How do I set up wiki.js as a private wiki? - permissions

Just need wiki.js for a small number of users, but would like to make it a private wiki. Any suggestions or links to resources on how to do this?

I do not know if this is the intended way of doing it. But you can go into Administration Area / Users / Groups, select Guests and in the Permissions tab uncheck everything and save. Afterwards everyone visiting your wiki will be required to login as an registered user.


How to Configure Permissions in 2sxc News App

I'm using the 2sxc News App for DNN and I'm trying to figure out how to grant users the ability to add/edit/delete news posts without also granting them the ability to change the layout or edit the module.
I tried to add the "2sxc Designers" role I've read about:
But having that role doesn't seem to change anything.
Am I doing something wrong in setting the "2sxc Designers" role and is this what I need to allow only post manipulation?
This is an advanced use case, and I can't give you the full answer, but basically what you want to do is this:
On the content-type, give the group custom permissions - so that the UI accepts changes by them
Since the toolbars won't appear for non-editors, you'll have to make this happen in the template. So add some razor to check if people of this role. Then enable edit with Edit.Enable
These blog-posts may also help you:

Password protection of part of Jekyll generated site

I have a category that I want to protect using a password. I googled and found out some solutions to protect the whole site, but that's not what I want. I was wondering if there is a way to do that. Appreciate any suggestion.
One of the scenarios is, the category, say called personal, is located in the navigation bar, when people click this button, they are asked to enter password to visit.
You can use and create private content that is password protect.
If you are using regular hosting you can use a .htaccess file. If you host on github you can create a form that redirects to a filename that equals your password. Make sure your repo is private and you block search engines.

Mediawiki - only a certain user group can read / access

I'm setting up a wiki at the moment and I want it to be completely private and only be accessible for a specific user group.
My first step was:
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false;
that way no one (but admins I guess) should be able to read any content of the Wiki.
After that I created some groups to allow read only, read edit and creating allowance etc.
Sadly I tried to register a new test account and I could still read the main wiki page even though I changed the permission that no one should be able to read it except the user groups I created.
Do I miss something?
You need to add $wgGroupPermissions['user']['read'] = false; as * still allows visitors in the users group to read.
That method specifically allows Users that have created accounts to view the wiki. See this manual page:, it's the second Warning. So you may want to also restrict account creation.

What's the favoured way of allowing anonymous users access to a private Plone folder?

I want to allow anonymous users view access to a private folder & it's contents, only after they have submitted a valid email address through a form. I thought of emailing them a link to the folder, perhaps with a token that gives them access or logs them in, but I'm not quite sure how to do that.
I'm currently looking at collective.powertoken.core & collective.powertoken.view, but it seems that these products cover access to a single content item, rather than a whole folder.
I'm wondering if it's better just to add low priviledged users to the system & log them in without passwords.
as suggested by #keul, you can use redomino.tokenrole.
If you want to integrate the tokenrole feature with a PloneFormGen you might consider to have a look at redomino.tokenroleform ( It is a custom plone form gen adapter that let you share a private object via token.
I don't know if redomino.tokenroleform fits your use case.
But you can browse the code in order to understand how to add a tokenrole programmatically.
Both products are for very low level usage.
Try redomino.tokenrole:

how File uploaded with media and document portlet should be viewable to respective Organization in liferay6?

If I have to use document and media portlet in liferay with following facility then how can I achieve that?
Now From Above picture I want that if organization A user have upload something then it should be viewable by only organization A Users.
right now anyone who have permission to view the document and media portlet cans see my uploaded files.
This level of control is, I think, usually handled by creating sites for your organizations. (There are probably other approaches, which I'd like to see discussed too).
For example, if you create a site for each organization, then there will automatically be a Document and Media library that is private to that site. The site doesn't need to have any pages or anything if you don't need that.
You create the site for the organization by going to "Users and Orgainizations", clicking through to the org of interest, and then working with the "Organization Site" in the control menu.
Once the site is created, then everything at the "site" level of the control panel can be selected for the new site. When so selected, the Documents and Media portlet will show you the top level folder for your organization.
Now you can use the normal permissions settings for sub-folders or even individual items to restrict availability to "site members", which will be, in this case, "organization members".
Well if kirkz answer doesn't solve your issue then I suggest you try the following:
1) For each organisation set up a Liferay "User Role". You'll find "Roles" in the "Portal" section of the Control Panel
2) Assign the relevant users to each of the Roles that you've created based on their Organisation
3) Then go into the Document Library and set the permissions as you need for each of the folders using the Roles you've created. So for example you could have a top level folder for each organisation. Then just set the permissions on the each of those folders so only one Role can access it.
This should solve your issue, however kirkz solution is actually the way you should achieve this hierarchy.