Maven Mulesoft Anypointstudio Scheduler - api

I would like install Mule Scheduler Service Implementation in Anypoint Studio.(
I add this dependency to my pom.xml in my project.
My project was deployed with this dependency. Someone know how use this dependency and know how it working ? I was thinking to use it to for API's. Maybe someone have some example?
I would like use it to get the list of my all scheduler in API's that I use.

mule-scheduler-service is the backend implementation of the scheduler functionality inside a Mule 4 deployment. Imagine it is a plugin or extension for Mule. You are not supposed to try to use it in a Mule application, or really in any kind of application other than Mule 4. Sure, you can add the dependency to a pom, but it will not do you any good.


Calling Java dependency defined in one mule application from another application

I have a mule application where I have added the external jar files as dependencies and invoking java classes. Now I am working on a different application where I need to use the same external jar files as dependency.
Is there a way I could reuse the first application(with java code) in the second one without added the external jars again as dependencies?
Thanks in advance
You should not add the Mule application as a dependency if you only need to use the Jar files for the Java libraries. Just add the dependencies for the Java libraries to the second application.
If you want to reuse the dependency in an onprem Mule deployment you can add it to a common Mule domain.

my mule application for active mq is not working. Getting error like jar is missing

I am new to mule and trying to create mule flow with ActiveMQ. I have added all the related components and configured JMS component also. all seems fine but when I am running the application it is showing required jar is missing.
any help will be useful....thanks in advance
I think you are missing here to add the external jar for the acitveMQ.
Try adding activemq-all-5.15.0.jar or latest one in mule using add external jar.
I think that will work out.

Does Anypoint studio have a plugin for debugging mule files in Intellij

I want to debug through my code that contains mule and various XML files in Intellij. I was hoping to know if there was a Plugin for the same.
Use Mule-intellij Plugin
Reference Urls:
My entire project coupled with both Front end application and with Mule - maven based( I suppose to work both with Intellij and also Anypoint).Each and every application have its own POM. When i work with individual Mule application, will import apps as maven based. Anypoint studio is best to work on Mule interfaces compare to Intellij.
When it comes to front end application, used Intellij.
When working on very large project ( both front end and Mule) if you try to import entire project in Anypoint- It hangs. Those cases Intellij is best to import as Module( easy search, code monitor with Jira history etc).
I switch Intellij and Mule studio case by case.
After Installing Mule-intelij plugin. Could see Mule configuration xml marked as 'M'. Easy to run as Maven project and also Junit test cases.
I have installed old version of plugin where I can only debug Mule-Java application( not Mule configurable xml).Ctr+tab will show all the options as like AnyPoint. But you cant see Mule GUI or Drag and Drop feature here.
In the above mentioned first URL, new plugin version shows debug point in Mule configuration example. You can give it a go.

Mule and Gradle build tool

1) Can I use Mule(3.7) application with Gradle, is it fully supported?
2) Continuous Integration runs with Gradle and Jenkins for other non Mule based applications in our organization, can I have local Maven build with Anypoint studio and CI with Gradle? Is there any issues with this kind of configuration, since Mule is well built with Maven build tool?
I have gone through the Gradle plugin for Mule here
Yes, you can use it but it is not a MuleSoft officially supported tool. Here is the link to the GitHub project. The problem with using two different build tools is that the configuration will probably get out of sync at some point. Anypoint Studio doesn't provide a very complete Maven support anyway, so you could just use Gradle and update Studio dependencies manually or try using an Eclipse Gradle plugin. This can still be out of sync, but will have to maintain only Gradle config.

Deploying Mule to Tomcat

i'm very new to mule esb. I have some question after try mule. can i run mule project by Tomcat? (I've try this issue but seem not working :
I have error when I starting tomcat like something was wrong.
2.How can I packing mule project to .war? ,I see that my editor(sts) don't think that mule application is a web application but the file path of mule application seem to be similar to maven generate project so... I don't know.
I use mule version 3.4.0
thank you,
First of all, you should use the Mule Standalone, if you can. If you really need to use Tomcat, I suggest you package all the Mule dependencies into the application war with Maven, and not try to work with the jars manually. See the answer by David Dossot here and an example Maven project here. Note that the example project uses Mule 3.1.2, so you probably want to update it a bit.