation is desired, which is offered by the Config mode of find_package).
Notice that the very commit to which you linked not only drops FindGLM.cmake, but also adds a glmConfig.cmake file.