Phalcon Controller $this->session and Phalcon\Session\Manager() - phalcon

I'm using Phalcon v.4 and I have seen that are two ways to create the session inside a controller:
class PostController extends Controller
public function postAction(): Response
$session = new Phalcon\Session\Manager()
class PostController extends Controller
public function postAction(): Response
I have seen that the methods are the same, but I'm not able to understand the different and which is better to use.

if you created your project using phalcon's cli devtools then the session service would be created by default in app/config/services.php
that being said in your controller when you access the instance's property session aka $this->session this would look for a service called session and by default it would setup session using file adapter and starts it and $this->session would return an instance of Phalcon\Session\Manager


Auth data is not accessible in AppServiceProvider Laravel 5.5

namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use App\Classes\DynamicMenu;
use App\Http\Controllers\WelcomeController;
use Auth;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
This returns 'null' for me, but other controllers returns user details. How to fix this?
It is because, when the boot method of a service provider is being called, the user is not yet authenticated.
I guess you are trying to use View Composers
From the documentation:
So, what if we need to register a view composer within our service
provider? This should be done within the boot method. This method is
called after all other service providers have been registered, meaning
you have access to all other services that have been registered by the
So you can use the following:
public function boot(Guard $auth) {
view()->composer('*', function($view) use ($auth) {
$user = $auth->user();
// other application logic...
$view->with('currentUser', $user);

Spring Data Rest Interceptor not working for CustomController

I have a spring data REST application in which I have added a interceptor for authentication & authorization.
private static final boolean IS_JPA_AVAILABLE = ClassUtils.isPresent("javax.persistence.EntityManager",
public JpaHelper jpaHelper() {
JpaHelper helper = new JpaHelper();
helper.getInterceptors().add(new MyInterceptor());
return helper;
} else {
return null;
In this application, I have few controllers as well. Some of them are #RepositoryRestController & other are #BasePathAwareController. I want to call the interceptor when a request comes to these controllers. For #RepositoryRestController the interceptor get called, but for #BasePathAwareController it is bypassed.
How can I make this interceptor get called for both controller classes?
This issue is resolved by adding mapped interceptor (thanks llya for your inputs). In the configuration class, I have added following mapped interceptor. In this way it will be called for all requests coming to any controller.
public MappedInterceptor myMappedInterceptor() {
return new MappedInterceptor(new String[]{"/**"}, getSecurityInterceptor());
How to add Custom Interceptor in Spring data rest (spring-data-rest-webmvc 2.3.0)

Restlet - Status service driven by the requested resource

I am developing for the following REST inquiries with Restlet.
I have an application with an overridden createInbounRoot that has a Router attached to employees/{empId} and timeline/{empId}. In this application, I am able to set one status service, say EmployeeStatusService. How do I tell my application to use a different status service depending on the resource requested ?
Or, is there a completely different way of doing this ?
My application:
public class App1 extends Application {
public CatalogueApplication() {
this.setStatusService(new EmployeeStatusService());
//this.setStatusService(new TimelineStatusService());
public Restlet createInboundRoot() {
Router router = new Router(getContext());
router.attach("/employees/{empId}", Employees.class);
router.attach("/timeline/{empId}", Timeline.class);
return router;

Dozer DozerBeanMapper Instantiation Startup EJB App Server Glassfish

Dozer's documentation states that you should only have one instance of DozerBeanMapper running in the app on the server. For initial development I ignored this, now I want to update the app to do this.
How can I instantiate the DozerBeanMapper class when the application starts on glassfish, and how would I access its "map" method in another class once the application has started or been newly deployed?
This is for EJBs so I can't use any servlet to do this.
OK, so I've finally had time to refactor this code. With the pointer from #Mikko Maunu, I am editing my question to provide the code that I have working for me for anyone who might find it useful in the future.
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.ejb.Singleton;
import javax.ejb.Startup;
import org.dozer.DozerBeanMapper;
public class DozerInstantiator {
private DozerBeanMapper mapper = null;
void init() {
mapper = new DozerBeanMapper();
public DozerBeanMapper getMapper() {
return mapper;
And here is a straight forward usecase:
Inject an EJB member variable to your client class:
DozerInstantiator di;
Within a method somewhere in the client class you can invoke the dozer mapper like so:
Credentials credentials = di.getMapper().map(credentialsDTO, Credentials.class);
// or
Credentials credentials = new Credentials();
di.getMapper().map(credentialsDTO, credentials);
If this is wrong or off base, someone please leave a comment. Until then, this seems to work so I'll use this solution I've developed with Mikko's input.
If you are using GlassFish 3.x, then you can use EJB 3.1 Singleton Session Bean:
#Startup //initialization in application startup
#Singleton //only one instance
public class DozerInitializer {
private String status;
#PostConstruct //executed once and only once when sole instance is created
void init {
//do steps needed to instantiate DozerBeanMapper

MVC Controller, testing a WCF service that is wrapped in a proxy

I am trying to figure how to create tests for my controllers that are consuming a WCF service (via a proxy class)
The proxy class is pretty much identical to the one listed in this post
Base Controller
public abstract class ServiceProxyController<TService> : Controller
where TService : class
private readonly ServiceProxy<TService> _proxyHelper;
protected ServiceProxyController(string endpoint)
_proxyHelper = new ServiceProxy<TService>(endpoint);
private Stuff GetStuff(int num)
Call((service) => {
Controller Implementation
public class MyController : ServiceProxyController<IService>
public MyController() : base("ServiceBindingName")
I want to be able to inject a proxy helper(???) into my controller so as I can mock it and therefor test the controller
How about injecting the proxy helper to the constructor (notice the introduction of an abstraction):
private readonly IServiceProxy<TService> _proxyHelper;
protected ServiceProxyController(IServiceProxy<TService> proxyHelper)
_proxyHelper = proxyHelper;
and the controller:
public MyController(IServiceProxy<TService> proxyHelper)
: base(proxyHelper)
This way in your unit test when instantiating the controller you could inject a mocked instance of the IServiceProxy<TService> interface.
You will then need to configure your DI framework to insert the proper implementation into the controller constructor which will wrap the actual ChannelFactory.
I just asked a similar question. I am injecting the service using structure map. I am dynamically creating a proxy using channel factory.
Look at this example for using Channel factory.
creating WCF ChannelFactory<T>
My question for your reference.
Rhinomocks - Mocking delegates
Note- Actually it was Darin who posted the ServiceInvoker