Hive table in Power Bi - hive

I want to create a hive table which will store data with orc format and snappy compression. Will power bi be able to read from that table? Also do you suggest any other format/compression for my table?

ORC is a special file format only going to work with hive and its highly optimized for HDFS read operations. And power BI can connect to hive using hive odbc data connection. So, i think if you have to use hive all the time, you can use this format to store the data. But if you want flexibility of both hive and impala and use cludera provided impala ODBC driver, you can think of using parquet.
Now, both orc and parquet has their own advantages and disadvantages. And main deciding factor can be tools that access the data, how nested data is, and how many columns are there .
If you have many columns with nested data and if you want to use both hive and impala to access data, go with parquet. And if you have few columns with flat data structure and huge amount of data, go with orc.


How to createOrReplaceTempView in Delta Lake?

I want to use Delta Lake tables in my Hive Metastore on Azure Data Lake Gen2 as basis for my company's lakehouse.
Previously, I used "regular" hive catalog tables. I would load data from parquet into a spark dataframe, and create a temp table using df.CreateOrReplaceTempView("TableName"), so I could use Spark SQL or %%sql magic to do ETL. After doing this, I can use spark.sql or %%sql on the TableName. When I was done, I would write my tables to the hive metastore.
However, what If I don't want to perform this saveAsTable operation, and write to my Data Lake? What would be the best way to perform ETL with SQL?
I know I can persist Delta Tables in the Hive Metastore through a multitude of ways, for instance by creating a Managed catalog table through df.write.format("delta").saveAsTable("LakeHouseDB.TableName")
I also know that I can create a DeltaTable object through the DeltaTable(spark, table_path_data_lake), but then I can only use the Python API and not sql.
Does there exist some equivalent of CreateOrReplaceTempView(), or is there a better way to achieve ETL with SQL without 'writing' to the data lake first?
However, what If I don't want to perform this saveAsTable operation, and write to my Data Lake? What would be the best way to perform ETL with SQL?
Not possible with Delta Lake since it relies heavily on a transaction log (_delta_log) under the data directory of a delta table.

Read hive table (or HDFS data in parquet format) in Streamsets DC

Is it possible to read hive table (or HDFS data in parquet format) in Streamsets Data collector? I don't want to use Transformer for this.
Reading the raw files in parquet is counter to the way that data collector works so that would be a better use case for transformer.
But I have successfully used the jdbc origin either from Impala or hive to achieve this, there are some additional hurdles to jump with the jdbc source.

Presto query engine with Azure Data Lake

I have a requirement to deploy a presto server which can help me query data stored in ADLS in Avro file formats.
I have gone through this tutorial and it seems that the Hive is used as a catalogue/connector in presto to query from ADLS. Can I bypass Hive and have any connector to extract data from ADLS?
Can I bypass Hive and have any connector to extract data from ADLS?
Hive here plays two roles here:
storage for metadata. It contains information like:
schema and table name
data format
data location
it is capable to read data from (HDFS) distributed file systems (like HDFS, S3, ADLS)
it tells how execution can be distributed.

create BigQuery external tables partitioned by one/multiple columns

I am porting a java application from Hadoop/Hive to Google Cloud/BigQuery. The application writes avro files to hdfs and then creates Hive external tables with one/multiple partitions on top of the files.
I understand Big Query only supports date/timestamp partitions for now, and no nested partitions.
The way we now handle hive is that we generate the ddl and then execute it with a rest call.
I could not find support for CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE in the BigQuery DDL docs, so I've switched to using the java library.
I managed to create an external table, but I cannot find any reference to partitions in the parameters passed to the call.
Here's a snippet of the code I use:
ExternalTableDefinition extTableDef =
ExternalTableDefinition.newBuilder(schemaName, null, FormatOptions.avro()).build();
TableId tableID = TableId.of(dbName, tableName);
TableInfo tableInfo = TableInfo.newBuilder(tableID, extTableDef).build();
Table table = bigQuery.create(tableInfo);
There is however support for partitions for non external tables.
I have a few questions questions:
is there support for creating external tables with partition(s)? Can you please point me in the right direction
is loading the data into BigQuery preferred to having it stored in GS avro files?
if yes, how would we deal with schema evolution?
thank you very much in advance
You cannot create partitioned tables over files on GCS, although you can use the special _FILE_NAME pseudo-column to filter out the files that you don't want to read.
If you can, prefer just to load data into BigQuery rather than leaving it on GCS. Loading data is free, and queries will be way faster than if you run them over Avro files on GCS. BigQuery uses a columnar format called Capacitor internally, which is heavily optimized for BigQuery, whereas Avro is a row-based format and doesn't perform as well.
In terms of schema evolution, if you need to change a column type, drop a column, etc., you should recreate your table (CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE ...). If you are only ever adding columns, you can add the new columns using the API or UI.
See also a relevant blog post about lazy data loading.

Are metadata duplicated in Hive tables stored as ORC?

Being ORC a self-descriptive format, informations about columns are stored within the files.
When a new table is created and stored as ORC, its metadata are added to the Hive matastore.
Aren't these informations duplicated? How does Hive handle this?
A possible explanation:
The columns metadata (COLUMN_NAME, TYPE_NAME, COMMENT etc) is reflected in only a single table in the hive metastore (COLUMNS_V2).
The hive metastore is consisted of dozens of tables with various dependencies.
So having the columns metadata removed from the metastore may save a small duplicity, but it is negligible in comparison to the entire metastore db (in our cluster its a 176KB/530MB ratio).
I guess that saving ~0.01% of redundancy isn't worth the hassle of redesigning the metastore schema.
ORC is a format that is compatible with many other technologies other then Hive.
Could be that hive is using only the columnar compression, while ignoring the benefit of self describing data format.