I am trying to understand Avro schemas and stuck with complex types (record). The problem is very simple: create a schema which contains one record filed with two primitive fields (string and timestamp) nested to record. I see two options for the schema:
option 1
"type": "record",
"name": "cool_subject",
"namespace": "com.example",
"fields": [
"name": "field_1",
"type": "record"
"fields": [
{"name": "operation", "type": "string"},
{"name": "timestamp", "type": "long", "logical_type": "timestamp_millis"}
option 2
"type": "record",
"name": "cool_subject",
"namespace": "com.example",
"fields": [
"name": "field_1",
"type": {
"type": "record",
"name": "field_1_type",
"fields": [
{"name": "operation", "type": "string"},
{"name": "timestamp", "type": {"type": "long", "logical_type": "timestamp_millis"}}
The difference is in the "type" attribute.
As far as I know opt2 is the correct way. Am I right? Is opt1 valid?
The second one is correct. The first one is not valid.
A record schema is something that looks like this:
"type": "record",
"name": <Name of the record>,
"fields": [...],
And for fields, it should be like this:
"name": <name of field>,
"type": <type of field>,
So in the case of a field which contains a record, it should always look like this:
"name": <name of field>,
"type": {
"type": "record",
"name": <Name of the record>,
"fields": [...],
The format in the first example would make it unclear if the name "field_1" was the name of the field or the name of the record.
We have a jsonb column with data of the type:
"basket": {
"total": 6,
"items": [
{ "type": "A", "name": "A", "price": 1 },
{ "type": "A", "name": "B", "price": 2 },
{ "type": "C", "name": "C", "price": 3 },
We need to construct few queries that will filter specific elements of the items[] array for SELECT and SUM.
We have PG v9.6 so using jsonb_path_query_array didn't work.
Using basket->'items' #> '{"type":"A"}' works to find all entries that has type-A.
But how do we get subquery to
select only basket items of type-A
sum of prices of items of type-A
Thank you!
This will select the required items:
select * from jsonb_array_elements('{"basket":
"total": 6,
"items": [
{ "type": "A", "name": "A", "price": 1 },
{ "type": "A", "name": "B", "price": 2 },
{ "type": "C", "name": "C", "price": 3 }
}}'::jsonb#>'{basket,items}') e(it)
where it->>'type' = 'A';
and this the sum of prices:
select sum(cast(it->>'price' as numeric)) from jsonb_array_elements('{"basket":
"total": 6,
"items": [
{ "type": "A", "name": "A", "price": 1 },
{ "type": "A", "name": "B", "price": 2 },
{ "type": "C", "name": "C", "price": 3 }
}}'::jsonb#>'{basket,items}') e(it)
where it->>'type' = 'A';
I have this json that is stored in a BigQuery table in 3 fields token, questions, answers
token:STRING, questions:STRING, answers:STRING
Questions and answers are STRING because they are dynamic fields.
token field has single value.
questions field has dictionary object with "fields" being list object and has 3 questions.
answers field is a list object with answers to the 3 questions and id will be used for matching a question to an answer. Below is the JSON download from bigquery
token questions answers
18e6d8e445 {"fields": [{"id": "L39FyvUohKDV", "properties": {}, "ref": "d8834652-3acf-4541-8354-1e3dcd716667", "title": "What did you think about the changes?", "type": "short_text"}, {"id": "krs82KgxHwGb", "properties": {}, "ref": "5b6e6796-635b-4595-9404-e81617d4540b", "title": "How useful is this feature turning out to be for you?", "type": "opinion_scale"}, {"id": "lBzHtCuzHFM4", "properties": {}, "ref": "b76be913-19b9-4b8a-b2ac-3fb645a65a5c", "title": "Your email address", "type": "email"}], "id": "SdzXVn", "title": "Google Shopping 5/4/18"} [{"field": {"id": "L39FyvUohKDV", "type": "short_text"}, "text": "t", "type": "text"}, {"field": {"id": "krs82KgxHwGb", "type": "opinion_scale"}, "number": 10, "type": "number"}, {"email": "t#t.com", "field": {"id": "lBzHtCuzHFM4", "type": "email"}, "type": "email"}]
949b2c57e3 {"fields": [{"id": "krs82KgxHwGb", "properties": {}, "ref": "5b6e6796-635b-4595-9404-e81617d4540b", "title": "How useful is this feature turning out to be for you?", "type": "opinion_scale"}, {"id": "lBzHtCuzHFM4", "properties": {}, "ref": "b76be913-19b9-4b8a-b2ac-3fb645a65a5c", "title": "Your email address", "type": "email"}, {"id": "L39FyvUohKDV", "properties": {}, "ref": "d8834652-3acf-4541-8354-1e3dcd716667", "title": "What did you think about the changes?", "type": "short_text"}], "id": "SdzXVn", "title": "Google Shopping 5/4/18"} [{"field": {"id": "krs82KgxHwGb", "type": "opinion_scale"}, "number": 10, "type": "number"}, {"email": "someone#mail.com", "field": {"id": "lBzHtCuzHFM4", "type": "email"}, "type": "email"}, {"field": {"id": "L39FyvUohKDV", "type": "short_text"}, "text": "they were awesome", "type": "text"}]
146c49cdd6 {"fields": [{"id": "CxhfK22a3XWE", "properties": {}, "ref": "d8834652-3acf-4541-8354-1e3dcd716667", "title": "What did you think about the changes?", "type": "short_text"}, {"id": "oUZxPRaKjmFr", "properties": {}, "ref": "5b6e6796-635b-4595-9404-e81617d4540b", "title": "How useful is this feature turning out to be for you?", "type": "opinion_scale"}, {"id": "zUIP73oXpLD6", "properties": {}, "ref": "b76be913-19b9-4b8a-b2ac-3fb645a65a5c", "title": "Your email address", "type": "email"}], "id": "kaiAsx", "title": "a - b"} [{"field": {"id": "CxhfK22a3XWE", "type": "short_text"}, "text": "nice", "type": "text"}, {"field": {"id": "oUZxPRaKjmFr", "type": "opinion_scale"}, "number": 2, "type": "number"}, {"email": "foo#bar.com", "field": {"id": "zUIP73oXpLD6", "type": "email"}, "type": "email"}]
#mikhail-berlyant provided this query below which gets me pretty close to what I am expecting. The only problem I am having is that I am unable to get the answer.
SELECT distinct token, id, title AS question,
JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(CONCAT('{',a,'}'), '$.type') answer_type
--REPLACE(REGEXP_EXTRACT(b, r'"type":".+?"\s*,\s*".+?":(.+)'), '"', '') answer
FROM `v1-dev-main.typeform.responses`,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(JSON_EXTRACT(definition, '$.fields'), r'"title":"(.+?)"')) title WITH OFFSET pos1,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(JSON_EXTRACT(definition, '$.fields'), r'"id":"(.+?)"')) id WITH OFFSET pos2,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(answers, r'"field": {(.+?)}')) a WITH OFFSET pos3
--UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(answers, r'{(.+?),\s*"field":{.+?}')) b WITH OFFSET pos4
WHERE pos1 = pos2
--AND pos3 = pos4
AND id = JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(CONCAT('{',a,'}'), '$.id')
Here is the result of above query
token id question answer_type
146c43c81cd5780839d3cdd6 zUIP73oXpLD6 Your email address email
146c493c1cd5780839d3cdd6 oUZxPRaKjmFr How useful is this feature turning out to be for you? opinion_scale
146c493c05d5780839d3cdd6 CxhfK22a3XWE What did you think about the changes? short_text
18e6d8e33df44a1aa451b445 lBzHtCuzHFM4 Your email address email
18e6d8e33df44a1aa451b445 L39FyvUohKDV What did you think about the changes? short_text
18e6d0fa014bfa1aa451b445 krs82KgxHwGb How useful is this feature turning out to be for you? opinion_scale
a63b20df691c9a949b2c57e3 krs82KgxHwGb How useful is this feature turning out to be for you? opinion_scale
a63b20df691c9a949b2c57e3 lBzHtCuzHFM4 Your email address email
a63b258ce0339a949b2c57e3 L39FyvUohKDV What did you think about the changes? short_text
Now, I am just missing the answer.
Below example is for BigQuery Standard SQL and makes some assumption about your data in terms of how those json strings are formatted - so it most will likely require some tuning for regexp's. But it works with below dummy data
WITH `project.dataset.table` AS (
SELECT 12345 token,
'''{"fields": [
{"id":"1","title":"Question 1?"},
{"id":"2","title":"Questions 2?"},
{"id":"3","title":"Question 3?"}
]}''' questions,
{"type":"text", "text":"answer 1", "field":{"id":"1", "type":"short_text"}},
{"type":"number", "number":42, "field":{"id":"2", "type":"opinion_scale"}},
{"type":"email", "email":"an_account#example.com", "field":{"id":"3", "type":"email"}}
]''' answers
SELECT token, id, title AS question,
JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(CONCAT('{',a,'}'), '$.type') answer_type,
REPLACE(REGEXP_EXTRACT(b, r'"type":".+?"\s*,\s*".+?":(.+)'), '"', '') answer
FROM `project.dataset.table`,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(JSON_EXTRACT(questions, '$.fields'), r'"title":"(.+?)"')) title WITH OFFSET pos1,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(JSON_EXTRACT(questions, '$.fields'), r'"id":"(.+?)"')) id WITH OFFSET pos2,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(answers, r'"field":{(.+?)}')) a WITH OFFSET pos3,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(answers, r'{(.+?),\s*"field":{.+?}')) b WITH OFFSET pos4
WHERE pos1 = pos2
AND pos3 = pos4
AND id = JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(CONCAT('{',a,'}'), '$.id')
with results as
Row token id question answer_type answer
1 12345 1 Question 1? short_text answer 1
2 12345 2 Questions 2? opinion_scale 42
3 12345 3 Question 3? email an_account#example.com
Update based on below comments
WITH `project.dataset.table` AS (
SELECT "12345" token, '{"fields": [{"id":"1","title":"Question 1?"},{"id":"2","title":"Questions 2?"},{"id":"3","title":"Question 3?"}]}' questions,'[ {"type":"text", "text":"answer 1", "field":{"id":"1", "type":"short_text"}},{"type":"number", "number":42, "field":{"id":"2", "type":"opinion_scale"}},{"type":"email", "email":"an_account#example.com", "field":{"id":"3", "type":"email"}}]' answers UNION ALL
SELECT "18e6d8e33df440fa014bfa1aa451b445", '{"fields": [{"id": "L39FyvUohKDV", "properties": {}, "ref": "d8834652-3acf-4541-8354-1e3dcd716667", "title": "What did you think about the changes?", "type": "short_text"}, {"id": "krs82KgxHwGb", "properties": {}, "ref": "5b6e6796-635b-4595-9404-e81617d4540b", "title": "How useful is this feature turning out to be for you?", "type": "opinion_scale"}, {"id": "lBzHtCuzHFM4", "properties": {}, "ref": "b76be913-19b9-4b8a-b2ac-3fb645a65a5c", "title": "Your email address", "type": "email"}], "id": "SdzXVn", "title": "Google Shopping 5/4/18"}', '[{"field": {"id": "L39FyvUohKDV", "type": "short_text"}, "text": "t", "type": "text"}, {"field": {"id": "krs82KgxHwGb", "type": "opinion_scale"}, "number": 10, "type": "number"}, {"email": "t#t.com", "field": {"id": "lBzHtCuzHFM4", "type": "email"}, "type": "email"}]"' UNION ALL
SELECT "a63b258ce03360df691c9a949b2c57e3", '{"fields": [{"id": "krs82KgxHwGb", "properties": {}, "ref": "5b6e6796-635b-4595-9404-e81617d4540b", "title": "How useful is this feature turning out to be for you?", "type": "opinion_scale"}, {"id": "lBzHtCuzHFM4", "properties": {}, "ref": "b76be913-19b9-4b8a-b2ac-3fb645a65a5c", "title": "Your email address", "type": "email"}, {"id": "L39FyvUohKDV", "properties": {}, "ref": "d8834652-3acf-4541-8354-1e3dcd716667", "title": "What did you think about the changes?", "type": "short_text"}], "id": "SdzXVn", "title": "Google Shopping 5/4/18"}', '[{"field": {"id": "krs82KgxHwGb", "type": "opinion_scale"}, "number": 10, "type": "number"}, {"email": "someone#mail.com", "field": {"id": "lBzHtCuzHFM4", "type": "email"}, "type": "email"}, {"field": {"id": "L39FyvUohKDV", "type": "short_text"}, "text": "they were awesome", "type": "text"}]"' UNION ALL
SELECT "146c493c051a0a481cd5780839d3cdd6", '{"fields": [{"id": "CxhfK22a3XWE", "properties": {}, "ref": "d8834652-3acf-4541-8354-1e3dcd716667", "title": "What did you think about the changes?", "type": "short_text"}, {"id": "oUZxPRaKjmFr", "properties": {}, "ref": "5b6e6796-635b-4595-9404-e81617d4540b", "title": "How useful is this feature turning out to be for you?", "type": "opinion_scale"}, {"id": "zUIP73oXpLD6", "properties": {}, "ref": "b76be913-19b9-4b8a-b2ac-3fb645a65a5c", "title": "Your email address", "type": "email"}], "id": "kaiAsx", "title": "a - b"}', '[{"field": {"id": "CxhfK22a3XWE", "type": "short_text"}, "text": "nice", "type": "text"}, {"field": {"id": "oUZxPRaKjmFr", "type": "opinion_scale"}, "number": 2, "type": "number"}, {"email": "foo#bar.com", "field": {"id": "zUIP73oXpLD6", "type": "email"}, "type": "email"}]"'
SELECT token, id, title AS question,
JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(CONCAT('{',a,'}'), '$.type') answer_type,
FROM `project.dataset.table`,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(JSON_EXTRACT(questions, '$.fields'), r'"title":\s*"(.+?)"')) title WITH OFFSET pos1,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(JSON_EXTRACT(questions, '$.fields'), r'"id":\s*"(.+?)"')) id WITH OFFSET pos2,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(answers, r'"field":\s*{(.+?)}')) a WITH OFFSET pos3,
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(REGEXP_REPLACE(answers, r'"field":\s*{.+?}', '"field": ""'), r'{.+?}')) b WITH OFFSET pos4
WHERE pos1 = pos2
AND pos3 = pos4
AND id = JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(CONCAT('{',a,'}'), '$.id')
Output is
Row token id question answer_type answer
1 12345 1 Question 1? short_text answer 1
2 12345 2 Questions 2? opinion_scale 42
3 12345 3 Question 3? email an_account#example.com
4 18e6d8e33df440fa014bfa1aa451b445 L39FyvUohKDV What did you think about the changes? short_text t
5 18e6d8e33df440fa014bfa1aa451b445 krs82KgxHwGb How useful is this feature turning out to be for you? opinion_scale 10
6 18e6d8e33df440fa014bfa1aa451b445 lBzHtCuzHFM4 Your email address email t#t.com
7 a63b258ce03360df691c9a949b2c57e3 krs82KgxHwGb How useful is this feature turning out to be for you? opinion_scale 10
8 a63b258ce03360df691c9a949b2c57e3 lBzHtCuzHFM4 Your email address email someone#mail.com
9 a63b258ce03360df691c9a949b2c57e3 L39FyvUohKDV What did you think about the changes? short_text they were awesome
10 146c493c051a0a481cd5780839d3cdd6 CxhfK22a3XWE What did you think about the changes? short_text nice
11 146c493c051a0a481cd5780839d3cdd6 oUZxPRaKjmFr How useful is this feature turning out to be for you? opinion_scale 2
12 146c493c051a0a481cd5780839d3cdd6 zUIP73oXpLD6 Your email address email foo#bar.com
If you are sure about length of your arrays it's possible to ARRAY_CONCAT them first and perform UNNEST with concatenated version. It worked for me.
I have this update, i've read postgresql documentation, but nothing clear about how to insert data, some tutorials options:
1.with '{}'
2.with {}
3.with '[]' <-- array of objects
and most dont' use '::jsonb' like is indicated on:
here my code:
UPDATE customer set phones ='{ {"type": "mobile", "phone": "001001"} ,
{"type": "fix", "phone": "002002"} }'::jsonb
where id ='4ca27243-6a55-4855-b0e6-d6e1d957f289';
I get this error:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type json
LINE 1: UPDATE customer set phones ='{ {"type": "mobile", "phone": ...
DETAIL: Expected string or "}", but found "{".
CONTEXT: JSON data, line 1: { {...
SQL state: 22P02
Character: 29
I need just record a lit of phones, need to enclose in a big name object like? I mean for javascript , array of objets is not an object, but i dont know if that is accepted in jsonb of postresql
{ phones:[ {"type": "mobile", "phone": "001001"} ,
{"type": "fix", "phone": "002002"} ] }
Example 1 (object):
CREATE TABLE customer {
contact JSONB
update customer
set contact = '{ "phones":[ {"type": "mobile", "phone": "001001"} , {"type": "fix", "phone": "002002"} ] }'
where id = '4ca27243-6a55-4855-b0e6-d6e1d957f289';
Example 2 (array):
CREATE TABLE customer {
phones JSONB
update customer
set phones = '[ {"type": "mobile", "phone": "001001"} , {"type": "fix", "phone": "002002"} ]'
where id = '4ca27243-6a55-4855-b0e6-d6e1d957f289';
My PostgreSQL version
select version();
PostgreSQL 11.2 (Debian 11.2-1.pgdg90+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 6.3.0-18+deb9u1) 6.3.0 20170516, 64-bit
Be sure to enclose the keys and values with double quotes.
'{}' is array type in postgres. if you use jsonb, use regular '[]' for array:
so=# select jsonb_pretty('{"phones":[ {"type": "mobile", "phone": "001001"} , {"type": "fix", "phone": "002002"} ] }');
"phones": [
"type": "mobile",
"phone": "001001"
"type": "fix",
"phone": "002002"
(1 row)
Time: 0.486 ms
so=# select jsonb_pretty('[ {"type": "mobile", "phone": "001001"} , {"type": "fix", "phone": "002002"} ]');
"type": "mobile",
"phone": "001001"
"type": "fix",
"phone": "002002"
(1 row)
I have a table structure (table name: Recalled_transaction) as follows:
"name": "STR_NBR",
"type": "STRING",
"mode": "NULLABLE"
"name": "RGSTR_NBR",
"type": "INTEGER",
"mode": "NULLABLE"
"name": "POS_TRANS_ID",
"type": "INTEGER",
"mode": "NULLABLE"
"name": "SLS_DT",
"type": "DATE",
"mode": "NULLABLE"
"name": "TRANS_ORIG_SRC",
"type": "RECORD",
"mode": "REPEATED",
"fields": [
"name": "POS_APPL_TYP_CD",
"type": "STRING",
"mode": "NULLABLE"
"name": "USER_ID",
"type": "STRING",
"mode": "NULLABLE"
"name": "RECALLED_TXN",
"type": "RECORD",
"mode": "REPEATED",
"fields": [
"name": "POS_SEQ_NBR",
"type": "STRING",
"mode": "REPEATED"
"name": "SUB_SYS_CD",
"type": "STRING",
"mode": "NULLABLE"
I would like to insert from a set of regular tables into this structure using insert-select as (DML in standard sql). Has anyone done before. Any help is appreciated.
I created a table with the same schema and put together a sample query to insert into it. In your particular case, since you have two tables, you will probably need to JOIN them and then use GROUP BY.
INSERT mydataset.SampleDmlTable
10 - x AS RGSTR_NBR,
[CONCAT('bar_', CAST(x AS STRING)), 'baz'] AS POS_SEQ_NBR,
FROM UNNEST([1, 1, 0, 3, 2, 2, 2]) AS x
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4;