How to prevent FlatList items from scrolling underneath sticky ListHeaderComponent - react-native

I have a FlatList with a ListHeaderComponent which is a number of buttons in a horizontal scroll. I have made these buttons sticky so that it stays at the top during scroll but is there a way to prevent the scrolled items from showing beneath the buttons as I scroll up? I have tried adding a marginBottom to ListHeaderComponentStyle but it does not work. I want the items to start disappearing just beneath the ListHeaderComponent how do I do this?
style={{marginTop: 50}}
ListHeaderComponentStyle={{ marginBottom: 50 }} // does not add m
keyExtractor={(item) =>}

You can add a backgroundColor style to the ListHeaderComponent. Currently it is transparent that's why the items are showing beneath it.
Also, I think it would be better if you just add style to the container of <FilterOptionButtons /> instead of using ListHeaderComponentStyle.


How to show Flatlist item separator component on bottom

I have some items in a flatList in which I have used itemSeparator component to show the divider between the list but by default flatList render divider in between items, and I need to show the divider to the bottom also, is that any way to do this.
Thanks in advance
I have tried with index but that is not working on the flatList item separator, and I do not want to customise item to show the bottom line of the item. so is it possible with item separator to show the bottom line.
You can wrap your items to CellRendererComponent and apply styling to it
Try just put divider in renderItem function. With this you will have clear YourItem and Divider in any element you have, or you can try use Example #2.
<View style={{flex:1}}>
renderItem={({item}) => <><YourItem {...item} /><Divider/></>}
Example #2
<View style={{flex:1}}>
ListFooterComponent={() => <><ItemSeparatorComponent/><CustomButton /></>}

how to add margin or space without disturbing bottom tabs on react native?

I am using react navigation bottom tabs and I customized them.
one problem I have is that, I have a flatlist which is hidden the edge of the list because of the bottom tabs.
I tried to add margin bottom but, since I have rounded tabs it blocks rounded tabs..
when I add margin bottom it goes like this
(flat list has flex:1 by the way)
what should I do ?
current situation..
I want my list to show fully
Simply add marginBottom in your FlatList's containerStyle prop to manage the margin as per your requirement.
For Ex.
flex: 1
marginBottom: 20

Horizontal ScrollView inside Vertical

enter image description hereThe structure of my code looks like the following:
<View style={{backgroundColor:'#FFF',flex:1,}}>
contentContainerStyle={{paddingBottom:120}} stickyHeaderIndices={[6]}
...some content...
<ScrollView horizontal showsHorizontalScrollIndicator={false}
but the content inside the horizontal scroll has different heights and all items become the same height as the largest, which creates a huge scroll space. How can fix this? Help pls
If you can see in my sample
Pink, red and blue bar have a specific height, they don’t grow to the containers max.
The turkey bar has a flex:1 which cause the container grow to the max, to prevent this behavior you could wrap the elements container with an view and pass the flex:0 style as i did for the black bar.

Horizontal Scroll at the click in React Native

I have a horizontal ScrollView which I want to scroll at the click.
Below is my code:
I want my ScrollView contents to scroll left when user clicks on left. I know there is ref, but I dont know how to use it. I am very new to react-native. I am not able to figure out a solution for this.
create reference for the scroll(make sure you imported useRef):
const scrollRef = useRef(null);
scrollRef.current.scrollTo({ x: -50})
to your button Press handler
(In this example the scroll will jump 50 units to the left, play with it with positive/negative numbers)

Flatlist Horizontal without sticky header in React Native?

I am using flatlist to render some items collected from firestore and I have a problem with ListHeaderComponent prop.
The header is placed to the left and I need to place it on the top of the 1st item (see 2nd image below) and when moved it has to be fixed with the first item of the list as the image.
Horizontal flatlist with ListHeaderComponent on the left
I need to achieve this when scrolling left:
Horizontal flatlist with ListHeaderComponent on the top of 1st item
You can separate header text from FlatList. Use Text apparently to show the header.
If you want to scroll text with a list you can use FlatList inside ScrollView. In this case, you may disable scrolling for FlatList. Please check below for detail.
<ScrollView horizontal>
<Text>Header Text</Text>
<FlatList scrollEnabled={false} />
Okay, solved! Here's the code:
<ScrollView horizontal={true}
<Text>Header Text</Text>
<FlatList horizontal={true}
scrollEnabled={false} />
Thank you #baymax :)