Add blog posts in a Nuxt content blog - vue.js

I want to create a blog using nuxt since I am familiar with vue js. I have looked at nuxt content module. I understand that i can create markdown blog posts. But, I am confused. If I deploy the app, then How can I add new blog posts?
Thank you.

You add the posts before deploying, in your source code, as described in Nuxt Content's documentation. Then you have to build the Nuxt project and (re)deploy the site.
If you need the ability to edit your blog after deployment, in your browser, and redeploy it after every editing automatically, you would need a service which has access to the source code and has ability to build & deploy your site. Netlify CMS can be one such solution, (especially) if your site's source code is on GitHub. (It works with private repositories too.)


How can I deep link into a Vue.js project on GitHub Pages?

I have a practise repository in GitHub (see
Navigate to "About" in the navigational list at the top:
You will see in the URL, it has appened /about, as expected. However, if I give people the URL, they get a 404 error from GitHub Pages.
My question is, how can I configure my Vue.js project to allow deep linking?
See link to GitHub repository
You have to add a custom 404.html page to your github pages that reroutes the request using javascript.
The first problem though is that you have enabled HTML5 History Mode, that requires a server to be set up to handle that and I don't think github pages allows for it.
Once you fixed that you have a couple of options.
Here is one example on how the 404 page uses the local storage to reroute the app.
Another is simple to change the url to a fragment instead of path, similar to the method used in this library This library maight even just work for you.

User registration in gatsby js

is their a way to let a website developed using Gatsby js, have user registration, user can have a profile and edit it, and user can add new article or item to the website ?
I know gatsby is static site generator. but I'm wondering if I can use Gatsby as a solution for such web application, and if not what are the tools I need to include to make it work ?
Not sure why you are getting downvoted.
Apart from the comment by #fabian-schultz, the keyword is you are looking for I believe is CMS.
Basically you just want some dynamic content in your website which is generated by a static site generator.
There are a lot of choices. For example, you can follow the official tutorial to use Netlify CMS with Gatsby.
Hope it's enough to get you started.

How to implement basic authentication on github pages created by slate

I created a documentation site by using slate, then deployed it on Github pages. However it became public because Github pages are public. I am wondering if there is a way to add a basic authentication on this github page? So only the team can see the documentation.
Any suggestions/hints would be appreciated!
No, there isn't. Github pages provide basic static hosting. That is all. There are no (server side) dynamic options at all.

Integrate Orchard CMS with MVC4 Website

I already have MVC4 website and that is to perform Searching (OPAC). Now, We have to integrate it with Orchard CMS. I have followed the procedures to add my existing solution into Orchard CMS solution. Everything is okay but I am not able to get the javascript to work with my view page.
Also, The default Orchard library to include js extensions ie, #Script.Require or #Script.Include also not recognised as intellisense feature in my view page.
When I use default MVC library to include the js like #Scripts.Render is not working as expected.
How can I make my custom javascript to work my page.
Help me to identify the problem.

Linking to External Resources in jsfiddle

Can someone explain how to find external resources for creating jsfiddle examples? I've been looking on github and plugin author's websites but there must be a standard method to get links to these files.
This example of the masonry layout:
However, I scavenged the resource from David Dsandro's dropbox.
I got the fiddle's masonry layout to work but linking by scavenging doesn't sound ethical.
There is no such thing. All you can do in the External Resources section is to provide a url to the library/plugin/css you want. The hotlinking ethics principles applies in jsfiddle as in any other website.
You can get that link in the traditional way, looking into the library's author site, or in a cdn. For example, cdnjs is a great site where you will possibly find the libs you need (including mansonry in this case). jsdelivr is another cdn hosting lots of libs that I've just discovered thanks to this question.
Take into account that you already have some plugins built-in in the Frameworks & Extensions section.