TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'products') - vue.js

I am trying to get products, then check if the product pId is in an array, and filter if it is.
I get an error when i soft refresh of 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined' (reading 'products'), almost like my 'this.products' isnt populated yet when computed is trying to get the data. Tried adding some if statements to check data is there but no luck.
export default {
data() {
return {
popular_products: [],
products: [],
computed: {
bestsellers() {
const keywords = this.popular_products
let array = []
for (var index = 0; index < keywords.length; index++) {
const keyword = this.products.data.products.product.filter(
(product) => product.pId == keywords[index].ProductNumber
array = array.concat(keyword)
return array
mounted() {
.then((response) => (this.popular_products = response.data.entries))
.then((response) => (this.products = response))

The problem is with this line:
let keyword = this.products.data.products.product.filter(product => product.pId == keywords[index].ProductNumber);
more specific with this read: data.products.
You see, computed property bestsellers is evaluated before your axios calls are finished.
Because of that, Vue can't find products in data because your this.products doesn't have data key.
The best solution would be to change this assignment:
- .then(response => (this.products = response)); // delete this line
+ .then(response => (this.products = response.data.products)); // add this line
Update After comment.
if (this.products.product) {
return this.products.product.filter(...)
} else {
return []


Nuxt.js store - update object in store object - throw Error: [vuex] do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers

in my Nuxt.js app
my store object is:
export const state = () => ({
curEditRP: {
spouse: {
type: "", // wife/husband
name: ""
to update the attributes of curEditRP i wrote mutations function that called setCurEditRPAttrState:
export const mutations = {
setCurEditRPAttrState(state, payload) {
state.curEditRP.attributes[payload.attr] = payload.value;
from template i used it:
this.$store.commit("setCurEditRPAttrState", {
value: value,
attr: attributeName,
In a name update it works great
But in a spouse update it throws an error
Error: [vuex] do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers
examples of values:
name (works great):
this.$store.commit("setCurEditRPAttrState", {
value: "Peter",
attr: "name",
spouse (throws an error):
this.$store.commit("setCurEditRPAttrState", {
value: { type:"wife",name:"S" },
attr: "spouse",
clarification: value is v-model variable
Bs"d, I find the solution.
in update object or array of object i need itarate over object properties and update each one individually
setCurEditRPAttrState(state, payload) {
if(typeof(payload.value) == 'object') {
let stateAttribute = state.curEditRP.attributes[payload.attr];
if(Array.isArray(payload.value)) {
let stateArrLen = stateAttribute.length;
let valuelen = payload.value.length;
while(stateArrLen > valuelen) {
stateArrLen --;
for (let index = 0; index < payload.value.length; index++) {
const element = payload.value[index];
if(stateAttribute.length < index + 1) stateAttribute.push({});
Object.keys(element).forEach( key => {
Vue.set(stateAttribute[index], key, element[key])
else {
Object.keys(payload.value).forEach( key => {
Vue.set(stateAttribute, key, payload.value[key])
else {
state.curEditRP.attributes[payload.attr] = payload.value;

Vuex getter returns undefined value

I'm trying to write a getter for my state the problem is that it returns an undefined value but I'm 100% sure that in articleEan is an object that has an Are_EanNr value of 1234567.
This is the getter I'm writing is supposed to return the first object in the articleEan Array that has the same EanNr as the parameter.
const getters = {
findArByEan: state => {
return (eancode) => { // logging eancode results in 1234567
state.articleEan.find(item => {
return item.Are_EanNr === eancode
Where's my mistake?
After Changing it to:
findArByEan: (state) => (eancode) => state.articleEan.find(item => item.Are_EanNr === eancode),
Problem still occurs. This is how I'm calling the getter from a component:
const getters = {
...useGetters('vm', [
...useGetters('user', ['user']),
const Ar = getters.findArByEan.value(eancode.value); // Ar = undefined
When looping over the state I'm getting just the indices of the object in array.
log('ArtEan:', artEan.value); // correct output => Array with 38 objects
for(const item in artEan.value) {
log(item); // Logs just the index of array
Your second arrow function does not return anything so it's undefined
const getters = {
findArByEan: state => {
return (eancode) => { // logging eancode results in 1234567
return state.articleEan.find(item => {
return item.Are_EanNr === eancode
You can also do it this way without any return.
const getters = {
findArByEan: (state) => (eancode) => state.articleEan.find(item => item.Are_EanNr === eancode)
I would recommand reading the arrow function documentation.
For example, those 2 functions works the same but one is tidier ;)
const numberSquare1 = (number) => {
return number * number
const numberSquare2 = (number) => number * number

Vuex passing different arrays

Making a filter:
export default {
state: {
filteredBrands: []
mutations: {
showFilteredList(state, payload) {
loadProducts(item) {
axios.get('/api', {
params: {
per_page: 20,
filter_machinery_brands: [ item ]
.then((response) => {
item this is an input with a checkbox, when clicked, a request is made to the server for this category
For some reason, the push does not work, why?
And I would like there to be a check, if the array is the same, then delete, otherwise add. Is it possible?
If you can se an array comes in as payload. Then you are trying to push an array into an array. Which cant be done in either js or ts.
You can try set the value:
state.filteredBrands = payload;
otherwise you would have to do something like this:
If you wanna control for existing items in array, and assuming your are not always setting value, but pushing new values into your array. You can do something like this:
if (state.filteredBrands.indexOf(payload[0]) === -1) {
// Not in array
} else {
// is allready in array
state.filteredBrands.forEach((item, index) => {
if (item === payload[0]) {
state.filteredBrands.splice(index, 1)
My assumption was right.
Your payload is an array
Your state is an array
-------> You are trying to push payload(array) into state(array) - which cant be done i js - This solution would after my suggestion be more clean:
payload.forEach((value, index) => { // Looping payload
if (state.filteredBrands.indexOf(value) === -1) {
state.filteredBrands.push(value) // push if value not allready in array
} else {
state.filteredBrands.splice(index, 1) // if value is in array -> remove
Yes, you can push an array into an array.
I guess the problem here is your vuex config.
Vuex state is a function, so it needs to be:
state () {
return {
filteredBrands: []
And if you are using Nuxt:
export const state = () => ({
filteredBrands: []

Duplicate items in list after an API update

I'm learning vuejs and I'm doing a weather app, the goal is to rank cities with an index (humidex). I fetch weather information by API (axios) in order to collect data from several cities. I want to auto update data every x minutes, problem : some of my results are duplicated (the new data don't replace the old one).
I tried to set an unique key (based on latitude and longitude) for each item, it works for several results but not for all.
data () {
return {
show: false,
cities: cities,
components: {
computed: {
sortHumidex() {
return this.items.slice().sort((a,b) => {
return this.getHumidex(b) - this.getHumidex(a) || b.current.temp_c - a.current.temp_c
methods: {
addCity() {
if (this.newCity.trim().length == 0) {
this.newCity = ''
getHumidex: (el) => {
const e = 6.112 * Math.pow(10,(7.5*el.current.temp_c/(237.7+el.current.temp_c)))
return Math.round(el.current.temp_c + 5/9 * (e-10))
indexGeo: (e) => {
const lat = Math.round(Math.abs(e.location.lat))
const lon = Math.round(Math.abs(e.location.lon))
return lat.toString() + lon.toString()
getApi: function () {
const promises = [];
const myUrl = apiUrl+element;
let self = this;
.then(axios.spread((...responses) => {
responses.forEach(res => self.items.push(res.data))
.catch(error => console.log(error));
created() {
this.show = true
The render when I update API :
By pushing to the existing array of items, you have to deal with the possibility of duplicates. This can be eliminated simply by replacing items every time the API call is made.
responses.forEach(res => self.items.push(res.data))
self.items = responses.map(res => res.data)

Why "Error in render: TypeError: Cannot read property 'filter' of undefined" returned even data already available?

I already initialize the data.
data () {
return {
current_product: {},
current_ID: '',
Then, I fetch data from a REST API on lifecycle created hook.
created () {
var skuID = this.$store.state.selected_productSKU.productSKU_ID
.then(response => {
this.current_ID = response.data.product_ID
this.current_product = response.data
.catch(e => {
And finally, I use computed property to get some value
focusedProduct_SKUS_NoDupSizes () {
var newArr = this.current_product.product_SKU.filter((sku, index, self) =>
index === self.findIndex(t => (
t.productSKU_size === sku.productSKU_size
var x = newArr.map(a => a.productSKU_size)
return x
The vue instance show expected result
But if i call {{ focusedProduct_SKUS_NoDupSizes }} in template.
It doesn't rendered.
The browser return error Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'filter' of undefined"
What is happening? My first guess is the computed property using the initial structure of current_product which is {} empty object. But isn't that how to initialize an object?
Because of:
// ...
focusedProduct_SKUS_NoDupSizes () {
var newArr = this.current_product.product_SKU.filter((sku, index, self) =>
You should initialize product_SKU with an empty array:
data () {
return {
current_product: {product_SKU: []}, // changed here
current_ID: '',
This is needed because the computed property will be executed right away, even before your Ajax gets a chance to return.
Declare it as empty so the computed doesn't throw an error. When the Ajax fulfills, it will recompute automatically.
Even though the Ajax is started at the created(), it won't return before the computed is executed for the first time. More details about this here.