Vue layout with named slots - vue.js

Is it possible?
I have something like this:
<template #header>
Some header html goes here
Body html here
import MyLayout from './MyLayout.vue'
export default {
layout: MyLayout,
components: {
And template like that
<slot name="header"/>
The default slot works, but "header" slot doesn't display itself (unless using MyLayout as standard component).

I believe there is a problem with the closing tags on the template you have given and it should be like the following:
<slot name="header"> </slot>
After that, layout property only excepts strings or functions that return strings, so parent should be like the following:
<template #header>
Some header html goes here
Body html here
import MyLayout from "./MyLayout.vue";
export default {
layout: "MyLayout",
components: {
I hope this solves your problem and have a nice day :)


VueJS: How can I pass params into a component?

I am new to vueJS.
What I want to do is passing parameters to a component, depending on the selection of the routes. Here is my App.vue:
<div id="main">
<h1 style="color:red">{{msg}}</h1>
<aside class="sidebar">
<router-link v-for="el in this.$router.options.routes" :to="el">
<div class="content">
import SubMenu from './components/SubMenu.vue'
export default {
components: {
'SubMenu': SubMenu
data() {
return {
msg: 'Welcome to Your Vue.js App' }
#import 'style.css';
#import 'grid.css';
and the SubMenu component I would like to make dynamic:
something dynamic
How can I pass some parameters to use in the component?
thank you
Your App.vue can be like this:
<div id="main">
<h1 style="color:red">{{msg}}</h1>
<aside class="sidebar">
<router-link v-for="el in this.$router.options.routes" :to="el">
<SubMenu :menuTitle="subMenuTitle"></SubMenu>
<div class="content">
import SubMenu from './components/SubMenu.vue';
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
subMenuTitle: "This is the sub menu",
msg: 'Welcome to Your Vue.js App'
#import 'style.css';
#import 'grid.css';
The SubMenu.vue component could be like this:
<h2>{{ menuTitle }}</h2>
something dynamic
export default {
name: "SubMenu",
props: {
menuTitle: String,
In the SubMenu component that was used in App.vue, notice the colon that appears before the menuTitle attribute. When you do that before an attribute, the value of that attribute would be evaluated by Vue and passed to the component. You can pass literal Javascript expressions or items in your App.vue component.
In the SubMenu component, you can use the props in whatever way you can. If the prop's value is an array, you can use the v-for directive with it to create a list of items in the SubMenu.
Welcome to SO,
In Vue.js passing parameters to components is called "Props"
You can pass props to your SubMenu like below
<SubMenu :id="12345" someText="Some Text About Something" :dataArray="[1,2,3,4,5]" />
then inside your SubMenu component you can define Prop Types as below
props: ['dataArray']
props: {
dataArray: {
type: Array,
default: []
After that you can use the data you passed to your liking
You can also read up on this Vue Documentation regarding the Props, which has much more detailed explanations about various Props related stuff and sample code
Ok many thanks to both.
But what if I would like to pass something that depends on the voices in router-link? I mean, router-link prints a menu with 4 voices...what if I would like a behavior like this:
click on voice1 in router-link ---> pass this object ['input1', 'input2'] to SubMenu
click on voice2 in router-link ---> pass this other object ['input3', 'input4', 'input5'] to SubMenu
and so on.
thanks again :)

Vue.js: Why does $el return a text node

I do have the following code:
export default class Custom extends Vue {
mounted() {
console.log(this.$el); // Returns a text node (with an empty content)
console.log(this.$el.nextElementSibling); // Returns a element representing my custom child
I am quite confused why would I need to use nextElementSibling as I expected $el to return an element directly.
The solution is as follows.
If you do not use a "div" tag just inside the "Template" tag, you will get the same problem.

Passing value from parent to child using slot probably

I probably don't understand how it should be done. I spent a few hours to achieve this functionality but with no luck. Here is what I have:
Data from dialog: {{aaa}}
export default {
name: 'frm',
props: [
<slot :aaa="some"></slot>
export default {
name: 'dlg',
data: () => ({
some: 'data from dialog'
import Dialog from '#/components/dialog.vue'
import Frm from '#/components/frm.vue'
export default {
name: "View",
components: {
'dlg': Dialog,
'frm': Frm
Edit: Real code
<!-- ... -->
<slot :aaa="'dsada'"></slot>
<dlg-template large position='right' :onclose="close" :load="loadRetry">
<task-details-form /> <!-- just regular component in which I want to get value passed through slot in dialog-template -->
import DlgTemplate from '#/components/site/dialogs/dialog-template.vue'
export default {
// ...
components: {
'dlg-template': DlgTemplate,
'task-details-form': DetailsForm,
I want to avoid passing prop in View but I don't know how :/ I've read about 'slot-scope' unfortunately with no success. How to achieve such functionality?
Edit: real code
Based on your real world code, you were only missing the attachment of the scope, see below.
<v-dialog v-model="internal.dialogOpened">
<!-- ... -->
<slot :aaa="'dsada'"></slot>
<dlg-template large position='right' :onclose="close" :load="loadRetry">
<task-details-form v-slot="{ aaa }">
<!-- you can use the var `aaa` here -->
I'd still wager if you want to use aaa inside task-details-form component you have to pass it down as a prop. But it looks wierd to me, because I'm unsure of the execution order right now (v-slot vs v-bind), but try it like this:
<dlg-template large position='right' :onclose="close" :load="loadRetry">
<task-details-form v-slot="{ aaa }" :your-a-prop-name="aaa" />
Edit 2: after testing
v-bind shorthand is not working on <slot>:
<v-dialog v-model="internal.dialogOpened">
<!-- ... -->
<slot v-bind:aaa="'dsada'"></slot>
<dlg-template large position='right' :onclose="close" :load="loadRetry">
<template v-slot="{ aaa }"> <!-- has to preceed v-bind -->
<task-details-form :propertyOnComponent="aaa" /> <!-- now you cand bind it -->
I think you misunderstood slots. Check the docs:
That slot has access to the same instance properties (i.e. the same “scope”) as the rest of the template. The slot does not have access to child’s scope.
So you could do that, but then your code becomes:
<child :aaa=“dialogData” />
From component
If you would define a slot on frm as you are suggesting, you would be able to fill that slot with a specific template and you can receive(!) the scope for that slot.
The deprecated slot-scope which you mentioned would provide you with a bound context from the child to be exposed in your overriding slot in the parent, that’s the opposite of what you want.
Just out of curiosity, why not send down the dialog data to the form as a property? That’s exactly what it’s for.

Using Nuxt.js alias in component attributes

I have a collection of images, audios and videos that should be displayed by a component one by one. All media is placed in assets sub-directories.
Given a simple Vue component for images like:
<img :src="src" :alt="src"></a>
export default {
name: "ImgDisplay",
props: ['src']
if I try to use it on some page:
<ImgDisplay src="~/assets/test.png"/>
the image is not actually displayed.
Vue component for MP3-files looks like this:
<audio controls>
<source :src="src" type="audio/mp3"/>
export default {
name: "PlyrAudio",
props: ['src']
Then in document I have:
<article class="infobox">
<h6>Recording 1</h6>
<PlyrAudio src="~/assets/media/recording-1.mp3"/>
<article class="infobox">
<h6>Recording 2</h6>
<PlyrAudio src="~/assets/media/recording-2.mp3"/>
import PlyrAudio from "../components/media/PlyrAudio";
export default {
name: "PlyrAudioTest",
components: {PlyrAudio}
which does not work either, PlyrAudio component does not seem to find referenced mp3 files.
How can one use Nuxt.js aliases (~, ~~, #, ##) in component attributes? Is there some dedicated function to resolve ~ in <script> section of ImgDisplay and PlyrAudio or am I missing something?

Can't Embed Vue Component into an md-app using Vue Material

I have the following...
<span> ${message} </span>
export default{
data: function(){
return {message: "asdsad" };
import PageHeader from "./PageHeader.vue"
export default{
components: {
"jg-header": PageHeader
This works great so I want to convert it to using Vue Material so I change app.vue to this...
<md-app> <jg-header></jg-header> </md-app>
import PageHeader from "./PageHeader.vue"
export default{
components: {
"jg-header": PageHeader
It seems to create and render the Vue material component, however, the custom component doesn't show up anywhere. How do I get the Vue component to actually render inside the md-app
Since there was some confusion, I create the Vue app I do call Vue.use (hence why it renders)
new Vue(App).$mount("#my-id");
<md-app> has specific content elements. Wrap your content in <md-app-content>.
Instead of:
<md-app> <jg-header></jg-header> </md-app>
Or, with a toolbar:
<md-app-toolbar> ... </md-app-toolbar>
Try wrapping the tags inside template with a div :