What causes a Tekton step to fail? - tekton

Steps succeed or fail based on the output of the command or script they run, but I'm not clear on how exactly this works. Does any output to stderr cause the step to fail? If not, how exactly does Tekton determine if a step has failed or succeeded?

It's about the exit code of each steps in your Task.
If one of your steps exits with a non-0 code, then your Task failed. Otherwise it succeeded.


How to Skip the passed test cases in Cucumber-QAF setup

I have a project where I am running 100 scenarios every day. After the run has complete, through listeners I am updating the pass/fail in an Excel sheet. I want to hear about a solution where, if I am running the test suite again, the passed test cases should be skipped and only failed test cases should run. I dont want to use retry.I tried to use skipException in beforeInvocation listener method but the test case is still executing the passed test case. How can I skip the passed test cases and execute only the failed one through listeners ?
Every time before the start of the scenario, it should go to the listener and check the excel sheet whether the scenario is passed or fail. If passed then the scenario should be skipped.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Update: I am able to do it through listeners, with skipException, but in my report it is showing test as failed and not as skipped
When you run bdd tests, qaf generates configuration file with name testng-failed-qas.xml under reports dir. You should use that config file to run only failed scenarios.

Common code to execute after execution of step definition in cucumber

Is there way to execute common code after execution of each and every step definition in cucumber feature file ? That code will verify to move forward for execution of further steps or not.

Is there a command to continue tests on failure in PHPUnit?

Is there a way to continue the the execution of PHPUnit tests when an assertion fails in the command line?
Is there for an example a flag for the PHPUnit Command like:
phpunit --continueonfailure
or something during an execution of a series of tests
I think PHPUnit by default continues to run tests upon failure. So you have probably defined stopOnFailure="true" in your phpunit.xml. Either remove that entirely or try setting it to true.
There are a couple of flags that you can append to your command that makes PHPUnit stop on error / failure:
--stop-on-defect Stop execution upon first not-passed test
--stop-on-error Stop execution upon first error
--stop-on-failure Stop execution upon first error or failure
--stop-on-warning Stop execution upon first warning
--stop-on-risky Stop execution upon first risky test
--stop-on-skipped Stop execution upon first skipped test
--stop-on-incomplete Stop execution upon first incomplete test
You can read more about phpunit.xml here.

Continue Behat execution on exception

I am writing a step definition for a behat in which I need to check if array is empty and if array is not empty print the array and fail the step. To do this I have written following code in step definition.
if (!empty($issues)) {
throw new \Exception("Above issues were found for");
Currently when exception is shown it stop the execution and does not execute future scenarios.
You cannot fail only a step from the entire scenario.
If any of the steps of a scenario fails then the scenario fails and the rest of the steps from the scenario will not be executed since the rest of the steps should continue the actions from previous ones that failed.
Please recheck the logic of the scenario and review the behat/bdd documentation.
Jeevan, Behat does not stop script execution if one or multiple scenarios fail in a feature file. For example, if one feature file "test.feature" has 10 scenarios, if you have run the command to run the entire feature file as behat features/test.feature, then all the scenarios will run continuously even if Scenario 2 fails.
In the end, you would see the summary as per the screenshot attached.
Behat output formatter to show progress as TAP and fails inline.

Run shell command step by step

I am vb.net user.
Please some one help me!
How to run shell command in step by step.
When runing shell command in projects,the projects run all command the same time.
Cann't run step by step.
Thanks....,Sorry for Spelling.
If you're using Interaction class' Shell function, the 3rd parameter in it is boolean Wait. Set it to True - and each Shell statement will wait for completion of the command before invoking the next one.
As far as I remember, Shell doesn't wait for child subprocesses, so if you start a process which starts another one and then exits (e.g. bat file without call or with start) - you might face some issues. In this case consider changing the complete tree of calls. Another option would be to use System.Management assembly to trace cals tree using WMI as described here.